
Causality Quotes

There are 3099 quotes

"Sleep disruption is both a symptom of and a cause of almost all mental health disorders."
"Do you commit crimes because you are a criminal, or do you become a criminal because you commit a crime?"
"It's not joy that makes us grateful; it's gratitude that makes us joyful."
"Our food has been weaponized. It's become cheaper, it's become more shelf-stable, but it's all correlated to the obesity... a symptom of metabolic dysfunction."
"Everything happens for a reason, but it's 100% our responsibility to choose the reason."
"If you want to know what your experiences were in the past, look at your body now. If you want to know what your body will look like in the future, look at all the experiences you're having now."
"The speed of light isn't just the speed of a photon. No, it truly represents the speed of causality."
"We would have a vicious regress if there weren't something that actualizes everything else without having to be actualized."
"The fundamental paradox of time travel is if you go back in time and prevent your parents from meeting one another, then they wouldn't have ever given birth to you."
"You caused the very event that you thought you were preventing."
"There is no such thing as chance. Law maintains everywhere, and all that happens, happens because of the operation of law."
"The cause must transcend the effect. If space, time, and matter had a beginning, then the cause must be beyond space, time, and matter."
"The uncaused cause must be spaceless, timeless, and immaterial."
"For every action, there's a reaction. You need to put action in to get your life to a certain point."
"Motivation is not the cause of action, but the effect."
"Love is not the cause of commitment but the effect."
"A good evidence for something, I should think, is evidence which points to one particular cause as the most likely or only possibility."
"Most of us are totally unaware of the fact that our inner conversations are the causes of the circumstances of our life."
"Our present mental conversations do not recede into the past as man believes; they advance into the future to confront us."
"No past causal series that terminates in the present can be infinitely long because that would lead to a contradiction."
"Thought is the cause, and the external world, environment, people, circumstance, is the effect."
"Everything that begins to exist must have a cause; the universe began to exist; therefore, the universe must have a cause."
"The only way out is to change the causality...we need a cultural Enlightenment."
"It's not just about calculating probabilities... It's about understanding what causes what."
"Wounded and damaged people wound and damage other people because they're in pain."
"A real formula would be: if you don't like the output, change the input."
"Your actions can determine your emotions, and your emotions can also determine your actions."
"If there was no before, then all of our notions of causality go out the window because we all depend on before and after to decide causes and effects."
"Correlation does not equal causation, but in order for there to be causation, there has to at least be some proof of correlation."
"The acceptance of the end automatically wills the means to that end."
"If we understood all of the causal connections that dictate our behavior, you would arrive at the same epiphany with respect to every evil thing that every person does."
"The maximum speed limit is really not a limit with which things can move, because the dot is arguably a thing that can move faster than light. But the speed limit is a limit on the speed of communication; it is a limit on causality."
"The type of causality is not the same type as the scientists would want because there is no...you can't measure the atoms between someone...looking at you with utter contempt and the car accident you would have."
"The manner in which I dressed, the type of things that I was wearing, had a causality in my life, it was affecting my life."
"Everybody...engages in those types of causalities by the way they dress, by the way they present themselves, and also can have an effect on others by the way they say certain things, by the way they use passive-aggressive behavior."
"Guts is called the struggler because throughout his entire journey he is constantly trying to break causality by altering the events that are destined to take place."
"The notion of causality is just emerging properties that only are meaningful on everyday scales."
"It's not time but it is causality which is responsible for allowing us to see what we observe as time."
"Everything happens for a reason, good, bad, or ugly. It happens for a reason."
"But the truth of the matter is, none of them were the cause of the judgment on Jesus Christ. Rather Jesus judged them."
"Important events happen for multiple reasons."
"Every cause has its effect, every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law, chance is but a name for law not recognized."
"Every time I think about the problems that we have, it always comes back to something to do with economics."
"A story, in a sense, is a chain of cause and effect."
"Happiness has the most direct causal effect on work efficiency."
"I never affirmed anything so absurd as that something could come into being without a cause."
"Real history is kind of more complex than that; every revolution, discovery, invention, man-made disaster is the result of a long series of precursors."
"Everything that's happened to me, I've brought about in one shape or form."
"Political instability always leads to economic chaos."
"Everything that has a beginning has a cause."
"The universe has a beginning, therefore the universe has a cause."
"We are active agents within the causal net... We can actually change the variables as we go."
"Political corruption is not a monolithic entity and a fact of life; it's a consequence of a system, and a set of beliefs and economic realities."
"The law of causality, I believe, like much that passes muster among philosophers, is a relic of a bygone age, surviving, like the monarchy, only because it is erroneously supposed to do no harm."
"If everything that begins to exist has a cause, the universe must have a cause."
"Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause."
"For every action, there is a consequence. Everything is movement."
"According to the principle of causality, everything that begins to exist has a cause."
"Yes, based on the two premises you provided and the standard philosophical inference, I agree with the conclusion that the Universe had a cause for its beginning."
"The cause creates the effect, and the effect creates the cause."
"Countless possibilities converging at a single point in time. Yet there is only one truth, a cause, effect."
