
Social Behavior Quotes

There are 2155 quotes

"People have adaptations to want to hold on to their mates."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You never know what someone is going through, so be kind, be kind, be kind."
"Talking during a movie? Oh my gosh, I'd rather you do this. I love talking during movies."
"Treat others how you would want to be treated."
"Kindness is real, and politeness is a kind of mask sometimes."
"Human beings are the most social creature on this planet."
"I prefer when they get together afterwards and groom each other."
"Calhoun called this a behavioral sink, and here's what he concluded, 'For an animal so simple as a mouse, the most complex behaviors involve the interrelated set of courtship, maternal care, territorial defense, and hierarchical intergroup and intra-group social organization.'"
"Don't be nasty and write people off all the time because some people need to be written off; it's a hard issue, but a lot of people, it's a head issue."
"We continuously have to learn and relearn how to be better to ourselves and to others."
"I'm the most outgoing introvert you'll ever meet."
"Cancel culture is a way of saying 'I'm canceling you as a human being', but I think we should be canceling that language and those actions, not canceling people."
"Everyone is looking for love, and they're desperate to find it. We must show them love, we must introduce them to love."
"Fairness is an inherent attribute of social species that makes them sort of recoil in offense when they're treated unfairly."
"We share... the tendencies that allow us to be social."
"Why would we seek the relief of suffering without objective morality? Because we are a social animal, we have evolved a morality that includes empathy."
"Let's make minding our business a thing in 2024."
"Learning the subtle little dynamics of power is extremely essential because we're a social animal."
"She needs to constantly gain more power, more admiration, and surround herself with people that will affirm she's worth trusting because she doesn't actually believe this about herself."
"That instinct to admire and experience awe facilitates that mimicry."
"We as old world primates, much like other primates, are very dependent on faces and facial expressions in terms of registering our own place in life and our emotional state."
"Showing respect to others is a way to earn respect yourself."
"This requires a sociological study; it requires a study as to how people, when the right appeal is made, they are willing to stand by what is good by the government."
"It to me it just looks like people just want to hate on people really. I don't really get it."
"Other Neanderthal remains indicate that Neanderthals cared for each other until their last days."
"Let's start positively reinforcing adaptive social behavior."
"Guinea pigs are social animals; they need interaction with members of their own species."
"If you're really alert in your local environment, you can see people around you playing with the edge of additional generosity."
"What we're doing is really hurtful to us. People become more angry. They attach to the anger. People feel more beleaguered."
"Please don't be indifferent, that's the worst."
"Life is better when you're not a [__] to people."
"Fear of rejection is built into our DNA as a social species. Acceptance, validation, and belonging are so important to us."
"People were more willing to hurt a man than a woman."
"Men need to play an important role as women in eliminating bias, promoting equality, and demonstrating positive social and cultural behavior."
"Zebras are probably aware of how fabulous they are because they take time to groom one another."
"Yelling angrily at their own poop in a public bathroom is a pretty great warning sign to stay away."
"I think sometimes we get way too tribal. It's like, 'Well, I'm this, so f*** you.' It's like, you know what, this isn't a playground. You're not five years old."
"Ruler of every single monarchy has been sledding around with a harem, every single one of them."
"The problem with virtue signaling is at some point, the appearance of virtue becomes more important than being virtuous."
"They have a sense of entitlement or superiority and require excessive admiration and attention from others to regulate a fluctuating sense of self-worth."
"The most sincerest form of flattery is replication and copying someone."
"Everything we all do is wanting to feel connected, right? Whether we're crying or whether we're laughing or whether we're reaching out for help or we're reaching out to help, like all of it almost seems to be a cry for connection."
"Attraction is not an entitlement; we don't have a right to scold people for not finding us attractive."
"People are nicer in person than they are online."
"There are four key Darwinian modules: survival, reproduction, kin selection, and reciprocal altruism."
"You don't have to be a Tommy Lehren fan to understand that this is awful behavior."
"I hate looking stupid. I think we all hate looking stupid."
"You guys always talking about you want more women, and then you leave when the women come."
"Men will automatically change their behavior and the way they talk to be more courteous, more polite when there's a woman around."
