
Skill Acquisition Quotes

There are 901 quotes

"Studies have been done on what sorts of music to listen to in order to make ourselves happy."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Listening to a particular song, 'Weightless' by Marconi Union, experience up to 65 percent reductions in their anxiety."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Learning how to play a musical instrument at any age, as well as singing, and singing especially with others in a group, has been shown to enhance learning and the acquisition of new skills separate from musical learning and singing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You can get pretty good, almost world class at almost anything in like five to seven years."
"Get up, get going, take advantage of that set of goals, know what skills you have to acquire."
"Drawing is a skill that can be learned by anybody."
"Learning is the ultimate lever to leveling up."
"You can get good at anything you set your mind to."
"I act as if I just need to keep acquiring skills and I have yet to reach a point of diminishing returns. I still am learning so much so quickly that I'm encouraged that I could accomplish enough to be remembered."
"It's in the skill of trying that you gain the competency, the knowledge, and the expertise."
"If something is interesting to you, the research says that's enough to begin the skill acquisition phase."
"The nice thing about it though is that if you do it once in your life, then forever you're going to have that ability to be humorous and spontaneous."
"I'm a huge advocate for alternative education and paying for skills as fast as you can."
"You're watching these pointless YouTube videos, go and spend an hour a day learning a business, learning a skill."
"Their mission is to teach you backend web development... an amazing skill."
"Confidence through competence: become competent at the thing that you're trying to do."
"If desire and passion are present, then any skill can be learned by absolutely anyone."
"Flexibility is going to be the difference between you getting a handstand press and you needing stupidly strong joints to worm your way up into a handstand press."
"The good thing about confidence is that it's a skill, it's not something that anyone is born with, it's a skill that you can learn, you can acquire."
"You cannot learn to juggle mistake-free, you can't learn to play guitar on the first try, and you can't learn to dodge all of this without a little bit of trial and error."
"If you do what I just showed you how to do right here and you do it every single day, you're going to develop your own style."
"Skipping the line is all about challenging experiences and experiments in order to gain skills most people don't acquire quickly."
"Everything worthwhile is a collection of micro skills."
"Remember, it's better to learn fewer movements well than rushing through too many."
"Learning another language isn't just about the acquisition of a new skill; it's also about an expansion of perspective."
"Diversify. Learn multiple skills because that will set you apart."
"It doesn't matter where you are in life, if you're willing to put one foot in front of the other, but you gotta have the skills, it doesn't happen without the skills."
"Learning programming is like learning any other skill, such as learning how to cook or how to swim."
"Any new skill can be installed with 66 days of practice."
"Focus all of your time and attention into getting better; skill acquisition is the only thing that will never let you down."
"The best investment you can make in yourself is to acquire new skills."
"What do you want to learn? What lights you up? Go and learn that thing; it only takes 20 hours."
"Even if you fail at any of these endeavors, you're gonna learn valuable skills, you're gonna become more resilient."
"If you get a trade instead, you can get paid for training and you can earn an above average income as soon as you are qualified."
"It's always a special moment when you buy a skill cape."
"With 20 hours of focused effort, most people can be pretty decent at something."
"The possibility of achieving skill rests on a kind of discipline that involves the right to the consequences of their actions."
"What I tell my son is, if anything, learn how to learn. Because you're probably going to need to acquire so many skills over your entire working life."
"The key really to life is experience. You need experience to be good at something in life."
"Every skill you acquire doubles your odds of success."
"The name of the game is skill acquisition. It's just about getting so good at something that you can't be denied."
"If you can ask that question without pointing the finger at somebody else but really look at what you did that caused that situation, then you're going to be able to begin down the path of real skill acquisition."
"Your first and most important mission is to get to hands-on as quickly as possible."
"You need to get on the bicycle and ride it. That's the only way you're going to learn."
"The skill set that you learn and the technical abilities that you acquire from taking a computer science class is very critical, literally and metaphorically."
"Self-defense became a passion because I became good at it."
"I wish real life skills worked this way. I'd import dancing so it could be more fun at weddings, cha cha cha."
