
Protocols Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"And perhaps most importantly, today's episode provides information and protocols that anyone can use to cultivate their generative drive, which is a hallmark of mental health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The most important thing is that protocols can be permissionless... that peer-to-peer transfers and payments can be permissionless."
"The Python data model is a means by which you can implement protocols. Those protocols have some abstract meaning depending on the object itself."
"I think our response protocol is gonna have to be tightened up, tweaked a little bit."
"Proper safety protocols exist to prevent the worst-case scenarios from happening."
"If you go out there and you're with a group of people using the C-5 protocols and practicing this, you're going to have events happen."
"Protocols and security in place to prevent hacking."
"These protocols we build are about inviting each and every person who uses them just for a moment to realize that we have a chance to evolve as a society and do things differently."
"The real money that's going to be made is by following the smart money and investing in protocols that are going to change the world."
"He's leaning into the protocols that are trying to essentially not necessarily back up ETH."
"Protocols, not people: the essence of decentralization we sometimes forget."
"Someone's going to end up getting hurt in all this protocol stuff with the head injuries."
"Even if they do use their own utility coins, they still need an open-sourced protocol for settlement - that's where XRP comes in."
"Imagine if there were no protocols, no hypermedia hills to die on."
"Maths is a pretty unopinionated language to describe how a protocol should work because it specifies only correctness."
"The point of having a form specification is to underline the fact that it's a protocol, not a piece of software."
"REST uses HTTP/HTTPS protocols."
"Layer seven is, I understand HTTP, HTTPS, I understand WebSockets, HTTP/2."
"Understand your emergency checklists; there are emergency checklists for a reason, that's to keep you safe."
"Remember our initial rules for the LAN outbound port are allowing HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, DNS on both UDP and TCP ports, Network Time Protocol, and several ICMP message types."
"Z-Wave is also a low power network so any battery-powered sensors and devices that you have will use very little energy."
"Prompt engineering tip number five is to use step-by-step protocols."
"After Tony's death, he created protocols for the continuation of the Avengers."
"Follow the protocols I'm gonna go through in this video today."
"I dropped it in front desk at UFC security."
"Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol is more secure than password Authentication Protocol and is used to pass client credentials securely over a public network."
"There's not a lot of rote memorization that we have to go through for these certifications, but we have to know these because we often run into these when we are reading through protocol decodes."
"OSPF neighbors they have to have matching timers."
"You look at Nordic countries; they're doing phenomenally well with these types of protocols."
"TCP/IP is the protocol stack, and then there's another thing called the internet suite, and those are all based on the OSI model."
"Cruise ships are known for their stringent safety measures and security protocols."
"So there's far less ways you can manipulate your interior gateway protocols than you can manipulate BGP."
"Not all reactions not all side effects are the same some are actually an indication that they're working others are an indication that you should modify the protocol."
"Emergency switching off shall cause a disconnection of all live conductors."
"...restaking in the sense of just like collateralizing or reusing your collateral for other applications kind of slides into restaking in the sense of like finding ways to sort of sneak other protocols into being enshrined as part of Ethereum in some way."
"I am where I am today because I followed rules, protocols, and laws."
"SAML is to OpenID Connect as SOAP is to REST."
"We want to securely set the time and date on network devices. What secure protocol should be used for that task?"
"Configuring priorities enabled, configure preemption, configure tracking for both protocols."
"Enterprise grad security wherein it natively supports 802.1x protocol for Port security you can do storm controlling."
"That's really like the foundation of virtually everything we do you know we talk about protocols we never classify what we do as a diet."
"If you have a protocol that's just like I don't know whatever the protocol is safety protocol you know it not only keeps you safe just and statistically speaking you know chances are it'll keep you safe but it'll jam up their game."
"Standard operating procedures clarify concepts, terminology, and processes."
"Layer 1 protocols are multi-sided platforms."
"Transport agnostic, can be built on top of various protocols."
"We're really good with all the protocols."
"...the narratives about decentralization all the problematic things happening with centralized protocols handling our transactions and handling data streams and handling AI are slowly being solved here."
"There's rules protocol that we tend to use in a wired base Network like the one that you guys have right in front of you is the ethernet protocol or the ethernet standard."
"OSPF is also a link state routing protocol."
"The one thing we can do if we can't have more people and more resources is to try and look at how we do it and put in place exactly protocols and checklists and drill people in these and support each other and say speak up when you see something that isn't what it should be."
"If you see something like this in your environment, tell people to stop using unsecure protocols."
"This is the importance of using secure protocols."
"Thank you for following our enhanced health and safety protocols onboard the Enchanted Princess."
"The process of sending an email through Microsoft Graph API bypasses traditional protocols like SMTP and IMAP."
"Devices use agreed upon protocols to communicate with each other."
"Network requires the use of several protocols, not just one."
"So the main advantage that companies like the Nozomi have over its competitors is the number of protocols they support."
"Embryos on day six are not worse in any way. It depends on the laboratory's protocols and incubators used."
"I would actually say the nuance is not necessarily that we cracked anything because this is, you know, there's a long lineage of people trying to build these protocols on the Bitcoin network."
"A protocol, not a company, is really the way forward."
"RDT 2.1 is a stop and wait protocol and uses a one bit sequence number."
"A tool is only ever as good as it is applied. None of those protocols are bad; they can actually be excellent, but only if they're used properly."
