
Omega-3 Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Omega-3 fatty acids... have been shown to have significant effects in reducing the intensity or frequency of tension type headaches, migraine type headaches."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Omega-3 fatty acids are going to be a very potent way to reduce pain and to reduce inflammation in ways that can reduce the frequency and the intensity of different kinds of headache."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Fish are fantastic sources of healthy fats and omega-3 fatty acids, which are very crucial in the reproductive process."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Omega-3 essential fatty acids, in particular the omega-3 form, ingesting one to three grams of EPA in particular, can be beneficial for a number of different aspects of brain and body health and can enhance focus and cognitive ability."
"Not getting enough omega-3, not having a high omega-3 index, was as bad as smoking with respect to life expectancy."
"Omega-3 has the pharmacological profile of a drug, but the risk profile of a nutrient."
"People with the highest Omega-3 index have the largest brains and the largest areas of memory, the hippocampus."
"Getting sufficient amounts of omega-3 has been shown to be important for mood."
"Omega-3 supplementation in PCOS patients helped improve insulin resistance and reduce total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL levels."
"Low omega-3 intake from seafood was identified as one of the top six preventable causes of death."
"A high omega-3 index has been associated with a 90% reduction in sudden cardiac death."
"Omega-3 has been shown in clinical studies to blunt the postprandial inflammatory response."
"People that have an omega-3 index of 8% have a five-year increased life expectancy compared to those that have an omega-3 index of 4%."
"Omega-3s...have been shown directly to support the brain."
"Eating nuts and seeds for omega-3 like hemp seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds, and walnuts - walnuts the king of all nuts because it's so high in omega-3."
"Flax seeds are known for their high ratio of omega-3 fatty acids, essential nutrients for proper neurological functioning and cardiovascular health."
"Increasing levels of omega-3 in the cell membrane was associated with ten times less risk of dying from a heart attack."
"Omega-3s seem to protect the heart. When you give omega-3 supplements, there's a 20% reduction in risk."
"Omega-3 fatty acid has been shown, during several clinical trials, to reduce the progression of kidney disease."
"Omega-3s: heart-healthy, anti-inflammatory, anti-Alzheimer's, save your life, anti-depression. Okay, single best thing you can put in your body without question."
"We need to put an end to this DHA mythology."
"Getting your omega-3 values in is so, so critical."
"Six of the eight leading causes of death in the U.S can be alleviated through regular consumption of the right omega-3 fatty acids."
"Keep your omegas topped out by eating two to three serves of fatty fish per week."
"Norwegian cod liver oil for cell regeneration, the bomb."
"Omega-3 supplements of fish oil, they were actually aging more slowly."
"Omega-3s are going to balance the inflammation within our body."
"Omega-3 fatty acids are really important for brain health."
"Omega threes have a very strong potent anti-inflammatory effect."
"You don't need to use fish oil, you can take algae-based omega-3 fatty acids supplement."
"Omega-3 fatty acids will change your hair game forever."
"Just one tablespoon can supply over 100% of your daily Omega 3 needs effectively dampening inflammation at the cellular level."
"Omega-3s don't do everything, but they do a lot and there's no reason not to get an omega-3 level up to eight percent."
"Omega 3s provide a host of multiple health benefits for patients with advanced kidney disease."
"Omega-3 fatty acids support an effective immune system."
"Salmon is extremely high in omega-3 fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids are really good for the brain, the heart, your joints."
"They eat lots of Omega-3 foods which is good for your heart and good for inflammation."
"Omega-3s will save your life; they help neuronal membrane stability, they are anti-inflammatory, and prevent cardiovascular disease."
"Smoking is something that everyone knows is bad, you should avoid smoking, right? But having a low omega-3 index was like smoking."
"Choose your battles; I still think you still are getting Omega-3s, you're still getting DHA and EPA."
"Omega-3s are sensitizing your skeletal muscle to amino acids."
"If you're relying on just plant sources of Omega-3, that is a mistake."
"Salmon, tuna, sardines, or cold-water fish are rich in omega-3, widely studied in improving blood fats and lowering cholesterol."
