
Individual Differences Quotes

There are 368 quotes

"None of this can really be solved in a single practice... only through a deep understanding of the self as it really is... could we actually arrive at some answers about what's actually right for each and every one of us."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What one person finds delicious, another person might find disgusting."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Managing emotions is like a skill, with each person having their natural talents for some emotions and not others."
"There are actual problems in the world, true. But isn't this also a common sense way of looking at it, that there are actual problems in the world... but the same actual problems, don't different people deal with it differently?"
"Plenty of men have a typical female personality structure and plenty of females that have a typical male personality structure."
"Each body is different...we are so biochemically individual and what works for you and me might be very different in terms of what causes the blood glucose spike."
"Everybody's different, everybody has different opinions about literally everything."
"Take everything with a pinch of salt; everybody does things differently, and that's one of the best things."
"Symptoms and responses to treatment can vary a lot from person to person, but at the end of the day, it's important to seek help if you need it."
"Common Sense is a flower that doesn't grow in everyone's garden."
"The process of language learning is complex, as complex as the individual quirks of people who embark upon the journey of learning a new language."
"Different people engage with the world in different ways, and it's not necessarily fair to give advice that wouldn't work for others."
"Every player is different, every player has different issues, different strengths and weaknesses."
"The personalized nutrition project...discovered is that no one diet fits all; everyone's bodies respond differently to the same foods."
"Everyone's journey is personalized; it's a personal struggle. What works for one person might not work for another."
"Everyone processes heartbreak differently, so you may process your heartbreak completely differently from your partner. It's okay however you deal with it."
"Each one of those millions of people with their own unique personalities, some brave, some cowardly, some intelligent, some not so much, some kind and timid, some violent and cruel."
"There's no one way we all grieve. There's no one way that we all deal with anxiety and stress when we're nervous; it shows up completely different in all of us."
"Sleep requirements vary slightly from person to person, but most healthy adults need somewhere between seven to nine hours of sleep per night to function at their best."
"There's reason to believe different individuals can respond best to different training frequencies or splits."
"Every person's experience with autism is different."
"Research has shown that the effects of coffee really vary depending on the person and their tolerance."
"People process things differently and...everybody's feelings are generally valid."
"It's different for everybody. Not everyone's skin is as reactive to what's going on in their gut."
"Being dyslexic and stuff really, you know, I could have been very different without that."
"Even if the overwhelming evidence suggests that a good treatment for depression is an SSRI like prozac if it doesn't work for you it doesn't [ __ ] work for you."
"I think people can learn anything, however, you have a spectrum of how much you can improve."
"Not everybody is a scientist, not everybody is born a genius."
"Some people like Elon Musk, some people don't, and that's that."
"I definitely did acknowledge that I'm sure it works for some people, you know? My issue is just promoting this as like for everybody because doing that with any sort of diet is crap, don't do it."
"Fasting isn't all packaged into one thing; it's about what you're trying to accomplish."
"It's important that people understand... his outcomes are not going to be equal to yours..."
"Clear skin is going to be different for every person but there are a lot of other people who have had similar results"
"There's no right or wrong with this stuff, it's personal preference."
"Not everyone thinks and learns the exact same way that you do."
"Barney rejected this idea however dr. Simon noted that while their memories were consistent in some regards there was also portions of both their narratives that were unique to each other."
"Varies from person to person. Don't judge people."
"I think everybody has a different way that they communicate with the world."
"Depression doesn't look the same on everyone."
"If food tastes good to you or not, it's just no big deal."
"Time is different for me than it is for you." - "On the concept of time."
"All of us are warped, distorted in very distinctive ways."
"Not every man struggles with this... don't think that because you struggle, everyone else does."
"Nobody's prime driver in life is the color of their skin or their sexuality or their gender or anything else."
"Everybody's got a different move, I respect everybody."
"For some people, it's classical music, and for other people, it's punk rock."
"You could be the ripest juiciest peach in the world and there's still going to be someone out there that hates peaches."
"Different strokes for different folks, right now."
"What's easy for me is not easy for the next person."
"You deserve that time, you deserve to understand everybody is different."
"Everyone's genes are so drastically different, so to say 'oh well it's mostly genetics for everyone' is just extremely ignorant."
"We're all just trying to feel comfortable in our bodies, however that may look."
"Please start listening, that's all I want to see. Just sit down, listen to what people have to say and give your reasoning for why you're not doing it this way."
"Everybody's body is different, everybody's mind is different."
"It's interesting, but I mean, people can sometimes just look different than their dad."
"Not everyone is going to see this person for who we have seen them to be. Everyone is on a different journey."
"The key is for people to find what works for them."
"Everyone's different, these types of things affect everyone differently."
"Different people have different symptoms or side effects of medications; that's just how our bodies work."
"Equality ain't the problem. It's just like two cars can't go the exact same speed in the same lane, go just as fast and something else not in this particularly."
"It's about where you were and your type of personality when you were there."