"It only makes sense because someone with the self-motivation and the fortitude to teach themselves an entirely new skill, like an entire new language, even, is going to have a great work ethic."
"Knowledge and ability are two different things. Knowledge can be gained through study, but ability can only be gained through practice."
"Practice is key to transitioning from conscious competence to unconscious competence."
"But the more problems I faced and overcame, the deeper the process sank into my mind, and the better I got at it. And so will you, just be prepared for tough times ahead."
"It took me years to figure all this out and to become good at any of it... You have to put in the work, you have to put in the time."
"Remember the whole purpose is to learn how to fish out of this journey."
"This is a marathon, not a sprint. It's not about making fifty thousand dollars by the end of next week; it's about developing a set of skills that can last for a lifetime."
"Moral of the story: if you don't know how to do something, it's okay to pay someone to do it."
"By the end, you should be able to use both of them to build your own well-structured websites which look awesome as well."
"All of the jobs on this list have the potential for you to progress within them, which means you can develop the skills that are acquired within them, which can lead to better opportunities and an increased rate of pay over time."
"Some people seem to learn anything super fast...but I actually think that these people that learn so fast are not necessarily smarter than anyone else. It's just that they've learned how to learn."
"The most powerful, smartest, most incredible people I've met in those specific fields are the people who believe they're the worst, because they're the ones who've worked most at it."
"New skills don’t just offer new hobbies or professional development, but they can often give a great feeling of confidence, purpose, and security."
"In an ideal scenario, you can teach yourself the most targeted, most useful stuff."
"Deploy it into learning something, right? Acquire some skill."
"Take your time with your training, you know, learn to do things properly."
"It's perfect for people who want to create their first website, but also great for those who want to learn a new skill."
"It's not like you're failing, it's just a step. Expand the time Horizon and see that you have to develop these skills."
"Master what you're good at before you move on to something else."
"Most local service businesses can be run around a regular job."
"Your ability to play an instrument is determined less by how many years you've been playing, than on how consistent you are with putting in hours of deliberate practice."
"If you take your time, you have a higher chance of learning this gig."
"The truth is that it's a learned skill, just like anything else."
"True Prosperity is what you know and what you can do."
"Once you get the swing of it, it is really quite simple."
"Completing this fight gives you the Bubble Bowl ability, which is required for a lot of tricks throughout the rest of the speedrun."
"I want you to learn so many languages while you're being trained that the next language you learn will be completely no big deal."
"If you could, you'd call it magic, right? It's not Magic, it's real, and I can teach you how to do it."
"If you're just getting started with your career, your business, whatever it may be, learn these high income skills because I guarantee they're going to be useful later down the line."
"You're not just purchasing a book, you're investing in a skill that you will have for the rest of your life."
"He grins blindly as he finds out that it is just as the skill says."
"Starting with stand-up first really helped me understand the game and the craft and the respect for it."
"Practicing is a waste of time if you're not practicing proper technique."
"The reality is you are likely to be good at something you enjoy."
"There's a big difference between watching a YouTube video explaining how to do something and actually being able to do it."
"How to become a consultant: learn something that somebody is willing to pay for, learn it well enough that somebody would pay you to do it."
"Let's try to save some high quality goods and maybe learn some useful skills along the way."
"Earn while you learn... this is the greatest thing ever."
"You're interesting because you learned a skill and you mastered it."
"The most vital skill to unlock the hidden potential of yourself."
"Not only is the novice unable to perceive the board as the master does, but the master cannot perceive the board as the novice does."
"Old skills are being relearned, ancient villages and historic cities restored."
"Copy early on, especially from people who are doing something well. It's one of the easiest ways to learn and get better."
"Once you've mastered the basics which takes you about half an hour frankly."
"I've seen plenty of progression systems that involve killing prey and learning new abilities from them, but never has a system like this actually used something like a parry or a counter attack as the tool to acquire them."
"Maybe air combat has changed and maybe these are skills people can learn later."
"You can do anything that you want, providing that you have this skill set."
"Of course, it's like they are same arguments learning a stick over automatic."
"It just takes repetition. You have to do it several times."
"AI can teach itself to play Minecraft and decide for itself which new skills it should learn."
