
Execution Quotes

There are 4301 quotes

"Executing on creativity is as much a part of the process as the ideation is."
"Generating an idea isn't enough to be creative. You actually need to execute on that idea."
"Knowledge is not power. It's potential power. Execution trumps knowledge every day of the week."
"One minute in planning is worth 10 minutes of execution."
"Ultimately, there's this weird relationship between your mindset and your execution."
"Mindset is everything. The reason that mindset is so important is at the end of the day, only execution matters."
"Having knowledge is not power; the execution of knowledge is power."
"I'm very fascinated by how much time people spend dwelling and debating, I think we glorify strategy and we underestimate execution."
"Ambition only gets you so far; the execution has to match up with it."
"Persistence and execution are key to success."
"A beast wouldn't understand that," and these words got him beheaded on the spot, leaving his head falling a few meters away.
"Our goal with this show and company is to introduce you to the people and ideas that will help you actually execute on your dreams."
"It takes tremendous courage to plan a life on earth, come to body, and then execute that plan."
"Discipline, the root of all good qualities, the driver of daily execution."
"The more ill-advised, poorly planned, and horrendously executed the event is, the more viral it will get."
"Idea when we get it is 1% of the journey, 99% of it is all execution."
"Execution. You know what the answers are...but you have to pick them and actually do them. Period."
"If you know what you're naturally good at, execute harder against that. That is...your biggest advantage in being successful."
"The execution of that idea, can I do it better, is really where winners and losers are established."
"Once you have devised a rational plan, you'll be able to execute on that with any amount of effort that is required from you."
"It's such an interesting concept, and I love the execution of this shoe."
"Trying to make something that you really believe in come true, to bend the world to your will, to close your eyes and imagine a world that is better than this one, open your eyes and then execute to make that world come true, you will love your life."
"A good plan violently executed right now is far better than a perfect plan carried out next week."
"Creativity might get you in the game, but execution and scale are really important to long-term high performance."
"You can have the best plan in the world, but you actually have to do what you're supposed to do to get what you're supposed to get done."
"Innovation is rewarded, execution is worshipped."
"If you do it correctly, you can have great results after that."
"Every minute spent in planning saves 10 minutes in execution."
"Discipline doesn't require emotion, it just requires execution. Just doing it."
"This heart-pounding head twist caught all of us off guard...it's well placed, perfectly executed."
"You need to be patient enough to listen to everybody but you must have a sense of urgency to take a decision and to execute."
"You have everything that you need to master the market here in front of you. All you have to do is execute."
"It's not about the mechanics; it's more about the intent behind the way that you execute stuff."
"If you can think along those lines, if you can think about okay, this is you're really starting something grand, you have to be able to execute in the short term."
"I think it was a really, really great idea. It was implemented well, it was executed well."
"Believe it or not, there's a fairly long list of people who have survived their executions."
"It's not about having the perfect strategy, it's not about having perfect entries, it's about executing, executing, and executing trading systematically."
"The spirit combo ends in a roundhouse slash, and this final hit is without question the most important hit."
"Energy is more important than even your talent. You can have great ambitions and great opportunities, but if you can't execute with fire, nothing gets done."
"With every plan that you develop, whether it's a military maneuver or just going down the road to get groceries and then come home, everything has a planning stage, a preparation stage, and an execution stage."
"You have to realize that we're not your enemies. The only thing that's stopping you from getting from where you want to get to is because of your lack of execution."
"Becoming successful in life is about learning how to execute regardless of what's going on around you."
"The only difference between people who are successful and those who are not is really just one word: execution."
"Success is not some mysterious thing; it is simply a relentless game of execution."
"There have been many evenings when many hours have been spent pouring over the advice that is generated from these posts. It has helped me to formulate a plan and then execute it."
"You have to basically be an executor, and then from there, you're going to be successful."
"The fact that you have to cross over the entire level is what puts this above the last two. What a great concept for a moon and what perfect execution."
"Ideas are worth nothing. It's the execution behind the idea that matters."
"The more competent you are, the more comfortable you are executing."
"It's about performance and being a beast and executing."
"Strategy, however subtle, requires a willingness to be ruthless in its execution, rarely demanded at the tactical or operational level."
"You establish an advantage and then you kill them."
"Your vision is how you're going to execute your purpose."
"Trading is not just about having a strategy; it's about executing it with discipline and patience."
"When you kill a king, you don't stab him in the dark. You kill him where the whole court can watch him die."
"That's what's different about Philly special. Everybody had to do their job."
"An imperfect plan executed today is worth a perfect plan that's never executed."
"Talk is cheap. Nobody cares about what you're planning to do until you do it."
"It's like she had this epic plan and completed it flawlessly, and then didn't know what to do with the second half of her own book."
"The execution of Angela's story, I think, is one of the game's biggest successes."
"Personally, I think the best design is like a Beatles song. It's a very simple melody, but the unique execution is what makes it shine."
"Execution is everything. It's not just about getting elected."
"You don't need to be perfect; you just need to execute."
"I'll definitely be interested to check out more from this director too because I think this piece was executed really well."
