
Leverage Quotes

There are 712 quotes

"Understanding the way the dopamine system works will allow you to leverage it to your benefit."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Leverage is about using what you have to get where you need to be."
"It's all a story, as ever, of too much leverage."
"There is no wealth that is able to be created without leverage and/or automation."
"That's what these passive income sources are about: using leverage and technology to your advantage."
"The best thing you can do in this industry is to be independent, have your own leverage."
"The amount of money you make is proportional to the amount of leverage you employ in your life."
"There are pockets of hidden leverage in this economy and financial system that policymakers have not yet identified."
"Hard work, when applied with leverage, will get you far."
"Get some leverage. Don't think I hate when [__] be like, 'I need a manager.' You have nothing to manage."
"Trading with leverage and trading with margin is aggressive and risky, and you shouldn't do that with real money unless you already have proven that you're a profitable trader."
"Leverage can offer huge returns but also can kill you as well, unless you know how to use it correctly."
"If you make money on it over and over and over again, that can become super seductive. You start applying more leverage to it."
"We have to start realizing that giving and doing things in business without expectation of return from the other individual is probably the greatest leverage that you could ever deploy in your business life."
"You never want somebody else to have leverage more than you have the leverage."
"Leverage is the key to scaling your business."
"You got popularity and fame which equals leverage."
"Rich dads tell their kids to pursue high leverage opportunities."
"Until the left learns that unconditional support means that you have no leverage, which means you're gonna be ignored and that the left will continue to be ignored and have no power."
"Leverage is the use of borrowed funds from your brokerage in order to have a bigger position size than you would be capable of having with just your cash balance in your account."
"We're using leverage to allow us to be in more trades at once."
"I think the consensus says that this was a flash of all the leverage hands in the market."
"You can make demands all you want but the demand doesn't mean anything if you have no leverage."
"If you don't have multiple offers, there's not money leverage you can pull to get more."
"Dirt like Epstein had on people is more valuable than any kind of money."
"There's tremendous power in being able to do that, so you know we have, there's no part of our system that is not heavily that does not heavily, you know, leverage."
"Leverage is everything bro. It's very interesting how you don't understand that until you own why."
"What's irresponsible is giving away all of your leverage for absolutely nothing concrete."
"Whenever you got a little bit of leverage, you got to use it a hundred and ten percent."
"As our tools improve, technology magnifies our leverage."
"The best business to start is when it's high leverage and in a big market."
"Having minimal financial leverage is critical."
"You can make five times more than just doing the leads, the farther you take it, the more leverage you have."
"The only way that you guys can get leverage is to say one: we're holding up the infrastructure bill... and number two: the second thing you would say is okay, here's our leverage, you guys are corrupt."
"The truth emerges when the people who are trying to get to the truth have leverage."
"The CCP suddenly has new leverage, and Europe may fall back into energy dependence on the CCP."
"Advocate for yourself. Find ways to get leverage, know your market value, and bring it back. Let's just be reasonable here. I know what I'm worth."
"You need to get all the leverage you possibly can, like having this is leveraged, right? Because they gotta pay you enough money to not do this."
"Your leverage is a lot better in another country."
"Rampant speculation and widespread betting with borrowed money has driven the stock market to the brink of collapse."
"If we start using the leverage that we have, then we can correct a lot of things that right now we think cannot be corrected."
"In the business of music, only one way you can have Leverage is if you outperform your contract."
"Life is a game of leverage and I think it's not just the UFC it's everywhere in business and life it's it's understanding your leverage understanding your worth, you know."
"Build your own platforms, build leverage, and then you can walk away and only take the deals that suit you."
"I like the inherent leverage of an asymmetric risk reward in business."
"The leverage that could come from that idea is so much more than if you just had it on your own."
"Hitting the like button and putting a message in chat helps... it helps the YouTube algorithm say hey this is something that other people should be watching too."
"Ripples possession of records...provides it with strong leverage."
"We live in an age of infinite leverage... There's enough Capital out there for everybody watching here to get rich."
"China has been able to leverage the freedoms in the West."