"So I shifted gears and really focused on learning the trade of clinical development, regulatory affairs, project management, proposal development, that whole toolkit that goes into being able to assemble teams to solve complicated problems."
"He spent every waking moment learning, listening, and getting better as a developer."
"Just because you do something a lot doesn't mean you're good at it. Does that make sense?"
"The power of learning skills off YouTube is amazing."
"The goal of this video is to ultimately carry you a significant way up the learning curve and across the skill gap."
"We're not going to become the best poker player in the world overnight or even in a week or even in a month."
"It's all making sense, kind of like canning, you know you do it a few times and it all starts to click."
"It's not rocket science, it's just what do I need to be good at that okay I'll go and learn it."
"You need to hire people who are better at things that you're just not good at."
"Beginners will not be beginners for very long."
"Being able to see somebody have a high skill level, see them work in real time, and have them narrate and talk about what they're doing the whole entire time."
"I always say it's better to have a skill and don't need it than to need a skill and don't have it."
"A course is going to take you step by step what is the correct path to learning a skill it's much quicker it's much more reliable."
"Once your fundamentals are strong, you will automatically start picking up other skills."
"You want to acquire that skill set and indoctrinate yourself into the real estate world because that knowledge requires yours forever."
"You've got to make a consistent practice out of mastering skillsets."
"Who does he watch in the league to take certain parts of their game from and the main thing for Asar was becoming a three-level scorer."
"You don't need a degree to be good at something."
"Be willing to get uncomfortable, learn a new skill."
"Be patient in learning any of our methods. Nothing we do was learned in a day."
"We all get taught languages, but we don't get taught how to learn languages."
"The act of competing... allows to absorb information, absorb skill, and apply it to yourself."
"They are good at that skill, most of them are exceptional at that skill."
"You have to decide in order to achieve the goal that I want to achieve what knowledge or skill do I need to acquire."
"I wanna have a skill set that they can't even measure."
"It took me four years to learn how to build a website, and it took me one day to actually learn."
"Ten thousand hours in anything you're passionate about, with the work ethic and discipline, you'll be great at it."
"I'm getting bricked; I don't even have Electric Furnace learned."
"Start small, learn how to use Photoshop or get some advice on creative writing, watch some videos on illustration and see how you feel."
"The progression system... there is an RNG aspect when it comes to this but there's also a guaranteed chance to get a specific skill."
"The truth is confidence is not a personality trait at all, it's a skill."
"Buying all of Kratos and Atreus' skills is not only entirely possible in a single playthrough, it's critical."
"Oh, I just picked up a new skill. That was actually pretty cool."
"I learned how to be a pro in the hardest system possible."
"Nobody is born with natural talent. There are no natural born programmers."
"Learning how to learn: Once you realize that every type of skill can be learned if you follow a particular set of steps, the world starts to look a lot like a video game. You can level up and acquire new abilities."
"Skillshare is incredible because it allows you to invest in yourself and invest in your future and learn new skills."
"Learning in-demand skill sets has never been easier."
"The best way to learn anything is by doing it yourself."
"I recommend trying to keep grinding until you get a healing ability."
"You're gonna learn exactly what it takes to become the player that can beat all of your friends."
"He studied martial arts from masters in different countries, borrowing moves and tactics from each discipline, becoming a truly dangerous fighter."
"Trading is a skill that you will have for the rest of your life."
"So, let's click it and there we go, nothing happened, but you will notice in my inventory I did receive a book that says learn to glide."
"Once you've learned that you can pretty much make anything in a 3D space."
"Business is a skill that must be learned... It can and must be learned."
"We need help in the areas in which we're not strong at present." - Jim Ryan
"To get good at playing the guitar, or to get good at anything, it's not glorious."
"If you cannot do it slow, you will not be able to do it fast."
"To have some of the better paying jobs and some of the nicer things, you have to basically educate yourself to acquire that skill set."
"Imagine if you had 180 life skills that you got in two minutes a piece. It really is a superpower."
"Making it this far, learning a new skill, well done."
"Ultimately, the key is for the patient to develop the skills to lead a self-directed and organized life."
