
Creatine Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Creatine... has been shown to significantly reduce the intensity and/or frequency of headaches."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Creatine monohydrate, every guy should be taking this."
"Creatine is probably the number one to three most studied supplement and this is like bringing back to like 16-year-olds back in high school, like creatine getting that pump."
"Creatine supplementation acutely improves cognitive performance."
"Creatine intake is associated with improved strength and muscle function."
"Creatine creates a buffer for that system so creatine you put a phosphate onto it's called phosphocreatine and it's used to recycle ATP so it's kind of like the short-term energy buffer."
"It's made out of three amino acids and it's essentially well it does does a number of things but its main role is as an energy buffer."
"Creatine increases your muscle stores of phosphocreatine."
"Creatine supplementation has a potential to be a multi-factorial therapeutic intervention across the lifespan in females with little to no side effects."
"Creatine works, it simply works for almost everybody who uses it."
"Creatine is hands down the best supplement for performance for sure."
"If you were to ask me the single most effective Sports supplement in the world, I would unhesitatingly say creatine."
"Creatine is truly not only an energy-producing supplement because of its effect on ATP, but it also has a direct anabolic effect on muscle."
"Creatine seems to have a performance-enhancing effect."
"Creatine can increase power output, reduce fatigue, and even have cognitive enhancing effects."
"There are so many benefits to creatine other than just its benefits for muscle."
"Creatine really seems to have some beneficial effects by reducing bone breakdown and preserving the skeleton."
"...creatin is probably one of the most researched ergogenic AIDS out there so there's a ton of research into creatin in a variety of different sports..."
"Concluding remarks: The scientific literature surrounding the diverse potential of creatine is growing, hence why we have such an amazing conference like today."
"The median effective dose of creatine is five grams a day."
"Creatine has hundreds of studies behind it."
"Creatine may potentially allow for energy transfer from inside the mitochondria."
"Taking creatine has helped with different indices of memory."
"I think over the next five years we are going to see more and more data come out about the importance of creatine not from a muscle performance standpoint that's a benefit but from a cognitive and brain protection standpoint."
"...creatine seems to decrease the rates of whole body protein breakdown..."
"So, in a nutshell, creatine works by providing the body with a greater ability to synthesize more fuel to perform more work, which translates into greater adaptations."
"If we are looking at saturation, some people will do a stepwise increase of creatine to get to a certain saturation, and they'll find that that helps eliminate that extra body water bloat."
"One of my favorite supplements from Legion is their creatine. It combines creatine monohydrate with l-carnitine for enhanced recovery."
"Creatine monohydrate increases dihydrotestosterone which is a molecule related to testosterone."
"Creatine is amazing. Probably the best health and performance supplement."
"I'm a creatine guy now, get with it."
"Women have 70 to 80% lower tissue stores of creatine than men."
"Consistency is key when it comes to dosing creatine."
"Creatine directly stimulates muscle building and it helps improve brain function."
"Weightlifters that supplement with creatine tend to gain between two to six and a half pounds of lean body mass compared to lifters that train without it."
"The original and most studied form of creatine is creatine monohydrate."
"Creatine is best known for enhancing energy... but creatine has so many additional benefits."
"Creatine not only helps you get stronger and build more muscle mass, but it also prevents age-related muscle loss."
"Creatine across the board seems very beneficial."
"I consume creatine which boosts my energy levels."
"Creatine improves neural health and function through its actions on increasing ATP availability."
"Creatine has consistently shown in the scientific literature to decrease fatigue, significantly increase power output."
"Creatine has the ability to donate a phosphate group to ADP, turning it back into ATP."
"Creatine is great to take before or after your workout."
"Creatine monohydrate, yeah, the best form of creatine known to man."
"Creatine monohydrate is the most scientifically backed, no side effect, muscle-building supplement you can get."
"Creatine is one of the supplements that really does work."
"Creatine is proven to reduce fatigue and tiredness, lower blood sugar levels and fight diabetes."
"Creatine creates creative, um, crazy creation of muscle."
"Creatine is naturally found in the body and is used for energy."
"Creatine is one of the most thoroughly researched sports supplements out there."
"Supplementing creatine can help to improve memory."
"Creatine plays an important role in energy production not just in your muscles but also in your brain."
"Creatine monohydrate is the best overall because it's just creatine, with absolutely nothing else."
"Creatine is very good at producing muscle growth both aesthetically and by improving exercise performance."
"Creatine monohydrate is non-GMO, vegan, gluten-free, and made in the US."
"The time of day you take creatine doesn't matter, as your muscles will saturate with creatine over time."
"There's no need to load creatine; just take five grams a day."
"Cycling off of creatine now and then is not necessary, but there's no reason not to take a break from it."