
Behavior Change Quotes

There are 680 quotes

"Listening to novel forms of music and paying attention to that music has been demonstrated to expand the brain's capacity for neuroplasticity, its ability to modify itself and make it better at learning other sorts of things."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Telling yourself that exercise or fasting or studying or listening better or any kind of behavior is good for you will actually reinforce the extent to which it is good for you at a chemical level."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The biggest thing I want that young lady to understand: Until you change the way you see yourself, you will never change your behavior."
"There's something in me that's always gonna have a certain degree of self-loathing, but if I can do anything in my behavior to ameliorate that, then why don't I?"
"Relying primarily on motivation to change your behavior long-term is a losing strategy."
"If you make the behavior change tiny enough, it's very easy to repeat and make that become a habit."
"When it comes to long-term change, there's only two ways you can get it done: You can change your environment...or you make the behavior tiny."
"Reiki helps change negative conditioning and behavior."
"We're not guaranteed how long we're going to be here... If we did actually internalize it, our behavior would reflect it."
"Mindfulness will help you with all of that; these behaviors basically happen because you're running away from reality."
"Easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than to think your way into a new way of acting."
"The idea is that social influence can help encourage or promote behavior change."
"Asking the right question is the key to behavior change."
"True behavior change is really identity change."
"We know from psychology that shame is one of the least effective ways to actually get behavior change."
"Now that you know, you can apply knowledge and make a different choice, demonstrate a different behavior, create a new experience, and that new experience creates a new emotion."
"At the moment that you realize you're doing the thing that you said you weren't going to do, you're going to pattern interrupt."
"If you understand how to diagnose cues and rewards, you are better at changing your habits."
"Heightened state, physical trigger, do it repeatedly, and you're going to find yourself a different person when you need to change your state."
"Understanding how a new habit links to your values is crucial for behavior change."
"After some big experience...there's this drop in the total amount of time the children elected to do this activity."
"When you turn a behavior or a goal from a 'should do' from a 'have to' into a 'want to', you're a hundred times more likely to actually do something."
"Everybody makes mistakes. What really stands out is the willingness and open-mindedness to accept their mistakes and change their behavior."
"You change your behavior; that's how you show that an apology is genuine."
"In January, you're becoming very self-aware of the subconscious patterns that don't serve you and maybe changing them for the better."
"Once all of her devices and social media were removed, something quite amazing happened."
"It's easier to behave yourself into a new way of thinking than think yourself into a new way of acting."
"I don't think shaming is effective. It's pushing people in the opposite direction."
"I agree with you, shame can radicalize. It is a poor way of getting people to change."
"This is not a time for normal behavior; we want much better behavior than normal."
"Sustainability is key. It's usually psychological and behavioral."
"The four laws of behavior change... make it obvious, make it attractive, make it easy, and make it satisfying."
"Real learning is a permanent change in behavior that's brought about by sustained practice of the knowledge that you gained."
"Life's always going to throw triggers at you, and you get to choose what happens in that gap."
"The only way to break a cycle is to start a new cycle, to start a new behavior to replace the old behavior."
"Awareness is the first step to successful behavior change."
"I am trying to do better and not jump to conclusions."
"If you want to change what people do, you've got to change their thinking. If you want to change their thinking, you have to change how they feel."
"Habits are a hard thing to build and even harder to break."
"It would be revolutionary... that we would receive the feedback with grace, reflect, and seek to change our behavior."
"The process of getting a new habit can take up to 254 days but on average it takes around 66 days for a new habit to become automatic."
"Use the frustration of that to then eradicate those old behaviors and those kind of more toxic thinking patterns to refuel yourself and redefine yourself."
"It's only when our own survival is at stake that we finally realize, 'Hey, maybe we should change our behavior.'"
"Feeling bad about yourself and sort of a moral judgment is not really a great way to change behavior."
"You have to make sure the other person feels understood... The greatest apology is changed behavior."
"Everything is conditioning; any conditioned pattern can be changed with new conditioning."
"Developing a strong sense of self-efficacy can be highly predictive of behavior change and motivation."
"The purpose of pain is to teach the lesson. We know that the lesson has been learned when the behavior has changed."
"Social influence can help encourage or promote behavior change."
"The Holy Spirit is the agent that changes bad behavior and gives you the desire to do what pleases God."
"New thoughts should lead to new choices, and new choices should lead to new behaviors. And new behaviors should lead to new experiences. And then new experiences should create new emotions."
"To forgive somebody without demanding a change in their behavior, which is true repentance, is to make God's grace an accomplice to evil."
"All of you sitting in this audience today have an obligation to change your behavior towards your family to be better than you were yesterday."
"You can't change your behavior until you change your belief."
"Force yourself into patterns that improve your life."
"True doctrine understood changes attitudes and behaviors."
"We have the ability to reflect and change our behaviour."
"The trick is not convincing your conscious mind to do it. The trick is all about training your unconscious mind."
"If you can't change your behavior, you'll never be in alignment with the way things are."
"Sorry doesn't work a lot of the time. Sorry needs to be followed by actions."
"Keep that in mind as we go through this, because often the first change is not happening at an external behavior level."
