
Time Perception Quotes

There are 1918 quotes

"I'm most excited about the idea of Laboratories or companies figuring out which the compounds within these products are actually responsible for lowering the eye pressure and could we get like a more potent, eye-specific, long-acting drug that's basically derived from the concept of cannabis but works better."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Remember, how long a minute is depends on what side of the door you're on."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Our perception of time is perhaps the most important factor in how we gauge our life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If something that you experience is fun or varied, you will experience that as going by very fast... but later they will remember that experience as being very long."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Our mind is an exquisite time-travelling master."
"The faster you go to the speed of light, the slower time moves."
"Feels like Rashford scored a hundred years ago."
"Time isn't linear like we think it is; time is actually more fluid than we usually understand."
"I take 1100 Earth years to orbit the sun. That's a mighty long year on my surface."
"A great man once said that time is an illusion, lunchtime, doubly so."
"The good part... our first two weeks were in March... the month of May completely blew away my expectations."
"Time does seem to slow when we're experiencing our moments of maximum suffering."
"Our retrospective feeling about how long something took is related to the novelty and the number of new memories we accumulate over time."
"Every intention we have—a future intention like where I'm going after I've been here, which train I'm going to catch on BART, all these things are future intentions, where I'm going tomorrow. Our minds stretch into the future all the time through our intentions."
"The one thing that actually genuinely scares me is the passing of time."
"This little ring represents the stuff that you're thinking about, worrying about, excited about. This ring stretches maybe a few days back and forward in time, maybe a week or two, but not much more than that."
"At the beginning of the quarantine, it was kind of easy, right? Then one month later, it's like, holy shit, this is terrible."
"Bernie Sanders policy was over a four-year transition period. Four years is nothing."
"The distinction between past, present, and future is nothing but an illusion. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow are not consecutive. They are connected in a never-ending circle. Everything is connected."
"This year has simultaneously taken like no time at all. It's like I'm still mentally back in March, but also, it's like I've aged 10 years."
"One of the things about COVID is my sense of time has completely gone."
"I lose track of time whenever I'm in the kitchen for several hours in a row."
"Our experience of time is the deepest clue we have to the real nature of the world."
"What a week. Well, isn't it crazy? It's a what a year. The year is almost over."
"You burn more when you're having fun. You know how time flies by when you're having fun?"
"Objects and observers in relative motion measure time differently. Movement in space affects how time is measured. There's no absolute time; there is no absolute now."
"The distinction between past, present, and future is only an illusion, however persistent."
"There are also various other signs for us to follow, as I noted the Eldar's ability with regard to the perception of time."
"Time is not what you think it is, dear ones, for you it is linear, for us it is all at once."
"Time is an illusion that helps things make sense."
"2023, y'all. Remember when it was like 2007, and then we think about the future and we're like, oh my God, guys, 2015 is going to be crazy?"
"Flow state gets you to a state where you're not aware of the passage of time... you're outside the domain of mortality concerns."
"When you look at clocks and you look away and look back at them again, time usually changes... a good indication of whether or not you're dreaming."
"Every year at the end of the year, you reliably hear people say things like, 'This year went so fast; what did I even do this year? This year has flown by.' And I'd be like, that's a sign that you could do next year even better. Your job is to make your years as memorable, as interesting, as moment-filled as possible."
"As you get older, time passes by more and more quickly."
"Stretching the perception of time might be something alien civilizations and we might eventually do."
"Every second felt like an eternity, and the song seemed to go on in endless repetition."
"Time is not absolute... time is something that different people measure differently."
"The main new feature [Einstein introduced] is that time elapses at different rates depending on how you're moving or your experience with gravity."
"Time is another dimension for us. It creates a whole other dynamic to our lives that I think we take for granted a lot of the time."
"It's like we've been friends not very long but then also forever. It's weird."
"I feel like time just gets quicker as you get older, but then you have a baby and time goes so fast."
