
Dissociation Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"What is dissociation? A lot of people might not have experienced it, but it's actually very common. More than 70% of people who've been through trauma experience dissociation."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The most common for me is a dissociative state, so I will kind of hit eject on the brain."
"Structural dissociation theory explains dissociation as a breakdown or disruption in integrated function."
"I realized I lived my entire life in a disassociated state."
"Trauma is about memory. Trauma is dissociative by definition."
"Dissociation would be as though a part of their self almost gets cleaved off."
"Life felt fake, like I was asleep but awake."
"Dissociation... the consciousness or awareness of somebody is disconnecting... dissociation is not actually a byproduct of post-traumatic stress disorder... but dissociation in fact causes post-traumatic stress disorder."
"The contents of your dissociative process, all the insights, all the maturity you've acquired, are not lost; they are released in a broader cognitive context."
"I love using this when I dissociate and I hold him if I ever have a really bad spell and then I just see him as this soft little gentle figure to bring me back into the present moment."
"Pac was totally disconnected from what he just did, he was on another level."
"All personality disorders entail ego syntonic dissociation."
"The video immediately opens with a sponsorship... I just kind of dissociated the whole time."
"I feel like I'm in this weird like surreal state where I just feel like I'm like in a dream not in like that fun way like I'm living a dream it's more like I'm disassociated which is fine."
"A fugue state is characterized by someone suddenly losing their sense of themselves, having a kind of breakdown where they don’t know what they are doing."
"This would be called a state of dissociation, a state of alienation where there's no connection. This is really the state of modern man or modern people."
"Dissociation is a symptom from heightened anxiety when basically a part of our brain will shut off to protect us."
"I suddenly didn't know who I was in the mirror. I wouldn't have known you with any emotional contact. It's like being a ghost."
"We recognize that we're becoming dissociated, feeling a little alienated, and we begin to either practice some sort of religious or spiritual practice that enlivens us, or we go into therapy."
"I mean can you ever like disassociate that? Like watching her in a movie, who cares?"
"I am evasive, and I am going to go take a nice long hot shower and dissociate. Bye, guys."
"I feel like I'm inside of myself, like I'm hearing everything you're saying and I'm saying these words and I don't know who's saying them."
"I feel extremely dissociated while sober, like seeing life being played through a screen or glass window from my eyes."
"my perception was heavily altered I had felt as if I was just a pair of eyes sitting inside of a movie theater watching everything play out"
"Dissociation is not a dirty word."
"So diagnostic impressions... that she's probably the most dissociative individual I've met. I would have completely said that her DID was real."
"You have a very big imagination, like you're fantasizing a lot or you're like dissociated a lot."
"A feeling of unreality is very common in these states of mind."
"This song is about disassociating. It's about leaving our own minds and disappearing somewhere else to make things better."
"Dissociation is protective it allows us to keep going forward."
"My guess is they moved out and didn't want to be associated with it. Maybe."
"Dissociation is on a continuum from mild forms to extreme forms."
"That person in the mirror, it was my face. But it wasn't me. It wasn't me."
"The mirror is the dissociative element. They seem to dissociate when you're talking to them."
"Despite feeling unnerved, I couldn't resist following him around even more. It was as if I was watching myself from a different perspective."
"It's really hard to explain, but things just don't feel real."
"I feel like I'm on cloud nine. It's just dissociation."
"You know, sometimes it just feels like a bad dream, you know, like, I've been out of prison for going on five years now, and sometimes it just feels like I didn't do it, you know? It's just like, wow, yeah, it's just like a haze."
"So there's dissociation within memory and that real memories of real events are accurately stored and sometimes it can be hard to recover them but what is that's out of the ordinary about this it's completely common sense."
"Almost all defense mechanisms involve disconnection, dissociation in some fashion."
"As we get faster and faster, it creates greater and greater anxiety and greater and greater dissociation among many people."
"It's like not the same person. It's about what I've been saying for 25 years. It's a form of dissociation."
"I lost all sense of self and then, for a time, my consciousness seemed to be taken off the grid entirely."
"Schizophrenia is an inner reality where the person who suffers from it has lost contact with the outside world."
"My name will never be associated with that property."
"Dissociation itself is not inherently bad."
"Dissociation: When someone disconnects from themselves and their own thoughts, feelings, memories, or sense of identity, often happens in response to a traumatic situation."
"You may have learned to dissociate or numb your feelings."
"I didn't like leave my body and like try to push it out of my mind, it's not happening."
"Triggers can be reactive or they can cause withdrawal. When I was triggered, I actually shut down emotionally. I dissociated from the trigger."
"Dissociation fragments a mind into separate Alters or alter Personalities."
"...death, the end of that body and brain, is what the end of dissociation looks like."
"People can go into what's called a dissociative state."
"I just had an out-of-body experience."
"Dissociation occurs when people feel disconnected from their surroundings or reality—a coping mechanism in response to significant stress."
"It's like having an outer body experience, like I don't even know who I am right now."
"I begin a new order, dissociated from the past, from witchcraft."
"My favorite way of self-care: dissociating. Me too."
"Without their fault, many people today are emotionally dissociated. Yes, many."
