
Brain Power Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"The brain and our decisions about what we are going to stick to are tremendously powerful."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Your brain is like a supercomputer and your self-talk is the program it will run."
"We are in control of our thoughts and behaviors, understanding how to unlock the power of your brain is one of the most important things you can do for yourself."
"We're talking about one of the most important topics... improving your most valuable superpower, which is between your ears, called your brain."
"Your brain is the most powerful weapon in the world. You have to master it, not let it master you."
"I'm willing to be radical, I'm willing to make things really inconvenient for everyone, but what I really want to focus on is taking our core resource, which is these human brains, and set up an environment where those brains can produce value at their peak."
"The brain is so powerful that whatever emotions and thoughts are being fed, they will grow, they will get stronger."
"The human brain is the most powerful structure known to humankind, and it was designed to learn."
"If we can harness the power of that brain activation energy, that was evolved to put us into action to help solve these dangers in our lives, that is what decreases the stress."
"Our brains are the fastest data processors on earth, far more efficient than any computer you have ever used."
"Your brain and your consistent effort is really your best resource."
"Tapping into the powers of these particular glands in you, the brain, you can unlock hidden powers within yourself."
"Harnessing our brains for change is a supreme power worth having."
"Our brain is an exceptionally powerful tool in the way we create our life."
"People don't realize that, you know, your brain's potential... 10%... light up the other 90%."
"You did it! You really have an extraordinary machine inside your head. It's called a brain."
"Brain excellence, that's your competitive advantage."
"With something as powerful as the mind, you'd think we know more about it. The truth is, we know little about the brain and the incredible power it more than likely possesses."
"The human brain is so powerful. It turns our belief into physical response."
"Your unconscious mind is absolutely cracked; it controls so many of your most powerful brain processes."
"One of the biggest advantages that successful people have is that they know how to focus this incredible source of brain power on whatever they're trying to accomplish."
"When you concentrate on learning new subjects, you activate more and more of your brain power."
"One of the most remarkable characteristics of Sherlock Holmes was his power of throwing his brain out of action and switching all his thoughts onto lighter things whenever he had convinced himself that he could no longer work to Advantage."
"Our emotional health is so important because our brain is so powerful."
"I don't think WWE's got the brain power to do something like that."
"Honor the power of our brain as an instrument of creation and manifestation."
"More neurons give you more processing power."
"This approach is fuel for the brain and fire for the body."
"Your brain can create, I mean your brain is unbelievably powerful, yes."
"Your brain can do amazing things if you let it."
"His brand new book is called Inner Size: The New Science to Unlock Your Brain's Hidden Power."
"The brain is by far the most powerful computer in the universe that we know of."
"What a wonderful movie, man, like my god."
"Give us more movies that involve brainpower, please. We like brainpower movies, we like using our brain."
"The brain is crazy powerful. Never underestimate it."
"The brain is much more powerful than we give it credit for."
"The human brain is such a powerful tool, but you just have to learn how to unlock it, and books and education are the only way to do that."
"Mind mapping helped unlock a huge portion of the brain."
"Your brain is like any other muscle in your body. If you can activate it and use it, it'll get stronger and better."
"Visualization is the biggest, most powerful part of your brain."
"The brain is a powerful thing, and you got to watch what you say to yourself because you're listening."
"Your brain, when you condition it, knows exactly what to go for; it'll find a way to get there."
"How do you activate your brain power?"
"All is not lost, whatever the situation, thanks to a killer app in plentiful supply just waiting for release, a killer app which every one of us has called the brain."
"I consider success the power of the brain, so the more intelligent they are, the more successful and powerful."
"Sometimes your brain just can't do it alone."
"The level that a human brain can operate with enough training."
"Your brain has more capability when you're in a positive frame of mind."
"Engaging every single sense... unlocks that 10x's brain power for the day."
"Your brain is a sponge; it absorbs all the knowledge."
"The human brain is powerful, there's no doubt about that, but it has its limitations."
"Cognitive load optimization... talks about the brain power that is required to learn something."
"Your brain is basically like a sponge, learning things in two seconds."
"Is the brain powerful enough to cause you to think differently... to change your physical body to cause paralysis, to cause weird things to happen?"
"We don't pay for each brain cell, right? We can use all of them, it's free."
"Our brains are Turing complete bits of hardware and therefore can exhibit the functionality of running any computable function."
"Develop a strong relationship with your beliefs and your habits and your brain because it's the most powerful tool in the known universe."
"Every one of you has a much more powerful computer than the query optimizer has; it's called your brain."
"Memorizing in general is so powerful if you just memorize things your brain is going to become more powerful."
"The way to make the most money is with your brain."
"If you could do it, your brain is amazing."
"Some predict in 2030 a computer will be a thousand times more powerful than a human brain."
"It's crazy how your brain is really like a muscle; you need to exercise it."
"We have large brains relative to our body size, which allows for more complex thought, greater social memory, and the ability to make cognitive connections."
"The brain is more powerful than we even know."