"Products that have no marginal cost of replication... this newest form of leverage is where all the new fortunes are made."
"Code-based leverage is how all these new millionaires and billionaires are being made."
"Companies that have products with no marginal cost of replication now have added scalability, which means that they have an incredible amount of leverage."
"Power dynamics between characters are exciting because they're less about simple power and more about leverage."
"That's what war is, leverage from one country exerted on another country"
"When you're in this kind of three to six month phase, options become really good ways of getting leverage." - Raoul
"The key to drive a wedge into it is just the creators, the users, we hold all the leverage."
"When you're subjugated to one side, you have no leverage. Your vote is your only leverage."
"Try to get involved in whatever you're on or doing, try to get people to be interested in you so you can leverage it different ways."
"Credit is dangerous, but with proper habits, we can leverage it."
"It's all about leverage and defining your risk."
"The children card is leverage over the most important person in the room."
"Harry is doing all by himself but in the case of Megan, she has no leverage directly over William and Catherine."
"Leverage is when you have the ability to negotiate."
"Dividend investors are hacking the system, buying low when the market goes down and getting more leverage."
"Leverage is basically where you put in the same amount of work as someone else but if you have more leverage that means that your input of work gets more output than the other person's input of work."
"The power of systems and the power of leverage."
"Finding a way to leverage people has been the single biggest needle mover."
"Leverage is not good. Don't do it if you don't know what you're doing."
"Debt is a wonderful tool to accumulate and multiply capital."
"Give me a lever long enough and I'll move the world."
"Trade safe, especially if you're leveraged trading."
"Cooking at home is one of these major points of leverage for most people."
"The more value you provide without asking for something, the more leverage you have to monetize."
"The opportunity that you take advantage of becomes the leverage for the Next Generation."
"The Knicks have all of the leverage because of the position they're in."
"The left is in a fundamentally stronger position this time to politicize the facts."
"If we can leverage those relationships, there's so many things that come out of them."
"Stable coins absolutely mask the true amount of leverage that is in the crypto ecosystem."
"I tell men to not get married especially when you don't have leverage."
"You're going to control this deal with $200,000 which is no money on a $3 million asset."
"So that's why using 10x then you can actually go into the market with the initial margin of 43 of only 4 300 which means that you can add 10 more nine more bitcoin to your trade."
"If he behaved well, I'll give him an antidote every three months."
"The leverage ability you could get in real estate is huge."
"Creating wealth is about leverage and those who know how to use these tools will out-compete and outperform those who don't."
"Leverage is a crucial part of building a successful property portfolio."
"Other people's money allows you to build wealth 10 times faster."
"For the first time, America's children have leverage. I will not surrender that leverage."
"You've got to really be careful out there one mistake over leverage you're done for."
"Cryptos can't go bust because they don't have leverage against them. They just exist."
"I've never believed in leverage. Leverage is what gets you into trouble."
"Asking is like the same as... You got the leverage to your point."
"You have so much leverage when you're that crazy."
"If you knock it out of the park in the bedroom, I'm telling you, you have so much more rope."
"It's all about your leverage and relationships."
"I think leverage doesn't necessarily have to be your enemy I think appropriately levered businesses can outperform Under levered and Over levered businesses."
"The ultimate hammer you have over a vendor is the ability to leave."
"Learning new skills is this high leverage activity."
"Good debt is legal and can be leveraged to build wealth."
"I reluctantly gave him a slice, and he happily left, knowing he now had infinite power over me."
"Financial leverage just means using borrowed money to earn higher returns while using less of your own capital upfront."
"Residual income gives you leverage because you can just do the work, go to sleep, and still earn money."
"If I can't leverage anything from you, I'm not gonna give you anything."
"Buying long-term out call options allows you to leverage your money and potentially get much more outsized gains."
"Progressives did win this one battle, it shows you that when you do work as a block when you do threaten and actually play a little hardball and use your leverage you can actually impact the direction that things are going in."
"Secrets make for poor leverage; they die with the people who keep them."
"When you have the dirt on your political opponents, why not use it?"
