
Testosterone Quotes

There are 245 quotes

"Testosterone doesn't cause aggression. It lowers the threshold for the sort of things that would normally provoke you into being aggressive so that it happens more easily."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The Challenge Hypothesis of Testosterone in Action: Testosterone is what you secrete when your status is being challenged."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Increases in testosterone in females are also going to lead to increase in reproductive behavior or seeking out reproductive behavior, they increase libido."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"High-intensity interval training, sprinting et cetera, which somewhat mimics the neural activity that occurs while moving heavy weight loads, is going to increase testosterone."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Emotional tears... when you sniff them, you have a pronounced reduction in testosterone within about 20 minutes."
"Your balls produce testosterone, they also produce progesterone, and they also aromatize the testosterone."
"I had a lot of testosterone raging through me, like any... No, anyway."
"No form of exercise reliably raises testosterone in men like resistance training... it's hard to lose muscle in a high testosterone environment."
"Testosterone is playing a modulatory role. What testosterone does is sensitize you towards stimuli that are evocative of sexual arousal."
"Regular exercise can help boost testosterone levels, strength training in particular can be especially effective."
"The most hyped-up compound, Fadogia agrestis, seems to have the biggest needle-moving potential when it comes to total testosterone increases."
"Testosterone is also understood to contribute to the likelihood of future success, and sure enough, in humans, we see studies showing increased energy levels, as well as enhanced memory, learning, and cognitive ability."
"Instead of just kicking it off with a bunch of studies that link improved testosterone levels in men with everything from increasing muscle mass, improving their mood and motivation, and even in some studies earning more money, none of this will actually help you if we don't also discuss how you might personally be able to increase your testosterone levels and actually see these positive changes for yourself."
"So rather than acting like an on-off switch, think of the variation in levels like a slider with small adjustments constantly working to fine tune testosterone levels and keep reproductive drive highest in individuals whose brains see indicators of high performance."
"Healthy fats do significantly impact your testosterone levels."
"Exercise, specifically resistance exercise, has been shown to boost testosterone."
"Testosterone in males plays a number of important roles including the development of the penis and testes, the deepening of the voice during puberty, muscle size and strength, bone growth and strength, sex drive, and sperm production."
"Testosterone enhances dominant behaviors in men, which... can also translate to general leadership skills, including benevolent stewardship of the people around you."
"The major effect of testosterone is to make effort feel good."
"Better sleep can help increase and boost testosterone."
"We're talking about how to naturally boost testosterone."
"Testosterone is really great for self-esteem and mental health."
"The simple act of holding power is a testosterone trigger."
"Last thing I'm going to say is that testosterone will not cure your depression."
"So how do I approach this? Do I want to take testosterone directly?"
"You might need more testosterone than the next guy to achieve the same functions."
"Correcting micronutrient deficiencies is one of the simplest and most affordable ways to trigger healthy levels of natural testosterone production in your body."
"When you have more testosterone, you'll experience an overall greater sense of well-being and energy."
"Zinc doubled serum testosterone levels in men."
"Vitamin D deficiency is linked to low testosterone."
"Optimize testosterone levels for a healthier, longer life."
"Erectile dysfunction, that's low testosterone, that is a deficiency of zinc."
"Studies have indicated that ring to index finger is a good indicator of testosterone exposure."
"More testosterone means more DHT stimulating your facial hair growth..."
"Testosterone is so valuable for so many things... it is not just for erect, it is not just for libido."
"Testosterone is not only key to men's physical health, but also your mental health."
"Trans male on testosterone just won a girl's state wrestling championship."
"Testosterone is awesome if you need it. It's great for sex, mood, energy, focus, motivation, and definitely body composition changes."
"These artificial estrogen chemicals lower your total testosterone, they lower your free testosterone, and then they block the binding to receptors."
"Working out consistently will absolutely raise your natural testosterone levels."
"Zinc is essential for proper testosterone function."
"Testosterone will help heal your liver, so it'll help unclog it."
"What testosterone actually does, listen to the ads." - Mark Rippetoe
"Testosterone levels have precipitously declined across the globe." - Jay Campbell
"Higher testosterone levels are linked to virility, muscle mass, reduced risk of diabetes, reduced risk of cognitive decline, and overall longevity."
"Increasing testosterone levels naturally has no downsides."
"This is one of the best poses for boosting testosterone."
