
Social Responsibility Quotes

There are 2863 quotes

"We have a lot of work to do. I'm talking as society."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Psychiatrists don't just have a responsibility to patients; they also have a responsibility to society."
"Our personal growth cannot stop at just us. We need to go beyond just a great yoga butt and instead use everything we are learning to go forth and fix the world."
"There's no religious or spiritual path that gives any of us a pass on addressing the suffering of other sentient beings."
"The highest level of our personal growth is an extension into recognizing the systems that are larger than our personal behavior that need to be transformed."
"The ultimate people who pay the price are their workers."
"Any part of our society that is downtrodden should get the help of everybody else."
"Black empowerment is just not sitting by not saying anything when we see a brother has been compromised."
"We live in a state of emergency. We cannot allow the degradation of our communities, environment, and Constitution to become socially acceptable."
"Many of us ask ourselves, 'What would I do if I was alive during slavery, or Jim Crow, or apartheid? What would I do if any country was committing genocide?' The answer is, you're doing it right now."
"Take care of yourself, each other, and your loved ones. Respect your family, love your family, respect your teachers, and if you see a crime, don't intervene, call the Popo."
"It's time for everyone to do the right thing."
"It's time for everybody to just do the right thing and Bring the Noise."
"Leave the world a better place than you found it."
"If we don't have that sense of responsibility for one another, our world is chaos."
"If you love this country, you fight for the people who make it work."
"You're either making the world a better place for my daughter or you're creating more problems for my daughter and her peers."
"We're doing our best as far as using our platform in order to do greater things and inspire people."
"We've doubled down on selfishness, but now in a complicated, messy world, we haven't been practicing and developing the skills of taking care of each other, and that's what we need now more than ever."
"If you are sneezing, if you are coughing, if you are still experiencing the symptoms of a cold, stay home, stay away from other people as much as possible."
"Never be a spectator of unfairness or stupidity."
"This show has a single purpose: holding the politically powerful institution of policing accountable."
"Are we willing to confront a reality where, in the pursuit of profits, lives are gambled away?"
"Every single person's responsibility is to make this world a better place."
"Doing nothing is a form of doing something. Often sitting by and watching evil take place is an active thing you do."
"Do your part. There are so many issues in this world you can't possibly take on them all... Whatever you do, take your part, your portion... and work it to the best of your ability."
"It's so incredibly important that consumers use their voice."
"I do not believe in a religion which can't provide a piece of bread to a hungry man here and cannot wipe the tears of the widow."
"We are creatures sharing space, and that my actions have consequences on other people, their actions have consequences on me, and that we should work reasonably to try to make sure that we minimize the harm we can do to each other and maximize the benefit that we can provide to each other."
"The ethical requirement isn't to be guilty about having money but to think, 'How can I use this money in the most responsible manner possible?'"
"We cannot do this alone. We are relying on every single Ontarian to join us in this battle. Please, stay home."
"Every single one of us have a social responsibility to protect not only ourselves but our loved ones."
"We all are in this together, whether we like it or not, and we all need to play a part and contribute."
"I think that if you live in a society, you kind of owe that society something since it gives you stuff as well."
"We can't let this happen to people. We've got to stand up and address these issues and get things under control."
"People with mental health problems are the most vulnerable in society, and they deserve our protection."
"Social responsibility: Stay at home. Don't get infected in the first place."
"Each of those people who protested illegally, I'm sure have loved ones they're going to go home and risk passing that virus onto their most closest people to them."
"Tough times fall first and hardest on the most vulnerable in our communities. But we can change that. We can make sure that no one is left without help."
"We have faith that human beings have an inherent dignity, we have faith that the rich have responsibility to the poor, we have faith in an ideal of universal brotherhood."
"If you love your country and your fellow Americans, you should want to fix those problems, not blindly defend them."
"The media has such an amount of power to be able to do this, this is a good demonstration of that."
"Just because bad things happen on every level doesn't mean we shouldn't do our bit to try and stop them wherever we can."
"We have a duty as a society to evolve and change and learn from our previous mistakes."
"We all have a platform. Make sure to use yours today."
"We have an enormous responsibility to hard-working families in this country to ensure that everyone, especially the wealthy and the powerful, pay their fair share of taxes and abide by all laws."
"It's your responsibility as a citizen of the planet to make the world a better place."
"Nowadays, however, the idea that ultra-wealthy people have to in some way contribute to the social good, that's actually a well-accepted normative idea."
"It's our responsibility to honor our ancestors and honor our elders by carrying on that struggle."
"You're already voting every day without your knowledge with your own hard-earned dollars."
"A civilization with low impulse or low responsibility individuals can't have nice things at the end of the day."