"We must all live in the time that is given to us instead of trying to bring back the old days because that is impossible and because there's really no reason to think that the old days were better than what is to come."
"Time is not real, of course. It's a construct we just said time and we created clocks. It's nothing."
"Tincture spends about as long as the number of years you are alive in minutes."
"Light travels pretty slowly. So when you look out into the cosmos over sufficiently large distances, you're actually looking back in time."
"I have had this burning feeling like I'm running out of time."
"It's not three and a half days. We left Thursday morning, and I got back Saturday."
"Don't dwell on the sand that's already dropped."
"For men, time is a river... The lives of trees are different. They root and grow and die in one place, and that river does not move them."
"Even if time doesn't exist right now just feel good okay because you're cared about."
"Years go by so fast. I mean, I'll be graduating next week. Like, that's how fast this year feels."
"Sometimes you feel like you've been here forever, and other days, it feels like it's flown by. I think it's the same with kids; some days feel long and hard, and then other days, it's like, 'Oh my God, you were just a baby.'"
"The 1990s felt like the decade to end all decades."
"Time seems to be passing by when you're standing on the border of the stream, but when you are in the flow, there is no time."
"The mistake is to think of life as 100 years long and to think that you have this 20 or 30-year period in which you will concentrate a huge amount of the output of your professional life. And that's actually not very long."
"Time and its passage feel to be absolute and unchanging. The most basic part of our world, the stage on which the play of existence is presented."
"My street photography friends describe Osaka the best: it's like a time capsule that's perpetually stuck in the 90s."
"It feels like a year really has gone by rather than just a month. And so much stuff happened, so many amazing insights."
"Time is different there; an hour there could be a mere second in his own world."
"Time is flying by on this busy, crowded planet as life changes and evolves from second to second."
"In the revolutions spawned by Copernicus and Darwin, we began to see time as an arrow in a universe that's always changing."
"Time, if you like, has speeded up a great deal. We've seen incredible change in three decades."
"I've lived about a decade in the last 12 months."
"Blake, are you okay? I missed you so much, dear, two days ago was the longest time in my life."
"I think you're doing it right. You weren't trying to not think. So, if you lose perception of time, that means that you're entering a no-mind state."
"I just felt like, you know, we're in 2020 but it felt like 1867."
"It's March 2020 two weeks to flatten the curve and we are in 2023." - "Time blur."
"Time flies when you’re having fun. And even when you’re not."
"It's not actually Thanksgiving, guys, but by the time you're hearing this, it is Thanksgiving. So, happy Thanksgiving."
"For many decades nothing seems to happen and then in a few weeks decades happen."
"Adrenaline takes over...time kind of slows down a little bit."
"Wow, it's really wild to me that we're already at the end of the year."
"There's something magical really about watching footage like this that actually happened 50 years ago 100 years ago."
"Five minutes is insane actually. Oh this is actually insane."
"I just feel it, it's like I'm in such harmony, time can just disappear."
"You're much more certain in your reconstruction of the past than of the future."
"The past, present, and future maybe are all equally real."
"A lot can happen in a year a lot can happen."
"I really enjoyed talking to you... it was amazingly two hours and I didn't even notice it."
"One year on Neptune would cost you 165 Earth years."
"It's just an arbitrary number. I almost kind of wish I stopped counting."
"I know it's not even September yet, but it's always October in my heart."
"Speedrunning is a nihilistic activity by definition; it's time-wasting, unproductive, yet the triumphs are very real."
"Time is like an illusion... it's just a bunch of motion."
"We went from 2020, 2021, 2022, and in 2023... I would love to do 2024."
"Experience of time as a big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff."
"It's crazy to me it's been six and a half years since I'm like sitting there watching Hillary Clinton announcing she's gonna run and then the 2016 election cycle."
"Tomorrow becomes never and now becomes forever."
"We're already almost at 5 AM... that's kind of wild."
