
Adrenaline Quotes

There are 1473 quotes

"Exercise and very potent increases in adrenaline come from high intensity exercise."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's great benefit to having a practice that perhaps you do every other day, but if you can't maybe every third day or every other day of deliberately increasing your adrenaline in your body while learning to stay calm in the mind."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Stress releases a hormone called adrenaline... it collapses your peripheral vision... I think that it does that psychologically too."
"If you implement a micro routine... you get a dopamine kick from that that transforms itself into adrenaline and energizes you."
"If adrenaline is extremely high, epinephrine, you're going to have a hard time sleeping."
"Spike of adrenaline we know is neuroprotective if it's a short-lived spike in adrenaline."
"I personally love Shudder because I love to be creeped out when I watch TV. I just love the feeling of adrenaline when I'm watching something really creepy."
"Living a life at 120 miles per hour does take a certain amount of crazy."
"Adrenaline is an effective way to increase dopamine, so high-risk occupations like racing, firefighting, and emergency response are all magnets for thrill-seekers with ADHD."
"It's an adrenaline rush. I like doing a job properly."
"Adrenaline took over, and I had the shakes. It was only an hour or so in that it dawned on me that my life was about to change in a drastic way."
"Adrenaline takes over...time kind of slows down a little bit."
"I'm almost addicted to doing things that other people assign a high level of fear to."
"Adrenaline is probably one of the best perks in the entire game. It does give you exhaustion for 40 seconds after you use it, but like, who really cares if you're in the end game? It shouldn't be too big of a deal."
"The energy and adrenaline on nights like this... only boxing can provide."
"I'm just riding the adrenaline wave of having caught something new."
"Your adrenaline's pumping, your heart's loud in your ears, but eventually you will kill it."
"These Florida car thieves thought they could outrun the Camden deputy."
"Not filled with regret, just that I felt so, um, I don't know, alive. Kind of like eating a hot sauce really, that's what it does, blew my mind, it does, yeah, gets the blood pumping, gets the heart racing."
"That feeling of just adrenaline leaving your body."
"Just chill out and don't have to go for that adrenaline rush every time you play poker."
"The idea of a heist is always something that gets your blood rushing."
"Yes, he died, but he died when he felt more alive than he ever had. Him being able to appreciate the moment with adrenaline through his veins."
"Driving a car 100 miles an hour through the woods sideways and trying to get through that stressful circumstance."
"A solid mile of pure adrenaline excitement and fun."
"You have to feel like you're in the fight and to keep that adrenaline pumping."
"Cobblestone, I used to think was the ugliest block in Minecraft. It isn't."
"You get this level of adrenaline when you can complete these runs."
"You always want to think of how they're going, yo, can you imagine the adrenaline, bro?"
"Adrenaline overrides everything you've got long enough before the impact to deliberately think your last thought."
"There are a few things better than the final moments of a battle royale game. It's very, very intense."
"My adrenaline was pumping, and instead of harnessing it, I mistakenly let it control my actions."
"A truck that goes this fast, that jumps and lands it, it's a solid axle monster truck. This is more than a racing truck, this is just a truck that anybody can have fun with."
"If being up high in the air isn't enough to get your adrenaline to Heart attacking inducing levels then you could always try this crazy pool in Tanzania."
"Some of my highest highs have been from big gnarly wipeouts. There's something about it."
"It was sort of like how you feel when you get an adrenaline rush."
"It's just natural adrenaline I guess that kicks in. It's challenging, it's dangerous."
"You're so caught up in it, the adrenaline is just flying through you like jet fuel."
"Fight or flight kicked in and we turned and sprinted full speed out of that park... never looking back to see if they were following us."
"Race drivers know it as the red mist, the rush of blood behind the wheel."
"That was absolutely absurd, my heart was racing."
"What a rush it's only virtual when you're still in the simulator."
"Man, the feeling of speed in this game is pretty horrifying."
"If you go full-throttle in a straight line in one of these things and you don't smile, you do not have a pulse."
"There's no bigger rush than getting a big scare."
"There are some things in life that get your heart pumping, and it's that very adrenaline rush that could get you out of some hot water, literally."
"Every baby step feels good, there is no better feeling than the pure adrenaline rush when finally beating a boss after a bunch of tries because winning fights feels earned."
"Funny things can happen... just a touch of adrenaline."
"In the midst of fear, adrenaline can make us do incredible things."