"Upward Mobility is always operating on a Nuance for different people based off their position."
"They will go to the extent, somebody will, I'm not saying everybody, yeah, somebody will just chill."
"Find your 'why'. It's going to be different for each one of you."
"All individuals express bias in some way or another, and that bias can and almost certainly will be different from person to person."
"You could be the juiciest peach in the world but not everyone likes peaches."
"My experience is not everyone's experience. Everyone's journey is so different, but all of them are challenging and rewarding."
"There is nothing wrong with you, you may have some peculiarities but we all have our individual weaknesses and strengths."
"Just because you might like ocarina of time and I don't doesn't mean that you're not a beautiful person because you are"
"Here's someone who if she went to a regular doctor would have a perfect test..."
"Humans are so similar to each other but yet so different at the same time."
"Everybody's feet are different, some people really like that crazy soft squishy feel."
"As much care as Celeste puts into balancing and gradually ramping up its difficulty, it's cool that the game acknowledges that everyone is going to have a different limit."
"What separates a wolf from the sheep, whether it's a natural disposition or a set of skills and a perspective."
"Remember this isn't a one-size-fits-all shoe."
"I think douglas has a couple different ones though."
"Your balance will not be like anyone else's balance."
"Measure your starting point...everyone reacts to it differently."
"Two personalities that it actually does them very, very well."
"Fairness is not all the time everybody gets treated the exact same because people aren't the same."
"Every child is different so don't compare anyone to anything."
"Some individuals just respond well to low doses and don't necessarily need more."
"Some people need way more [dose], some people don't respond well to this little of stuff."
"The struggle for self-identification is clearly evident in each of their stories, providing a reflection of the differing paths we all take."
"Each of us is going to emotionally react in a different way to this."
"My frame of reference is going to be very different from Tom's, it's going to be very different from yours."
"Just because something worked for me doesn't mean it's going to work for you."
"What is real... one person's reality can be different from another's."
"Two people can do the same things, have the same habits, have the same job, have the same goals, but one person will achieve it, one person not, based on the context of who they be."
"Just because one person has success doesn't mean it's the best path."
"We should talk about the costs involved in not acknowledging that we differ as individuals and as groups."
"Healthy and happy means something different to everyone."
"It's interesting that this guy is good to go, but this guy's like no, nope."
"Health is meant to look different on all of us."
"Different things make us feel fulfilled, and we all believe in different things, and that's totally okay."
"What works for you may not work for the next guy."
"Every kid and baby is different, it is just all about the consistency that you and your baby feel comfortable with."
"Clark needs somebody who understands that they're different and that they want to be accepted. I think it shouldn't be unsafe, it should be called acceptance."
"Luxury is different things to different people."
"Everybody counts, you don't have to agree with somebody, you don't have to, but you can take from what you will or leave it."
"This is not a one size fits all kind of thing."
"What is for you may not be for him. What is for him may not be for you."
"Every car is different, every driver is different, and there are always exceptions to the rule."
"You gotta assume everybody does that 90%; it's the other 10% they're not everybody does."
"Everybody's looking through things and processing everything through their own eyes and you don't know where they've come from in life."
"Everyone has their own clock, like their own life, that certain achievements that you get will be different."
"You stop being a snowflake when you stop freaking out over differences of opinion."
"The 8-hour sleep myth is incorrect. Individual DNA determines how much sleep you need."
"Every single experience could be positive in one person and negative in another."
"Every single person sees something differently."
"There's a very good reason for this specific protocol it's because every rider is different and your FTP only tells part of your story."
"It's not worth it for me to try to convince or convert you... we're coming from two different standing points."
"Every person has their own set of reasons as to why they believe what they believe."
"Everybody's journey is gonna look different."
"Resolve may look a little differently for everyone."
"Every person is different, and if you weigh all the risks and for yourself the benefits still outweigh, like who am I to say?"
"It's funny because when you're on the spot, some people excel."
"There's Different Strokes for different folks."
"A different version of you exists in the minds of everyone who knows you. Let that little sink in."
"But don't fall into the trap of taking this for granted and assuming everyone has the same relationship structure goal as you."
"There's not necessarily good or bad; it's more about what is aligned with you."
"Every patient is different. Blanket statements can be very dangerous."
"Why are we still trying to say that you and me and everyone else we're all the same and we got to get the same medications and same dose? Everyone's looking for a magic pill."
"Like, logically if you think about it, does the nutrient intake needs of a 250 pound bodybuilder equate to the same nutrient intake needs of a hundred pound little chick? No, they don't."
"At the end of the day, we all have to understand we have different preferences and we're all entitled to find what we like attractive."
"The same stuff doesn't work for everyone; it's very much dependent on where your ship is."
"Just understand that we're all on different paths."
"Your ability to recover is completely individual."
"Every single one of us has imbalances everywhere."
"You're telling me those people who are able to process successfully from the outside, those people that might not look like they're suffering, but obviously dealing with grief... everyone deals with grief in different ways..."
