
Coincidence Quotes

There are 1198 quotes

"If three people recommend the same thing to you, maybe it's not a coincidence." - Rick Rubin.
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Rey and his first wife Maggie both died on May 26th, exactly 12 years apart. Bob Stevens thinks that's more than just a coincidence. 'A message from God. I think it was a sign from God that they're back together.'"
"A lot of the times, those [coincidences] are put in your path for a reason."
"There are some weird coincidences going on and these weird coincidences seem to us to help us exist."
"Imagine all of this... is one giant coincidence."
"In 1981, a man saved the life of a three-pound premature baby boy... In 2011, the same man was saved by a paramedic who turned out to be the baby he saved 30 years earlier."
"The odds of three men going through hypothermia, which is a process that takes time, all at the exact same time, is part that doesn't make sense."
"Stephen Hawking's death occurred on Einstein's 139th birthday, which is also Galileo's 300th death day, and also Pi Day."
"That's when it occurred to her; it can't be a coincidence that three people in the same family had the same disease."
"Explain to me please to understand how that could be done accidentally. But I don't believe in coincidences."
"The odds of similarly being able to do that in one place is astronomical... it becomes more than a coincidence, it starts to become this serendipity."
"I was saved from a kidnapping simply because of a right-place, right-time scenario."
"Events are meaningful coincidences if they occur with no causal relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related."
"You believe in synchronicity, or are you aware of the concept of it that weird coincidences aren't always weird coincidences?"
"Physics is about to experience a coincidence so remarkable, so improbable, that we’re unlikely to see anything like it ever again."
"Under pressure...a unison of two cherished names but proof that through happenstance...something amazing can come together."
"But when things are too coincidental, they're normally not coincidental."
"To capture both at the same time, it must be raining with enough sunlight for a rainbow to form and a lightning strike still sizzling, making this one, seriously, one in a million coincidence."
"The crazy thing about this is the person who got eaten in EAP's book was also named Richard Parker."
"Stephen Hawking's death day coincides with Pi, Albert Einstein's birthday, and Galileo's passing. Great minds pick alike."
"Edgar Allan Poe's fictional tale of a man named Richard Parker being eaten by his crew members became a real-life incident 46 years later."
"It's got to be an epic coincidence, one that'd almost make more sense if dragons did exist."
"It's just an odd coincidence that it pops up."
"Jesus Christ wants to recategorize some of the things in your life that you saw as a coincidence."
"It's no coincidence God is in the coincidence."
"I think faith is just as simple as second-guessing what you call coincidence."
"Oh my God, wait, this is actually like perfectly lined up with the stone structure up top. No way did I accidentally build this perfectly."
"There is no astronomical reason why the moon and the sun should fit so well. It is the sheerest of coincidences."
"Nothing is ever coincidence, everything happens for a reason and those things that you call coincidences are actually your spirit guides and angels stepping in to save the day."
"Is it a coincidence all these school sightings? I mean, there's apparently good ones in L.A. and in France and all over the world."
"When it happens once, it can be called coincidence. When it happens twice, it can be called uncanny."
"Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action."
"Coincidences can happen, but how lucky is it that only days after being told about Mater Ami from the former pupil, you so happen to be approached by Mater Ami's only current student?"
"I just love that awkward moment when someone at the protest is wearing the same outfit as you and you call them a fascist."
"How many more coincidences have to happen where people wake up?"
"Synchronicities are really these amazing events that happen when two things coincide together."
"It all just kind of fell together, so it seems like all these coincidences started happening."
"It would be a shame if thunder struck at the same spot twice."
"It's too much of a coincidence, there's too much going on."
"Sometimes we have to be at our lowest... there's some situations that just happen... it can't just be coincidental."
"That legit happened. That was the dopest coincidence ever."
"She went live right at the exact same time I did."
"People say coincidence. Well, you know what? This vaccine is a leading cause of coincidence."
"Imagine seeing a weird coincidence imagine that happening bro."
"While this sighting probably is just a coincidence, there's almost no doubt that the man would've felt proper majestic as the birds seemingly obeyed his bidding."
"So is this just a coincidence, or are we witnessing some genuine paranormal activity here?"
