
Hygiene Quotes

There are 3342 quotes

"The vagina is a self-cleaning oven. You don't need to do anything; your body will take care of it itself."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Hygiene is a part of that because if you don't care about your physical self and your well-being, then your other parts start to kind of diminish."
"Reduce your risk of viral illnesses like the flu and coronavirus: wash your hands frequently with soap and water."
"If somebody has a cold and they happen to perhaps, you know, wipe their nose or sneeze into a tissue (hopefully into a tissue) and then discard that tissue, the cold virus particles are extremely small."
"The flu virus, unlike the cold virus, can only exist on surfaces for about 2 hours."
"A bidet can be a significant quality of life improvement, offering a cleaner and more sustainable alternative to toilet paper."
"Washing your hands with soap and water is highly effective in preventing transmission."
"Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds frequently."
"Cleanliness matters the most. It doesn't have to be well decorated or well furnished, but cleanliness tops all of the factors."
"The action was avoiding close contact, the action was hand washing."
"The most important thing for all of us is to remember the basics: First, wash your hands regularly and for 20 seconds."
"Keeping our hands clean is one of the most important measures we can take to avoid becoming unwell and, crucially, stopping the spread of germs."
"Dr. Bronner soap... will have you squeaky clean... and if you struggle with backne, getting an exfoliating rag is literally the best thing."
"The importance of personal hygiene cannot be overemphasized."
"Washing hands helps ya not catch a cold! Thanks, Ignatz!"
"Wash your hands. You'll have a better chance of not contracting it."
"Stay safe, wash your hands, wear a mask if you decide to go outside, get vaccinated if it's possible."
"You'd be surprised how old soap really is. There's evidence that the ancient Babylonians had recipes for it as early as 2800 BC."
"Cleanliness is so very important; the tub is perfectly clean, the rocks are perfectly clean."
"Our mouth is literally dirtier than our anus in terms of bacteria. We want to take nice clean air and breathe out through our nose because our nose recaptures moisture."
"When it comes to health, brushing your teeth is one of the most important parts of your day."
"I wanted it to be something different from what existed before, and a place where people would cultivate health in every possible way by every means afforded by medical science and by modern hygiene."
"Miracle sheets are infused with silver that prevent up to 99.7 percent of bacterial growth, leaving them to stay cleaner and fresh three times longer than other sheets."
"It's pretty gross. It's pretty gross and especially gross because there's been so much focus placed on mask wearing."
"Removing body hair...becomes redefined as a hygiene practice...It is not an option to refuse; it's like teeth cleaning but without any of the health benefits."
"If you have body odor, it could be because of a health condition, and I'm going to tell you to get your butt straight on to the doctor."
"In our modern education, the education about hygiene of physical is there; now should include hygiene of emotion. That's very important."
"So until next time, wash thy hands, wear thy mask, and don't punch any babies."
"Given that modern pharmaceutical, surgical, anesthetic, scanning, and other diagnostic technologies were self-evidently unavailable to the mid-Victorians, their high life expectancy is very striking and can only have been due to their health-promoting lifestyle."
"I have been obsessed with checking the hygiene rating of every single place that I order food from."
"Another thing that you should be doing is brushing your tongue because our tongue is actually the reason for bad breath."
"If you're maintaining great hygiene, it will decrease the amount of staining, but even if you have great hygiene, these are foods and drinks that tend to be absorbed by the tooth."
"Good hygiene not only reduced the spread of disease, it could also have strategic military benefits."
"You don't have to go in super deep. Um, that can actually push the wax further into your ears and sometimes it can hurt. But if you find the right spot, this [cleaning your ears with a Q-tip] should be feeling good as [__] for no reason."
"The purpose of hygiene... is also for the comfort of others. You don't want any of your offensive smells choking people out on the elevator."
"Nothing ruins a great appearance or otherwise odorless aura like bad breath."
"Fragrance should not be used to mask bad smells; it should be in addition to our clean, fresh smell."
"We have to make sure that we are keeping our hygiene up; our health could be in jeopardy just like it would if we were not eating."
"Baking soda can be used for your teeth, your clothes but also... across your whole home."
"All humans are gross. We all are, and we all need to clean ourselves. It's just part of the deal."
