
Asking For Help Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"It's okay to ask for help. It didn't mean I was weak; it didn't mean that I wasn't capable."
"The universe is here to help you, it will help you if you ask."
"It's never a bad thing to ask for support, whatever that support is for you."
"It's more powerful to push back and to ask for help than to put yourself into a sort of painful situation."
"Asking for help is extremely brave; it's not weakness."
"We have to teach... coping mechanisms, stress relief, the biggest one being how to ask for help."
"Asking for help should be something that we celebrate."
"Asking for help... I wish I would have asked for way more help as a first-time mom."
"The very act of asking for help is an act of defiance in our current era."
"Sometimes we all have to rely on other people... there's no shame in asking for help."
"A closed mouth doesn't get fed. If I don't ask for help, I can't get the help I need."
"They always want to help you. Don't ever feel like you shouldn't or like you're not good enough to do so."
"You should ask people for help if you need it."
"Always ask for help when you need it because otherwise your life could be at stake."
"The southerners are super friendly. So don't be scared to ask for help when you come here."
"Living in a van has taught me to ask for help when I need it."
"Your content and the relationship that it has with viewers is not gonna go away."
"Unlearning feeling like asking for help is too much."
"Making lists has changed my life. It takes all that stress and puts it onto paper."
"Asking for help is a sign of strength as is accepting it as is offered to you."
"You do not need to do this alone and um you should ask for some help if you need it."
"It's always okay to ask for help if you need help."
"Are you ready to grow up? Are you ready to level up and stop having this be a problem? What do you want to kind of do? Like, are you finally ready to face yourself and finally ask for help to kind of move beyond something that's going on?"
"People are so scared to ask for help because of their pride."
"I just had to admit defeat... and say, 'Look, I need a bit of help.'"
"Asking for help can be one of the strongest things you can do."
"I finally realized that I can ask for help, and it's okay to not be okay."
"It's okay to pay for help, it's okay to ask for help, or pay for it, or both."
"Asking for help isn't a sign of weakness, it's a sign of strength."
"The greatest thing that you can do is ask for what you need."
"Reaching out when something's wrong was something I had trouble with. Now I'm like, 'I need help, help me!'"
"I think people are afraid of asking because they think it shows their flaws or weaknesses."
"Asking for help is important; my family comes first."
"Asking for help I think that is crucial right now whether it be asking your spirit guides or your angels or asking your next-door neighbor your friends whatever you need to feel connected."
"Ask for something if you need it. You have a really good chance of getting it."
"Sometimes it's okay to release, sometimes it's okay to let go, sometimes it's okay to say listen I need help."
"It's okay to ask for advice that doesn't make you a bad mom. Okay, it's better that you ask than try and muddle your way through it and then not sure what you're doing."
"Let your friends help you, ask and accept support from others."
"The moral of that story is asking for help is OK."
"It's important to ask for help. Weirdos do it. Don't be ashamed to do it."
"Ain't no shame in asking for help and having a compromise if you have to."
"Let your friends help, ask for it, and accept support from others."
"The bravest action you can take is ask for help."
"Ask your friends and family for help and accept help when it is offered to you."
"Asking for help is truly empowering."
"Ask for help. There's so many people around you, particularly people that are far more mature, have so much wisdom, and to tap into that."
"As we work towards independence, I have to work a lot on knowing when I need help and when to ask for it."
"The biggest skill that profoundly changed the course of my career was I learn to ask for help."
"Being the smartest in the room is not important. Being the one who's willing to ask for help is the most important."
"Learning to ask for help and to delegate things."
"It's okay to go off and try things on your own but to avoid getting ahead of yourself and getting in over your head. It's okay to ask for help sometimes."
"It's okay to ask for help. For a long time, I just wanted to do it all myself because, you know, it's cheaper to do it all yourself because you don't pay anybody."
"It takes such a strong person to ask for help and to not feel like they can take on the world themselves."
"It takes balls dude, it takes balls to say 'oh yeah raise your hand and say hey I need some help.'"
"Just ask for help, try harder and such."
"There's no reason to feel bad about asking for help, that's something to be [ __ ] proud of because that's the hard [ __ ] to do is ask for that help."
"I just need to trust people and not be so stubborn in asking for help."
"Some people are afraid to ask for help because they're afraid people will say no."
"Every time you push past that fear and ask for help in healthy ways, your conscience gets retrained."
"I genuinely like to ask for help but then I don't like to. I want people to know that I'm okay and that I'm not okay."
"Great things happen when you put yourself out there and ask for help."
"He's real well off, so why don't you just ask him for the money?"
"That is the most courageous thing I ever did was ask for help, bro, by far, by leaps and bounds, because of how hard it was and what it took."
"It's okay to ask for help and I would take some of the stuff in steps."
"It's not a weakness to ask others for help to make time for the things that you love. It's important."
"The humble ask for help when they need it."
"I'm also learning to ask for help."
"Asking for help when I need it... I'm asking for help and I don't feel weak because I'm asking for help."
"I just feel like lately I need to maybe start learning how to ask for help."
"Ask him. Don't be skip heisig going home for your stupid paper. Help! I need somebody. Help! You just ask for help. You be filled with the Spirit."
"I think if you are anything like me one of the things that could be super hard especially when you are juggling so many things at once is asking for help."
"Don't be afraid to ask for help and that will be your healing."
"If you're struggling and need help, you've got to take that step to ask for it."
"I'm not afraid to say when I need help, and in this case, I need some help."
"When a man has trouble, he generally tries to fix it himself, reluctantly asks for help."
"It's okay to ask for help, in a respectful way, for help."
"Women will say 'hear me out' and show you this thing you need to learn to ask for help."
"It's okay to ask for help. You're not a burden."
"Asking for help and not being afraid to ask for help."
"There's never any shame in asking for help."
"I'm very proud of Kahana too because like it can be intimidating to ask for help and she did and Jimbo was very gracious about it."
"I like that when it was said that Aquaman was actually a good king of Atlantis one of the reasons given was that he wasn't afraid to ask for help and I thought that was a real nice lesson."
"We need to ask for help when we're in that not only for from ourselves but from others."
"I need a hug. Can I have a hug, please?"
"Do not be ashamed to ask for help; it's what it's there for, and everybody deserves to have food."
"You're not weak by asking for help."
"There is nothing wrong with asking for help; no one needs to carry the burden by themselves."
"Asking for help isn't a weakness; it's a strength in and of itself."
"Sometimes it's okay to say, 'Man, I need help.'"
"Sometimes I don't really know how to ask for help. It's in my DNA, it is ingrained in me from a very young age to just get it done."
"Asking for help does not make you weak."
"Asking for help is actually one of the most deficient skills in our society."
"Don't be afraid to ask for help from your loved ones or friends or those close to you."