"Yes, you can develop positive, healthy behavioral protocols to be able to do things more effectively."
"If you're not running spanning tree protocol on your network, then you are susceptible to a switching loop."
"Current Protocols is the largest collection of peer-reviewed authoritative and regularly updated step-by-step research techniques and procedures available for life scientists worldwide."
"Their communication between the backend application and the database itself has always fascinated me, especially with their many, many protocols."
"Protocols allow us to swap out coordinators whenever we want, in particular, protocol composition means we can describe the behavior we want rather than the specific type we want, which is much more flexible."
"Bitcoin is less bitcoin than some other protocols that have much better privacy."
"It's very hard to censor a decentralized protocol."
"Knowing how computers communicate with other devices... includes things like network protocols, all their different ports and port numbers."
"Protocols are in place for a reason; they are all written in blood."
"We need to follow some protocols and we need to go through the procedure very smoothly."
"Follow your protocols, know your protocols no cold, have them on you, especially when you're new, and good documentation."
"Both types of RT-HIL simulation can be realized through communication networks, in which, the simulators and the devices communicate with each other by use of standard communication protocols."
"This supports ANT+ and Bluetooth Smart across all of the proper protocols."
"The ERG is a guidance resource to: approach and secure the incident safely, identify the level of hazard, and obtain help by calling in the incident according to your agency's protocols."
"Tunneling is the process of encapsulating content from one protocol into another."
"We're going to set our Config Manager site to be HTTPS only."
"You're never going to be able to keep your secret protocols actually secret."
"Protocols are very clearly defined at a bit level, allowing new devices to join the internet and be compatible with it."
"The protocols of the internet are the internet more than the physical manifestation of it is."
"The transport layer has two protocols, that's TCP and UDP."
"We have procedures, we have protocols in place, we receive regular training on the proper handling of classified information."
"To prevent the AI from betraying humans, we created two protocols that they must follow: one, they cannot harm any forms of life; and two, they cannot alter themselves."
"We will follow all safety protocols... we'll do our best to stay within the rules."
"Telephone triage protocols are used most effectively if they're used as a checklist for every triage call."
"Checklists provided proven safety improvement in a wide variety of fields."
"Don't do this; follow the protocols that we set forth so you can be successful."
"It's a layer on top of TCP, it works in concert with HTTP, it's not HTTP."
"The key parts, the cornerstones of Swift UI, they are the protocols View, Scene, and App."
"A protocol is a set of rules that processes use to communicate with each other."
"Protocol is an agreed upon set of rules that specify the behavior of the system."
"Internet protocols are open, meaning everyone has access to them."
"Standard procedures are how we stay out of trouble, don't make it up as you go along."
"We've added things like gzip compression, chunked transfer encoding, and connection keep-alive."
"Multiple access protocols allow multiple users to access the same link."
"Protocols are kind of like languages that computers speak with one another."
"What we humans really tend to care about, if we're not the engineers but we're really the software developers and we're the users of applications, we care about application layer protocols."
"BGP is an exterior gateway protocol that uses autonomous system numbers."
"All right, so we've now established how devices are able to communicate with one another over the internet by taking advantage of these protocols—TCP/IP and HTTP."
"I remember being blown away by her discussions of how she had to put together some of her protocols."
"Eliminate ignition sources is the number one rule when dealing with flammable liquids."
"RabbitMQ is a messaging broker that supports different protocols."
"IP, Internet Protocol, is really a set of conventions. It's a set of rules that computers and servers are supposed to follow."
"The power of this protocol is in this thing it's called extended connect method."
"So which protocol is best? Well, it really depends upon your needs."
"The OAuth 2.0 flows are very important; the main thing to understand here is what are the different flows and why they're needed."
"The safety protocols are in place to mitigate accidents."
"This protocol is based off of the Aave or the Compound protocol, which are two of the largest and most important DeFi protocols in all of DeFi."
"We're going to use TCP, so while we're using HTTP as our application layer protocol, underneath that we have the transport protocol of TCP."
"You want a single protocol to handle both authentication and authorization."
"Now we understand the basics of hardware communication protocols, and we can start to analyze the logic of the rogue implant."
"Protocols are the rules for data transmission in a given network."
"No live bullets should ever be on a film set."
"Protocols... create a set of rules that objects which conform to a protocol have to follow."
"Network programming and network software defines protocols that enable computing devices to exchange messages and perform services remotely."
"It's a modern protocol similar to SAML; SAML is based on XML, Open ID Connect is based on JSON."
"This is a new set of standards and a new set of technical protocols emerging."
"The main issue is the success of the protocols changed the world, and when you get a new world, the protocols may not fit the new situation."
"Use an existing protocol. Most REST APIs these days will use OAuth 1.0a, OAuth2, or even HTTP Basic but only over SSL."
"We told him firmly that was outside the diplomatic protocols that exist between civilized nations."
"It's great that we're finding all of these vulnerabilities; we're refining the protocols and making things ever simpler and more secure."
"It's increasingly critical to use the latest versions of the protocol."
"This implements all the Ethernet protocols on board and you just have a simple SPI interface."
"You're using the resurrection protocols."
"Networking for computers is a layered stack of protocols."
"The government has these protocols and things in place to go in and help the people like immediately."
"We believe that we have the protocols we need, the tools that we need to move forward."