"Thank god 2020 is behind us. It's a new year, let's get it off to a good start."
"One of the things I love in this game is timescales with your size."
"The concept of linear time is clearly a flawed idea... There was a time when humans thought the world was flat."
"The reality is that the past and the future do not exist, we only have the present moment."
"You'll sit down to play and suddenly twelve hours will have passed."
"The past 10 days have been effectively a century for the Trump legal team."
"It always feels like I've been playing it for an eternity."
"Things take longer to happen than you think they will, and then they happen faster than you thought they could."
"Time flies by, crazy these last three years."
"Prophecy takes time to be fulfilled, we have to understand there is prophecy that is short term and prophecy that takes years."
"We have to have multiple mythologies multiple ways of conceiving of time."
"Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening, whatever part of the world you're in. Friday came so quick, and my goodness!"
"In order to really understand evolution you have to get your mind around incomprehensible time spans."
"It's never long enough when your child is missing."
"I'd like to be able to refer back mentally to a moment in time."
"Time isn't made out of lines, it's made of circles."
"Trust divine timing. Time in itself doesn't really exist."
"Time literally flies when you're having fun."
"One minute is not a lot, I don't know why that got me."
"I can't believe I've been here for like six hours."
"The time lag is so much longer when it comes to climate change."
"Just enjoy college a little bit more. It's such a short time, even if it seems so long."
"Twenty years is a substantial chunk of your life."
"Even though it's been out for the better part of a year, it still feels early in a sense."
"It's a time frame that we're seeing from a spiritual perspective."
"The days may be long but the years are short."
"What is the nature of time within this world?"
"Miracles correct retroactively and progressively."
"Time is an illusion and everything is gonna be fine."
"It took an absolutely grueling three minutes for the lift to clank its way up to us."
"Even though it feels like we haven't had this world for a great deal of time, it's been six months already since the 1.18 update came out and we've actually accomplished quite a lot here."
"Once you break out of that, time becomes an illusion... you're able to travel to other dimensions."
"Hubble operates as a time machine, allowing us to witness a long-vanished age."
"Time is a circle. Our past is held in our feelings, our future is held in our mind."
"It feels and it's so like quick, even though it's like two hours twenty. It honestly feels like an hour long to me. It just flies by."
"It honestly feels like an hour long to me. It just flies by."
"So much fun. I love the diversity of games we have here."
"It's as if you were able to time-travel because you'll know that you've lived each day for all it's worth."
"The world can change a lot in 20 years but there are moments in time you never forget."
"It's been a couple of hours, it went really quickly. Time flies when you're having a good time with your old pal Juror and friends, you know? Hell yeah."
"Time goes on for the people who are on the outside and eventually they just sort of forget about you on the inside and they move on with their lives."
"Time crumbles, the linearity of time is totally meaningless in these states. You are at the Godhead, the point where all time folds in on itself."
"It's been 10 years since I made my first ever video on YouTube. Where has the time gone?"
"Their lives flashed before their eyes as months turned into years, and before they knew it, they had two daughters."
"You see, when I found the body, I heard the time. There was a voice saying the time, it was probably coming from the television."
"Time is different for me than it is for you." - "On the concept of time."
"Our time perception does not seem absolute. It seems distinctly relational and very malleable."
"Good morning peaches, I'm not quite sure what the time is now."
"Time is what clocks measure, which we can interpret as meaning that it’s a measure of the rate of change of the universe."
"If you're up at 3 am, you're up late. If you're up at 4 am, you're up early."
"It's been almost like, I guess, over 10 years now."
"The messy middle: where days are long but years will be short. Just keep swimming."
"You can't. They go by fast. It goes by quick, and then it's gone."
"What in the world...wasn't it just midnight?"
"My trip went by extremely fast, like that was the quickest trip ever."
"You could play a video game for 14 hours in a day and you would feel like you did something."
"The best games make you lose track of time and this is one of the best games."