"Low testosterone is not just about libido or sexual performance."
"Frequent eating will lower the amount of testosterone; fasting is very beneficial."
"I've never seen testosterone go down on a carnivore diet."
"Pomegranates increased salivary testosterone levels by 24%... while also dropping blood pressure."
"Blue cheese contains friendly bacteria and enzymes associated with an increase in testosterone production."
"Grass-fed butter contains vitamins linked to healthy testosterone levels."
"Coconut oil has been shown to increase testosterone production... boost metabolic rate."
"Onions have anti-inflammatory phytochemicals... increased testosterone levels in rodent studies."
"If you have low energy, low sex drive, don't sleep well, if your mood swings are all over the place, there's a high likelihood that it has something to do with your testosterone levels."
"Testosterone is so critical. We think of it as important for muscle growth, for sex drive, for mood and anxiety."
"Low testosterone is a clue for other problems, it's a clue that you have poor metabolic health."
"Is it normal to, you know, be 70 and have a low level of testosterone? Well, it's common, but that doesn't mean it's normal."
"Testosterone is not just there for big muscles and male sexuality."
"When a man is experiencing stress, his testosterone will start going down."
"If a man fasts for 24 hours, it increases his testosterone by 2,000%."
"Being successful is a big part of it, but I know a lot of successful men who have very low testosterone."
"Your testosterone levels are quite manipulatable through lifestyle and we can see this in studies with men."
"Men's testosterone levels have been going down since the 50s and 60s that's crazy."
"Testosterone is so potent, it makes muscle gains even when doing nothing."
"That got the testosterone moving, I need to go eat a steak now."
"Men who follow a vegan diet produce higher testosterone levels."
"...if you check a testosterone level in a man in your clinic in the afternoons when he happens to walk in you'll often get a low number but it's really not diagnostic."
"You produce most of your testosterone and growth hormone when you sleep."
"The single greatest reported increase of testosterone ever is semen retention while having sex."
"I have never met a woman who's taken testosterone who didn't say, 'Oh my God, this was the best thing ever.'"
"Women and testosterone, not really talked about that often. Not really considered a big deal."
"Predator is by far the manliest, most testosterone-fueled movie ever created."
"Through relating with her while she was seeing me as a successful husband all right so she's seeing me as a successful husband so my testosterone is high."
"Ultimately what builds testosterone is when my choices my decisions my behaviors contribute to others and I did it so that's a sense of independence."
"If you're a man and you can't look straight down and see your business, you've got low testosterone."
"I think my testosterone levels are gonna be higher at the end of this movie than now."
"Testosterone is all about faster reaction time. It's all about solving problems. So if there's stress, a man's testosterone goes up and it makes him want to solve the problem."
"Eventually exogenous testosterone is going to be regulated or made illegal because men in their 40s and 50s having testosterone levels like when they were 19 is going to become a threat."
"Low testosterone saps your energy completely, tanks your libido, makes you lose your sleep, you cannot really focus on the work at hand, and your muscle mass decreases."
"Seamos is very rich in zinc and zinc builds testosterone."
"If you want to lower your testosterone and raise your estrogen, then drink lots of beer."
"Sleep is absolutely crucial for healthy testosterone. More sleep equals more testosterone."
"And if you wanna get going on my first workout for increasing testosterone, then check out this one right here. Click it. Give it a watch. Enjoy."
"Testosterone and erectile dysfunction are tied to lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, sleep, and stress."
"This video is in no way shape or form meant as like a deterrent. I'm not trying to get anyone to not start testosterone. This isn't a list of things that are absolutely horrible about testosterone. It's nothing like that."
"Testosterone doesn't make you into somebody or something that you're not. It doesn't change your personality."
"Men who are sleeping just 5 to 6 hours a night will have a level of testosterone which is that of someone 10 years their senior."
"What I really do want to work on is my stomach but I know I'm not gonna get those goals until I'm on testosterone."
"Guys love it because it increases strength and muscle mass dramatically. Sometimes there's an increase in libido, increase in testosterone in males."
"HCG is used to stimulate natural testosterone production to stimulate testes to increase their natural production."
"Testosterone: involved in spatial cognition, verbal learning, and memory."
"Testosterone: beneficial in Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and dementia."
"Testosterone: a vasodilator, strengthens cardiac muscle, inhibits plaque development."