"You know, it's weird. After the accidents the adrenaline kicks in, so it's not really painful. Maybe the broken ribs part. That was pretty uncomfortable."
"I just feel alive when I'm in trouble... I feel alive when I'm fighting."
"I haven't had this kind of adrenaline in a while from this game."
"Strap on those helmets, rev those engines up, and get ready to kick this duel into overdrive!"
"You could just carry the front wheel up over these little crests. Dude, my adrenaline, my whole body is just pulsing with adrenaline."
"Ranked is the pure uncut stuff, ten times more exciting."
"The engine sounds from changing gears totally overpowering everything else to drop us into the chase from afar. Seeing high-performance vehicles getting pushed to the test is always cool."
"Life's damn fragile, even if you jump out of a plane and it's malfunctioned, like that, that's terrifying, I have to do that. I think I'm gonna do that purposely, hell no, but I don't have to."
"Oh my god that downshift and holy crap dude this is like taming a wild stallion."
"That was the most fun drifting I've ever had right there, just the amount of adrenaline, the amount of fun."
"To feed her adrenaline, she joined the air show performance business as a wing walker."
"Drifting: where man and machine are pushed to the limit."
"The chase segments especially, these moments are always blood-pumping."
"Blazing fires raging, adrenaline, and total anarchy."
"It's just an opportunity to go deep on throwing cars around corners and enjoying the best way around the corner."
"I've never had so much adrenaline reading a book, uh, ever."
"The power is simply addictive, it's smooth, it sounds good, it's gives you that adrenaline rush you expect out of a premium high-end high-powered motorcycle."
"He lets out a primal scream, scared for his life as this woman is charging towards him."
"The way that the cars sound, the feeling of throwing a 90s box through forests at Scotland at breaking that speed while Phil Mills is next year having a heart attack is just, it's just awesome."
"I never thought I'd actually have to use it until now as a surge of adrenaline mixed with a fight-or-flight instinct took over."
"A surge of adrenaline mixed with a fight-or-flight instinct took over."
"Your adrenaline is going so high you don't really know if you're injured like that whole first really first night I didn't feel nothing because my adrenaline."
"The dread never ends for a moment, and you'll need every ounce of adrenaline to keep you moving to the end."
"I can't wait... to perform for people. I love that adrenaline."
"Knowing in every fight you're a small mistake away from death can be stressful but also exhilarating."
"That's what it's all about man the overall experience the adrenaline that you feel from it."
"This is the most cops that I've ever chased me before."
"Stay calm... your adrenaline is what's going to keep you safe."
"This gives me so much adrenaline and I cannot wait."
"That was absolutely thrilling, that run down."
"It was a constant adrenaline rush of fighting this battle against tyranny."
"Oh, fearless, fearless—that gets the blood pumping."
"I get super excited to perform, so for me it was just such an adrenaline rush."
"Adrenaline's flowing, but try to remain calm so your decision-making processes aren't untethered."
"Parrying in Metal Gear Rising and just hearing 'Rules of Nature' might be the single most adrenaline-pumping thing in the entire video game industry."
"First time I saw a Raptor, it gives you that little bit of adrenaline though."
"When you score a goal, when you get a surge of adrenaline but depending on how big the goal is depends on how big that surge is, it's an addictive feeling."
"When I run away or sneak out, it gives me like an adrenaline rush. It's like a replacement for drugs."
"You start using the knife on the bear, the killer's eyes flashing with fear and rage."
"If you don't get an immediate adrenaline rush, I don't know what the hell is wrong with you."
"I finally understand you because when I watch these [ __ ] die, I've never felt more alive."
"There's just no way I'm gonna be able to get some sleep tonight, that was insane."
"Part of me does miss the adrenaline rush of PVMing on a hardcore."
"You know when you're at the door of the plane, you know you're gonna jump, like you can die, you know? I like that feeling, you know, like that scared feeling."
"Venom got that adrenaline momentum. Ain't gonna slow up and I'm fixin' to go on him."
"It's a rush, I gotta admit, it's an adrenaline rush."
"You talk about an adrenaline rush of your life right with all the things going on in the situation."
"The speed, the constant strive for perfection. You always feel close, so it always gives you that little rush of like, that was so close to being what I think is perfect."
"Once you do a qualifying lap in Monaco you can really understand how much adrenaline goes into the lap and how much how much you enjoy driving in between the walls."
