
Jet Lag Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"One of the quickest ways to shift your circadian clock and get onto the local schedule is to eat on the local schedule."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Traveling westward on the globe is always easier than traveling eastward."
"This is almost like your body flying to a different time zone and coming back from the circadian point of view."
"The soleil lighting system uses specific combinations of red and blue light wavelengths to aid in reducing jet lag."
"I did just get back from my two-week stay in Japan and the jet lag's still freaking killing me."
"I'm feeling pretty good, I thought I beat jet lag but maybe that's why they call it jet lag because you get home you're like yeah no jet lag and then lags behind."
"Jet lag: a temporary sleep disorder resulting from misalignment of the internal body clock with the time zone of the current location."
"Jet lag is not just about your sleep schedule, you know. It's about the way you feel when you wake up."
"For the first 48 hours, do not eat during your normal sleeping window and watch how quickly you adjust to that time zone."
"I just woke up and I slept pretty late last night around 2:30ish because of jet lag."
"It's been good though very productive. I've been on the road traversing time zones, getting more bags under the eyes with jet lag."
"Time Shifter - this app is called Time Shifter. What I love about this app is it gives you a plan to try to shake or eliminate the jet lag."
"Get a good night's sleep before your flight. Trying to stay awake to 'balance' jet lag won't work; quality sleep before your trip is crucial."
"Taking melatonin can help sink your body to your new locale but timing matters."
"The best way to start a journey in Iceland and beat the jet lag."
"Maybe I was so jetlagged I'd become delusional and punchy."
"It doesn't matter if you're jet-lagged, Jesus still works. Hallelujah!"
"I cop the pinnacle of jet lag what I'm about to experience now."
"I'm from San Francisco, so if I say anything completely incoherent, just blame the jet lag."
"Jet lag occurs because your body's internal body clock has basically synced to your original time zone."
"if every time I fly somewhere it takes me like a [ __ ] day to feel uh normal like not jet lag just normal period not even jail like that I was tired yesterday but it's just like I'm the same way"
"you were sleeping at this time and then now you're on a 12 hour time difference and you just ate breakfast when it was dinner time"
"I sleep six hours a night now, completely refreshed. Jet lag doesn't bother me as much anymore."
"You can't cure jetlag. There are no cures right now but if you understand how it works you sort of can hack the system a little bit."
"I was literally sleeping throughout the entire flight because I was so jet-lagged."
"No jet lag, it's superb, a great way to travel to Europe."
"We slept quite well, which is good in terms of jet lag."
"What a great way to spend our first jet-lagged afternoon."
"For jet lag and insomnia, it would be a good idea to signpost them to the NHS website which has a whole section on sleep hygiene."
"How do you travel to so many different time zones and get proper sleep when you're jet lagged?"
"I reckon that jet lag is a state of mind."
"You wake up with instant jet lag without ever being on a plane."
"I try to jump into the time zone of my destination as part of my jet lag management strategy."
"Half of the jetlag is just eating at the wrong time."
"Jet lag is extreme tiredness and other physical effects felt by a person after flying across time zones."
"How did I get over jet lag? Now this is a really common question for anybody doing a Mediterranean Cruise."
"Welcome to the real life of a flight attendant and the butt-kicking jet lag we get."
"It's 3:32 in the morning, and I've slept a little bit, but I've just been having a time with this jet lag over here."
"There is no cure for jet lag, but natural light should help you feel better."
"I'm still on Tokyo time, that's the problem."
"It helps so much with jet lag because you'll just sleep the whole time."
"I don't believe in jet lag, it's just being tired because you haven't slept properly."
"I'm having a crazy jet lag, bro, so I wake up at like 4 a.m., and where I live, there's like at 5:00 a.m., the bakery opens."
"I'm freshly in London and so still freshly jetlagged actually, but I'm back."
"That's what causes jet lag, is your soul catching up with your body."
"One of the best cures for jet lag is simply to sleep."