
Lifelong Learning Quotes

There are 2246 quotes

"Regularly trying to learn and keep our brain functioning well and acquire new knowledge is just a wonderful part of life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Learn as much as you can about as many things as you possibly can."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Getting kids to play an instrument... it's very clear it improves their ability to learn all sorts of things for their entire life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Absolutely you can learn at 66 and way beyond."
"Neuroplasticity is the brain's plasticity and this that I'm referring to is the ability to change at any age, better or worse."
Dr. Alan Mandell, D.C.
"New learnings: Lifelong learners added years to their life and life to their years."
"We need to be ongoing lifelong learners. There's two times in life when there's a measurable cognitive decline. One is graduation from college and the other is retirement."
"You're on it. You never got off it. Self-improvement... is for life. We want to be mentally, physically healthy for life. We want to be present and grateful and strong and athletic and aesthetic for life because life is so long-term."
"If you're wondering if you can teach an old dog new tricks, the answer is an aggressive yes."
"The world is our classroom, and you're welcome to sit in and join the seminar."
"Every single day for the rest of your life, undertake a deliberate learning process; that will quickly add a lot of meaning to your life."
"Complexity, nuance, valuing wisdom, and lifelong learning are crucial aspects of systems thinking."
"Every human should spend at least one to two hours a day learning new information to the level where they can teach it."
"The first thing you learn at monk's school is learning how to breathe because we're taught that the only thing that stays with you from the moment you're born to the moment you die is your breath."
"Communication skills are something that you want to work on because this is something that's going to last for your whole life."
"My entire life will be spent exploring the wisdom of the Quran, and I will leave this world having only captured a few drops."
"It's a beautiful thing to do, and it's something you can do for the rest of your life. So don't wait, just go and get started, and happy reading."
"Learning never stops. You have to take charge of your own journey."
"Your knowledge and your skills, nothing in life can ever empty these two buckets."
"Every day you're not learning something new, you're not making that much progress."
"This knowledge that you pick up will benefit you in all areas of your life."
"I love learning; I learn every day that I do this stuff."
"Skills are going to stay with you for the rest of your life."
"Keep learning and keep having fun. Learning is the best part of life."
"The top 10% of people are constantly improving; lifelong improvement, learning new things, and becoming better."
"You're not only living, you're learning every day."
"Never stop learning, to maintain that constant joy of discovery."
"Never too early or too late to develop these skills."
"Plan on becoming a lifelong learner. Do not stop learning after college."
"The best thing that you can be is a student of life and never stop learning."
"You never stop learning about Wicca; there is always something new to learn."
"The reason I'm so far ahead in many areas of my life is that I never stop learning."
"This is a tool that you will use throughout the rest of your life to solve all your problems and all your challenges."
"If you think that you stop playing and educating when you become an adult, that's the problem."
"If you can learn how to learn, the world is yours."
"You're somebody who's like a forever learner... It fills you with so much purpose to do that as a soul."
"Lifelong learning and self-education are paramount. You've got to take full responsibility for it."
"Never lose your curiosity, never lose your interest in learning about other cultures."
"What's more important, the four years maybe of high school that you're engaged in reading deep books, or making sure they love reading so much that the next 60 years is filled with enjoyable reading?"
"Goodnight, take care, and always keep learning."
"You're never too old to learn or to master something different or new."
"But it's not really the end because there's always something new to learn."
"Life is just a big classroom, and we are constantly learning."
"Never stop learning. Always be a student of the universe."
"Make sure you're acquiring as much knowledge as you can."
"Don't stop learning after school. It's really important to upskill your skill set to keep up with the times and also to be able to take advantage of the new opportunities that are now available."
"Improve your financial literacy...it will pay you dividends for the rest of your life."
"Continuous learning is the key to the future."
"I really began to appreciate the value of lifelong learning."
"Investing in... learning sincerely is something I love."
"A life of continuous learning is the life that's well lived."
"Since we can't know what knowledge will be most needed in the future, it's senseless to try and teach it in advance. Instead, we should try to turn out people who love learning so much and learn so well that they will be able to learn whatever needs to be learned."
"I'm not in school anymore, so you don't have to be a student. If you're just a lifelong learner like me... Brilliant will have courses that are definitely applicable to you no matter where you are on your educational journey."
"We can't rest on the education we have... Lifelong learning."
"I am a major proponent of lifelong learning."
"I can't emphasize enough the importance of becoming a lifelong learner."
"There is a sense in which constant lifelong learning is the main mode that you have to be in."
"Learning doesn't have to stop when we finish school; it's an ongoing process throughout our lives."
"Reading has left a massive impact on my life, and it can for you too."
"You can never learn enough in life, you know. As old as I am, 70 years old I'm going to be this year, I sit down with people and they may say one word or one sentence that just really enlightens you."
"Another great thing about Tai Chi is that it doesn't matter how old or how young you are, you can learn Tai Chi and continue to progress, and if you wish, a lifetime."
"It's a lifelong process. We live, we learn. This is one of the most exciting things about the language."
