
Life Choices Quotes

There are 10861 quotes

"You only get one life, and you make your choices with it as long as it's you making the choice."
"I think you live once, and I don't want to spend my life working on a theory if I really don't think it has a promise to reach the goal that we have set for ourselves."
"The idea that death is something that's just another life choice...is an indication of where modernity is delivering us."
"Expressing gratitude that the universe supports me and the life I choose to live."
"I wanted to feel alive. So I decide that I'm going to stop chasing money and I'm going to chase that feeling."
"Choose your own path and what is best suited for you."
"Life is C between B and D. B stands for Birth, D stands for Death, and C stands for Choice."
"Do you like the path that you're on, or do you want to make something new? Break and/or make a new cycle."
"You inspired someone that searched up how to have a painless death at 17 years old to start with self-improvements. Best decision in my life."
"Life is the C between B and D. B is Birth, D is Death, C is Choice."
"Your life doesn't end up an accident. Your life is a series of actions that you initiate or don't initiate, and that your thoughts are going to control that roadmap."
"You can do anything you want in your life, not everything, but you can do anything."
"You can have anything you want, but not everything you want."
"The best advice I ever got around kids was: Tom, have kids, don't have kids, it doesn't really matter, but whatever you do, do it all the way."
"In life, you have the power and ability to respond and to create any kind of life that you choose."
"The foundation of all personal development is to believe that you have the power and ability to respond and to create any kind of life that you choose."
"What does it benefit a man if he gains the whole world and then loses himself at the end?"
"You either pay the price of discipline or you pay the price of regret. Discipline weighs ounces, regret weighs tons."
"A fully lived life and a life pissed down the toilet, that's the difference."
"If you chose to focus on anything other than relationship and family, that's your choice."
"I wish I'd lived my life and not the life that other people expected of me."
"Choose your sacrifice: What are you willing to sacrifice to construct a beautiful life? Ask yourself that."
"What pain do you want in your life? What are you willing to struggle for?"
"There's no guarantee that you're going to do all this work and everything's going to work out, but there is a guarantee that if you don't try, you're going to live a life of regret."
"You know your experience is up to you and the choices you make."
"Everyone should be entitled to change and do what they want with their life and their body because you only get one."
"Fast forward to where you are. Look at yourself in 10, 15, 20 years time and ask yourself the question, is that where I want to be? And if the answer's no, then you need to find a new path."
"You can either be a victim of life or you can be somebody who's responsible for the life you're creating."
"Would you be happy over there, though, in America? You don't know before you try, do you?"
"What would you want to do for free if you didn't have to think about bills and all this other stuff? What would you happily dedicate your time to?"
"Ah, a merry life and a short one. I promised, but perhaps I was wrong about you."
"Our job is to make sure that kids can make adult decisions as adults and that they don't end up making a decision prematurely that will cut off their choices."
"I choose to live my life in alignment with love."
"If you were born looking like your parents, when you die, you die looking like your decisions."
"I would urge all of you to stay away from drugs. This is not the way to get the body of your dreams but a way to end your dream."
"I'm happy with all the choices I've made in my life."
"The worst thing to do in life is to do something that is hard and meaningless."
"How do you know at the beginning of life what's going to make you happy? You can't know that."
"Six years to figure out that you don't like architecture is not a waste; that's the price of tuition."
"We all should be choosing our best lives and trying to chase happiness, wherever we go."
"I'd rather you limp into heaven than strut into hell."
"If you're doing what you love, if you never earned a dime, you're spending your days doing what you love to do."
"It's a beautiful thing to spend your life doing things that you're passionate about."
"Enjoy it. If you don't enjoy it, suck it off and go and do something else."
"In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take."
"You are stuck in between two roads in your life, one road leads to the past and the new road leads to the future."
"If you're not sure at the end of the night whether you're actually simulated or not, my advice to you is go out there and live really interesting lives and do unexpected things so the simulators don't get bored and shut you down."
"If it's subtracting, maybe subtract it from your life so that you can have more joy."
"Don't let a partner hold you back from life experiences or jobs or careers or travel."
"How much of your life have you wasted pleasing others?"
"Your thoughts make you wealthy or poor. Choose the riches of life right here and right now."
"Spend some time asking yourself about who you want to be and what kind of a life you want to live."