"That's why EMDR and trauma therapy doesn't work when we're dissociated... because we're removed from self, we don't feel anything."
"Capitalist Society is enacting a dissociation between the reality of climate breakdown and the interior drives of accumulation."
"Dissociation is when our brain pulls the rip cord, like a parachute, to protect us from overwhelming situations. It's not always a choice and can range from maladaptive daydreaming to dissociative identity disorder."
"I was witnessing myself from a third-person perspective and I was desperately trying to tell myself that I am not supposed to live life this way."
"It felt like I was on autopilot and events that I was personally involved in seemed very, very distant and detached."
"I genuinely felt like I wasn't even in my own body anymore."
"It just felt like my body was separate from me."
"An Eversor Temple assassin loses all grasp of time he or she has no idea how long it's been since they were last awaken it could have been a few solar decades or even Terran centuries since the last time they were allowed to live."
"It didn't matter what happened to me at that point because I really wasn't there."
"Parental abandonment, abuse, or a heart-shattering breakup can cause a dissociation so deep that you question whether you exist."
"Dissociation is our brain's way of removing us from the thing that it thinks is going to traumatize us."
"I felt like I was losing my grip on reality and I didn't know if I would ever get it back."
"Dissociation: When someone has almost like an out-of-body experience."
"But they disassociated us in December, we didn't know about it, they did it without apology."
"Dissociation is a defense and when we have that perspective, we suddenly open up the possibility of moving beyond that defensive response."
"I felt like a different person, I didn't even feel like I was in my body anymore."
"Voice hearing is better conceptualized as dissociative than as psychotic."
"If you want to be happy in your life, you've got to know when to disassociate and when to associate."
"It's almost like I heard and saw things as though I was underwater, I wasn't really part of the world around me."
"Therapists must work with dissociative parts to help clients access their experiences."
"It makes you dissociative," Liam said.
"Chances are if you're struggling with anxiety and you're getting physical symptoms, you're probably also experiencing really weird emotions, intrusive thoughts, feelings of unreality like depersonalization, derealization."
"All these lead to dissociation—memory gaps, amnesia, dissociative defenses."
"Having a camera that is incredibly reliable, that's going to last throughout whatever you're filming, that's what you're really going to want."
"It said 'me,' as if like it doesn't even—it's not the person talking and saying 'me' or 'name.'"
"A new order dissociated from the past."
"um there was a long period of time where I had to disassociate from my own body because it was not my body that was hurting it was someone else's body that was hurting"
"Being in combat at the level I was in kind of was, you go numb, you detach or disassociate, and so disassociation, that becomes your survival mechanism."
"I finally snapped back into reality and started acting normally, but I didn't remember anything."
"He's just disassociated and he's floating essentially that's kind of how I perceived it and that can be a very very scary point I guess because you are willing to do absolutely anything"
"...when you put it in the third person, it completely changes the way you think about it, it literally disassociates you from it and it changes the way you feel about the entire internal dialogue."
"Dissociative amnesia is the disruption of the regular integration of memory."
"I don't want to be associated with that platform or anything to do with him."
"We are dissociated personalities of the mind of nature, like a person with multiple personality disorder."
"We are not really separate; we seem to be separate because we are dissociated from nature and dissociated from one another."
"Losing yourself into another person's story is a good way, it's a form of like healthy dissociation."
"What makes an acid strong or weak depends on how much it breaks down or the degree of dissociation."
"If degree of dissociation is greater than 30%, then it is a strong acid."
"A living being is the appearance, the image of a dissociated process in this Universal Consciousness."
"Strong acids dissociate completely in water."
"When you put sodium chloride in water, you get sodium ions and chloride ions separated, dissociated in the water."
"That they may need dissociation as a coping strategy."
"Have you ever experienced any sort of dissociation or depersonalization with reality after being in virtual reality?"
"Even though we're dissociated, a part of us knows that there's unfaced life in another part of our being."
"Dissociation is a mental departure from reality."
"The five five four three two one technique helps bring you out of your dissociative state."
"I want to be able to raise awareness of the nonverbal signs of a person who may be dissociating so that you can better understand not only yourself if you're in those shoes but you might also be able to understand those around you a little better."
"We were at a comfortable level of dissociative perfection."
"A strong electrolyte dissociates completely when dissolved in water."
"I felt like I was out of my body, like I wasn't in control."
"Our world is dissociated like a neurotic."
"If something dissociates, it's going to break apart, it's going to produce more moles and therefore it's going to have more of an effect on the boiling point and freezing point of that solution compared to a polar substance."
"Strong bases dissociate or ionize almost completely."
"It's a really good disassociation thing if your core can actually do a lot of the work here."
"The moment that you start dissociating, you lose your sense of identity, then you're simply existing, you're not living."
"People who have experienced traumatic events can sometimes experience dissociation where the world starts to feel fake, time feels distorted, things can have an unreal quality to them."
"I'm not in this world and not on this planet; my body physically exists on this planet, but my mind is not here, it's somewhere else."
"The molecules of chemical compounds in solution either remain intact or they can dissociate into separate ions."
"There's a light that's inside of you, and it's not your fault if you grew up feeling dissociated or disconnected from your light."