"Take a little bit of time, it's just once a week, it's once a day for like an hour, invest a little bit of time in learning programming."
"Spend some time every day, learning something new."
"It's a lifelong learning thing. I've been doing photography for more than 20 years now, and I'm still constantly learning things."
"Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere."
"If you're not constantly learning, you're not constantly growing, so you're not even gonna be happy at your own life."
"One of the greatest things about medicine as a career is that even this old dog...can still learn new tricks. In fact, I have to."
"You're never too old to go back to school or retrain or try a different career."
"I have a background as a trained hypnotist and I've been studying persuasion in all its forms for decades."
"Learning never ever ever stops... every single day I'm learning something new. It never ever stops."
"The billionaires I work with have one common denominator, and that's they're curious and they have a white belt mentality."
"Continual education... if you're not open to new information, you're not learning new skills, you're not evolving and growing and expanding, you're selling yourself short."
"Design is a really fun profession and in a lot of ways, it's a forever profession, which means that you never really stop learning."
"Be a lifelong learner, strive to be 1% better every day, and challenge yourself to be better than who you were yesterday."
"It takes your whole life to be a good father."
"The world is a university, and everyone in it is a teacher. Make sure when you wake up in the morning, you go to school."
"Learning is not just for young people, learning is a life long journey."
"What I tell my son is, if anything, learn how to learn. Because you're probably going to need to acquire so many skills over your entire working life."
"Be a lifelong-learner, and let Brilliant be your partner on that journey."
"College is the last stop for most people in their entire lives to be forced to learn something."
"River has been using her magic for her entire life and striving to use it better and yet still doesn't fully understand it as much as she wants to because it's never been explained to her in a way that actually is true to what it is."
"Education should be a lifelong, self-directed process, available to anyone and everyone who is interested in it."
"Wise men and women are always learning, always listening for fresh insights."
"Getting in the habit of learning is key, and that means regularity."
"So today, we've learned an essay structure that you can use for the rest of your life. It works for every essay type, and every question prompt in any situation."
"Bert Goldman, in his 80s, became an accomplished photographer, an accomplished artist, he learned to play the piano."
"Growth is not a one-year commitment, a one-month commitment, a three-day commitment; it's a lifetime commitment to growth."
"It's like college but way cheaper, and you don't have to get good grades to keep learning."
"You never stop learning, you never stop learning. That's the beauty of martial arts."
"Education has tremendous economic value, and that includes education in the humanities."
"Rich and successful people never stop learning, not only through reading but learning from everything that's around them."
"Everyone is always learning things, whether that's because it's something new they want to try or whether it's a problem that they want to solve."
"Life's too short to ever stop learning, in my opinion."
"You don't have to go to college, but you have to teach yourself how to learn. You need a skill, but the skill has to be how to learn."
"Be a student of the game, a student of life, a student of those who've achieved."
"I hate wasting a minute and I want to do it all, learn it all, and share it all."
"I'm constantly on a learning curve. That's the way I want to be."
"This isn't just something that you're doing one time in IELTS, and then it's gone. This is going to help you for the rest of your life."
"The essence of science is trial and error. So to perfect a project...it is going to take a lifetime."
"You need something to immerse your attention in and continuously progress at that throughout life."
"Invest in yourself...because learning never really stops and it's possibly the best return on investment you can ever make."
"You should always be learning. You should always be doing things that keep your mind stimulated, and I don't care what age you are, you're always learning."
"Always be learning. Learn everything you could."
"We want to be useful to schools and teachers and students, but we also want to be useful to people who are just excited about learning because it's possibly the meaning of life."
"You can't stop learning at any point and the most successful students I've had are the ones who really put their heart and soul into finding out a new vocabulary."
"Learning how to learn is a very important skill, and learning that you always need to learn is an important piece of information."
"I advocate education and bettering yourself and your knowledge at every opportunity."
"If I was 17 or if you're 70, this is the best advice you will ever get about making money: Become a learning machine."
"The pursuit of knowledge is endless; the day you stop seeking is the day you stop growing."
"It's all God, right? Because, you know, we should, as believers, go the rest of our life trying to figure out God. That should be an everlasting hunt."
"You just have to always keep pushing yourself to become a better person, and to be the person that you always aspire to and to learn the lessons from the mistakes that you make whenever possible."
"You really wanna keep learning, you really wanna keep growing as a person."
"Brain plasticity... we used to think that brain plasticity stopped entirely after a certain age; however, we now know that it is still possible to grow new neural connections and even birth new brain cells late into older age."
"Learn new skills... keep learning new things, keep moving your body in new ways, and you'll keep your brain active and young as well as your body."
"The pursuit of knowledge is a journey with no final destination, only waypoints of discovery and enlightenment."
"Cultivating a love of learning for its own sake and then maybe it'll also come in handy for something else."
"It's not a matter of going to school or dropping out. In fact, it's a matter of how do we take what learning through an institution can provide us."
"I really don't recommend focusing too much on how long it takes. This is a lifelong learning process."
"Never stop learning, never stop building, never stop evolving."