"It's just so advantageous... you want to get as much leverage as possible, get as much money as possible."
"That is some serious mechanical advantage."
"All debt is bad, but some debt can make you money."
"Building social leverage and digital leverage, when you build it, it feels effortless, literally effortless."
"Understanding the way the world works in order to have the world work for you."
"Life is about leverage, and sometimes people have the leverage to say, 'Hey, well my pops was a L.A County Sheriff'."
"What did the man say? Give me a lever long enough and I'll move the world."
"One decision, one conversation, one doctor, one set of leverage completely changed my life."
"The system increases the mechanical advantage proportionally to the number of pulleys."
"Once you reach a certain level of wealth, you realize that leverage is a good thing."
"It doesn't really matter how hard you work, it's how efficiently you work and how you're able to leverage your results."
"If you're doing real estate or looking to do real estate, leverage opportunities; you can lower your rent easily."
"Time is on your side; time is your leverage."
"The most powerful productivity tool is leverage and outsourcing."
"In an age of infinite leverage, judgment, not work, determines success or failure."
"The ratio of margin debt to cash in the accounts is at its highest level in history."
"Attractive people have a massive unfair advantage in life if they know how to use it."
"Digital leverage is your ability to serve multiple different people at once whilst not being individually tied to serving each person over and over again one to one style."
"Ishii was diabolically brilliant and, at the conclusion of the war, leveraged American military leaderships’ fears of the Soviet Union in order to secure for himself and his men immunity."
"We also see another two nasty Corrections due to excessive Leverage."
"Bitcoin is a capital ratchet. It's a one-way ratchet right. Give me a lever long enough and a pice of stand and I can move the world."
"It's actually quite easy, the mechanical advantage is over a hundred to one."
"You generally have about two to four times leverage over the stock position, so you are leveraging your capital but you're doing so in a way with limited risk."
"I want to buy a business that's profitable, earns good returns on capital, and doesn't use too much leverage to do it."
"...the strength will only give you any leverage if it is actually applied with technique."
"Buying call options gives you leverage to multiply your money without needing a lot of capital upfront."
"I think they have absolutely zero negotiating leverage."
"It's leveraging Talent not replacing Talent."
"Leverage is not increasing the risk profile on the trade so long as you're quantifying this risk profile first and then using the least amount of Leverage required in order to enter this position."
"Trading on leverage does give the smaller investors and traders an opportunity to make more money if they trade well versus just buying bitcoin on the spot market and just holding it."
"He must have dirt on someone because he's never been popular."
"When you go from 400mm to 600mm you’ve increased to 1 ½ times the leverage, 50% more leverage."
"The best entrepreneurs have the biggest output for unit of time: time multiplied by leverage equals output."
"For me, it was a matter of reading the room. I got more power and resources here, so let me focus on this and ultimately I'll be able to use my leverage."
"...there is a way to achieve both meaning you know you're writing off or you're maximizing your write-off so that you can get the tax savings but at the same time it's not eliminating your ability to borrow and use leverage to grow your real estate..."
"With leverage comes responsibility. The responsibility to say we could change what we make, we could change how we do it, we could change who we serve, and if we change all of those things, then the people we serve will be better for it."
"How can I flip this perception of leverage into real leverage and then use the undo perception based on my new leverage to get some more leverage?"
"Buying a call allows greater leverage than buying the underlying stock."
"Forex trading comes with a low cost of investment and high leverage compared to other markets."
"The forex market works on leverage: You could put $1,000 down in a trade but trade with an actual amount of $100,000."
"Using generative AI as a lever inside your organization to accomplish things that you couldn't do as easily or even to do new things."
"So the reality is that investing on Leverage is quite risky but what you can do and what a lot of banks will let you do is you can hold your your entire portfolio right here and then you can borrow against it to put that money somewhere else."
"They were going to use her as leverage."
"Writing is the highest leverage skill there possibly is; editing isn't. You can't take that off platforms."
"The most important thing to understand when looking for more income streams is that you want to find leverage, a way of working smarter, not harder, to achieve the same goal with less effort."
"With enough leverage, you could move the world."