"I'm different from you. This doesn't make me love you any less; it actually makes me love you more."
"Trauma is an idiosyncratic highly specific individualistic reaction."
"Despite being in development for a long time, it feels like a true next-generation PC game."
"It's just insane to expect to agree with somebody on everything."
"What doesn't resonate for you will resonate for someone else."
"Everybody's different, everybody's got their own battles to fight."
"Different strokes for different folks. Do what works for you."
"Their mindset is not like my mindset, it's just totally different."
"Our job is to shelve our own bias acknowledge that all bodies are unique and to take into consideration an individual's preferences budget lifestyle morals culture and unique health conditions and concerns."
"When do you think someone is truly ready for sex? It's different for everybody."
"It's okay for us to feel totally different about something."
"How do you navigate your healing? How do you navigate the things that you need? For me it's different, for you it's going to be different."
"Everybody's experiences should be validated... there's no such thing as complete normal."
"You'd be the juiciest peach, but some people won't like peaches."
"It depends so much on your own personal circumstances."
"There are ways you can push people in incredibly difficult ways, but that might not work for everyone."
"There are people who don't... but there are others who feel a real strong need for community."
"School isn't for everyone, believe it or not. And that's okay, but sometimes it feels like you're almost stuck to do something because it was."
"It's not a one-size-fits-all way of learning."
"Life-changing wealth is different for everyone."
"Almost everyone is going to have a sex drive, but it just depends on what you do with it."
"Everyone does stuff differently and we all have to do what's right for our family."
"Each person's pathway into depression is different."
"You start talking about it [marriage]... it's one of those things where each relationship is different."
"I think it's different for every single person. What works for one person can work for others but it might not work for the next person, you know? So, it's whatever you feel drawn to."
"Don't compare yourself to other people. You have to go at your own pace."
"People are just different, very different and it helps."
"Every person is different. Clients connect with their therapists and so it doesn't matter."
"That's what I'm taking from there: everything is different, everyone's truth is different."
"Two people can eat the exact same amount of food but not actually absorb the same amount of calories from that food due to the variations in their gut microbiome."
"Human life is so person specific but these holy books are always like creating blanket rules for all of us like we're all the exact same in all situations."
"The learning curve when raising every individual puppy is different and it's significant even for me."
"Let's say you don't have a preference, well this is a non-conversation for you."
"Different children have different temperaments and different parents who have significantly different temperaments and that's okay."
"What works well for one person may not work well for another."
"We were not created to all have the same perspective."
"You're going to see that in some people it has no effect."
"We're all a little different in how we respond to nasal breathing."
"The psychological effects that a zombie apocalypse may have on different people."
"Well, it's not one size fits-all. Nothing ever in this entire world is one size fits all nothing ever especially psychology is not going to be one size fits all."
"Everybody's different and that's okay... good Tara cute smile."
"Health is not one size fits all. If we viewed the vaccine... everybody would have a vastly different viewpoint."
"Every medicine works differently with every patient."
"So it depends on each individual tribe's history."
"I just feel like portion sizes like recommended portion sizes are a bit silly because like I don't think anybody really eats the recommended portion size everybody's different every day is different"
"It just depends on what they're comfortable with, and depending on where they are, who they are, their family, their location, what they're safe with sharing or they feel safe with sharing."
"Life is like this ferris wheel, everyone's on the same path but at a different pace."
"Desires of what somebody needs are extremely diverse."
"Just because my dreams are different than yours doesn't mean they're unimportant."
"The great thing about life: everyone's got a different approach to things."
"If you don't like the opinion, you can either just accept it because we're different human beings living different lives that are going to have ultimately different opinions on things."
"I know there's a lot of you every one of you guys I know is smart but in different ways."
"Different strokes for different folks, people have different preferences. That's what makes the world go round."
"It's called photographic memory, Joe. Not everyone in the world has it because our individual minds work in mysterious ways."
"You should do what's right for you. If you like everybody has like such different like family dynamics and things like that."
"Not everyone has maternal instincts, and that is completely normal."
"We're not all the same, genes play a part in our health."
"I have a personal pet peeve everybody has different pet peeves but I have one and don't judge me I can feel it already."
"Your alignment may be different from mine, it's up to you to figure out what it is."
"That perk for me is death perception, so like, piece has got a different perk in his game to what I can see which is Craven and crazy."
"We're not all the same. What our limits are gonna be different, how we're gonna evaluate things are gonna be different."
"Autism spectrum disorder is a spectrum. Not everybody is going to deal with it the same way."
"We're all equal, we just have different things."
"Not all LDL is the same... it clearly means it's not the same for everybody and in every situation."
"Take it with a grain of salt, everybody's different everybody wants and needs different things."
"People need to realize that everyone's different."
"You need to remember that you're not going to satisfy everybody everybody is built different everybody's tastes are different."
"The face of mental illness looks very different on everyone."
"Science is great at coming up with averages, but averages mask all the individual variability that you have."