"Understand that what he's saying actually does have impacts, and he has such a massive following that it has a much bigger impact than if someone else were to say the same thing."
"The obligation of a society as prosperous as ours is to figure out how nobody gets left too far behind."
"True altruism is when you are charitable with your own resources. It's a wonderful thing. Recognizing that you owe something to your community because you're a member of that community, you're a member of that body politic. That's a good attitude to have."
"The social responsibility of a business is to increase profits. That is the role of a business."
"It's not our job to save the world; it's only our job to do our part."
"You have to do your part and not be selfish; it's kind of like a war."
"It is our obligation, it is our duty, it is our job to one another as brigaders, to ensure that we do not allow this to permeate our lives, to permeate our society, and to corrupt the next generations and the future generations after them."
"You wear a mask to protect me. I wear a mask to protect you."
"The capitalist model as we know today...will be replaced with a new version of capitalism which will find a good balance between individual greed and collective responsibility."
"Giving work instead of giving handouts is absolutely incredible."
"Taking away the risk of dying and taking away you as someone who could potentially spread it to someone else, it's a small price to pay, and I'm more than happy to pay it."
"With the access we have to the rapid spread of information and technology, there is no excuse why this is still a problem today."
"It is up to every one of us to do the right thing and abide by the new measures."
"That is part of the job of law enforcement because all those guys are part of the community they serve."
"The nature of human beings is to become self-regulated, socially responsible creatures... given the right conditions."
"It's important to recognize when we have to use our platforms for something bigger than us."
"The cosmetics industry is one of the most profitable industries out there, and I personally believe that we should hold companies more accountable to use that profit towards positive social change."
"We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone."
"A human being is a human being and our responsibility to others isn't determined on what passport somebody holds."
"In real life, with real people, when we talk, act, behave in any way, we are accountable not just for our intentions, but for what we do."
"It is imperative that all of us remain thoughtful about how our words and actions reflect on the times."
"We have more in common than we have that divides us. It's our duty to support one another because in reality, we do have an enemy, but now we know who it is."
"If you generate wealth, I think that you should be morally bound by society to put the money back to work."
"You could have used that money and put it towards medical research, feeding the homeless, you could probably have just donated it straight to Kentucky instead of taking their tax."
"We are Americans. We look out for people; we don't turn our backs."
"Your silence is starting to become true complicity. You're enabling it now. That means you're part of the problem."
"If you're someone who's born with privilege...it's my job to help people who didn't have as good of a spawn to even things out."
"Tesla Model Y is going to be the best-selling electric vehicle, then the best-selling vehicle in Europe indefinitely."
"People have to be able to hold two thoughts in their head at the same time: You can believe that people have very tough circumstances and that we as a society have a responsibility to give opportunity and hope to people no matter the circumstances they came from. And then, on the other hand, that people still have some responsibility and some personal agency despite rough personal circumstances."
"Life is all about leadership. The definition of leadership is a personal sacrifice for a public problem."
"Capitalism has created this bastion of free market enterprise...we have to find ways to make capitalism embrace the people that it's left behind."
"We shouldn't be leaving this responsibility of giving your kid a fair chance to the parent, right? That's nuts."
"Freedom of speech is not freedom of consequence."
"Lolita should make all of us—parents, social workers, educators—apply ourselves with still greater vigilance and vision to the task of bringing up a better generation in a safer world."
"We need to have a sense of responsibility to society...it's important to keep that in mind."
"We are very focused on removing harmful content and reducing the spread of borderline content."
"We move deliberately with a sense of our responsibility to society as we develop powerful new products."
"This generation isn't just thinking about their own country; it's a global thing."
"Racism is reprehensible and has no place on Yelp, and we unequivocally reject racism in any form."
"The purpose of influence is to speak up for those who have no influence."
"It's important that we speak out and protect those who are vulnerable."
"There's a responsibility on the part of people involved in creating affordable housing and creating decent living wages to do their part to address homelessness."
"Senator Lindsey Graham was loudly cheered by watching parents when he said, 'Mr. Zuckerberg, you and the companies before us... you have blood on your hands.'"
"If you recognize that the recording should not have been uploaded online but did not tell your friend that she should take them down despite knowing it's insanely inappropriate, it may not necessarily be condoning but it certainly looks like it."
"Every individual is responsible for themselves and their circle."
"We shouldn't have to donate money to help a child with cancer. That should just be the first thing on the list."
"This is America; we shouldn't have to set up a GoFundMe to help a little boy with cancer."
"The talented 10th, a nebulous group that I technically probably belong to, have collectively done exactly what Du Bois feared: over the last 30-40 years, we've abandoned the duty to uplift all black people and became complacent with our own success."
"We all have the responsibility of social responsibility in this thing."