"It's okay to decide this is what I want my life to look like, and that's okay."
"You can't live a life of inauthenticity if there's something that you genuinely feel as a man that you should be doing."
"What would you do if your father was dying a terrible death? What you should have done was live the life that you should have lived so that at that point of unbelievable complexity you'd be wise enough to make the appropriate decision."
"The greatest mistake in life is being busy but not effective."
"The greatest failure in life is being successful in the wrong assignment."
"When I'm on my death bed, will I regret not doing this?"
"I would rather be happy and broke than be miserable and gigger rich."
"Are you really going to let somebody else dictate your life and how you feel and what you do and what you pursue and all the things that you desire in your life?"
"If you have twenty million dollars in the bank and ten years left to live, what choices and decisions would you make for your life?"
"Happiness with your life choices is a clear sign that you are in tune with your intuition."
"What good is it to gain the world but lose your soul in the process?"
"If you accept the fact that regrets are inevitable, you have to choose which one you want."
"I think it's a very mean life. I would love and I would dedicate my life to this country, but I see it as being a mean life."
"Realistic plans and goals are about trading in the problems of your current life for problems that you would prefer to have."
"Everything that happens to you in life and every choice that you make is a hundred percent your responsibility."
"My life should not be your life and your life should not be my life."
"True freedom doesn't feel familiar, and we would rather stay in something that enslaves us that is predictable rather than embrace something that is new and good and true and pure."
"I'm an artist... I would have loved to continue my work in my field... but I have chosen instead to meet what was at my table."
"If what you want is impossible because you have to work, like you can't just have freedom from obligations... what do you do?"
"What are you going to do with the rest of your life? That's your question. You got to make a decision."
"You might want to make some better choices in life."
"Imagination is the source of and where we can select from all possibilities on how we choose to live."
"Everything comes at a cost. There's nothing for free, whether it comes at the cost of money, personal life, time, or energy."
"Trust your path; if you knew you would be supported, what would you do?"
"It's a very stern reminder that this is a one-way trip and that it's important to make sure to make the best choices you can."
"You're going to die. This ends. You've got about 70 years. Some more than others. What do you want to do with your life?"
"There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is death."
"Carefully consider how you live. Live wisely, not foolishly. Make the most of your time."
"If you wait too long to decide what you're gonna do with your life, you'll find out that you've already done it."
"It really annoys me when people say you can have it all because, quite frankly, you can't."
"Drop the things that offend your soul. Embrace your truth. It's your life; let no one live it for you."
"Live your own life and make your own decisions."
"You're gonna have almost this awakening in the self-empowerment of like, I want to create a beautiful life for myself rather than live in something that is toxic for me."
"In a world where fame is often pursued relentlessly, Michael Schofling's decision stands out as a poignant reminder that sometimes the glitter of the silver screen isn't as alluring as the simple joys of a life lived out of the limelight."
"The more designer items you buy, or really anything that you buy, the more of your life you're trading away."
"You can be a victim of your life or the master of it."
"It's about finding joy in the life that you've created and in the choices you've made, and in finding your youthful enthusiasm again when life has absolutely beaten it out of you."
"The most important step we'll ever take in life is our next one."
"Knowing when to let go of a dream is as important as knowing when to go after one."
"I'm going to live a proper life this time, for real."
"It's an amazing feeling not worrying about where I'm gonna be and... knowing that I can kind of pivot and do things that I want to do and find a way to make it successful."
"Trade your life for what you love; do more of what you love, less of what you tolerate, and none of what you hate."
"You can spend your life climbing a ladder and then realize you had the ladder against the wrong wall."
"Am I doing everything in my power to live the way I want to live? Because if it could be over in a moment, I got to shift my attention to things that really matter."
"You can let life pass you by, as they say, you can let life happen to you, or you can happen to life."
"The man I am today is defined by how I choose to live my life now."
"Allowing fear to run your life means you will never have a great life."
"Don't waste it doing something you hate. You have the power to control your own life."
"Anybody that rejects you when you've made poor decisions and your life is in the hog pin were never designed to go into your future."
"Never take advice from anybody you wouldn't want to trade places with."
"Literally choosing who you want to be and how you want to live your life in any moment."
"You don't need to prove the haters wrong; you can be confident in your own life and decisions."
