
Fertilization Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"There's a name for that when it occurs and both are fertilized. It's called fraternal twins."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Fertilizing plants is like house plant care 3.0 not because it's challenging to do but because it's easy to forget to do or sometimes we actually don't know where to start."
"Explosion was once a cow patty fertilizing a very small area."
"So as soon as I started to see the new growth within one to two weeks within February, I started to lightly fertilize my plants."
"They actually fix nitrogen and phosphate."
"The only thing that got fertilizer more than once were the dahlias."
"I've actually been feeding them with a tomato food, it's high in potassium."
"Now that I have enough soil in here we're going to fertilize which is amazing major theme of this time of year."
"Human life begins at fertilization."
"Plants in containers need to be fertilized more often than those in the ground."
"...the secret that I think to growing peppers is to give them a higher phosphorus feed that are typically sold as bloom booster style fertilizers."
"Black Gold includes humic acid and fulvic acids along with all of the trace elements that the owner of lawn brigh gave. I mean he gave me a PDF referencing all of the material that's in this that's not actually on the label."
"The only logically and morally and theologically consistent place to say that a human becomes a person is when a human becomes a human, which is the point of fertilization."
"Ducks help control snails and other pests, and their waste acts as a natural fertilizer for the land."
"Manure isn't just a feed; it's a soil conditioner that builds up fertility."
"Corn requires absolutely ridiculously enormous amounts of nitrogen."
"Adding the nutrients that plants need in highly soluble forms... is another very effective way of shutting down the expression of this process."
"The best fertilizer is the fertilizer that the plant needs."
"It's more important that you fertilize than what type of fertilizer you use."
"It's nice to know that I don't have to worry about that and I can just add my fertilizer."
"I fertilize my plants on a consistent regimen... It's the key to growing very fast, very full plants."
"Personally, I'm just going to take that rich black earth and use it as a fertilizer, as a side dressing in the garden, and make my tomatoes grow up big and beautiful. That's what I'm planning on doing with it."
"...Miracle Grow bloom booster is the secret to really getting great fig production."
"The fertilizer of Hellebores needs to be complete, so it needs to have the N and the P and the K."
"Once an egg has been fertilized, this cell is called a zygote and is the very first cell in the creation of a human life."
"Development begins with the fusion of two individual cells, an egg and a sperm, that come together at fertilization."
"For the first one or two fertilizations of the year, you actually want to give your trees a high nitrogen fertilizer."
"One thing to note about these fungi is that because they are dependent on the plant accepting them to form the relationship, if the plant is heavily fertilized, it doesn't need the fungus."
"Derived from feather meal, alfalfa meal, fish bone meal, kelp meal, cottonseed meal, potassium sulfate."
"The fall is my favorite time to fertilize them because that gets them really nice a lot of energy to go through the winter."
"At fertilization, you have a unique combination of information different to any other human being on Earth."
"When we give fertilizer to a plant, we always recommend you to mix up your fertilizer with water."
"If you're fertilizing it, just remember to do that in the growing season."
"Feeding randomly in different areas in your pastures so that fertilizer builds up and they spread it around."
"Avoid those drafts, give them lots of light, heavy feeders, keep them fertilized, nothing too complicated."
"I will be fertilizing again, but I will need to be fertilizing with a low or no nitrogen fertilizer from this point forward."
"They respond really well to fertilization."
"Development of the embryo begins at fertilization, the process by which the male gamete sperm and the female gamete theocyte unite to give rise to the zygote."
"Most potting mixes have some fertilizer built into them."
"Farmers are shooting for higher yield goals every year; they're putting on more nitrogen and other fertilizers."
"They all deliver nutrients and organic substances which act as powerful fertilizers."
"Calatheas definitely do benefit from a little bit of fertilizer."
"Fertilization... results in the female and male sex cells joining to form a zygote."
"The main advantage is undoubtedly the fine shredding of fertilizing material."
"Bio Bloom is always used either with Fish Mix or with Bio Grow together."
"Random fertilization of gametes further increases genetic variation within a species."
"Using rice water in your garden is a natural and eco-friendly way to provide some nutrients to your plants."
"Leca has taught me a lot; it got me comfortable with fertilizing."
"I do think that the plant grows when you fertilize it."
"Soil pH is that free hydrogen in the soil that's a lot of times going to come from our fertilizer applications."
"Fertilization is the fusion of a male and a female sex cells or gametes to form a zygote."
"Dilute that 100 parts of water to one part of the leachate and it makes a great fertilizer for plants."
"We are all formed from a single cell zygote, a single diploid cell zygote, and zygote is formed by the process of fertilization by the fusion of sperm and ovum."
"Anything organic that is going to rot, decompose, and eventually release nutrients into the soil can be called an organic fertilizer."
"The female climax actually helps to promote fertilization by helping to increase uterine and fallopian tube motility."
"NH3 is actually 82% nitrogen, it's a highly concentrated nitrogen source."
"The burnt grass acts as a fertilizer for the new grass."
"Fish plus kelp plus molasses or sugar - the combination of these three in fertilizers has been proven many times to offer your plants significant benefits."
"When a sperm unites with an egg, that's called fertilization, resulting in the formation of a zygote, which has the potential to grow into a whole new person."
"The dung beetle is responsible to fertilize the soil for the vegetation to grow."
"It's hugely fertilizing, hugely important to the ecosystem."
"When you apply this phosphorus, it may take weeks or months for that phosphorus to move even a few inches in the soil."
"There's nothing that greens faster than ammonium nitrate."
"To me, the best way of describing a biostimulant is to move it away from calling it a fertilizer."
"You'll double the amount of bales that you get off of a grass field if you fertilize it."
"If you're gonna play the game like you mean it, manure goes down as a stage of fertilization first before you plant."
"We're going to pull this through here, it's going to mix that fertilizer in and bury it."
"Compost is the original way that nature fertilizes the trees, shrubs, the fruits and the vegetables."
"The mission today is to allow my chickens to eat up all the old weeds and seeds and nastiness in the garden and poop out some good butt fertilizer for us."
"Now on a lighter note, here is the Floram St. Augustine grass... it's looking beautiful, this got the double dark 8 days ago."