"Children with ADHD, when they get at least four grams of omega-3s daily, you see an improvement in their executive function, you see an improvement in their behavior."
"Omega-3s increased protein synthesis, so you have good quality meat or good quality line-caught fish that's high omega-3, you're going to get more protein synthesis out of it."
"The higher your omega-3 to 6 ratio, the better it is for reducing inflammation in your body."
"Fish oil helps to lower inflammation in your body."
"A plant-based omega-3... Omega-3s are essential for Total Health specifically cognitive heart health even immune function."
"The smoked salmon, a superb source of omega-3 fatty acids, is fundamental for brain health and reducing inflammation throughout the body."
"Omega-3s play a role there as well now the one thing about Omega-3 freeze that is helpful no matter what as they lower inflammation lowering inflammation protects us essentially from many of the chronic diseases that are fueled or sparked triggered by inflammation."
"Higher blood levels of omega-3 biomarkers were associated with lower total mortality."
"Omega-3 intake is important for brain and eye development and function."
"You don't have to be afraid of flax oil. It is a primary omega-3; it reverses disease."
"Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA, have been shown to help mitigate symptoms and promote overall joint health."
"Omega-3 index crucial for long-term health."
"8% omega-3 index linked to increased life expectancy."
"Omega-3 deficiency comparable to smoking."
"Omega-3 resolves inflammation efficiently."
"Omega-3 linked to improved brain function."
"Supplementing omega-3 crucial for many."
"80% globally don't get enough EPA and DHA."
"Omega-3... very anti-inflammatory... tells the immune system, 'settle down, there's no threat here, Keep Calm, we don't need to attack anything.'"
"Omega-3s omega-3s are good for every cell in your body they're good for your brain your eyes your heart your blood vessels."
"Omega-3s produce pro-resolving mediators that help neutralize inflammation."
"But supplementing with things like fish oil is obviously very beneficial, because you're going to get a high ratio of omega-3 to omega-6."
"People who eat more dietary sources of omega-3 we're talking like oily fish certain types of nuts and seeds like walnuts will have omega-3 in them have reduced chance of developing this condition."
"A low omega-3 index of 4% or less is a risk factor for all-cause mortality."
"Omega-3 fatty acids have been found to be good for your heart, good for your brain, good for your hair, good for your skin, good for your eyes."
"...if we want to think of the long-term benefits, I think it's quite clear that for people who don't consume adequate amounts of oily fish or supplemental EPA and DHA omega-3 that there will be a benefit from including them in their diet."
"If you're not consuming enough EPA and DHA from fish, focus on alpha linolenic acid-rich foods while cutting back on omega-6 rich foods."
"Omega-3 fatty acids are amazing for brain fog."
"The omega-3s are telling those genes like a little trigger. They're turning off the gene expression, they're changing the epigenetics."
"The most benefit came when you did both: adding omega-3 or reducing omega-6."
"The omega-3 fatty asses on them boobies are great."
"We need both omega-6 and omega-3."
"We focused on salmon yesterday as the perfect protein partner. Guess what? It's one of the best sources of super healthy omega-3 fats too."
"So that's a great slate because it's removing saturated fats that are not so great for the brain and replacing them with omega-3 fatty acids which are really good for the brain."
"Fish oil supplements that contain a really healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids."
"It's chemically completely different. Olive oil is mainly Omega-9 fatty acid, while flax oil is mainly Omega-3 fatty acids, which are necessary for your immune function, brain function, and cellular repair."
"Good old fatty fish loaded with Omega-3s can help you to lower your cholesterol naturally."
"Omega-3 supplementation is found to be helpful with heart disease, eye health, and overall inflammation levels."
"Omega-3s can help folks to get deeper, more restful sleep."
"All the omega3 they've had from birth."
"People that had the high omega-3 index had a five-year increased life expectancy compared to people with the low."
"Omega-3 to the rescue! Renal excretion of uric acid."
"Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids inhibit the reabsorption of uric acid by blocking the receptors."
"High omega-3 to six ratios lead to a reduced risk of subsequent gout attacks."
"Omega-3s help combat inflammation, autoimmune disorders, and depression."