"It's also important to break the habit of putting your hands to your face."
"I love imperfection, but at the same time, like hygiene is very important."
"Teeth...shows hygiene, it shows cleanliness, and most importantly, it shows self-care."
"Stay safe, wash those hands, isolate as much as possible, and keep your immune system up."
"These slip over your fingers and allow you to snack while keeping your fingers clean."
"You definitely need to clean all the dirt out of your crack, yeah, on the daily."
"The most important thing is social distancing and washing your hands."
"How do you spread your butt cheeks enough to [expletive] wipe your butt?"
"In terms of being surrounded by germs you're actually better off eating your meal in the bathroom than at your seat."
"The biggest culprit for germs is the tray table one test showed that tray tables held over 2,000 colony forming units per square inch meaning that the bacterial and fungal cells on there are able to multiply."
"Germs: 30,000 to 40,000 skin cells per hour."
"I noticed that certain headsets accumulate like bacteria on them really easily... so I like the leatherish material because I can clean it once in a while."
"Our best defense against this virus is washing hands, physical distance, and staying at home."
"Automatically cleaning the litter box every single time your cat uses it gives your cat a much cleaner, more hygienic, and pleasant environment."
"Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after going to the bathroom before eating and after blowing your nose coughing or sneezing."
"Cover your cough or sneeze not with the bare hand but with a tissue or with your elbow."
"Your balls, your body, and your butt. Manscape offers the best tools for the big three."
"Bidets are easy to set up on any toilet in under 10 minutes."
"Shoes are the one thing that we wear every day that we really never clean."
"Given that we're still in the middle of a never-ending pandemic, we should all be looking to visit the most hygienic places we possibly can."
"Mental health plays a role in hygiene... maybe I hope you get better soon."
"Practice good hygiene, these are the things that are going to help us flatten the curve."
"Neither is bathing, that's why you do it every single day."
"Bad breath is the number one instant turn off for me, no matter what."
"Etiquette is not only about what kind of bag to wear and how to hold it, but it's also a lot about hygiene."
"You don't want to smell like a mix of perfume and unfresh clothes."
"Make sure that you are washing your hands, take care of the vulnerable around you and be thankful for what you have because a lot of people out there have it a lot worse."
"Scalp health is something that I find first of all it was something I struggled to talk about."
"Soap was pretty good, gotta keep the place clean."
"It's still vital that we remember to wash our hands."
"People like Alexander Kira notes that we must begin to think of hygiene facilities as an important part of the home and as an important aspect of our daily lives."
"Remember coughs and sneezes spread diseases, so catch it, bin it, kill it."
"What will you see? Well, neighbors' kids can come over and can help tend to the chickens, make sure they wash their hands, they play games, the kids can go ride their bikes."
"If you're carrying soap, don't use it directly in a water source."
"The first two months are crucial... definitely clean it at least one to two times a day."
"It is your hands as well as the distance that are absolutely critical to this."
"Soap and water. Hot water. Soap. 20 seconds. That's how you do it."
"Wash your hands, use common sense, look after the most vulnerable."
"Soap will break it down so alcohol and soap will kill the virus so simple hand-washing wherever possible."
"Let's keep washing our hands let's keep practicing social distancing and ultimately let's try and lower the value of the contact ratio Q because we've seen here in the SAR model the lower the value of Q the fewer people that catch the disease."
"Wash your hands as often as you possibly can... if you don't have the alcohol wipes try and get them if you can't get them just try as best as possible to do it."
"I hope you washed your hands. Wash your damn hands."
"Every guy has Manscaped on their wishlist. Nobody wants to be unkept down there."
"Manscaped - the global brand for men’s grooming and hygiene products!"
"Wash your freaking hands, wash your hands, don't cough on people."
"Using a bidet to cut down on toilet paper usage."
"I basically just want to end this by saying: don't drink your pee, don't play with your pee, don't store your pee, don't ingest your pee in any way, don't make your kids drink pee. Let's all take our pee and flush it away."
"The power of the bidet. Everyone praises the bidet like it's a nice gentle caressing of your behind and it's just it just makes it so clean."
"My answer is actually playing chess with your checker game here because if I get rid of wiping my butt then I don't have to wash my hands which means I've gotten rid of two inconveniences with one fell swoop."