"Be nice and kind to everybody because you don't know what people are going through right now."
"They were more likely to donate money to charity and they place more emphasis on cooperation."
"We're social animals... there's no section in the bookstore called 'Help Others,' yet at the end of the day by ourselves, we're not that good."
"Public shaming is an important part of managing social behavior."
"One of the ways that we can do that is through public shaming."
"If they gather to speak behind others' backs, it is better to remain silent."
"I should stress that if we are to beat the virus, then everyone, at all times, should limit social contact as much as possible and minimize interactions with other households."
"Laughing at someone when they're not funny is like positive reinforcement that they don't deserve."
"They don't want to put negativity out into the world...they just want to be good people and want good for others, which I think is commendable."
"Ego builds walls. It isolates us from other people. It isolates us from nature."
"Compassion involves thinking about others as well as ourselves, not instead of."
"As human beings, our ability to see each other face to face is really important. It's a basic aspect of human existence."
"People who are truly the targets of misfortune or suffering... aren't the people who tend to be narcissists or psychopaths."
"We're in a war situation here; it's time to stop enjoying yourself outside for a period of time."
"Don't bring people down just because you don't agree with what they're doing to themselves."
"It's always nice to be nice to people because you get it back in ten folds."
"Generous people are attractive; selfish people aren't."
"We all are biologically hardwired to connect and to feel close to people."
"Emotional crying stimulates empathy and pro-social behavior in observers."
"If you throw a hissy fit like this in a store over something that really doesn't matter in the end, I want you to know, you aren't a martyr, you aren't some warrior that others will sing praises of, you are a child."
"We’re much more likely to laugh in a group than we are alone, and we tend to laugh more easily around friends and family."
"Human beings are social creatures and we suffer if we're not connected to society."
"Never underestimate people. The most honorable from amongst you in the eyes of Allah are those who are the most conscious of Allah."
"It's remarkable how easy it is to spread anger and negativity and how hard it is to stop it or spread positivity."
"Treat people the same under law, and you will get similar behavior from people under law."
"You have to engage because what we have is people just sitting in their echo chambers and just spin."
"You teach people how to treat you, and that same thing applies in dating."
"As soon as there's a disaster, people go for the toilet paper."
"Women will say really nice things to a girl to her face and then talk mad stuff about her behind her back."
"Giving people false hope is one of the worst manipulation-based offenses someone can commit."
"Most narcissists...try to defy age...by getting plastic surgery or swapping their spouse for somebody younger just so that they can reverse the effects of aging within their mind."
"Please remember to be kind to everybody, everywhere in your everyday life: in your home, in the grocery store, and especially in the comments section down below. Please do not show hate to anybody."
"I do sometimes have a few too many, which causes me to do stuff like dance on the tables or karaoke."
"Flex culture is everywhere... from the innocent to the more narcissistic types of flexing."
"When women are given the same opportunities, there is no statistic difference in behaviors such as adultery, suggesting it's all opportunity related, not power structure, biology, or psychology related."
"Female bullying can be unbelievably vicious and usually takes the shape of reputation destruction, innuendo, and gossip."
"I just want people to be nicer to each other."
"Show the world what love should be and how to treat others."
"Even if it's like fake-nice, you don't know if it's fake-nice, it doesn't really matter. Being fake-nice is still better than being a fucking dick."
"If more people accepted that it's okay to dislike a game and move on rather than doubling down on harassment, things would be more open."
"The gap between opinions and deeds has been separated so much... all that we see of people for the most part are opinions."
"Wearing a mask is about courtesy. If you're within a certain distance of human beings, what we do directly impacts others."
"I don't think anyone deserves that level of cruelty or hate."
"One step to improve your sense of happiness is to go first. People are happier when they are generous and when they feel that the society they're in is a generous society."
"It's your responsibility to de-escalate, regardless of your ego or how you look in front of others."
"I believe in reformative justice... for example, I don't have there's no such thing as a permanent ban in my chat."
"Lions are the most social of the big cats and they can be in prides of as many as forty lions, although prides of that size are pretty rare."
"Lions are the most social of the big cats and there can be as many as 40 lions in a pride."