"The anti-inflammatory diet also includes foods rich in polyphenols such as olive oil, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, tea, and coffee."
"Omega-3s are really important when you're eating. Foods there are omega-3s, omega-6s, and omega-9s."
"Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties, promoting overall wellness and reducing the risk of chronic diseases."
"Omega-3s are fantastic, they have a major impact on Mental Health like you can actually Google omega-3 depression omega-3 anxiety omega-3 feelings of loneliness"
"You need to reduce your omega-6 to omega-3 ratio to improve health."
"Fatty fish may help reduce the risk of heart disease and inflammation common in diabetes."
"Fats do not make you fat and increasing your fat intake specifically your omega-3 intake may not only help you look leaner."
"Omega-3s lower our risk of cancer, type 2 diabetes, autoimmune disease, depression, and inflammation."
"People that had the highest omega-3 levels... had significantly longer lives."
"The omega-3s do something system-wide, body-wide that make everything work better."
"The benefits of consuming omega-3s and why the research looking at this has been somewhat conflicting."
"The omega-3s have a wide variety of anti-inflammatory effects."
"Traditional Japanese have had blood omega-3 levels and intakes of omega-3 way on the high end and they also live about as long or longer than almost anybody else does and free of cardiovascular disease typically."
"Sardines are high in omega-3 fatty acids that help prevent heart disease, blood clots, and high blood pressure."
"Flax has the most concentrated healthy omega-3 fatty acids on the planet."
"The omega-3 fats... are important in their anti-inflammatory effect."
"Chia seeds are exceptionally rich in omega-3 fatty acids, particularly alpha-linolenic acid, a type of essential fatty acid that the body cannot produce on its own."
"Omega-3 fatty acids in chia seeds play a crucial role in heart health."
"The omega-3 fatty acids in chia seeds are crucial for brain health."
"Nuts are full of healthy fats and omega-3 fatty acids, which help keep your LDL cholesterol low."
"I encourage you guys to eat flax seeds on a regular basis; they're high in omega-3 fatty acids."
"Omega-3s help your body transmit nerve signals, maintain serotonin balance, reduce inflammation, and are neuroprotective."
"Small fish like anchovies, mackerel, oysters, and wild-caught salmon contain omega-3 fats that protect your eyes from AMD and glaucoma."
"Flax are probably one of the healthiest seeds you guys can eat; it's rich in lignins, omega-3 fatty acids, and higher amounts than basically all other nuts and seeds that I'm aware of at this time."
"The omega-3 content of some nuts and seeds like walnuts and hemp seeds give them a little more advantage at lifespan promoting anti-cancer benefits."
"Hemp milk contains a solid amount of Omega-3s aiding inflammation prevention."
"A diet high in omega-3s can improve reproductive success by improving oocyte quality."
"Foods that are rich in omega-3, in particularly the oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines so these are the type of fish that contain high amount of omega-3."
"Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are really important for moisturizing the hair shaft and have anti-inflammatory properties that are good for scalp health, hair follicle health, and subsequent hair growth."
"Omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA have the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and directly nourish your brain cells."
"Fish oil... helps keep our heart healthy, keep our brain healthy, it improves memory, it can improve muscle building and fat burning."
"Omega-3 fatty acid is absolutely crucial."
"Just one tablespoon of flax or chia seeds a day will give you 100% of your recommended daily dose of omega-3 fatty acids."
"Omega-3 fatty acids are extremely integral at controlling the neuroinflammatory response."
"Microalgae are the only living organism able to produce naturally those omega-3 fatty acids."
"Omega-3 fatty acids showed huge benefits, especially for people whose blood pressure was not treated well."
"Analysis of traditional snake oil showed that it contained a very high percentage of omega-3 fatty acids."
"Omega 3 fats reduce inflammation and really almost every health issue today is inflammatory in nature."
"They also contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for your heart and brain health."
"Flax seed is an excellent source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a type of omega-3 fatty acid that's important for heart health."
"The best source of omega-3 fatty acids comes from the ocean."
"Fish is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids."
"Fish oil is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids."
"Omega-3 has been shown to benefit healthy persons by improving their frontal lobe function, improving their sense of well-being, improving their vigor and energy."