"Between using a mask and not spreading the virus, and you touching it on surfaces and cleaning your hands, those go a long way."
"It is still vital than ever that we remember to wash our hands."
"We cannot emphasize too much the point about washing hands."
"Staying clean, safe, and protected is very important."
"No, the fan Meetup would not smell awful, everyone would have showered, they'd have their deodorant, they'd have all that [__], they'd have their teeth brushed, all of it, man."
"This is the legacy of my life this is my life's work and I'm just getting started."
"My administration believes in two beautiful rules: buy American and hire American."
"I wiped everything down making sure the surface was nice and clean."
"This could have all been prevented if the chef washed his hands."
"Remember everybody wash your hands, you big germaphobe boy!"
"Cleanliness was King in the Victorian era because they were figuring out that germs and poor hygiene cause diseases."
"Shaking hands or not shaking hands, washing hands all the time, staying a little apart... some of what we're learning now will live on into the future."
"The miracle of soap. Did you know that people used to not wash their hands before? The doctors wouldn't wash their hands before, and they started washing their hands and then infant mortality rate plummeted."
"Always brush your teeth. That's important, guys."
"Social distancing and making sure you wash your hands before you touch your face, bottom line."
"The social distancing, you know, the hand-washing, and all that, that's really important."
"Nobody likes a dirty manhood, so keep your ship clean with manscapes."
"Chopsticks are merged at the end to create a resting block for hygiene purposes, keeping them off the table."
"Toothpaste caps have pointed cone shapes inside for puncturing the seal hygienically without cutting oneself."
"Good thing I have these gloves on for sanitary reasons."
"Do not touch your t-zone... the eyes, the nose and the oral mucosa."
"Wash your hands for at least 30 seconds, wear a mask in public, do your research, get the vaccine."
"Despite all my moaning and groaning over animal remains jenkins stink."
"Washing one's hands, Klein reasoned, had nothing to do with spreading infection."
"His work and dedication to saving lives through basic hygiene will live on forever."
"Your phone being cleaner than the disgusting germ magnet that it is right now is always great."
"Hygiene simulates and tracks the accumulated effects of a character going unwashed for any length of time. Poor hygiene can lead to disease, lowered health, and snarky comments."
"Whenever I'm at the public restroom and see people not washing their hands, it's fucking disgusting."
"Basic tees... probably the most essential thing on here next to hygiene."
"I love to keep my hands clean and I don't like to touch my face with dirty hands."
"He constantly brags about not showering, like that's his one thing."
"Remember to maintain hygiene and always sterilize your cutting tools."
"I used to wash like in high school every day."
"Prevention is key: Hand-washing and surface disinfection."
"If you do this with your kid for 3 days and you don't let them flush they will learn why you flush toilets."
"Wash her face! Hey, what the heck are you doing?"
"Always clean surfaces to prevent spreading bacteria, safety first!"
"Healthy eating meant procuring fresh produce, and food handling hygiene was strictly observed."
"Changing your pillowcase will make sure that your skin and pores never clog up when you are sleeping."
"Maybe I should make like proper bathrooms, I think there's, yeah, there's the wash basin, maybe I should do that."
"Your scalp is part of your body. It needs to be exfoliated, cared for, loved, and cleansed."
"I brush my teeth solely when I know I'm gonna be kissing someone."
"Decontaminate all surfaces you got to get used to that."
"Using the correct disinfectant is an important part of preventing and reducing the spread of illnesses along with other critical aspects such as hand washing."
"Surfaces that are visibly dirty should be first cleaned with soap and water and then disinfected."
"Hygiene matters a lot in making a positive first impression."
"Girls will give you compliments on the way you smell because smelling good is rare. A lot of guys smell like [ __ ]."
"Toilets in Japan, like their gadgets, are technologically advanced."
"Stay safe, neighbor. Remember to wash your hands."
"Don't forget to brush your teeth because you know why people will want to be your friend they won't."
"Whatever you're stepping on, you will now make sure that the bottom of your shoe is always in a1 condition."
"I just want more Bidets out there. It's not like a money-making... it's just 'cause I think Bidets are cool."
"Wash your hands. I mean, I think, you know, when the WHO had this whole thing about like we don't want to stigmatize..."