"Whenever personal gain and coincidence converge, it's probably not a coincidence."
"Which is effectively the equivalent of paying about $6.66 a month, which is a fucking weird coincidence."
"It's super creepy how it all happened exactly 10 years apart like that's super weird."
"There's no coincidences, expand our thinking."
"Araki kind of accidentally predicted 911 back in 1991 and he did it through Oingo Boingo. Coincidence? I think not."
"Once is a fluke, twice is a coincidence, three times is fate."
"It's amazing how often we see that, is that just coincidence or is that somebody trying to tell us something?"
"Sometimes there are coincidences so strange that it seems like a perfect arrangement by nature."
"Funny you showing up on this day in particular."
"Now all of a sudden we can go outside. Isn't that a coincidence?"
"I can't imagine that two women with the same name would be murdered within three days of each other."
"If that's a coincidence, I don't believe in a god that would let that happen to a man twice."
"What a coincidence? It's like we all have the same favorite things."
"Is it just a coincidence that booster landing and second stage cutoff occur nearly simultaneously..."
"Every encounter that seems like a coincidence is actually a moment for personal growth and momentum."
"It just seems like a lot of things have lined up and kind of pointed in the same direction."
"There's got to be a reason... this can't be coincidence."
"There's nothing really that's a coincidence in this world."
"Sometimes the coincidences involved are almost too uncanny to believe."
"But they could not have expected the coincidence that occurred next."
"People didn't believe all these murders could be a coincidence and they were scared. Some even believe there was something paranormal going on in the town that was causing evil things to happen."
"How many things do you need to see before it's not a coincidence?"
"I got butterflies in my stomach as I realized what a coincidence this was."
"What a coincidence, a third Borderlands game is coming."
"Otherwise it would be an awful big coincidence that so many treasures from so many different civilizations ended up on a random island off the coast of Canada."
"His grave is in the Grand View Cemetery located at 139 Norwood Drive in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, and coincidentally, it's just a few plots away from the little boy electrocuted in the exact same manner just a year before his own accident."
"What are the odds of that? The one time you're out and you get in a car accident, you end up running into the exact same Sasquatch that you know you assisted back during the eruption."
"Kyrie he at the free throw line and you mean to tell me that out of all the people at the free throw line they gonna put this up right that's that's not a coincidence."
"Some coincidences are definitely enough to make you believe in fate."
"Throughout history, some of its most epic events have been preceded by a rash of coincidences, accidental happenings, flukes that make us reexamine the whole affair."
"Lincoln's black cat of a son: Robert Todd Lincoln's uncanny encounters with death, narrowly escaping multiple fatal incidents linked to presidential assassinations."
"The Tylenol Killer got its name from leaving graffiti smiley faces at the scene of every crime. That's not a coincidence, it's murder."
"How many coincidences can you have before you start to look around and wonder if there is another factor here?"
"It was sheer chance that brought so many people that morning to a time and a place that would change their lives in an instant."
"You've got two things or kind of multiple things that fell into place at once."
"This isn't even going to be like a straight to Amazon Prime video, this is going to be a major film."
"It's kind of weird how all this stuff lines up."
"What if nothing in this world is a coincidence? 'Maybe nothing in this world happens by coincidence. As if everything happens for a reason.' FATE"
"U.S presidents John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died on the same day."
"It was odd, like if I really think about it clearly, it's a bizarre coincidence."
"That's not a coincidence, you could go on their website and see it."
"Tristan found it very lucky for the woman that an EMT, a doctor, and a sheriff's officer all happened to stop within one minute of the accident."
"Synchronicity is finding the meaning in the otherwise meaningless things."
"Wow, this is actually the card I was thinking of when this card came up."
"Honestly I think it's a very, very odd list of connections. It's a lot of stuff that seems either incredibly coincidental or incredibly incriminating."
"All significant attacks in American history all had drills taking place on the same day."
"If I hadn't been in the backyard at that exact moment or if I'd ignored that gut feeling, the victim would never have even been found."
"Elite Dangerous found the Trappist-1 system before NASA – a wild coincidence or the power of algorithms?"
"I think words are powerful. You see the example you just gave, you, I think that's merely coincidental, yes, but I think there are other ways of speaking things into existence that can happen now."