"Omega-3s are the most important supplement; most people don't consume enough."
"Omega-3 fatty acids are important for eye function, particularly for the regulation of inflammation and maintaining good blood viscosity."
"Omega-3 fatty acids speak to your DNA in your cells."
"If you're a vegan, you can also get omega-3s from tree nuts, chia seeds, those kinds of plant-based sources."
"Nuts and seeds and nut butters are great for those healthy omega-3 fatty acids."
"Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, we've seen evidence of reductions in heart disease and stroke risk."
"High protein, high omega-3 fats like flax, chia, or hemp seeds are important for your skin, hair, and nails."
"Grass-fed beef tends to be lower in fat in general and therefore lower in saturated fat and have more omega-3 fatty acids."
"Omega-3 fatty acids can help slow the aging process."
"Wild fish like sardines, herring, mackerel, anchovies are one of the best sources of Omega-3 fats."
"Omega-3 fatty acids play a key role in a baby's eye and brain development."
"Omega-3 fatty acids are good for a healthy heart and we cannot synthesize omega-3s ourselves."
"Flaxseed and hemp seeds are beautiful ways to get omega-3; they are on par with salmon."
"Spinach is high in omega-3, which is one of the things that we really recommend for mental health."
"Long chain Omega-3s can be sourced more sustainably from algae."
"Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids and these are the good kinds of fats that our dogs need in their diet."
"Omega-3 fatty acids are good for you; they're found in fish and some nuts."
"We need to talk about the omega-3 fatty acids."
"Omega-3 fatty acids and the reduction in both acne and excess hair."
"Fish oil can inhibit TNF alpha by as much as 74 percent."
"Fish is great. You want to eat fish because it has Omega-3, which is a great fatty acid."
"Chia seeds have omega-3 fatty acids and are anti-inflammatory."
"Seaweeds and algae are rich in omega-3 fatty acids."
"Omega-3 fatty acids, you can get that from fish, nuts, and if you don't get enough of it, you can take that in a supplement as well."
"Seafood provides omega-3 fatty acids, which are associated with decreased risk of heart disease."
"One tablespoon of flax seeds gives you your daily requirement of omega-3 fatty acids."
"Flax and chia are like the best as far as the Omega 3 to 6 ratio."
"The most effective supplement for ADHD according to medical science is omega-3 fatty acids."
"Omega-3 fatty acids have a range of benefits, but the main ones would be improved brain function, improved inflammation, improved heart health, and it's also really amazing for your skin."
"We increase omega-3s because we want a better balance of omega-3s to omega-6s."
"Some studies reveal that the ingestion of omega three fatty acids is associated with the reduction of breast cancer."
"Fish oil is a source of Omega-3 and it helps to reduce the risk of heart disease or heart attack."
"Salmon is super high in omega-3 fatty acids."
"One of the most effective ways to modulate a healthy inflammatory response is omega-3 fatty acids."
"Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for optimum brain development and have been shown to improve cognition, learning, memory, and school performance."
"I'm pretty sure algae oil has EPA and DHA."
"They look like brains, yeah, and so good for you, they've got Omega, very high in omega-3 and fatty acids."
"If you're just eating a lot of meat, especially grass-fed and finished beef and lamb, you're going to get a lot of Omega-3s."
"Salmon is also, if not the highest, one of the highest animal sources of omega-3, so they're like a perfect meal."
"Omega-3 fatty acids... downregulate inflammation in your adipose tissue."
"Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines are very effective at increasing and maintaining high energy levels due to their high content of omega-3 fatty acids."
"Supplements like daily multivitamins and the use of omega-3 fatty acids."
"Omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and can do wonders for overall health."
"It's full of vitamins and minerals, full of protein, and also rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids which our body cannot produce by itself."
"Wild salmon, rich in those omega-3 fatty acids, especially that DHA, super important for your hair growth."
"Omega-3 essential fatty acids are brilliant for so many different things, it's brilliant for your brain, for your memory, for your head, you know, for your mind."
"Omega-3s play a very important role in different areas of the body, our hearts, brains, as well as they're really good for decreasing overall inflammation in the body."