"Take it as a metaphor for your own life: you shouldn't be doing something you really feel suffocated doing, even if everybody else wants you to do it."
"We can't really avoid the tragedy of life, but the choice we get is whether we want to experience the tragedy now because we're making the hard decisions, or whether we ignore what we need to do and have the tragedy happen to us later down the road."
"The rat race isn't about working a nine-to-five job, but living life on such an edge that it means that you are chasing the next thing."
"Life is too short to live someone else's life."
"You want the hard of regret when you're older... or do you want the hard of each time you took those risks and opportunities and had those experiences?"
"I think it's important for young people to go out and have as many experiences as possible before they make a certain particular choice about how they want to live their life."
"How can you make that choice [about how you want to live your life] until you've been exposed to a lot of different things, until you've traveled and spent time with all different kinds of people?"
"Fast forward to 70, 80, 90 years old...and ask yourself the question: What will I regret that I didn't do?"
"It's quite funny that we as human beings customize practically everything we have and do but we live our life in the default setting without customizing it."
"It's not them who are going to live our lives; it's we who need to live our lives."
"If I could turn back time, would I? I don't know because I do like my life I'm at now, but it's sad that my parents and my sister are lost to it."
"Because if it is actually the case, if we don't actually have to wait and work for 40+ years in order to reach retirement, then why would anyone do it?"
"When a woman has a written vision for her life, she can easily discern who fits into her life and who does not."
"I think most people in the world want to just be comfortable. They wanna do things that make them feel good and that they're good at something."
"If what you are doing is not moving you towards your goals, then it's probably moving you away from your goals. Nothing is neutral."
"There are three things you can do with your life: you can waste it, you can spend it, or you can invest it. The best use of your life is to invest it in something that will last longer than your time here on Earth."
"The choices you make right now over the next 10, 15 years are going to drastically impact what your life looks like."
"Life is shorter than people think. I've had clinical clients who have followed that path, and some of them were women who had initially decided that they didn't want to have children and then changed their minds quite dramatically in their late 20s."
"If you look around and you see one or more groups doing what you want to do very well, just pick something else. Your life's going to be a lot more pleasant."
"I could have went the other way without everybody, the other way, the wrong way. I'm going the right way, and I know it for real."
"Life is too short to sit around in a place you don't want to really live in just to save some money."
"The Sims 4 Growing Together is about making key choices and going through milestones in your Sims' lives, having a much more enhanced social dynamic system, making relationships feel more natural in the game."
"Would you live out your life to stop the suffering?"
"I turned 21, I quit drinking, it wasn't fun anymore."
"If I'm going to die in five years, I'd rather know now so that I can live the rest of my life as fruitfully as possible."
"No regrets is basically just people who choose to live in the moment."
"Your habits born of your free will lead you into captivity or Paradise."
"You make choices. And every choice you make creates consequences."
"When you're faced with a choice or a big decision, ask yourself: will this make a good story?"
"Create the life that you want. If the life that you want is with this person, there's your answer."
"Friendship is not hard, and guess what, the good news is you can be just as happy or happier just having a good group of friends rather than being married and having kids."
"Yes, answers aren't always yes or no. Life's decisions aren't black and white."
"You need to decide right now... what kind of life you want, and whether or not you will accept the challenge and the sacrifice for that life."
"You will marry the wrong person, or you will fall in love with the wrong person, or you will become intimate with the wrong person. But I think the important thing is, at least for me, is that yes, I will fall for the wrong person inevitably, I will marry the wrong person inevitably, but I want to do it for the right reasons."
"As a journalist, I've learned it's important to grab the reader's attention with a catchy headline. Here's mine: Local woman ruins own life."
"Don't spend your whole life living by other people's rules and doing what other people told you to do, even though deep down you knew it didn't make any sense."
"You're born looking like your dad; you die looking like your decisions."
"I think people just want to be able to carve out paths in their life."
"All people should be able to live their lives to the fullest and do what makes them happy."
"‘Every Summer After’ made me reflect on how past loves and choices shape our present."
"You have to choose between whether you really want to uphold this nice shiny self-image that you've got, or you would rather build this beautiful dream life, something powerful, do something powerful with your life."
"I've been doing bad for so long I'm going to try to do something good. If all else fails, I could always go back to doing bad."
"Unless we change directions, we're likely to end up where we're going."