"People outside the prison cheered as the execution was carried out, whilst others cried."
"But it's very possible, you gotta execute, you gotta really put in the work."
"Ganondorf, imprisoned for years, sentenced to die at the hands of the monster stalord."
"They did such a phenomenal job with the atmosphere."
"All it took was one scene and it was done masterfully."
"This strategy will guide how you will enter and exit trades in the markets."
"Either this was not a faint, or it was very poorly planned and executed."
"The movie hits all the notes you would have wanted from a Simpsons Movie adaptation."
"It's not about the idea it's about the execution."
"We need a plan and we need a relentless commitment to see that the plan is executed."
"Rhetoric is good; actually executing on the agenda that you ran on is even better."
"Sekiro set out to take the format in a new direction and executed its mission to a masterpiece level."
"This game does everything it sets out to do."
"What good is ambition if you can't execute the ideas?"
"I'm happy every single day. Every day happy, every day."
"It never felt chaotic in the sense that it wasn't planned thoroughly."
"Gamers and critics alike agree that while the premise of a war-torn America warranted praise, the story and accompanying guerrilla mechanics failed to stick the landing."
"I really loved something like that. I think they nailed it, especially when you're so unexpected."
"It's melodrama that felt intentional, well thought out, nuanced, stylized, and effective in execution."
"His final meal on the morning of his execution was fish and chips with a side of tomatoes, a glass of brandy, and a cup of tea."
"I think ultimately, because James and everyone involved, did such an amazing job of embracing the aquatic technology, everything is just really well-executed."
"I want you to lay out a positive thing and then execute exactly what needs to happen to cause that desired future to occur."
"There's no such thing as a bad idea, only bad execution."
"Marie Antoinette’s execution was a symbolic sacrifice to the Revolution."
"From my perspective, it’s a matter of Tesla executing, and I have confidence they will."
"We just had to go out there and do our job and execute."
"That just makes things that much scarier and puts much more of a burden of execution on to TSM."
"Very successful entrepreneurs to the level that you're talking about? They don't talk about shit. They execute."
"Everything about that attempt, for some reason, had gone perfectly!"
"If you're a real person, you want to execute, make it part of your lifestyle and your passion."
"It's everything that they tried to pull off works and they went for some pretty ambitious stuff."
"Prayer is our war room strategy - it's where strategies are conceived, refined, and executed."
"I love the creativity of being able to do some weird stuff and actually pull it off."
"It comes down to the drivers to be able to execute. It's a real challenge."
"Execution separates you from 99% of the people."
"Honestly, the idea of it is there, execution, it could have been one of those things that only looks good, you know, that only looks epic."
"The Amityville Horror is pretty old school in terms of supernatural cliches and tropes common to the genre yet once you get past all the creaking floorboards and moving objects the execution can be genuinely unnerving at times."
"I don't want you guys to learn so much that you forget to execute."
"Get very specific with your goals. Get very specific with what you want and execute those things."
"That's a well-worked corner, what a header by the way!"
"When I have everything set in stone, I just do what I need to do and accomplish."
"Execution changes the experience. In StarCraft, the way you execute changes the outcome."
"This final push is really great, the execution in every aspect is just perfect."
"They were cliches because they were done poorly."
"In his words his approach is to just send it but that doesn't mean he's just going out there and just decided oh well I can't be asked with all this building."
"All these areas so now he's he's got the pace he's got the confidence he he just needs to start executing races properly because yeah that's um he's ultimately."
"This level was absolutely ridiculous to route and execute but it turned out being one of my favorites to watch back."
"This composure, the pace, and the buildup play from Brentford are closing down and crossing the bullet."
"The only thing that matters is execution. Ideas literally are a dime a dozen."
"Nice drafting, nice strategy, and most of all great teamwork and execution."
"You've done the work you've run the numbers you're working a plan that you believe in."
"It's the way you have to do it and kudos for them for doing it."
"Burning at the stake was a particularly gruesome form of execution."
"1% inspiration 99% perspiration... execution is what matters most."
"No matter how devastating though, it was set up and executed perfectly."
"When you have a well-defined plan, you know exactly what to do."
"Every little design touch on this shoe was extremely considered and came out really well executed."
"But my mind was working a mile a minute, like I just had so many different ideas and I was executing these ideas, okay? And that's what Jupiter in the third house allows you to do."
"In short, this may have been one of the better planned and better executed operations that the Russians have undertaken in the war to date."
"AMD and tsmc and their wonderful partnership and great teamwork and execution good job guys."
"It's what you give the shape you give to the idea, how you evolve the idea until you figure out, hey, this could really work and then you execute, okay?"
"It’s simply a really great puzzle game, built on a fresh concept that was executed perfectly."
"Quality should be a high intention and a skillful execution. So, if you have high intentions for people, you can skillfully execute everything around people. And that's when quality is restored."
"I just think that it FEELS so much like it that I would only be shocked that it was possible to pull off legally and logistically."
"It's all about execution. Execution is everything. It's not everything, it's the only thing."