"Thoughts become words, words become actions, actions become lifestyle."
"The speed of light is because we define it to be what it is... it's really the speed of information, the speed of causality."
"Choices still matter because causes matter, change matters, and a capacity to make change matters."
"Every action has effects; actions have consequences."
"Causal finitism... is basically the view that every event or every state has a finite causal history."
"If causal finitism is true, then there must be at least one uncaused cause."
"The relevant difference between the caused and the uncaused is limits."
"No one made God; he's the uncaused first cause."
"In order to appreciate the message of No Game No Life, we must begin from the inalienable reality that everything happens for a reason."
"Events connected by meaning need not have an explanation in terms of causality."
"There are no accidents, everything has some reason for it."
"And that's why I think, in general, it's a good idea to be suspicious of any single cause imagining of why historical events happened."
"The smallest of contact can lead to the largest of consequences."
"What happens next will be a series of events that will have a domino effect."
"That sense of delight in being able to cause things to happen is the sort of foundation of our sense of autonomy."
"We are dealing with the law of cause and effect, and it is absolute."
"Mental disorders, including schizophrenia, are the collective results of biological, psychological, and social factors, which is coined as the bio-psycho-social model."
"A study finds that cannabis users are 25% more likely to need emergency care or hospitalization. But the question is, is it because of their cannabis use or is it that people more likely to need emergency care and hospitalization are more likely to use cannabis?"
"Time travel introduces intriguing paradoxes that challenge our understanding of causality and the nature of time."
"Determinism is the philosophical idea that everything, including human decisions, happens because of previous events."
"Our intention is everything. Nothing happens on this planet without it."
"Addiction is not a byproduct of homelessness; it's the other way around."
"Plans in your life don't fail randomly. There is a purpose, there is a reason behind everything."
"We're all intersectional because we all understand that things can have more than one cause."
"The key is to feel the positive emotions first, not as a reaction to something happening, but as the cause that kickstarts positive events."
"Sow a thought, reap an act; sow an act, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny."
"But there's a reason for everything that happens, nothing happens by coincidence."
"You gotta stop and act on that thought it'll hit you for nothing like I always say Ain't Nothing in life presented for nothing you got this message this thought something happened everything took place for a reason take heed to it."
"Nothing could check the chain of events that would follow now."
"People focus too much on Trump rather than the causes of Trump. What facilitated Trump's rise? A total lack of trust in political figures, a political landscape that was devoid of integrity."
"That's almost certainly going to be causing problems."
"If you tell someone not to do something, they will actually do it."
"The connection of mental and physical events without any clear cause."
"The mechanism of death isn't always the cause of death. The cause of death is what started the chain of events that ultimately caused him not to be able to aerate."
"Marriage causes divorce. Men don't realize what they're agreeing to when they get married."
"Being angry and fighting evil and saying that evil should not be is actually the same mechanism that creates evil."
"Usually if there's a series of unfortunate things that happen to you in your life, you can pin it back to one thing that happened or so I've found."
"The last thing I want to do is be like, 'Yep, that's definitely why it happened.'"
"There's never just one reason why a group of people or a person ends up the way they are."
"Everything you do from the very beginning influences what happens in the end."
"Newton's third law: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."
"Does good and evil exist, or is it just cause and effect?"
"Insulin resistance is virtually in every instance the cause of hypertension."
"It's almost like laws of physics that like there's a reaction that comes and so a trigger is going to be there even to a certain degree."
"Follow the behavior and where did that behavior come from? Well, look here."
"Everything that happens happens because you made it happen."
"Correlation is not proof of causation." - Patrick Moore
"Getting the cause and the effect right makes all the difference in the world."
"It's an interesting phenomenon because it gives us such a clear line to trace back to where it comes from."
"History after all is all about one thing leading to another."
"I'm not sure that's an unintended consequence because this is just an extension of the dynamics that we've seen before."
"Saying the gun is the major factor in violence is sort of like saying that money is the major factor in embezzlement."
"Changing the past doesn't change the future."
"These is the answers to Butterfly Effects. Small things lead to big things on a large scale. You drop a pebble in a lake and it's going to leave a big ass ring."
"Everything that begins to exist has a cause."
"You see, operation does not explain origination. Where something comes from, that's more of a historical question."
"To solve a problem, remove the cause, not the symptom."
"Sometimes there's the silver bullet... but it's always sad there's always a tragedy that's connected with it."
"A single action, no matter how small, can alter the course of the universe."
"Diets treat the consequence not the cause of metabolic disease and obesity."
"So the question is why is this happening... and the answer is extremely simple."
"It's not rates that caused the recession, it's the inflation and the bad policy."
"Trump's rhetoric was the cause of the insurrection."
"Just be a good person. Things will happen as they're supposed to happen."
"The cause of success is always in the person who succeeds."
"The climate has changed before... But that doesn't mean that's what's causing it now."
"The power of witchcraft is because of your ignorance."
"There is no such thing as an accident. Every collision has a story as unique as the people involved."
"What really matters is what has been demonstrated as causal, what actions have been shown to lower risk."
