
Time Manipulation Quotes

There are 150 quotes

"We can control the speed at which we experience life. We can slow things down or we can speed our experience of life up."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I have the power to manipulate time, and I demand to be taken seriously."
"It's not like time manipulation was some extremely OP uncountable move; it likely required a high level of skill, end-game experience, and knowledge to successfully pull off."
"The series legacy is unquestionable, from the many other titles it influenced to employ elaborate artificial intelligence systems and meaningful time manipulation abilities."
"As the storm expands and engulfs us, time begins to rewind, and the damage is undone."
"Books that play with time...are things that will keep you very engaged."
"For the next 100 days, I'll be surviving as the evil clockman in Minecraft, using my powers to manipulate the fabric of time itself."
"You can freeze time and still cast your spells and things like that. It was really cool."
"For a digital being, time appears as needed... You can effectively insert time in periods of your choosing, as you need them, and where you need them if the 'where' is in digital landscapes and simulated realities."
"The Division: influencing timelines and bending even the Weeping Angels to their will."
"Time travel for George R Martin is less like the terminator and back to the future and more like groundhog's day."
"Probably Dr. Strange, that dude right there. Yeah, I mean that dude like opens up portals of time I can go back and you [__]."
"How many times had the Old Man done this to him, only to reverse time and do it all over again, letting the pain begin anew?"
"This is different, this isn't time travel, this is time used for combat."
"Kratos has commanded time itself to bend his everywhere."
"You can take something that's not yet time and bring it into the now."
"Divine Pulses essentially work the same as Mila’s Divine Turnwheel in Fire Emblem Echoes, allowing players to rewind as much as they want in order to fix potential mistakes."
"The Vex may seem like this all-knowing species, but they're constantly learning and constantly going back and teaching themselves all the new things from the future to the past."
"Doctor Strange can literally mess with time."
"Blackreach has a machine capable of manipulating the space-time continuum."
"We have the ability to manipulate time. Time does not matter to us."
"If the clocks could somehow be altered and each of these performers could be placed into the era where they would have had a chance to succeed the most, it could change so much about wrestling as we know it today."
"This plug-in is an amazing tool for manipulating time and volume."
"The most effective way to embody a desire is to assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled."
"Father Time: preventing some bad futures for our characters."
"Blinks was absolutely revolutionary in introducing the ability for players to manipulate time."
"Out of time is insane if you've played with it or against it."
"Incorporating time travel into gameplay that most have never seen in a mainstream title before."
"You lose. Your ability to move through pockets of time is no match for the warrior spirit that dwells within me."
"We're reversing time in GTA 5. This is not a drill!"
"You can freeze time whenever and wherever you want but time will start moving again between 30 seconds to 5 minutes of the initial freeze."
"Imagine now after dealing with all that, once he finally hits this character, he rewinds time."
"Could time travel be the ultimate weapon in the hands of humanity?"
"Shala's creation of save points: manipulating time itself."
"Events and details can in fact be revised by centuries."
"Tsukiomi can push you in a loop of pain for 72 hours but here's the twist it's only three seconds of world time."
"Everything around her had slowed down, but she was at light-speed."
"You can literally bend time to your will if you'd like."
"The greatest magic of all is chronomancy, the magic of time."
"You can't change the past or future, you can only fulfill it."
"Maybe I'll time-skip for a customized experience later."
"The future changes so I will dam the river of time and tear down the foundations of history."
"Superhot VR absolutely slaps with the innovative movement tied with the time mechanic."
"God does not see time as we do... He can breach our past... and cause it to have happened already."
"Like even that did the dude running down the street, that's probably like 30 seconds of him running down the street which turns into a three-minute video in slow motion."
"Basically what we do is we do a specific set of movements to generate a knife inside of us well in time stop."
"For the second time in my life I kicked the living [ ] out of an immortal my prized the hourglass now I can change history talk about redonkulous cosmic power."
"Time dilation overhaul: slow time to a crawl or increase combat benefits."
"I can't let this happen. If I can reverse time again, I can help her."
"Tempus, as she used to be known, was able to control the passage of time in a specific pocket of space."
"A simple way to circumnavigate this, ladies and gentlemen, by just hitting the 't' key and fast forwarding time 24 hours."
"She reveals that she's done the impossible and has stopped time all around them. She is a magical girl too and this is her power, the ability to control time without hesitation."
"The past is the past is it not? It need not be. I intend to wind time back to its beginning and restart history."
"Time is flexible. You have the power to stretch and compress it through your perception, intention, and focus."
"Time warp when you're going somewhere and going like moving through a space and time lapse when you're staying static."
"Oh realities, all dimensions are open to me. Time is the fire in which you'll burn." - Prince Malchezaar
"Jesus sped up time. Jesus slowed down time for the disciples when he was with them."
"Time is moving backwards, we got a little Silent Hill sort of stuff going on here."
"What if they get close to stopping Wanda but she retaliates by rewinding everything a bit and they rewind back to the 90s?"
"Atheon, the needle, and whatever follows Atheon, i.e. the thread, have stitched time back together."
"He who remains controls all and created all of time in existence."
"Time loop stories fulfill the dream of being able to live within a reality of our own choosing."
"Ultron has won the war from the safety of the future."