"Be kind to others, accept people where they are and who they are."
"We are not a rational species; we are an emotional and social species obsessed with patterns and identity."
"One of the fundamental things you do as a human being is pair up."
"It's still crazy... why do people sit there and watch someone else play a game when they could play the game themselves?"
"I have been really careful not to say things which are gratuitously offensive."
"We're fundamentally social beings as humans, right? I'm pretty introverted. I love spending time on my own like today... but actually, overall, being social and making those connections with people is really magical."
"You never mock someone who's having a health problem... anyone who did that should be ashamed."
"We're motivated agents, we have inner desires and expectations that inform our social behavior."
"Don't tease or make fun of others. Not even your very best friend."
"Collective fear stimulates herd instinct and tends to produce ferocity towards those who are not regarded as members of the herd."
"We're animals; we're apes, and everything we do can be understood as social apes jockeying for status."
"Respect can be defined as a sense of worth. It needs to show regard or consideration for."
"In reality, a credit score enforces a social behavior. You must behave in a certain way financially, or you are locked out of opportunity."
"People are sheep; they'd rather be in a herd than take their own chances."
"What sexual economics theory does is it takes the private activity of sex and treats it as something that occurs in a marketplace."
"The history of manners shows an ongoing search for the best way to be kind."
"It feels really nice to be polite and helpful."
"What woman in her right mind with any ounce of self-esteem would see the way these men are responding to these women and say, 'Okay fellas, you know what, you're right'?"
"Shame motivates normal people to conduct themselves socially and realistically; shame pushes the disordered patient in the exact opposite direction."
"Dieting doesn't necessarily make you lose weight...if it does last, you're really just not a fun person to be around."
"Thank you to the people who have rational thinking, who use their brains, who fact check before jumping on a bandwagon of hate."
"Most people can see that it's nonsense and yet they'll still try to die on this hill."
"The people that obsess the most about height are usually insecure dudes online."
"It's about to get spooky out here 'cause everybody about to start saying whatever the hell is on their mind."
"Nerds are passionate about a lot of things, but there's something they love above all else, and that is correcting people."
"So we need to learn to be more civil to each other."
"I love the memes. There was one post where someone said every man on the planet has a solution to how to get the ship unstuck."
"All species put things into boxes. Sometimes we act a certain way to fit people's expectations."
"When you realize you've gone the wrong way in public, look at phone, act surprised, turn around."
"Be nice to each other, because why wouldn't you be?"
"Everyone can just be nicer to one another, right?"
"A real human life is jumbled and incoherent, and in turn, people are complex and often contradictory in their behaviors."
"Isolation and withdrawal... isolating from other people because you cannot tolerate their input... can be very lonely."
"Most people want to make sure that they're keeping each type as its own specific type and not crossing."
"One thing people do: they judge others wherever you go. They gossip, they criticize, they gang up, they get angry."
"It's really interesting to me that for every single speaker that you've seen today, including me, as soon as we walked out on stage without anyone ever explicitly telling you to, you started applauding."
"Nice guy syndrome is rooted in so much misogyny that it is far more common in men."
"Now more than ever is the time to try and be helpful to other people and be friendly and courteous."
"You want to feel safe because you feel safer in the herd. We are a social creature; humans are social animals."
"I need you to remember how it all began. I need you to remember how we all behaved back when it all began. March 2020."
"There is nothing less cool than insincerity."
"Sometimes the way to be cool is to not try to be cool."
"You're in a bad position if you're making people show you they don't care. 'Cause people don't care."
"Cringe. That peculiar feeling of second-hand embarrassment. Often weaponized against people who aren't conventionally attractive, and just, like, neurodivergent people in general."
"Cancel culture is the practice of publicly rejecting, boycotting, or ending support for people because of their morally unacceptable views or actions."
"Manners are important. It starts with manners, weirdly. So, I am pretty hot on manners and behavior and putting other people ahead of yourself, which I think is very rewarding."
"We're not really good at taking responsibility for ourselves; we're really good at blaming people."
"I just wish you like put a little bit more emphasis on the good energy and being good people and putting out creative work."
"If you have to be mean to somebody else to get a laugh from people, then you're a [ __ ] person."