"That's the best leverage of all. I have nothing more to lose because I've already lost everything."
"Once I found options and realized the power they had with leverage, I really started focusing on that."
"There are no simple answers in this case, but people can completely change their beliefs, no matter how embedded they are, if you find the right leverage."
"We destroyed it so you can't kill him. If that vest goes off, you get nothing without me. You're nothing."
"Once you get to that crossroads, if you know how to leverage, the leverage in the real estate market is debt, that's your lever, and all that means is you can do a lot with a little."
"Learn what leverage is because you only have a little, so the biggest key for you is to learn how to do more with less."
"Car buying is more about leverage than anything, right? If you pit two dealerships against one another, you'll get exactly what you want at the price that you want."
"When you use money you lose money. Leverage money and the money grows."
"Stop making excuses and use other people's money."
"if you want leverage with traditional publishing if you want to ask for things that will further your rights and your career you really need to establish yourself in other ways"
"The reason why I like a single-payer Health Care system is because the government has more leverage to negotiate the prices of those services."
"When you are in a high leverage role, you should stop doing work that simply provides a positive return on investment (ROI) and you should start focusing on work that minimizes opportunity cost."
"What drives that is the observation that in a high leverage role, there will be hundreds of things that you can do that will provide a positive ROI."
"When you go to a deal with no leverage, you're finna get a [__] deal. Your leverage is crazy right now."
"Lean right into that awkwardness. Being human is freaking awkward. Leverage that."
"If you're good, you're going to do great work, and that's also going to put you in a position of leverage."
"That's precisely why they're doing it. A work stoppage is supposed to be done when you have leverage, not when you have no leverage."
"What good companies do is they have a talented leader that identifies the few critical issues and they actually figure out how to get leverage out of what they work on."
"Leverage it, or it will leverage you."
"Leverage your assets and your skillsets."
"The leverage is in the US government that people are talking about fiscal being, a fiscal stimulus still being pumped into the economy."
"Trading on leverage does give that hope, I would say, to people."
"This YouTube business is incredibly high leverage. You upload the videos once and they theoretically live on YouTube forever into the future."
"Leverage is like playing with fire."
"Mo saw this as having leverage over the Corleone family, and that they were in his debt. They owed him big time."
"...so they used the leverage of literally being Michael Jordan."
"Rich people hire people and poor people don't. You gotta create scale and create leverage. A lot of times, people work in isolation and they're stuck by their own understanding."
"Find the black swan. They are the leverage multipliers."
"If you want to scale, if you want to get to millions of dollars in real estate in your portfolio, leverage is going to be a very necessary thing."
"The leverage of the bank allows me to buy a property five times bigger than what I could have bought on my own."
"When you're growing organically, you leverage the fact that you own property there to buy a duplex there, then you leverage that past experience to have them take you more seriously."
"The benefit of owning real estate is going to be greater than investing that money in the stock market because you're using leverage."
"How can you not do house hacking? It is probably the single greatest lever available to somebody trying to reach financial independence."
"Creative Finance is the ability to buy anything without your own cash, without any credit, and without credentials."
"Learning from history is a form of leverage."
"You've never had more leverage to get in a better job, a better dealer, a better shop with more benefits, higher pay."
"Leverage your previous experience before getting into Tech."
"Most wealthy people use leverage in some form or fashion to continue to grow their wealth and generate more income and cash flow. And so if you want to be wealthy, you do what the wealthy people do."
"It's amazing what you can do with a lever."
"Use all information available to leverage your position."
"To get rich, you're gonna need leverage, and leverage comes in labor, capital, or code."
"In an age of nearly infinite leverage, judgment becomes the most important skill."
"If you care about ethics in wealth creation, it is better to create your wealth using code and media as leverage because then those products are equally available to everybody."
"Your biggest lever covers early on when they're just experiencing."
"I think startups today have a lot of leverage doing data science and AI as long as they have access to that data."
"You can manipulate you can use leverage for a while but somebody is going to build a massive deficit uh position."
"This provides the ability to leverage contracts on days where great setups are plentiful."