"But sometimes you gotta think about other people. Sometimes you gotta look at the less fortunate and take them out of a difficult situation."
"Here's the thing it shouldn't do: shouldn't destroy the planet, shouldn't create massive economic disparity, shouldn't ignore the needs of the people."
"With enormous privilege comes great responsibility."
"Everyone has some level of power or privilege. Use it for the benefit of humanity."
"Every neglect of the needy, the poor, the fatherless, is a neglect of Jesus in person."
"I will never understand people like that. Like, lady, you parked too close to someone and they cannot get in their vehicle. Go do the right thing. I know it isn't convenient, but like, how on Earth do you think you are in the right?"
"Please be more open, be more sensitive with what you participate in, and be more conscious in who you follow."
"It's insane to me how many times Randy publicly stated he was going to harm himself or others without anyone noticing or caring."
"I feel like I owe it to society to pay it forward."
"People focus way too much on the like canceling of it all. I think we need to be more focused on teaching younger people and just people in general that when you hold someone accountable that does not give you a free pass to bully and harass people."
"Words have consequences, and ill words that go unchallenged are the first step on a continuum towards ill deeds, towards a much darker place where hatred and prejudice drive not only what people say but also what they do."
"We need to exercise discipline as a community."
"We have suspended people, fined people, who have made homophobic slurs, and that was the right thing to do."
"Corporations have an interest and an incentive to be permanently politically engaged."
"I want to try and do more for the people that watch me or don't watch me, the people who are suffering, the people who are struggling."
"I think that there's divinity in all human beings, not just black, but it's important for me to take care of black people because that's my community."
"Free speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences."
"It is extremely rare to find a brand so dedicated to social responsibility."
"We really need to level up the way that we look at social responsibility for companies by the example of Lush."
"You need to be embedded in a social surround, and you need to take responsibility for it. That's where you're going to find the purpose of your life."
"What do we owe our fellow man? What do I owe you? What do you owe me?"
"Spreading false information can have consequences."
"The things that they get by the military are the things that you as a society should be providing already."
"In New York City, we have a legal and moral mandate to provide shelter to everyone who needs it, and we'll continue to fulfill that mandate."
"Contributing to the group in some way... nails down those directives that we all have in our mind."
"You don't live in a vacuum, and you take actions that affect other people."
"We owe it to our youth, bro. We owe it to the young boys out there who are going to lose lives over some [__]."
"If you don't have social structures that are designed to create responsibility in the community for those who are damaged, then people will fall through the cracks and then they'll go on to hurt other human beings."
"I refuse to be a part of a generation that is written on the wrong side of history."
"Nobody's asking for a CEO to take a knee. You take the knee after you change your policies."
"It's like forgetting the fact that we are interconnected and like we do need other people, and it's good for you as well to have responsibility."
"Is it immoral to sit on billions and billions of dollars that you literally don't and will never need, when just a fraction of it could irrevocably transform the lives of millions, and you've given less than a fraction of a fraction of a fraction while hoarding the rest?"
"It's really incumbent upon this committee and upon the government itself to recognize that we have a crucial social role to play as well as making it commercially viable."
"We see ourselves as being a corporal part of communities up and down the country."
"I could be more poor; I could have a little less, so that someone else can have the basic necessities. We have to think bigger than ourselves."
"We can't keep just walking by these people that are dealing with severe mental health issues. We need to give them wraparound services and care."
"You have to take responsibility, you have to take accountability, you have to engage in society if you want to get anything back."
"Protect the elderly and the vulnerable. Wear a mask if you are in a public place."
"We can only fix this world together; we can't let the desensitivity seep in."
"If you can't pay your employees a living wage, you shouldn't be in business."
"It's kind of hard to turn around and say to the ordinary worker...it's all your responsibility to fix your life."
"I give a [ __ ] about the world, I give a [ __ ] about other people, I want to see the world become a better place."
"We cannot allow ourselves to be disconnected from the most vulnerable people in our society: the broken and brain damaged, the mentally ill."
"If a person's freedom is to act unethically, I say we take that freedom away from them because they're extracting freedom from others."
"Stop thinking that injustice going on in the world isn't to an extent our fault."
"We are all a part of George Floyd's legacy, and our job now is to honor it and to honor him."
"We have got to do something together in order to make this a better world by personally awaking, otherwise these dystopic forces, these elite establishment cartels that are gathering around us like a technocratic storm, will deluge us in their dreadful power."
"By collaborating and each of us taking on one cause that we truly care about, we can fight back against existential risks."
"We all need to step up and be leaders because there are social causes we have to care about like sustainability."
"We have a moral responsibility to be nice to people."
"I personally think that people like [name] have the ability to do a lot of good with their platforms."