"Coding is all about learning, right? We're always, always learning."
"The capability and willingness to understand that there's always something to learn."
"Kindergarten through age 80, it's womb to tomb."
"The most important skills in the 21st century are how to constantly learn new things, how to reinvent yourself throughout your life."
"The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence." - Albert Einstein
"You're never too experienced to discover new things."
"Socialization doesn't end with the end of puppyhood!"
"The most important investment that you can make is in yourself."
"Start with a broad education, then focus on what excites you."
"Never stop learning new things, or you'll just turn into a potato."
"The reality of the world we're in right now is that you have to keep learning and keep retooling yourself to be useful in our society."
"It's never too late to change things. It's never too late to learn new behaviors."
"Whatever you're struggling with today, until you finally understand what's driving you, you'll continue to wrestle with that until you die."
"And even though I studied it in college, there's still a lot about it that I don't know."
"Intellect is far more than that. It's about learning on your own, being curious, going out in the world, experiencing things, having a job, dealing with people right, and how you react to the world around you."
"If you invest in yourself, nobody can take it away from you."
"It's never too late. If you've got that passion, give it a go before your life's over."
"You must become a lifelong learner if you want to guarantee success for yourself."
"You're not just purchasing a book, you're investing in a skill that you will have for the rest of your life."
"You're never too old for what you want to do, you can always start new things, you can always learn new things."
"If they stop learning, they should probably stop teaching because it's a lifelong process."
"The only way to do it is just to constantly be learning."
"When you stop learning, your brain starts dying."
"New learning has to be part of everything you do."
"It's never too late to start learning something new."
"I've learned so much and I'm continuing to learn all the time."
"The day of stop learning is the day I die. I love learning new things."
"Welcome to my world where no matter how old you get, you never need to grow up and you can always learn something new."
"It's never too late for anything as long as you are passionate about it."
"You gotta keep learning... it has to start somewhere."
"Sometimes you can be successful but you can learn more things down the road that'll make you more successful, bro. You understand? It's all, it all starts with you."
"Embrace change... keep learning and keep changing throughout our lives."
"Learn a new skill around something that will always be useful to you."
"Lifelong learning is essential for success in ethical hacking."
"I speak from a place of authority on a lot of topics but I am a child in a lot of ways."
"Inspiration for why everyone needs to stay in school!"
"I'm still learning every day, I go there and I check and I still learn new things."
"Continuing professional development doesn't stop in any profession."
"One never stops learning in life. That's what I find."
"The illiterate of the 21st century are not those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."
"One thing you can never stop doing in life is learning."
"It's never too late to get into tech, no matter what life stage or age you are."
"Books reading books is so important it's so important but it's like how do you choose what you can't ever read all the books."
"Trust is the capacity to risk letting another person in."
"You are not going to be the smart, well-rounded person that you could be if you stop learning."
"Learning never stops as long as we are open to new things."
"You've got to always, always be ready to learn more."
"I think we're all learning at the end of the day."
"Becoming humble learners: Highly vibrational individuals approach life with humility."
"Continuous learning: Highly vibrational people are perpetual learners."
"If you're alive, you can get better at stuff."
"The best investment you can make in your lifetime is your own education."
"I think you should always learn every single day."
"One of the things I love about cooking and that keeps me excited after 25 years behind the stove is that there's always something new to learn every day."
"All it takes, all it takes, is the commitment to never-ending learning."
"Learning is a lifelong pursuit. We don't have a school year. Learning won't stop, it just continues."
"Brilliant has tons of lessons on its platform for lifelong learners."
"And more than anything else there is always something more to learn."
"Constantly enhance your personal skills and adaptability to match the swiftly evolving world."
"Online learning is quickly becoming a primary source of education."
"Keep reminding people to get out there and keep working on stuff. It's never too late to start working on a project."
"I've enjoyed the experience of learning and I've just had a brilliant time for 30 years."
"The world is our classroom because we never stop learning."
"It's lifelong learning. That's what it means to be a professional, that's what it means to be a physician."
"Make it part of your lifestyle and not just something that you study for."
"He's been keeping pace with us since he was a baby."
"Personally this quarter I'm spending a lot of time learning how to learn... it's just becoming so complicated..."
"Experiments are something to be cherished, something to be cultivated, something that we should continue our entire lives."
"Learn, learn, learn, learn, learn, never stop."
"It's not what you know now, it's what you grow into."
"Because I feel like I just always want to learn."
"There really is no limit to the knowledge, like there's always something that you can learn."
"You have more skills and more knowledge than you might realize. Share it and you have a chance to learn at any age at any stage of your development."
"It's great to go back to school, it's great to learn new things... it's just the act of learning that's going to help you."
"Education isn't always about going to school. Keep the momentum of your education going."
"He still wants to learn and get better every day."
"Being a self-learner...you can go so far in life."
"Nothing more horrible than a person who has stopped learning."
"Money only spends once but knowledge monetizes forever."
"This hobby is about learning and getting better every day, there's no end game, there's no end point for this."