"My heart was beating like a drum, but I barely noticed."
"There are moments in your fishing life where there are no words to summarise the level of adrenaline running through my veins, and this is one of them."
"Anger. Product of adrenaline, stress response, imminent threat. No threat to you, no anger."
"Fight or flight just kicked in, let's go!"
"When you're heightened, when your emotions are heightened or when you're physically challenged, there's adrenaline and there's this acceleration of things that are happening, you want to share it with somebody."
"Oh, big bass just attacked, oh my gosh!"
"I just feel like I got a shot of adrenaline right to the heart."
"I want to win this, guys. I got a lot of adrenaline going through the veins right now."
"It really does give you an adrenaline rush."
"First run, 11:60 on a very conservative everything at 117, 118 mile an hour. Awesome."
"I could burn out all the way up to 200 miles an hour and it'll just go straight as."
"Adrenaline is helping me a lot out right now."
"Bungee jumping's got nothing in terms of adrenaline that I'm feeling right now."
"The adrenaline kicked in instantly, and I ran outside to the others."
"The glory of Fast and Furious is seeing these crazy ass cars and the racing."
"Getting my hand raised in the cage... it's an adrenaline rush like no other."
"This track is knife-edge, it's dangerous, it's got everything a drift fan wants."
"You sort of have so much adrenaline on the day that you hopefully rise to the madness of the moment."
"When you put yourself in danger and you go through it, you come out the other side feeling way more alive."
"Racing has been absolutely stunning."
"Your adrenaline is going so strong, and it's like 11 o'clock at night, and your body's like, I'm not going home."
"That adrenaline dump is a spike; it can be negative, it can be positive."
"...that feeling after all, adrenaline high is such a high."
"I blame it on the adrenaline and pain because normally I wouldn't get involved."
"Wrestling's a drug... once you go through that curtain and you get that pop, it's like it goes through your blood veins."
"When you first put Crusty Demons of Dirt in your VCR, it just comes out swinging like a jacked up Mike Tyson."
"It's like a mixture of adrenaline and nervousness."
"Safer now than it was, but how can it ever be safe, wheel to wheel at 200 miles an hour on a motorcycle?"
"I've heard that people can perform superhuman feats when they have huge adrenaline rushes."
"Adrenaline is far and away the best drug to get hooked on, and I think you do as a racing driver."
"It was just super sketchy, but the run was good."
"The cold, the hunger, the fatigue, the thirst, everything, all those feelings of discomfort that we'd had, literally disappeared. We were filled with adrenaline, and we were on it."
"A tree just cracked off and almost hit us."
"Yes, that was such a good auction. Oh my gosh, my heart is racing right now."
"It just makes you feel very alive to be in that moment. It's actually adrenaline, you know? And I love adrenaline. I love like this risk and all this [ __ ]."
"I left this movie on an adrenaline high."
"...when you're going towards that wall and then you finally grab the E bra and then you're in it it's like oh my God I can't believe we didn't hit the wall."
"The more nervous you get, the faster you are."
"I managed to take my sister out in it who got up to about 30 mile an hour and then started screaming."
"Being scared sometimes is a good thing. It's like it gives you that kind of adrenaline, is that, does it, is that yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll go with that. Adrenaline is the word I love so so so so much."
"You can't tell me sitting in front of a computer on an excel sheet gives you that adrenaline."
"And that's what it's like to go through the quarter mile on the Sorceress."
"That's why I couldn't sleep, you know, like yesterday night I slept like one hour, wow, or maybe less because like the adrenaline and all things, you know."
"You can drift we've shown that at the lip Zig video it's a car you can absolutely Go full send in if you want to."
"Clyde-- machine gun in one hand, driving like a demon-- went right through the police lines, and they still made it away."
"We were busted, man. So I'm running to the bathroom, trying to get rid of it all. My heart was jumping out my chest."
"When I wake up, it's probably impossible to really talk rationally to me on a race day initially because I'm so fired up."
"It's amazing man how awesome is it that you can go in get aggressive get away with stuff you never would otherwise and maybe kill a giant Buck."
"Nothing makes you feel more alive than a gun pressed to your temple, or the cold lick of a knife at your neck."
"The first half of the film is an adrenaline rush absolutely fantastic."
"I just love it. It's just an adrenaline rush."
"The thrill of high-speed movement when you're strapped inside of the goggles is pure adrenaline."