"Foraging: it stops being a mystery and just becomes something you can do."
"It's really not that hard once you get the basic understanding of it."
"To become an expert, you have to practice for thousands of hours in the uncomfortable zone."
"You do something so many times your body now knows how to do it better than your conscious mind now it becomes a subconscious program so that's 95 of who we are."
"This is to show you how to do it like I learned how to do it just by catch as catch can and to demystify the process so that you can try it and learn more about it. That's how this whole thing works."
"Don't feel intimidated if you cannot get it on this practice, you may get it on the next one, you might not get it on the next one and next one but eventually you will get it."
"The making of mistakes is going to ensure that in the long run you will speak with fewer mistakes."
"Just keep doing the same process over and over again, guys. It's not that hard once you get the hang of it."
"Education over everything. Because you can get so far. I know now the current trend is to be a social media influencer and things like that, but to have something to fall back on, like that's golden."
"It all starts from family. If you want to grow, develop, learn, or have any type of skill set, learn it within the house first and then go out there and kill it in the game."
"It's better to be a master at one than a jack of all trades."
"Okay great I'm now a spellcaster all I gotta do is learn the spell."
"Sometimes doing things the hard way and learning to become competent at something difficult can reap rewards beyond our wildest dreams."
"This legitimately looks like a course that you can work through and by the end of it you'll have a pretty solid grasp of Python."
"CEH is meant to get you into that space, get you up to speed with tools and techniques."
"It's not just self-protection, it's a universal principle for learning any physical skill set."
"I think we have all the elements kind of broken down now, a lot of these things can be DIY."
"Diplomas don't do the work, only getting knowledge does."
"if you get good at doing this your life will get so much better you can't believe it."
"Once you figure it out it's really, really fun."
"Learn skills. Skills are cheap, sometimes they're free to learn."
"JavaScript is the best first language you can absolutely wrap your head around."
"Congratulations, you just beat the tutorial of this fighting game. That means you now know how to play this video game."
"You're only one skill away from doubling your income."
"One of the best ways to learn is by observing others."
"Aspect I like about this is after you defeat an enemy you could then choose which moves you want to steal from them meaning by the end of the game you're going to be really powerful but do you really want to play this hot mess that long?"
"The biggest asset that you have is not the money that you're making... but it's the skill set that you're acquiring."
"You've got to practice to turn something into a base instinct. And it doesn't matter how hard it is right now. If you practice it enough and you do it enough times over a long enough period of time, it will become a habit."
"College is college, man. Get a trade skill first."
"You can master everything over a short weekend... it happens naturally, which is what you want."
"If you train to the standard of shooting you will get just as proficient with that passive aiming as you will with that IR laser I guarantee it."
"Everybody sucks at everything the first time they do it."
"You're not limited by anything, you're only limited by your skill and knowledge."
"Once you get the hang of it, guys, it's so easy."
"Learning how to learn because if you could learn how to learn quickly you could apply that towards anything in personal development or anything in your life so before we learn anything we want to learn how to learn right."
"Part of mine after learning the skill... be able to teach the skill."
"This is going to be the perfect course for you."
"Once you know these skills, you're going to be able to create badass visuals on the web."
"If you get all the skills, you can become pretty strong."
"I always enjoy new knowledge. I always enjoy new skills."
"But if you now have made the mental shift in your head that I'm doing this and I want to learn the skill over the next six months to a year."
"If you do the same things I'm teaching you over time, it's built into your understanding and it's ingrained."
"Digital marketer: phenomenal career choice without a college degree and without any experience."
"Repetition is the mother of pedagogy. Practice makes perfect."
"You have to put in the hours in terms of the background fundamentals."
"Once you get good at the practicing part, you'll become a professional at it."
"If I can do it... I will learn how to do it just because I don't want to like have to rely on someone else to do it for me." - Tinashe
"The difference between where you are and where you want to be is skill."
"You have to pay your dues. They say 10,000 hours, don't they? That makes you an expert in something."
"True Freedom isn't just being able to do whatever you want it's having the skills and the knowledge that's required to be able to live a truly free life."