"Time flies by when you're having fun. That's what I always say."
"Every moment of the three minutes is panic, like every moment of three minutes is like whoa, you know?"
"Time is an illusion... the only thing you control is how you show up to life."
"2021 is going to be a very transformative month for you guys, I said month year year for you guys."
"Remember, you may not age in the astral, but time is still passing."
"Saying you've studied for four years sounds impressive but at ten weekend's per year this is just 80 days of tuition."
"Time is not linear, okay? So when we say 2020 to 2024, let's not get caught up in our ego consciousness and really track those years."
"Death is just an illusion I mean if you think time is an illusion well what about death and then again you know there's nothing to fear because we're running in a cycle we're running in a pattern under the simulation."
"Einstein: 'The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.'"
"Sleep is just a time machine to your breakfast."
"I'm thinking about all those things I spent all day yesterday thinking it was Tuesday but it was Monday. My days are all out of whack."
"Starting off with January happened it was actually December but we're going to conclude it today."
"The past is a memory, the future is a hope. We're between those two, that's why we call it a present."
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. 1000% different once and again."
"He may think that he's running out of time. Maybe he thought he had more time when President Trump was in office. But he's running out of time."
"The present moment is the closest approximation to Eternity."
"Time can be our tool, but we can be its slave."
"Time is actually always on your side, and there's such a thing as Divine timing."
"Good times don't last and neither do bad times."
"If you're a kid that plays video games all day whatever we all did that but if you're an adult nothing will make time go faster than a video game."
"I'm sure we're all going to blow through it but don't forget it's only short-lived at the most it's six to seven days long."
"When I'm with you, time seems to slow down and speed up at the same time."
"The weight is almost over, we're getting closer and closer."
"Prince Keleseth has it really been that long? Yes indeed, since Prince Keleseth came out..."
"It's getting here quicker than we thought, you know it's all right we're halfway through 2016, crazy next year."
"Time is an illusion, yet a very persistent one."
"Time never moves and then all of a sudden it's gone... when time runs out the richest man in the world cannot buy time."
"One eighth of your life has been spent in lockdown. Crazy!"
"Life is short, that's not the way I like to live."
"We think in days, weeks, maybe months... these guys think in years."
"14 years is a long time to be away and a lot can change in a decade and a half."
"We can move along time's length, see the future, and alter it as we so desire."
"I tell you what, the first hour's gone by pretty damn quick, hasn't it?"
"This is crazy, it feels like an eternity and less than it at the same time."
"It's only by forgetting that we ever really drop the thread of time and approach the experience of living in the present moment."
"Time literally flies. Where has seven months gone?"
"Even the Bible says a day is like a thousand years to God."
"The months started to fly by, and even though my work situation wasn't ideal, I was still very happy with my life."
"The future is never here, you know, this is the present."
"It's the ability to transcend linear time and see the past, the present and the future as one."
"Time flies, especially when you have a newborn at home."
"The days are long, but the years go by fast."
"One year is very long, especially in this crypto world."
"I don't judge him, I watch football yo, true like I understand what time it's like."
"It was a feeling of, 'Where did my four years of my life go?'"
"One hour of pure joy, unbridled, is like fifty dog years."
"I haven't seen him in like how long you've been... it's been like two years it's been like they were literally three years."
"Modern societies tend to see time as a ticking time bomb until they die, a clockwork of standardized gears cranking until they get older, rusty, useless, and stop turning."
"17 years is a long time though. I feel somewhat bad. That's a lot of time. I could see seven, but 17? It's a long time."
"Traveling around Iran it makes you feel like you're stuck in a time machine."
"Our telescopes, our microscopes, the technology that we use to examine the world and the universe are in a lot of ways a kind of time machine. They give us a window into where it all came from."
"It's inconceivable that a game company could possibly be this stupid and out of touch."
"Sounds like yesterday but it really was eight years ago."