"There is also a Hanging Tree where a judge sentenced more than 60 people to death."
"Venom Snake is a character and concept I believe was executed with utter perfection."
"You're gonna start to have this perfect plan in action and you're just gonna know exactly what to do at the right time."
"Everything is very intentional. There's brilliant pacing and the ending is incredibly powerful."
"The end of the fucking world is a perfect example of how to do adaptations right."
"Even though you're under a super stressful situation, you haven't got time to worry, you have to just execute."
"That might be the hardest fight to execute in the run."
"We've set out a game plan, we've actioned it, and we've delivered it."
"It's not just any other run-of-the-mill Shonen action series... it's in its execution of these themes and ideals that really resonates with modern-day readers."
"We'll be as good as our execution and our experiences will allow us to be."
"It works surprisingly well for a movie starring 40 characters."
"Almost everything this movie attempts to pull off it succeeds in."
"I feel like everything was executed so goddamn well it's it's impressive that this game even works like it's beautiful."
"They do care about truth. The people there do care about truth."
"Trading is about knowing the field, foreseeing the opportunity, executing at the right moment."
"That's good coaching right there, that's good execution."
"Mata Hari is at her execution. She looks at her lawyer. And then she looks at her priest. Blows kisses. She looks them dead in their eye. Before she's shot to death. Pow, pow, pow, pow, pow. Pow, pow, pow, pow. And she dead."
"For those of you who are soldiers, you know how to do it, do it right, be in order, make them pay."
"Ideas by itself have little value, you know everybody has different ideas but the real value of that is being able to execute."
"The only thing you can trust the Chinese to do is execute whatever plan they have with competence."
"A great plan poorly executed is worse than a poor plan executed well."
"Open worlds are getting more and more stagnant, they can be executed so well that it feels good even though there are inherent downsides."
"I can't imagine that Epstein killed himself or that nobody else had any hand in it."
"Keeping it simple and just executing on what you know generally works."
"If you can call it out and execute, you become godlike."
"Let's deliver on our promises and have a systematic plan to accomplish that."
"Nobody cares about what you plan on doing. The world is result-oriented. It only cares about what gets done."
"Simplicity is best... the simpler you can make your strategy the better because it's easier to execute."
"Executional skills are rare. Great ideas are a dime a dozen."
"For me, 'Green Book' is a drama with a lot of comedy in it, handling heavy themes beautifully."
"It's teaching you something about the game for next time."
"It's been calculated, war roomed, planned out, and now executed."
"Unbelievable, just everything is planned and done with precision."
"The execution of Dr. Stone is pretty good, it's just not my type of manga."
"Originality is key; it's how you execute upon tropes differently."
"He had a great plan, but the execution of the plan is terrible."
"The world building they pull off in a nine minute segment or however long the event was is insane."
"Ideas don't matter. The only thing that actually matters is excellence in execution."
"Jon is nothing short of a mastermind and his elaborate plan and its fulfillment is impressive to say the least."
"It was WTF, it was crazy but it was also done really right."
"Leadership is a lot less about talk and it's a lot more about execution."
"Ideation without execution is utter delusion."
"They don't do anything without a very specific plan and a very specific strategy."
"You've gotta have a strategy and execute on that strategy."
"Ideation without execution is just a delusion."
"They really are demonstrating they've got a game plan, they've got a strategy, and they're executing."
"He ain't coming back. They're gonna kill him."
"I do deserve to be executed. Bottom line. I ain't going to candy coat it. I deserve to be executed."
"Execution is what fundamentally separates these two types of people."
"I'm gonna have to wait for the Shroud, step Mez, step again to see do, blind him, stun Sam, and somehow make it back to Mez to stun him before he can burrow."
"That’s a bold new direction, and, as I’ll talk about soon, they kind of pulled it off. But we’re not done yet."
"Felina knew precisely how to stick the landing."
"I know what they were going for, but they didn't quite hit the mark."
"Execute on the things that you said you were going to execute on."
"I'm just going to copy everything from our first step into our second step."
"She did it exactly as per the book, so cool as ice is what I remember."
"I slowed the park a bit in the first hint then I tried to pull away."
"The secret to success gets finished. Execution is worship."
"He just doing his job, the game plan was to serve the best hitter, take him out of his approach and execute it."
"Sometimes to keep it simple stupid (the KISS method)—just a simple concept that you execute well can be extremely satisfying for an audience."
"It's so nice to see Star Wars executed with a plan."
"It's just following in line perfectly for their agenda."
"This was a fight and you can't pick any holes in it, everything is crisp and executed with a little extra piss and vinegar."
"Execution has greater value than the idea... ideas have zero value." - Okay.
"You must take a comprehensive approach... do it all."
"When we get the ball, we're doing the right things. It's the final pass that's letting us down."
"Execution is everything. Success is not defined by an idea, it is determined by your ability to execute on that idea."
"This place is full of doers, people who had a dream and executed it."
"The team coordination is absolutely key here in order for you to get this step completed."
"Prediction: how to go about it, how to make it happen."
"Execution matters in making a concept work beyond just thinking up a really interesting concept"