"I wish I never woulda got that gun. And I wish to God, I never became a hooker."
"A few years ago, my wife and I did something a little crazy, or really sane, depending on how you look at it."
"Imagine that you're standing in a doorway, looking at the past, looking at the future, one foot in, one foot out. The question is, which direction are you wanting to head now?"
"Do you want to take a leap of faith, or become an old man filled with regret?"
"How much better to create a life that you love, that you enjoy."
"You're not emotionally where you want to be and not being honest with yourself about the choices you need to make to be happy."
"Honor your mom by living a life that's pleasing to God."
"We are all here for a reason; you chose to come here for a reason in this lifetime with these people."
"Fun of missing out: recognizing I can't do everything."
"Please do not ever discourage anybody from pursuing happiness and from pursuing a journey and a life that they want and taking risks to get there."
"I've always respected motherhood. I think it's really valuable. I feel like it's the kind of thing you don't regret later in life."
"A person of knowledge chooses a path with heart and follows it and looks and rejoices and laughs and sees and knows, knows that his life will be over altogether too soon."
"The road that leads to death is broad, but the road that leads to life is narrow."
"It's just about finding the situation in life that has the most you can accept, you know what I mean? Like, the bad is the least bad and the good is the most good."
"Make responsible decisions about your own childbearing and rearing, get married, have babies."
"I don't want to look my daughter in the eye and go, 'Be a housewife.' I want her to be all she can be."
"The things that people end up regretting are those things that they didn't do."
"Are you living the life you want, or are you living a life you've been programmed?"
"Life is all about choices. At every step when you are in front of a choice... ask which one is more pleasing to Allah."
"Say yes to things, say yes to life, and you will see where it takes you."
"If there's something you want to do and you're not doing it, it's an excuse. You have control over living the life you want."
"When you have the courage to release, then will you begin to really live the life you want to live."
"The biggest risk you can take in life is not taking one."
"Our lives aren't set in stone, and we can take any path we please."
"It would have been far easier to have two wives to have covered both sides of the street."
"You always have a choice to make the right one."
"It's okay to not do one thing your entire life. Don't get locked into it."
"A lot of people are afraid to jump all the way... because if we showed it, we would be okay taking a chance in a relationship, switching jobs, going against our parents' wishes."
"On the one hand, if I get cremated, I know I'm not coming back for sure. With Alcor, I have a shot at being here in the future, and I'd love to be here 50 years, 100 years from now and be part of-- part of life."
"You never want to look back and think, 'I wish I did that.'"
"Freedom isn't just about freedom from. It's about freedom to live a life of your choosing."
"The most fundamental decision that we make is whether we live in a friendly or hostile universe."
"You live your life how you want, don't listen to me, except when you should."
"Time has a few choice moments open to opportunity and to despair."
"Life's too precious to spend in somebody else's shadow."
"Every time you take a paycheck, you sell your soul, your mind, your spirit, and your time."
"This is your life. You look yourself in the mirror every night. You live with the outcomes of your decisions."
"Life is offering you a second chance. Take it."
"It's kind of cool to think about how much your life can change for better or worse with one choice."
"You're just hurting yourself if you know you want to family, prioritize that."
"Every time you confront something painful, you are at a potentially important juncture in your life; you have the opportunity to choose healthy and painful truth or unhealthy but comfortable delusion."
"Life is the C between B and D. B stands for birth, D stands for death, C stands for choice."
"You don't ever want to look back and think what if."
"I'm not saying it's gonna be perfect, but I think it's gonna be what's right."
"Adulthood is not gonna look the same for everyone financially or professionally or romantically or even in the basic day-to-day life choices we're all gonna make."
"We're responsible for our life; we're the ones that made certain decisions about what to put into our body each day, what to decide to spend our time on."
"I profoundly believe that you are one decision away from a different life."
"I wouldn't go back in time and change anything because I'm so happy where I am now."
"We choose life, we choose liberty, and we choose the pursuit of happiness that has been entrusted to us by our forefathers."
"Life is too short to build things that don't matter."
"What kind of life they're living, the choices they're making, compared to who I am, what I do, and how I live, that itself keeps me humble."
"I'd rather live a difficult life truthfully, then live an easy lazy life with my head in the clouds."
"Would you rather live a harder truth than a happy fantasy?"