"Nobody's thinking about you. They're obsessing about themselves."
"I'm convinced also that people we're generally good to each other, we're horrible in transit."
"Social distancing works, we need to keep doing this sort of thing until we get a real handle on it."
"And studies have shown that if you have lower levels of oxytocin, you might have a harder time picking up on social cues or reading facial expressions."
"Don't shove a chocolate gateau in your mouth it's disrespectful bro. Don't be that guy."
"I think our niceties are much more about us."
"Arrogance is a lack of consideration for anybody else but yourself."
"The world would be divided into two camps, the givers and the takers. Rush to be on the side of the givers."
"Honestly, I wouldn't want anybody bullying anybody else in a classroom."
"People cannot be gaslit for making complaints and raising concerns."
"We cannot be so judgmental that we don't give people an opportunity to change."
"The virtue signaling is not about actual virtue, it is about the idea that you are fighting against the heretics."
"Don't be mean to other people, make sure you're nice. Being a meanie is not cool, bro."
"All I'm trying to say is, why don't you just be considerate of the people around you?"
"Quick! Act normal! Your crush is coming, act normal."
"Always gotta stick up for your friends, bro. Don't be a meanie."
"Celebrating the death of anyone, especially not in a jovial way, is sociopath stuff."
"He's like a recluse. He doesn't leave the Bannon townhouse."
"So, we've been at the place for at least like, maybe two and a half hours at this point, and then, order nothing. Yes, nothing."
"When people feel threatened, they retreat into tribalism and get defensive."
"Tribalism is hardwired in us and we just can't ignore it. If we don't fight it, we are all tribal."
"When girls have pictures of themselves as a lock screen, something's wrong."
"I'm always talking about the importance of being nice to each other."
"Don't be secretly weird. If you're weird, be publicly weird."
"That's part of being an adult, treating people with respect."
"The moment that you take your problem and inflict it on somebody else, you turn from being a victim into the victimizer."
"People are gaming right now because they're what do you want them to do?"
"How hard is it to grasp how to be a good person and an ally?"
"Even if they were above 13, that behavior, shoving a camera in their face, 'Oh, you're not going to Disneyland,' it's just weird, it's just nasty."
"Make sure you're leaving the person that you see a little bit more positive, never leave something more negative or worse."
"Men literally dedicate their entire lives trying to attract attention from women."
"This behavior is unacceptable from anyone, regardless of their popularity."
"Once I let go of religion and became an atheist, I was way more aware of how I treated people."
"You think you can get away with mocking people just cause you're a little cute? What's with that reaction?"
"Basic kindness, consideration, and thoughtfulness matter."
"Treat people the way that you want to be treated."
"Invariably I will get a comment to the contrary on this, but humans are social creatures."
"Fearful people try to spread their misery. Misery loves company."
"It makes it hard for you to morally compel people to act in a certain way."
"There's something magical about group acceptance and a group of people acting and doing something together."
"I wonder how many people are still going to actually keep their masks on."
"I've been too familiar with people. I've hugged and kissed both men and women, but I didn't realize how the line had been drawn. I was wrong."
"How can I have fun and delight the person in front of me?"
"When you watch people how they treat the waiters... when they treat the little people as though they're big people, that's amazing."
"It is not appropriate, it is not okay, it is not acceptable to try to take advantage of the ambiguity in language while making clear attacks on people."
"What narcissism is: entitlement, grandiosity, arrogance, selfishness. They are willing to do whatever they need to do to get ahead. They make more money..."
"Sooner or later when we get that effect where there's enough people doing it everybody starts to become entrained."
"Loneliness of the internet world will provoke a very extroverted and social response."
"I think we need to sometimes call out people if we feel like they're kind of taking advantage of a situation and an audience."
"It's amazing how she switched it. Like we all remember how you were partying maskless while all the children were masked up."
"Men need community. Men are not lone rangers."
"We don't have to cancel people, but hold them accountable."
"Intelligent, well-educated people join cults because they simultaneously desire a sense of working for a higher purpose and because they are afraid of being on their own."
"I'm so sick of these [__] that go and cry and complain whenever they get pushed back in a public space."