"Everyone wants to think that testosterone just has to do with sex sex this sex fat but it's so much more your testosterone can affect your mood it can affect your focus muscle mass energy so it's important to figure out if you're suffering from low t."
"Vericocele repair can lead to a 90-point increase in testosterone."
"Losing 10% of body weight can lead to an 85-point increase in testosterone."
"If you don't know how to burn off your testosterone, it manifests itself in weird ways."
"The difference in their testosterone is remarkable."
"Adding therapeutic testosterone has benefits but you have to manage it properly."
"Alcohol stimulates appetite and decreases testosterone levels."
"Testosterone is important for women too."
"You're healthier when you're 18 or 23 when you're full of testosterone. So, we've got to keep our testosterone levels healthy as men as we age."
"Poor sleep, especially a big shift, can lead to significant drops in testosterone."
"That increased testosterone level increases the activity rates or the interest in breeding."
"The single most important factor for increasing testosterone naturally is actually sleep."
"...the old idea that higher testosterone contributes to the development of prostate cancer is not supported by the current evidence."
"It's a Sonic blast of testosterone from the Giraffe Records Planet."
"Focus on your testosterone to keep it high."
"Pomegranate juice linked to increased testosterone levels."
"Fixing your sleep could raise your testosterone by 50, 60%."
"Keto raises your testosterone for both men and women in a good way."
"...listen if you're going to be living your whole life lowering your gaze not looking at woman you'll notice that your body is going to produce more testosterone because now your body is like holy crap I need a wife so it's gonna do all that it can to go and get you a wife..."
"Vitamin D is extremely important for testosterone levels."
"Creatine monohydrate increases dihydrotestosterone which is a molecule related to testosterone."
"Chronic stress is very bad for testosterone."
"If you face the stressful stimulus directly and advance towards it that's going to be really good for your testosterone."
"Abstain from ejaculation for seven days causes a temporary 45 increase in testosterone."
"He has more testosterone, therefore he doesn't tire out having sex."
"Wherever more testosterone is needed, I hand that off."
"Testosterone of course is a hormone that helps with Drive confidence muscle mass fat loss cognitive performance and function."
"Men with higher testosterone levels tend to have shorter refractory periods."
"Testosterone: what a great subject."
"You stick with me on this video, you're going to learn a ton, you're going to get specific action items that you can implement into your routine to have higher testosterone levels naturally."
"If we're letting stress run rampant in our lives, our testosterone levels are always going to suffer."
"Strength training increases testosterone."
"Zinc is a mineral that helps our bodies actually increase testosterone production."
"We actually formulated a natural testosterone booster."
"If you're eating fatty meat until it stops tasting good and you're lifting weights, you're going to improve your testosterone greatly."
"Vitamin D can raise testosterone levels in men and helps with immune function."
"If you keep the dose moderate, I would say that testosterone is reasonably safe."
"The hardworking, the blue-collar, the intelligent, the masculine men out there do very well with a total testosterone level managing all of their blood work parameters, staying very healthy for very long periods of time."
"Scientific evidence shows that 600 milligram testosterone enanthate per week up to 20 weeks is reasonably tolerable, reasonably benign, good blood work parameters."
"The testes affect so many parts of the body, from your vocal chords to the length of your limbs."
"Testosterone, which released into the blood in huge amounts at puberty, effectively turns boys into men."
"Nothing beats the feeling of having normal levels of testosterone or even optimal levels of testosterone."
"People who exercise regularly have higher testosterone levels than people that don't."
"Lifting weights is by far one of the best natural testosterone boosters that there is."
"Just one week of not getting enough sleep can significantly reduce testosterone levels."
"Most experts will promote high-fat diets as a cure to low testosterone levels."
"The average man 40 years ago had healthy levels of testosterone... it's dropped 40% since the 80s."
"What's testosterone made of? Cholesterol."
"Boron helps increase free testosterone and it's anti-estrogenic."
"Intermittent fasting has been shown to increase testosterone by as much as 50%."
"Cholesterol is essentially one of the primary building blocks of testosterone in the body."
"Honey is able to do this... for its immediate effects on exercise performance as well as its testosterone regulatory properties."
"Testosterone is extremely important not only in sexual function but also in general health, bone health, vascular health, prevention of diabetes, muscular health, and mental well-being."