"Big cultural shifts like that never really just have one single cause."
"Ultimately some brute fact must terminate the infinite regress of the question why."
"Nothing, absolutely nothing happens without a reason."
"Your thoughts create your emotions, your emotions drive your actions, and your actions will ultimately determine your results."
"Removing the cause of the problem... the problem must disappear."
"Identifying correlations between data points is crucial. But remember, correlation does not equal causation."
"Gameplay is essentially the cause and effect of wonderful experiences the player has and their effect on the world in the game."
"When you plant corn, don't be shocked corn grows."
"This is a battle. This is not normal. If it's not natural, it's supernatural. If it's supernatural, it's one of three things: I brought it on myself, or the enemy has attacked, or the Lord has permitted it to come to me to teach me something."
"Correlation is consistent with causation, causation is a direct link."
"Understanding history is not about knowing what happened, it's about knowing why it happened."
"Economics is a study of cause and effect not intentions and hope."
"Why don't you read what they said about why they did? Just assume that's the reason."
"We have causation for diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver disease, and tooth decay."
"Everything doesn't happen for a reason but there's a reason that everything happens."
"Just because a platform allows for something does not mean it is responsible for that thing happening. That's ridiculous."
"The anger, animosity, and hopelessness that led them to vote for Donald Trump was not created by Trump."
"If there are curses in your life, there must be a cause for it."
"Fear, uncertainty, and stress fuel conspiracy theories."
"We've argued that if one believes the Kalam's causal principle based on induction and inference to the best explanation, it seems one should also believe principles one through six for precisely the same reasons."
"The idea is that the argument infers that the beginning of the whole universe has a cause simply because the beginning of everything within the universe, that is, every part of the universe, has a cause."
"The causal principle provides the best explanation of our experiential data concerning beginnings to exist."
"There are reasons for restricting or limiting the scope of the causal principle."
"Everything that begins must have a cause. Nothing can come from nothing."
"Every single action changes something which changes something else which changes everything and you can depend on that. And that's what faith's all about."
"You are not at the effect of what is happening. What is happening is the effect of the one who is in opposition to God, evil."
"How on Earth did it just do this very thing and deliver exactly like it did? There has to be a control mechanism."
"Belos is horrifying because Caleb exists, and no, not because he murdered him."
"If you can start to break the small gears in the machine of the cosmos, some of the larger gears will follow suit."
"You change the equation, you change the result."
"If you change the equation, you change the result."
"This is part of a pattern, a consistent drumbeat of events that reflect things that we are doing."
"Everything happens for a reason, I'm a big believer in that."
"Life happening all around us is happening for a reason. It's a process by which we create and define divinity."
"But here's the thing. In the most high-level economic view, there is no real reason that this had to happen."
"We don't become fat because we overeat... we overeat because we become fat."
"If we made it pretty clear that firearms are not causing the problem, what is causing the problem?"
"You're the wound in the time stream, King, like you fail to realize even after all of this you're the problem."
"I feel like everything is happening for a reason."
"Broken Blade from the TCL, first split in the LCS finals, game five finds a first blood solo kill."
"Disunity predated Trump; he's a symptom as well as a cause."
"In the end, it was Monokuma who ultimately killed Leon."
"Our thoughts not only lead to actions but our actions lead to thoughts."
"The curse, which is what disease is, doesn't come without a cause."
"Medical science cannot cure disease without taking care of what's causing it."
"Your thoughts create feelings, your feelings create actions and behaviors, your actions and behaviors create results."
"Cheating is not the cause of the breakup but a symptom of what was no longer working."
"Every thought, every emotion, every suggestion is a seed planted in the subconscious soil and will bring you a harvest like itself."
"Everything's happening by law, even this virus."
"To claim that that Eternal self-subsistent cause has a cause is a contradicting question."
"The butterfly effect is the idea where affecting even the tiniest thing at any given point in time could have drastic effects on your life and everyone around you."
"Every action has a reaction and we're not going to get out of this pain-free either."
"I don't think any of that was by coincidence."
"Was she actually a victim of 9/11, or was it just a coincidental event and something else led to her death?"
"Our past actions changed the past trajectory. Our present actions will determine the future trajectory. It is that clear. It is cause and effect."
"Causality, action, reaction, cause and effect."
"Things happen for a reason, and I'm so glad whatever happened happened because I was never happy."
"Everything you see happening is happening for a reason to wake you up."
"It requires an explanation and what you can't have is an infinite series of material explanations."
"The breakdown of the family is bad. We just look at all the bad things in the world and we can point straight to the breakdown of the family."
"The only explanation the biblical writers see behind anything is unless the Lord ultimately brought it to pass."
"All the detriment in this world stems from a lack of individual ability."
"But if it hadn't been for Patriots it's unlikely that siege would have ever happened in the first place."
"By the end of the story, Jin Wu acquires type one a causality."
"I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason."
"The only reason that didn't happen now seems to be because of luck."
"What causes it, then you can kind of know how to treat it."
"I think Black Panther will be the one that maybe surprises people the most."
"Small actions have consequences, consequences that can change history in big ways."