"Technically, the way the time toilet works is whoever sits on it is protected from time and time around them is changed."
"Time absolutely can be bent, and this happens pretty frequently throughout the universe."
"The fan favorite nimble, reptile can use a move called basilisk to slow down time and create these insane combo situations."
"I don't care how far you push your time skip, it won't stand a chance against what I am now."
"What would you do if you had the ability to freeze and unfreeze time?"
"Time ceased to flow and water reversed its course."
"One of the more interesting characters to come out of Dragon Ball Super was Hit, a character that can stop time for a short amount and strike with deadly force."
"Compression and expansion are two techniques of playing with time and storytelling."
"The witch can make it whatever time she wants."
"If the next 10 seconds of the future is undesirable by Diavolo, he can skip over it thanks to King Crimson."
"Bonnie's devil fruit being awakened could grant her the ability to turn back time."
"'Miss Peregrine adjusts her watch causing the day to start again.'"
"When Sator enters the turnstile on the red side, he's moving forward in time like normal but when we see him enter the turnstile on the blue side, the rules are broken everything is reversed."
"Naruto from here, his eyes would flash red and his lightning would finally turn dark crimson red as he turns towards the direction of everybody and to put everything simply, he slows down times so unbelievably fast that Naruto would proceed to kill everyone."
"What would you do if time was frozen? What would you use that time for?"
"Your character's farts are so powerful that sometimes you can bend time itself, shuffling the order of the turn-based combat."
"I feel like time stop would work inside the domain, but for how long? And then instantly as it runs out, does he have to get it off again before he's done, you know what I mean?"
"It could be that your attempt to interfere with the past is what made the present the reality that you came from in the first place."
"If there are no consequences to reversing time, then why the [ __ ] not just abuse the [ __ ] out of that power?"
"You can do things with you can't swing with another Spider-Man no but I can like I can go like somebody Mary Jane I guess freezing time would be awesome you could go anywhere in the world without aging"
"I would love to be able to pause time. Oh, that's good. So like click my fingers but I have complete control. I can do whatever I want."
"Hold on think again don't you know can cool the thermal expansion of the universe creating a whole separate universe that only he can move in and stopping time for anybody who isn't him this is called severed universe..."
"Lucius's time magic isn't just about seeing into the future; it's about altering timelines and rewinding time itself. Sealing him away won't work."
"Infinite speed, inaccessible speed—Lucius defies the limits of what's possible. He moves and stops time itself. That's the true extent of his power."
"We will eventually be able to control time, we will be able to control our destiny."
"You see that? He literally froze time. What?"
"I put her back on the roof, then managed to freeze time and make my way up to her. She asks what I'm doing up there, and I start working with her. Maybe I can help her save her own life."
"Spyro learned how to briefly slow down time to improve his reactions."
"That brief moment between them seems to have slowed time down and even made the bullets swerve around them."
"I think it's a much more grounded take on time manipulation."
"If Julius can use this time magic to know for a fact that what he is doing is ultimately better for humanity and creating a better future, can you really blame him and claim he is evil? I don't think he is."
"I will make you a little glass in which to suspend time."
"We're in a time chamber; things work differently here."
"Books that play with time... I love a time loop."
"Doctor Strange is capable of bending time and space on command with adept precision."
"Everything that is white on this screen is moving forward in time."
"I smashed the hourglass and I changed the course of history."
"It's part of your Queen's gift, IceWing. I've been frozen in time, so I only age in the moments when I'm unfrozen like this."
"That was a good fight, Hit. You truly have impressed me with what you have done using time."
"Magical, truly magical, this watch can stop time."
"Levitating and using the time stone to go through all the possible scenarios."
"You're not just bending water, you're not just bending air, you're not just bending earth, you're bending time."
"Flex Time allows us to easily adjust the timing of our regions."
"Once Shinra taps into the power of the Evangelist, the speed is so ridiculous that time is now rewinding."
"I sit down and I say, 'Well, hey, I've got this game where you could play with time,' and I program the basic thing, and then what can happen? Like, what interesting situations could happen?"
"It was the Clockwork of Kronos, a being who could control time."
"The room of spirit and time: one year's worth of training in a single day, that's the ticket."
"The Ray can manipulate the speed force to make time basically irrelevant to himself."
"It's like the movie Clock Stoppers, you move a little bit faster than everyone else."
"Made in Heaven has the ability to speed up the flow of time of the entire universe."
"The Room of Spirit and Time... it'll be a perfect place to train."
"Time is sort of the reason why we do night photography; we can play with time, we can dilate it."
"Tempo has the ability to manipulate time."
"I take shape like the third dimension, into fourth dimension then I bend time."
"Legion messed things up pretty epically for the X-Men and the whole world when he messed with time."
"If you could stop time, the rain would never touch you."
"It turns out if you can manipulate time, you know, it's pretty good."
"With these two mortals that mess with time, who is going to come out victorious in terms of a battle? Well, the outcome might surprise you."
"The design solution for Chuck was to make time itself computable."
"Tempus has chronokinesis powers which allow her to alter the way time moves around her."
"She also has the ability which time that basically slows down time to a mere hold."
"Sacred geometry how to form a thunderstorm with a zero point at the center of two opposing vortexes and accelerate or reverse time."
"It's basically stopping time, right? If you get hit with this, how is this not broken?"