"Could your life be better if you stopped wanking to porn? Yeah, well, maybe stop wanking to porn or at least do it less."
"It takes 30 days to break a habit or 30 days to make a habit."
"I honestly wish I would have acted better towards you from the beginning."
"While it can be easy to inspire behavior change in people, it is incredibly hard for people to change their minds."
"I think MeToo is an opportunity. It's an opportunity to get rid of behavior that never should have happened in the first place."
"You can't change your situation or your results without changing the activities you're actually doing."
"There is no end point to changing behavior in relationships."
"Don't be a dick. This is affecting a lot of people's lives in a negative way."
"When you change your behavior you change the world around you simply because the people you're navigating now."
"Scientifically, it takes 66 days to form a new habit."
"An apology is an indication of changed behavior, not the other way around."
"What you vividly imagine, you're rehearsing."
"Do three acts of kindness for seven days and see what happens."
"Can you just be responsible for two seconds man."
"Consequences have to be impactful enough that it changes Behavior."
"I'm here trying to help the nice girls be bad."
"Change behavior is the best apology, all right, or change behavior is the best apology."
"If you ban him for life, what's the reason he has to get better?"
"If changes in human behavior can cause new plagues will then changes in human behavior may prevent them in the future."
"My boyfriend stopped smoking weed like 2/3 months ago, and I am noticing that his behavior is different."
"We all have our own habits and routines, and if you can disorganize somebody's habits then you can give them new ones."
"I'm not gonna be a bummer like I usually am, not gonna ruin your day."
"Lewis started to attend college chapel, beginning his journey towards faith."
"You're approaching this in a logical manner and that's something that you haven't ever done before."
"Substance use can be therapeutic; it breaks your normal pattern."
"I'm actually legitimately for once gonna be a good guy."
"The best way to stop being a [ __ ] is to stop acting like one."
"Know better, you move different, and you do better."
"Maybe it's time to not be bad boys, but be good men."
"Change the field to change the belief, change the belief and you change the behavior and thought pattern."
"Beliefs control your perceptions. If you rewrite the beliefs, you can rewrite perception and if you rewrite the perception you can rewrite the genes and the behavior."
"I have begun counseling to end my unhealthy behavioral cycle, learn to set stronger emotional boundaries, and protect my mental health."
"Our thoughts not only lead to actions but our actions lead to thoughts."
"Behavioral change is critical...to manage COVID-19 on an ongoing basis."
"It's a behavior change... you have to really focus on your food and pay attention to what your body is trying to tell you."
"She turned into a complete monster in just a matter of minutes."
"If everyone started doing this more than doing this judgmental, we will see a lot of change."
"Once you start looking for solutions here, you start acting differently."
"I'm not saying that there aren't some weird things out there."
"The profound impact that the five-second rule is a starting ritual has had on millions of people's lives helping them move from thinking to doing."
"The high five habit is an even bigger deal with more profound change."
"Even if they don't do anything, just the evidence that they exist could completely change how people behave."
"I think the duo of Crimsix and Clay are probably gonna be the most important in this series."
"If you hurt somebody's feelings, you don't have to continue to do the same thing."
"We tell people that's haram, that's haram. If you educated people to the Deen, they would know it's haram and they would leave the haram."
"Y'all gotta stop saying 'on site' and pull up."
"The average person's behavior changing, somebody's going to get that vaccine, a few people, and those people are going to do so because they in their heart believe that the net benefit profile is favorable."
"When you feel better, you act better, and then you're nicer. Let's change the world."
"The behavior change... I want to see you use your future income."
"The easiest way to stop a bad habit is to switch to a positive one."
"With hypnosis, you can quit smoking, lose weight, or change behaviors."
"The more that we hold people accountable in the public forum... the more it curves behavior."
"Repentance isn't just saying you're sorry; repentance is changing the way that you think."
"And when one realizes that there is a life after death, it indeed will change their life and how they live on the Earth and how they treat each other."
"The uncertainties are around behavioral change."
"It's stunning how much less I actually search on Google on my phone versus the way I did it on my desktop."
"The most effective way to change behavior is to focus on making it easy, on removing friction."
"Please stop but the more you go into Panic Zone about it that's again not how you change health behavior you're gonna have to show some kids that have some bad outcomes from it that then they'll change."
"If you want to change things change the incentives and then they'll behave the way you want."
"It's always the unforeseen trigger that you don't say and then behavior changes quickly."
"Your physical actions affect your internal states and your internal state affect your physical actions."
"Changing your environment can change addiction."
"The larger goal is to reduce the impact of implicit bias on people's behavior."
"Mars retrograde can actually be a good time for removing bad habits."
"Hopefully, along the way, we behave a little bit more altruistically, a little more compassion."
"Change your behavior by changing your environment."
"Lots of other people have started experimenting, and it does seem to drive curiosity and beneficial behaviors."
"Living forever... would change your perspective and how you act."
"FOMO can be good if it gets you to actually act on something."
"Respond differently to repeating experiences to create a different outcome."
"Once you understand the pressures that drive this behavior then you sort of have the framework for reversing that and creating new habits."