"What is the space between free thinking and social responsibility?"
"Because a corporation is concerned only with making money, which it'll do at the expense of its employees, its customers, and the environment."
"Jack believed in the inherent goodness of humanity and felt a deep social responsibility to protect that."
"I consider it my duty and my responsibility to help expand those possibilities for all."
"I'm always very skeptical about places like this because anytime you're dealing with a group of vulnerable people, you have to be skeptical."
"You have an obligation in my view to do everything we can to help poor people."
"Your donation to Food for the Poor isn't just about giving; it is about sharing in the collective responsibility to ensure that no one goes to bed hungry."
"If you want to be just a soulless blood-sucking company, then be a soulless blood-sucking company, but don't be a soulless blood-sucking company and then post things about how much you care about different minorities."
"And it's time to say something, and it's time to act. If you see something, you say something."
"That's a universal inbred thing of we need to look out for those that cannot look out for themselves."
"This is a public service announcement: everyone should be staying at home for now. Just do what the experts say."
"We have to stop being irresponsible and start respecting black women on some real level."
"People are upset that there are billionaires spending a lot of money just to go to space as if it's a hobby instead of spending money on social stuff."
"It's important to put a lot of our efforts into making this a better society."
"You create a community. It's up to us in most times to create community."
"We can't be sustainable if we're not inclusive."
"Social pressure should always be used responsibly."
"The purpose of wealth is to help those in need. That's what it's for."
"I understood that the best way to serve justice was to live a just life. Not above the people we protect, but with them."
"You're lucky, you know, you aren't a janitor; you now have the opportunity to get a great education, you've got parents backing you up... they taught us that our responsibility was to give back."
"It's sickening to me that this works on vulnerable people because vulnerable people are the ones that need the most help in society, and you will not get it through companies like Unique Cosmetics, my loves."
"And I hope you will judge yourselves not on your professional accomplishments alone but also on how well you have addressed the world's deepest inequities."
"It made sense that we have to do something quickly because people are unsheltered and vulnerable on the streets."
"It's a mistake! It's insensitive. It's arrogant. It's disrespectful to other people, and it has to stop, and it has to stop now."
"When we hear tech executives talk in ways that are completely divorced from political and social reality, it's very troubling."
"We need to do so much more to ensure that the most vulnerable in our society are protected."
"To whom much is given, much is required... it's incumbent on rich and powerful people to right the system and to make it fair once again."
"It's not just the government though. I think the powerful corporations, they need to be subject to similar scrutiny."
"Thank your nurses, tip your servers, wear your masks, wash your hands, be anti-racist."
"Night nobles are duty bound to protect those of the toiling worker class under their care and do so with considerable success and enthusiasm."
"Islam doesn't say your relationship is just between you and God; it also says it's a responsibility on you to enjoin the good and forbid the evil."
"You have a social and societal and moral responsibility to yourself and to other people to not go out and spread it."
"It's really important that YouTubers use their platforms to talk about serious issues, even though they may not be the funnest thing to talk about."
"Sunset Lake raised $4,000 from the 420 sale that will go to the Innocence Project. This is par for the course for these guys; they are movement partners, a great company. They have supported unions and charities like GiveDirectly and soup kitchens. This Innocence Project donation is just one more example."
"What can you, the average American, do to help? Volunteer at a non-profit that gives out food, start a food drive, or encourage your company to donate to the fight against hunger."
"I exist in a space where I'm not going to encounter much friction... and that's not the case for everybody. So, what can I do to help lower some of those barriers?"
"It's not up to us to deny medical care, it is up to us to feed the hungry, to clothe the poor, to protect children, and to love all people as our own."
"If you are worried about what others are going to think... think about the consequences of remaining silent."
"When I was a cadet, what's the first cadet motto at West Point? You will not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do. I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole."
"Every day that we stay home, that we do what we have been asked to do, we stay apart but staying connected brings us a day closer to being able to manage this response."
"I think there are important ethics discussions that we do need to have alongside the electric vehicle discussion, automation, all this other stuff."
"Hate must have no safe harbor, and we must do everything in our power to end hate-fueled domestic terrorism."
"I always acted in a way to protect the most vulnerable because it is the right thing to do."
"Do social caring, not just social distancing."
"I care about what's happening in the world and what's shaping things."
"We owe it to them and to the most vulnerable in society to stay at home, to protect the NHS, and by doing this to save lives."
"I think it's almost like if you can afford, if you have any bandwidth left to try to make the world a better place."
"When you turn your back on [the people], then they get all sour and get all sad, but you got to protect the people that make you."
"When you make it big, when you make it really big, when you make up top one-tenth of one percent big, pitch in two cents."