"Ashwagandha leads to statistically and arguably clinically significant increases in testosterone."
"If you want to take an herbal ingredient for testosterone, ashwagandha is the one I would direct people toward."
"If all things are equal, let's say you have two twins, one guy's got low testosterone, the other guy's got high testosterone, all within the natural range, you're gonna build more muscle, you're gonna be leaner, you're gonna be stronger, more motivated."
"The single most impactful thing that you can do to naturally increase testosterone levels is to lift weights."
"Sleep plays a huge role in how your body produces testosterone."
"The number one thing that lowers testosterone is stress."
"Testosterone is really going to be highest in the morning."
"Reducing stress levels may actually boost your testosterone potentially naturally."
"Exercises that involve larger numbers of larger muscle groups like squats and deadlifts are the best not only for burning fat but also for building muscle mass and increasing your testosterone levels."
"Each day gets better now, as more bucks begin to feel the impending rut; the rising testosterone makes them restless."
"Testosterone levels are at an all-time low, so we gotta fix that, family."
"As a guy that's not getting any younger, this is something that I pay attention to, okay? I want to make sure that my testosterone levels are where they need to be."
"Men from even 25 or 35 years ago on average had testosterone levels that were 22% higher than what we're seeing on average today."
"He's an apex alpha male teeming with testosterone."
"It's important that we do everything to naturally increase our testosterone levels."
"Don't stress out too much, make sure that you get plenty of sleep and eat a good well-rounded diet, and you are already maximizing your testosterone levels."
"Once you kick that increased T levels naturally, you're going to lose that belly fat, you're going to lose that weight, you're going to build muscle, you're going to have more confidence."
"Supplementing with vitamin D over the course of a year has the ability to actually raise testosterone as well."
"This might be interesting, especially the natural testosterone topic."
"Strength training raises testosterone, it balances hormones."
"Ashwagandha... can actually increase testosterone in healthy active males, which is extremely rare."
"It's one of the most pure testosterone-filled films of all time."
"Men who take testosterone supervised by doctors found no increase in heart attack risk, stroke risk, or rates of prostate cancer."
"By 700 BC, the ancient Greeks were already aware that heightened testosterone would increase performance."
"For you guys as men over 40, we have to focus on naturally increasing our testosterone."
"There's well-established research demonstrating the impact of testosterone on female development."
"The biggest testosterone boost that you can get is those kind of boring things of like sleep and diet."
"People that have low levels of Testosterone have increased risk of Heart Disease."
"Testosterone protects the brain, we know that people that have low testosterone have an increased risk of Strokes and Cerebrovascular accidents."
"We diagnose it pretty often, which is interesting because we'll see guys coming in with all the signs of having low T."
"They healed all of these ulcers with the use of testosterone."
"Having too low of testosterone is just as bad as having too high of testosterone."
"Taking testosterone wasn't linked, at least in the short and midterm time ranges, to an increase in cardiovascular disease, which is huge for TRT."
"The testicles... produce testosterone."
"25 minutes of full body sun exposure during the middle part of the day significantly increases testosterone levels in men."
"Testosterone and most of the other anabolic energetic steroids improve mitochondrial functioning."
"Testosterone helps with recovery, muscle growth, sex drive, metabolism, and burning off body fat."
"Testosterone is also very important in increasing muscle mass, gaining muscle mass."
"Remember, your body needs testosterone to have a proper libido."
"Having very low testosterone levels is not good for your health."
"By giving them vitamin D, they did increase their testosterone."
"It's good for your testosterone; it's good for everything."
"Testosterone... it accelerates healing, it lowers inflammation."
"I would not say that serum testosterone levels are declining, but obesity levels and overall body weight levels are certainly going up."
"Just because cholesterol is a precursor doesn't mean consumption of cholesterol increases testosterone."
"Your testosterone levels are the most important component of muscle building."
"To understand the incredibly powerful effect of inhibiting testosterone signaling in humans, we have to study eunuchs."
"The highest recorded total testosterone concentration of a single bull shark was 35,800 nanograms per deciliter."
"During must, an Asian elephant has a mean total testosterone concentration of 2,610 nanograms per deciliter."
"Testosterone levels can be seen as a proxy for health."
"Testosterone can be one of the key players in your energy, your libido, your general sense of well-being."
"Protein helps with everything; your body cannot make testosterone without the enzymes."