"God is too intentional for that to be a coincidence."
"Before you and I ever some first met or spoke or knew who the other person was I think we sat in a movie theater together and watch The Iron Giant."
"So you know we can get a little bit speculative here this is something of course that's course could just be coincidence."
"Sometimes too many coincidences point to no coincidence at all."
"Once is yay, two is a coincidence. Hmm, three is a national treasure."
"Incredibly, improbably, Ken Palmer had found his exact double."
"You may have actually relocated, now the funny thing is, is I'm almost wondering if this person has relocated near you."
"The asteroid hit the planet at the exact same time as the death of the dinosaurs. It was hard to believe this was a coincidence."
"There's a synchronicity that is ready, a meeting that you may think is chance but it's not."
"If coincidence is God's way of staying anonymous, I hate to blow up God's spot right now, but God, you're not low."
"One occurrence might be explained, but the consecutive strange events feel Beyond coincidence."
"Now this appears to be the same time that Monica Rambo came back."
"Coincidence has happened quite a lot in this world. I say, yeah, yeah they do. And that is, are they really a coincidence?"
"All this on the anniversary of my parents' death. Not a coincidence."
"I saw a rooftop in Times Square exploded. Coincidence?"
"You have the two of cups twice, how crazy is that?"
"Do you believe in coincidence? Because the kind of thing happens around this place is someone having a YouTube."
"I didn't doubt it, or maybe the FBI was at the booth next door having a steak too."
"Two men who have never met each other... arrived at the exact same conclusion."
"If you get stuck in the Suez Canal right after you coincidentally drew a giant and balls, the simulation is trying to tell us something."
"Timing of that was pretty perfect, man. I actually didn't intend that at all. That is purely coincidence."
"I don't know if the ending was a coincidence, but if it was, then it was timed perfectly."
"It is pretty remarkable that they both bubble up in the same 24-hour period."
"Two individuals who didn't know each other having the same dream was far from ordinary."
"Coincidences are God's way of remaining." - Einstein
"At the very least we can say the timing is very interesting, right? The timing is very coincidental, let's put it that way."
"There's no way that all these coincidences don't line up unless there's some kind of architect behind it."
"Happy birthday to all the moms out there, crazy that all moms were born on the same day."
"It's no coincidence this person is here to support you during this time."
"When does coincidence stop being coincidence?"
"Coincidences are a perfectly normal and expected part of life."
"Some coincidences are so bizarre we can't just dismiss them as business as usual."
"Both men died on the same day, mere hours apart, and that alone would be freaky enough, but they both died on July 4th, 1826, 50 years to the day the Declaration of Independence was signed."
"Some people see a coincidence and believe it's a sign of something more, of divine intervention, aliens, fate, or who knows what else."
"No matter how you choose to look at a coincidence, though, it's hard to ignore; they can often be very compelling."
"This is the greatest, most influential coincidence in American history by far."
"There's no such thing as a coincidence. Like attracts like."
"It's charging, and it's 4:20, which is weird, it kind of fits us."
"There's no such thing as a coincidence."
"A string of incredible coincidences confused the astronomers and created a beautiful legend about a strange and unpredictable planet."
"One does not just go seeking a V10 Touareg; in this case, the Touareg sought me."
"I almost don't want to believe this was a coincidence because it was too perfectly timed; I would want to call this more so fate."
"John Wilkes Booth's brother saved Abraham Lincoln's son."
"Spider-Man makes some witty remarks about what's the fascination with his villains and animals did they get inspired by the spider look or is it just plain coincidence."
"Morning, you know what I just noticed? That there was a mumble that apparently went out because you're wearing a burgundy shirt, dad's wearing a burgundy shirt."
"It is probably just a coincidence that it looked similar to his father's sword."
"Suffice to say, there were, or coincidentally maybe not, a lot of strings of bad luck."
"It was identical and since then I've run into two or three other people who have had identical experiences."
"The most unbelievable part is that when they got there, the man was actually still there."
"Is it a coincidence that the Maui property owned by million and billionaires wasn't touched by the flames while homes of the locals all burned?"
