
Brain Plasticity Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"The principle of errors queuing attention and opening the opportunity for plasticity, that's never going to change."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's the ability of the brain to change itself - to rewire."
Don Vaughn
"Kids who are under about seven years old can get one half of their brain removed and they're fine."
"Plasticity diminishes with age, but one of the things that I felt like I was able to put together is that different parts of the brain have different plasticity windows."
"What's changing in the brain to support all those mental habits and behaviors that make up our self-identity? Well, the answer is 'activity-dependent plasticity.'"
"Thanks to brain plasticity, we know that the brain can be changed."
"If you can rewire your brain to enjoy doing it, then that's even better."
"This pathway between your emotional and rational brains is highly plastic."
"When it comes to truly enhancing performance or overcoming our limitations, some of the most promising work being done right now is in the area of brain plasticity."
"The beautiful thing about the brain is that we are able to condition it to think whatever we want it to think and do whatever we want it to do."
"Your brain is a river, not a rock. 70% of your brain connections change every day."
"The embodied person that you are is a product of brain plasticity within your lifetime."
"You were not given the person that you are from some outside agent; it was created in your lifetime by what you did."
"Through thought alone, you can change the physical wiring of your brain, the most complicated thing in the universe."
"The brain has a great degree of what's called plasticity."
"Our brain is constantly rewiring itself... our brains are wired differently based on your experiences."
"Our brain retains its plasticity, which is reduced from younger age, it's capable of still reforming and reshaping itself due to stimuli from the environment."
"The brain is changing the wiring in time; it's not a static thing."
"Brain plasticity... we used to think that brain plasticity stopped entirely after a certain age; however, we now know that it is still possible to grow new neural connections and even birth new brain cells late into older age."
"But the fact that we can see three months of experience change the structure of your brain, it's kind of remarkable in they way that we can measure and scientifically scrutinize."
"So one could argue that the psychedelic experience would actually be advantageous to have when your brain is more plastic."
"The brain is incredibly plastic. Even at the age of 40, 50, you can change your career, you can learn new skills."
"We've proven that you can change your brain to look like the event has already occurred."
"The brain is far more malleable than we think it is."
"With repeated and directed attention towards your desired change, you can rewire your brain."
"New thoughts and new actions soon become the new familiar, and your brain changes with you."
"The first seven years are when our minds are in a more malleable state."
"The young brain is just so plastic right you know the highest speed the constant mental flexibility and rain or you know he lives and breathes this game he trains hard and he's showing what that dedication can bring."
"Brains are amazing things and are a lot more plastic than we give them credit for."
"We can physically change our brain by using our mind."
"Amphetamines cause plasticity generally, and you can never stop addiction without increasing plasticity."
"The brain changes its physical configuration in response to the tasks you give it and the stimuli you expose it to."
"Rehearsing who you want to be creates new circuits in the brain, a map to the future."
"Literally, what you do with a practice creating a certain state of your mind like focusing on something changes the structure."
"Through very patient rehab, we can actually rewire the brain."
"And this suggests that the brain is actually tremendously flexible and shaped in very profound ways by context and experience."
"When you learn that information and you really study it, you are going to begin to see the world differently because your brain is changing."
"The brain is very plastic; it can start to myelinate again."
"The brain is more susceptible to being reorganized by sensory information."
"At any moment, we can not only increase our brain mass, thicken our prefrontal cortex, thicken our gray matter, create new neuropathways. We can get smarter at any moment."
"Recovery is possible, rewiring the brain is possible."
"Our brain can rewire itself in response to new learning or in response to damage."
"The harder you try, the more motivated, the more alert, the potential outcome, the bigger the brain change."
"It's amazing how much your brain can change when you decide to live more simply."
"Learning can change a change. It can change the structure of the brain."
"Even if you don't pass the exam, it doesn't really matter because when you learn for an exam, you actually change your brain in a positive way."
"The brain is extremely plastic. The environment, like training functions or negative events, can change a brain."
"Our brains are incredibly plastic, they're malleable, they change if you learn how to do something new, anything, anything."
"I want to have the best brain plasticity of like any human."
"All learning alters the brain, whether it's automatic or not."
"We learn all across a lifetime. But from the end of the critical period to the end of life, the brain controls its self-development, its plasticity."
"The brain of the adolescent is much more plastic than the brain of an adult."
"...so, if you're an adult and your brain is built a certain way, then the foundational functions of the brain, they can only change so fast..."
"Your brain can change with practice. Mindfulness meditation has been shown to produce minute structural changes in brain areas related to attention, self-awareness, and compassion."
"Repeated patterns of neural activity leave lasting traces behind, like water coming down a hillside. That means fundamentally as a takeaway, you have the power inside yourself every minute of everyday to use your mind, to change your brain, to change your mind for the better."
"Learning is not a mental process but a physical one, a process whereby you literally and physically grow new brain connections."
"If you stay in this red area, that is the area that makes your brain change for the better."
"Now you're taking neurons from the damaged side of the brain and reallocating those resources over to the uninjured side of the brain."
"Neuroplasticity: Your brain is always changing and growing."
"BDNF, often referred to as the fertilizer for the brain, promotes the growth of new connections between brain cells, enhancing our brain's plasticity and facilitating learning, problem-solving, and creativity."
"Learning is highly linked to neuroplasticity, the nervous system's potential for change."
"Brain plasticity isn't just for people that have big problems. Brain plasticity is actually for everyone."
"Continual practice of gradually increasing difficulty is necessary to drive positive plastic changes in the brain."
"The point that I'm making here is that those parents approached me in the early days of my research where I was trying to understand hey there's more we can drive our mind we can change our brain there's hope here it's not a fixed thing there's damage but there's hope."
"Psychedelics reopen these critical periods of plasticity or just generally open windows of plasticity."
"The capacity of the brain to change itself as a function of how we engage it is a tremendous gift."
"Neuroplasticity has been the most exciting advance in Neuroscience in the last few decades."
"If you describe something in enough specific detail, your brain starts to develop synapses as if it's actually happening."
"It's both a therapy for the here and now but also very much a rewiring of the brain."
"There's a tremendous amount of latent plasticity in the human brain."
"Belief changes the physical structure in the brain, and if you believe in an outcome, you're more likely to be successful."
"We can change how our brain actually reacts in response to trauma."
"Brain plasticity is the basis of the brain's creation of the model of your world."
"I've committed my adult professional life to trying to understand how the brain works, how it can change."
"It took about 63 to 65 repetitions to put a new habit in the brain."
"It's good for our brains to try and be plastic and learn things."
"...the brain is constantly changing and reconfiguring..."
"Everything that I'm worried about not being able to achieve in my life comes down to brain plasticity."
"I've made tremendous progress in rewiring my brain response pattern."
"The brain has an incredible ability to rewire itself."
"Your brain was created with the capacity to learn, to change, to make new connections, form new patterns for your entire life."
"...if these things make them more engaged, my question is the relationship between engagement and information retention and brain plasticity..."
"Trauma is an adaptation, which means that if your brain adapted once, it can adapt again."
"I think that has an effect of rewiring your brain to be always looking for this easier path into distraction in the moment."
"We know that the human brain is highly plastic; neurons and synapses change as circumstances change."
"How can we flip the story around? How can we build technology or leverage existing technologies to maximally harness our brain's plasticity to enhance our cognition, to refine our behavior, ultimately to elevate our minds?"
"Apparently it takes 21 days to break a habit, to rewire your brain."