"Game day, because game day is what gave you the dopamine, gave you the adrenaline, gave you the sense of worth contributing to a game, being important, being adored, being needed."
"That was sketchy. That was insane."
"Deliberate cold exposure is a very potent tool because of the amplitude and the timing of adrenaline that it creates."
"There's nothing quite like the thrill of mixed martial arts when it's at its best. It's a rush that's hard to top in any other medium."
"There are moments when you do get to appreciate the amount of power that you are using when you're doing like aggressive launches aggressive turns and you get that buzz of acceleration."
"I love knocking people out. It feels better to knock someone out for me."
"The excitement that can happen in those situations is just nuts."
"Adrenaline and passion take things beyond regulation."
"Feeling, if only for a moment, that time of 'holy crap, I gotta go through with this' is my time."
"I'm going straight to that jump and doing a back flip now."
"Most people that dream the dream of the Baja 1000 have this vision in their head of rocketing down a beach on the Pacific 100 miles per hour."
"Everything filling it up, these are methanol engines, they're on methanol and it's crazy, but anyway we got 20-gallon tanks and apparently like we'll fill up again before the night's over even with our little one-minute run."
"When it comes down to the risk versus reward, yeah we risk our lives but the reward is exponential like there's you can't put these feelings into words and that's why I do what I do for those feelings it makes me feel alive."
"One of my late night guilty pleasures is watching police interceptors because the car chases, they're a real-life situation, the stakes are high and the footage is completely raw."
"Living on the edge is when you feel the most alive."
"We're fixing to be those dudes that are going fast on these first time to the track."
"I really hope that that is not a sport I hope it's not a sport to like a waterfall diving in your kayak oh that's terrifying."
"You can't really get any better basically just kind of carve your way all the way down this if you don't have fun on this you won't have fun anywhere."
"As soon as we flew off, I could feel the adrenaline drain out of me."
"I just seem to be getting addicted to the adrenaline, set myself these crazy challenges, makes life a bit more exciting."
"Last night showed me how much adrenaline best it kicks up."
"I loved revving it more than I loved setting up for a corner."
"Yo, we're laughing, we're landing! Oh my god, oh we're gonna die, crash landing! It's a crash landing, oh my gosh!"
"The silence was deafening all but my heart pumping gallons of adrenaline through my body."
"Walking out to the octagon is a scary thing, right?"
"When he did, I slammed my foot on the gas and drove away."
"It's that rush. It's like an insane natural high that you're like, whoa."
"Unbelievable, my heart is pounding."
"Adrenaline surged through my veins as I Unleashed a barrage of arrows each one finding its Mark until the Beast finally fell."
"Adrenaline, commitment, determination, all of those things factored in."
"Fear gripped me, adrenaline surging through my veins."
"you actually become a what's called an adrenaline junkie I was definitely an adrenaline junkie I I love to to live on the edge"
"After an incredible day flying with Ali down today with a friend."
"That adrenaline that is pumping through your body is like something you will never feel anywhere else."
"It's like 10, 15 seconds, you're just going, and then he pulls the chute, and as soon as he pulls the chute and you see it, you just feel at peace."
"Some of the cleanest racing that I've ever had has been in the hooligan Series."
"It's crazy what fear and adrenaline can do because I went from zero to a hundred real quick."
"I want that adrenaline dump... I'm going to get it... thankfully I found fighting."
"No black got the car off the push truck and managed to keep the engines from overloading with fuel, he was traveling more than 350 miles an hour when the right front tire exploded at the end of the run."
"That's a minigun going off. Giving me goosebumps."
"The thrill of killing the enemy... Way better than the best [expletive] you've ever had."
"The world around him was muffled by the adrenaline coursing through his body."
"Everything is technically addicting everything food water well not water maybe but food sex gambling alcohol like Adrenaline Junkies are also like technically like addicts they're always chasing a high."
"Since about 2007, I've been just totally relaxed in big waves"
"It's just crazy racing to be able to have that much fun."
"... the reason they don't need drugs is because performing live in front of a crowd is their drug."
"Maybe I just burned my mouth so much that the adrenaline in my blood jumped."
"The adrenaline overrides all completely. It's pretty crazy."
"What I had there was to start it with this acoustic piece and then for it to build almost like an adrenaline rush by the end."
"If you can't handle it, don't go. If you enjoy being scared, if you enjoy your heart pounding hard, tears running out of your eyes, then go."