"You're changing your behavior, so I feel like you're making swift changes and there's a positive outcome assured."
"You're just like sweethearts and then all of a sudden they get like so nasty."
"The dinosaurs behaviors have completely changed... they're more real and breathing rather than just a walking stat bar."
"Chris is a very wonderful example of how you can change old behavior patterns."
"If you want to change your story, change your behaviors first."
"Manipulation is just a phenomenon where an individual has influence over another person, aiming to change behavior or perception through direct or indirect actions."
"People do act differently even under the same set of rules if their leadership changes, righteousness, strength, the strength of President Trump."
"Stop it. If you know you're doing something, you can stop it. All you have to do is want to and then make a change."
"We can move from reactive behavior to responsive behavior."
"Recording yourself will change what you actually do... You start to make different decisions because you know somebody's watching you."
"It's never too late to call yourself out and to try and change your behavior."
"Break bad habits, replace them with positive habits."
"I used to be a violent person, but it went away to such a degree that I don't relate to that person anymore."
"If you're a bully, stop. It affects people for the rest of their lives."
"Find the pattern, don't repeat the pattern, do something different."
"Suddenly, things that we were all doing became ethical bonuses."
"Breaking your health goals into really small goals that you can do in 10 minutes is a really easy way to kick-start good behaviors."
"True doctrine understood will change behavior."
"Do the opposite of what I would normally do."
"Behaviors are going to have to change... You have to force behaviors and at BlackRock we are forcing behaviors."
"The best apology for a mistake is change behavior."
"The answer is not what you take, it's what you stop doing that gets rid of the problem."
"The reason it's so hard to implement behavior change has to do with the part of the brain you're using."
"If I didn't know better, I couldn't do better."
"He never talks so the fact that he's over here blabbing his mouth makes me kind of suspicious."
"Every human being has a five-second window... before your brain sabotages any change in behavior."
"If you have a well-established pattern of behavior then it's on you to prove that you've changed."
"We've made a significant world and behavioral change without modifying the source program."
"It's possible to change bad habits for good."
"It's much more effective to use friend power than to use willpower when you want to change behavior."
"She the only way she can really deal with this is just by changing your actions that's really it."
"With subtle shifts in our thinking, we can begin to change ingrained behaviors."
"It's so easy to get stuck in these loops, and the solution is to do something different."
"If you keep doing the same thing and you keep getting the same outcome, maybe you should change what you're doing."
"Reflection is so important because when you have a heightened awareness your behavior will change."
"It's not about breaking habits, you replace them with new ones."
"It is never too late to set a boundary. It doesn't matter how much of a people pleaser you've been."
"True repentance shows itself by producing in the heart an established habit of deep hatred of all sin."
"True doctrine understood changes attitudes and behavior."
"Small measurable attainable chunks of behavior change create a dopamine surge that becomes habit."
"Age is literally just a number. Change your beliefs, change your behaviors."
"It's crazy how people switch up for a little clout."
"Well, the minute you start saying 'here we go again,' you have a moment when you could say, 'Well, what if I said something else right now? What if every time I felt that way, instead of pushing someone away, I gave them a hug?'"
"Shame is good when it costs women to stop doing things that are wrong harmful and sinful and to do what's right instead it's what's best for them don't stop speaking truth for fear of shaming women."
"Praising improvements encourages more of them."
"Change or die. Most people, when all they have to do is take one pill a day to decrease their mortality risk by some astronomical percent like 40 or 50 percent, they don't do it, they still don't do it."
"When the dude is attractive, now all of a sudden all of the behavior changes."
"It drastically reduces the obsessive need to be super precise."
"No more games, no more lust, no more checking out everything that walks by."
"A better understanding of history is one way to help not just individuals but also collectives to change the way that they behave."
"I think this app definitely helps with creating new good habits."
"I feel like people just don't do that anymore if a TV commercial comes on you [ __ ] change the channel"
"What if a good person does decide to give up on society and become bad? What exactly would they do different?"
"Instead of investing in a single diet, a portfolio of behaviors, small tweaks over big changes."
"You need to learn to spread kindness and not hate."
"She was so nice to me for the rest of the transaction that it was almost disturbing."
"They start talking real vague, there's just been an overall attitude changing you over the last couple of weeks."
"I've learned to be more respectful and reserved."
"I pissed a lot of people off over a long period of time and they found a way to upset me, hoping that upset would bring a change in my behavior."
"Behavioral change will be important in delivering greater progress on air pollution."
"You have the power to alter your behavior, hidden feelings and resentments are likely to come out because they're meant to be healed."
"Get rid of that cynical, non-trusting behavior. It may mess you up in your future."
"I think it's about the people that apologize and then grow... if people just keep doing the same crappy thing, that's when I have a problem."
"It's transformed the way I feel. My other behaviors... are almost just falling by the wayside."
"I think it's better if it does take a long time because that's the only way to change behavior."
"How hard can it be to remove a word from your vocabulary?"
"Once he saw the ring, he was like, you should have seen his face. He changed, then he became nice, became very helpful."
"We need positive meaningful social interaction to be the new compulsive behavior."