"I've never been to Gardena which is like outside of LA, and so the fact that I'm going twice in the span of like a couple weeks is so incredibly random."
"Sometimes the stars just have to align."
"I mean, what are the odds that we see the same man we saw yesterday in the city, in the middle of nowhere?"
"So is it all just an amazing coincidence, or is Biscuit saying goodbye one last time?"
"Two people the same family the same year, too much there to be coincidence."
"I knew it, bro. I told you Spanish was coming out this morning."
"Isn't life funny, what an odd coincidence, what a 'small world'."
"I guess over hundreds of years, coincidence becomes much more likely."
"I suppose it's a little of both: relieved because I can sit by the pool in a bikini... concerned because someone was shot with the same name as him."
"It's kind of weird how [stuff] works out, huh?"
"The experience of finding lost items often defies rational explanation, leaving us in awe of the mysterious forces at work."
"The camera in the police garage just so happened to shut off at that exact time."
"It's crazy just to think about serendipity that just now."
"I ran into my high school English teacher at the grocery store."
"Some coincidences are so unlikely that they seem impossible, and yet they happen all the time."
"Imagine meeting someone who looks almost exactly like you, a doppelganger. It must be a truly unnerving experience."
"Two of your founding fathers die on the 4th of July... no wonder we went with the 4th of July as our independence day."
"By some insane coincidence, Eren and Mikasa now face the same smiling Titan from Epsilon, the one that ate Eren's mother."
"A leaf was touching the LED bank!"
"Isaiah just showed up at the perfect time."
"Serendipity, I think is the word, right? Like happy mistakes."
"I don't think anything in this film was coincidence"
"Impossible to write off as mere coincidence."
"It's a meaningful coincidence where physically unrelated phenomenon line up in just the right way to strike the individual."
"there is no such thing as coincidence Nothing in life happens at random"
"I saw it as soon as I walked in too so I felt like it was meant to be."
"I'm out of breath. Only Hannah and I would buy two shoes in different colors in the sale and then wear them on holiday in the same pair of shoes in different colors."
"Wow, we have the same birthday. This is awesome."
"It's funny how everything works out."
"This morning I don't think qualifies. I mean it could be God stopped the bullets or he changed Coke to Pepsi."
"That's insane we just got lucky with a flashlight exact just talking about how the gate was closed and then there's two security guards standing next to the gate with an open letting three cars come in they were right behind us all my crazy ending."
"Double Rainbows, serendipity, divine intervention."
"Coincidence is always worth noticing; you can throw it away later if it is only a coincidence."
"My rumors and I all managed to buy slightly different sizes of the same soy sauce."
"Two bombs killing two men within 10 hours of each other. How could this have happened to two different men way across town who really didn't have any connections?"
"I keep wanting to get back to the idea of luck, good luck, bad luck, happy accidents."
"A coincidence that's bad for the main character is completely cool storytelling wise."
"Because that's where they bumped into him was in a bar."
"Isn't it crazy how things play out?"
"...when she found out that my name was Demetra..."
"What a luck you're on duty tomorrow."
"Everything serves a purpose too, I don't believe in coincidences anymore."
"I wasn't expecting my first deal to have exact change in USD. It was like it was meant to be."
"Coincidence is God's way of staying Anonymous."
"Alien and Lincoln, that's incredible, that is an incredible coincidence, coincidence, I think not."
"This person is falling into your life very accidentally."
"Feels like someone's trying to tell me something."
"I don't know whether I realized it then but that's not just a coincidence, and I've learned to say that coincidence is God's Way of remaining anonymous."
"There's really nothing to worry about, but I think we can all admit that it is kind of creepy how this triangle exists and the AT goes right through it."
"Gilbert Arenas won $300,000 in the California Lottery after a homeless man predicted his win."
"Klay Thompson's jersey number is 11, he was drafted in 2011, he was the 11th overall pick."
"The fact that men of the 352nd are here today has often been attributed over the years to them just happening to be here on this very day for anti-invasion maneuvers."
"Your great great grandfather with the seven billion plus people that are on the planet, he just happened to intersect lives with the woman who would be your great great grandmother."
"Is it coincidence? Are we subconsciously creating this?"
"There are no coincidences with God."