"I tell people, man, you have a computer on your shoulders, you know what I mean? So just use it properly."
"What part of our bodies has the power to move mountains? Our muscles? Wrong, the correct answer is the human brain."
"The potential of the brain is enormous, nobody is weak in any aspect, it is for us to realize."
"Be amazed by how much potential your brain has; it's way more than we ever thought."
"We are likely to see our brains transition into supercomputers within our lifetimes."
"Our brains have the capacity to store so much information."
"Sorcerers can manipulate matter because they're born with the capability to use the entire power of their brain."
"We only use a small part of our brains, so why don't we use a larger percentage of our imagination?"
"I am capable. That's what I want to use the power of my brain to do."
"How can a stronger brain help you with your goals in life?"
"All you need is this supercomputer; it's located right between your ears, and it's much, much better than any artificial intelligence out there."
"You can improve your efficiency at a brain level by 40 percent if you embrace one thing."
"What if upping is a way to strengthen your neural connections so that your brain is wired to find the solution?"
"The brain is such a powerful thing."
"With ancient wisdom to supercharge your brain."
"You're creating the building blocks in your brain to achieve your larger goals."
"The most important concept to remember is the power of repetition; your brain creates transformation more powerfully and more easily and automatically every time."
"The group brain is far more powerful than the individual brains."
"The brain is the most powerful organ and muscle in the human body."
"The brain is pretty much indestructible."
"The brain is able to do a lot of things that are really hard for a long time if we don't have to do it by ourselves."
"The brain is an amazing instrument and is the greatest tool we'll ever own in our lives."
"When you understand how your brain works, you can work your brain."
"Your brain, all of our brains, are smart and intelligent and looking out for what is good and useful for us."
"The brain is given the freedom to imagine; that's what strengthens and enlarges the mind."
"I think your brain is definitely capable of creating things."
"Once we've evaluated for potentially underlying physical causes, most people are really going to be working to take advantage of their brain's own innate power to kind of ignore some things and focus on other things."
"All you need is this super computer that's located in between your ears."
"I'm using most of my brain because I'm getting a better night's sleep."
"Where we combine the latest neurotechnology with ancient wisdom to supercharge your brain."
"The coffee mug can take care of the brain while I'm getting fueled up."
"We are learning creatures that we have the most powerful supercomputers in our brains."
"You use all of your brain; your brain is being used all the time for a lot of things."
"The effects can be real and not just because the patient feels better psychologically; we're talking real physical healing thanks to the power of the brain."
"Our brains are powerful. They are very powerful things."
"You're getting to build your brain as it were, as a possibility engine."
"The brain has lots more power than what you think."
"Your brain can turn your blood pressure up or down."
"If you're aware of how powerful your brain is, then you can use it absolutely."
"In our brain we all have the same number of neurons and we can have better and more creative ideas."
"Your brain is faster and more powerful than you ever dreamed."
"With a better brain comes a better life."
"The brain has the power to do all this, to make us see, hear, feel such wonderful things, and yet for 99% of the time, we cannot access it."
"Your brain doesn't know the difference between you studying for that test or you doing the work to start that business or get healthy."
"We're special, the first social network of brains."
"All human skill resides in the wires of our brain."
"We're using the capacity of your brain; we're creating the conditions for your brain to improve."
"It's scary what the brain is capable of."
"Get your brain jump-started for the week."
"You need to wed both sides of your brain, baby."
"The human brain and capability is incredible."
"The reason why visualization works is because you are reprogramming your brain."
"Culturally responsive teaching is about building students' brain power."
"How much information can you pack into your brain? A surprising amount."
"The human brain is somewhere between a petaflop where today's computers are and this exaflop we might have in 2020."
"Did you know that in a single day, your brain sends more messages than all the phones in the world?"
"When was the last time you tuned up your brain?"
"Your brain is a learning machine, it can learn whatever you want it to learn."
"We have the most powerful supercomputers in our brains, so let's use those."
"Elephants are immensely socially intelligent, and they have massive brains."
"These are ancient bacteria that became part of our body and they decide whether your brain has power or doesn't have power."
"It functions most effectively when there is complete security for it."
"You could send pictures to people or thoughts with just your brain."
"You got to use the brain, that's all."
"You don't realize the power that you have with your brain when you focus on something simple for enough time."
"Your brain is also a muscle, the more that you work it, the better it gets."
"It's intoxicating in the way that it stimulates your brain to do like six different things at one time."
"Harnessing the power of how your brain works is really important for achieving anything in life."
"I love how this game, like, you increase your brain to jump higher."
"When you visualize... your brain encodes it as a real memory."
"More and more people born in the next 20 years will unlock those abilities of the brain."
"It's about effectively using technology to extend your brain."
"The brain is awesome. When you give your brain a task, it's always trying to figure out how to achieve it."
"It's astounding what you can teach your brain to do."
"Of all the world's monkeys, these are one of the smartest with large and complex brains."
"Your brain is like a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it gets."
"Exercise is one of the most powerful performance-enhancing drugs that you can give the brain."