"Don't panic but take precautions and bring a towel. Wash your hands."
"Just brush your teeth first and then tell us the story. Why do we need to multitask?"
"You must make sure everybody's ass is clean."
"Is it always good to wipe my ass after I poop? Bidets, check me."
"Visionary has mastered use of hand sanitizer."
"Making sure you have a good regular wash routine is one of the best investments of time you can have."
"Wash your hands, avoid touching your face, reach out to your grandparents."
"Wash your hands, don't touch your face, and be sweet to yourself."
"The most important thing to do is wash your hands."
"Wash your hands for 20 seconds. That sounds like an eternity when you're doing it, but that is the recommendation."
"Manscaped is the only brand dedicated to below-the-waist grooming and hygiene products."
"If you don't do this and you are expecting to put your fingers anywhere fun, you will be sorely mistaken."
"It was kind of like if you Febreze yourself instead of taking a shower."
"You don't have to floss all your teeth, just the ones you want to keep."
"You need to go home so you can get a bath, a proper bath, and a proper cutting."
"Using soap and water and then a paper towel is the second best."
"You cannot tell me that the federal government does not have money for toothpaste and soap."
"Be smart out there, wash your hands, and if you see people not washing their hands it is okay to be the dick that says hey man watch your goddamn heads."
"You stop washing your face, it'll definitely get dirty."
"Cash is one of the dirtiest things in the world."
"Since I got my wisdom teeth removed, I've been brushing my teeth twice a day and taking a shower nearly every day. Makes me feel cleaner."
"Hey dude, you still need to wash your hands. You are disgusting right now."
"I got called out by Weezy so bad. She said, 'Adam, I know you don't wash your hands after you pee.'"
"Washing your hands, surfaces, and cooking tools is crucial."
"Wipe down your cutting board after using it every single time."
"When you have to go potty, stop and go right away."
"79% of partners polled admitted that long nose hairs are a major turn off. Why not use the best tools on the job?"
"If you expect us to hold your hand, just wash it."
"Brushing makes your breath smell super nice."
"Keep your teeth extra clean and extra healthy."
"In cramped towns and remote rural areas alike, sanitation and hygiene were misunderstood or completely absent."
"Nobody did it like the ancient Greeks, and I mean nobody. Ancient Greeks would wipe using broken pieces of ceramic!"
"You're a sweaty, stinky, high-performance machine that deserves the high-performance hygiene of Dr. Squatch."
"Hygiene is important, and hygiene is freedom."
"Hand hygiene is critical for reducing transmission of pathogens, colds, flus."
"Dental hygiene would be the main concern with this bat dad"
"Merino wool shirts... antimicrobial... wear them for a week before they start stinking."
"Quick dry towels... dry really quickly... not wet for days on end."
"Self-care is like brushing and maintaining your mental health hygiene."
"Wash your hands, don't touch your face, stay at home if you're not well."
"I thought people would prefer not to put their hand in pee water."
"Hygiene is very important. I don't want any of my prisoners to get sick."
"One thing that pisses me off is people who have bad hygiene."
"Please wash your hands, social distance if you can, and take care of each other because we also need more of that."
"These Gatsby deodorant body wipes saved my [ __ ] life."
"It's pretty antiquated for us to use our hands to wipe our asses with wads of paper that we flush into the environment."
"Period underwear, practical and thoughtful gift."
"Without proper hygiene in every survival situation I run the risk of highly dangerous rashes and fungus development."
"It's important to keep your germs to yourself."
"I highly suggest flossing along with brushing your teeth."
"This bidet... has saved us thousands of dollars on toilet paper over the years."
"Without being ultra paranoid here we really need to limit the exposure of human body fluids between people."
"You don't want poop in your water, so keep your poop outta your water, you're gonna have a great time."
"If you cannot get a hold of any of those things, good old soap and water will actually lower the majority of the viral load."
"Cleansing your skin is so important because one of the main factors in breakouts is that you're accumulating dirt, sebum, and oil in your pores."
"It's insanity to think we're so forward when we're wiping off bacteria we have a harmonious relationship with."
"Poor oral hygiene is linked to things like diabetes oral cancer Alzheimer's."
"Might be a good idea keep the dirty from the clean."