
Tribalism Quotes

There are 228 quotes

"We're social animals. And we're probably generally happiest, even for natural contrarians among us, when we're part of a tribe."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Basically, we're tribal. We evolved as a tribal species."
"The genius of American liberal democracy was to calm down those tribal sentiments...that was all possible when we didn't feel that the other side was an existential risk to the country."
"We seem to live in a post-truth era where facts are so much less persuasive than tribalism."
"The ability to harness tribal effects is a tendency of people to rally to their in-groups when they see one of their number under attack."
"Why do people not care about black communities, poor black communities? It's tribalism that guides everything."
"There's nothing wrong with being tribal. What's wrong is if you let your tribe force you to do things that are not close to God or that would make God upset."
"For many, the desire to belong and be part of a tribe is very innate."
"I think sometimes we get way too tribal. It's like, 'Well, I'm this, so f*** you.' It's like, you know what, this isn't a playground. You're not five years old."
"Human beings also have a natural tendency towards tribalism. We naturally create in-groups and out-groups."
"We are entering into a tribal routine that is going to end poorly for all involved."
"The genius of Christianity is that it supersedes tribalism."
"I strongly encourage you to be more critical of dogmatism and in-group out-group tribalism."
"The future depends on us getting past dangerous tribalism and realizing that we are really one people."
"Social media has hacked our evolutionary drive to be tribal ingroup outgroup creatures."
"It's incredibly crazy how tribal politics has become."
"The defining feature of modern politics is that tribal sense, that group sense, has come to dominate."
"It's weird because in this culture war, the tribal left, whatever you want to call it, is like, 'Let's just insult instead of address the issue.'"
"People are rushing to tribalism, political partisanship, woke rage in order to solve the problem of the soul, a problem that we no longer see each other as friends and compatriots in a common cause. We now see each other as enemies seeking to tear apart the nation."
"The media's instinctive reaction is going to be tribalist, the government is always right, there's never any problems in the elections, trust everything on its first go, do no fact checking."
"We evolved in small tribes, we evolved so that one of the wisest dictums or cultural sayings is the Bedouin proverb: 'Me against my brother; me and my brother against our cousin; me, my brother, and cousin against the stranger.'"
"You love them because they are yours, and you make no apologies for this. This is a kind of irrational tribalism that is expressed all around the world."
"The entire moral of the story is tribal instincts take over sometimes and they're evil and they're bad, and you have to fight them."
"I think left and right are just tribal signifiers... It's not binary, there's so many different people with so many different thoughts."
"We turn the world into us's and thems and we don't like the thems very much and are often really awful to them."
"The most important element in terms of being a part of a tribe is loyalty."
"It becomes almost like a badge of honor sometimes to hold increasingly extreme and absurd beliefs. It's not about what's true, it's about how does this make me look to my tribal in-group and out-group."
"Tribalism isn't inevitable. Our capacity for detached reflection offers a path out of it."
"People are being pushed into horribly ostracized tribes based on empathetic triggers."
"Tribalism is simultaneously both the source of mankind's greatest achievements and its greatest failings."
"When people feel threatened, they retreat into tribalism and get defensive."
"Tribalism is hardwired in us and we just can't ignore it. If we don't fight it, we are all tribal."
"Many of our political discussions have become religious or tribal."
"Tribalism is natural, but people will be tribalistic about sports teams if that's the only thing they have to divide them."
"Start with a network, refine it down to a community, refine that community down to a tribe."
"It's the worst crime because it means you've turned against your tribe."
"Binary Thinking... Us and them. Surviving as a tribe requires cooperation, which is greatly aided by the perception of a shared threat."
"How fragile society is...this could turn into a tribal thing"
"Everybody's become so tribal, [ __ ] blood, black, white, Decepticon, uh, Transformer."
"It's really, really important that you turn down the tribalism, not up."
"Tribalism's human nature, using those words left and right fortify that nature."
"I think it's a bad commentary on where we are... we've put ourselves there by being so tribal and given to Identity politics."
"The tribalism has intensified over the last few years."
"Good things don't happen after that. People stop thinking and they start retreating to their tribal group based on ethnicity and based on racial identity."
"Human nature is tribal. We naturally care about our own family more than someone else's family, we care more about our own nation more than a foreign nation."
"The left has fallen deeper and deeper into a victim mentality that has forced them into tribalism."
"We live in a very tribalizing moment, a very racializing moment in a way."
"Denying science has nothing to do with your political ideology, it has to do whether or not you want to agree with your tribe and you want your tribe to win."
"U.S. politics is absolute sycophantic performative trash, full of hyper-tribal dullards who are convinced Wall Street-sponsored puppets are on their side."
"It's a realignment, and the tribalism is only getting worse."
"This greatly diminished tribal and ethnic solidarity and replaced both concepts with a sense of shared interest."
"We've entered the period where at the highest levels of our government, there's no real policy argument. They're simply my tribe versus your tribe."
"And it's also easy to see how those conspiracy theories can seduce such a person, but then to take pleasure in watching something bad happen to them, I think it's like, and that's that in-group out-group tribalism."
"We're unwilling or unable to have conversations with people because everyone is looking at different tribes as an existential threat."
"I think that we need to train ourselves to get out of the tribal mindset and to look at the evidence as it is."
"We too readily fall into the tribal mindset of right versus left."
"Certain TMNT fans get insanely tribal over their personal favorite."
"We have to acknowledge the human being is tribal by nature, it actually kind of loves to hate."
"If we can survive our tribalism and get to that point, the ability for every human, no matter what, could be introduced to who knows how many non-humans."
"Therapy helps me make the balancing act of work and life actually an, not an act but rubber to the road."
"Historically, tribalism and labeling have led us down some very dark roads."
"It's actually about entrenching tribal divisions, entrenching identity politics."
"Everything now is framed in terms of politics and ultimately now it's framed in which tribe you belong to."
"We live in some weird moment where the tribe is more important than the truth, and that's frightening."
"The political tribes are split in a million ways."
"It's the banality of evil to march behind a banner of tribalism and say whatever we do is just."
"This kind of tribalism is dangerous and it's emblematic of an erosion of a spiritual foundation in this country."
"It's not a zero-sum game. Stop the tribalism."
"These kids are going to grow up as dogmatic tribalists."
"It's a circus performance, and again, it's a tribal thing."
"We're tribe. We have to fight for our tribe primarily."
"We need to remove this stronghold, the tribalism that we have, I think that's the thing that's killing us."
"People need to realize that the ruling class wants to keep them tribal, that's everything."
"There's a midpoint that we're still evolving towards."
"We're tribalizing based on those temperaments, and that's an existential crisis."
"We've lost the kind of tribal structure of society that really puts an emphasis on long-term cooperation."
"Men promote performance in order to have strength in the tribe."
"Thou shalt not kill only meant thou shalt not kill members of thine own tribe."
"The tribalism around only talking about certain stocks needs to change."
"The major poison of the age is tribalism, moving into teams, division."
"This glaring double standard underscores the tribalistic nature of contemporary political discourse."
"This kind of tribalism is dangerous and emblematic of an erosion of a spiritual foundation in this country."
"Human tribalism seeks unity in teams, beliefs, or tribes."
"Human nature is I need a tribe... we're human beings are very good at pattern recognition."
"We have withdrawn into tribalism and nativism, separate bubbles of misunderstanding and hatred."
"We are lonelier, more tribalized, more distrustful, less coherent as a society."
"Tribalism is one of the great evils... I think we all suffer from it to some extent and need to purge ourselves of it."
"Everybody gets more tribal. This is what's going to be happening."
"Mom, how is progress possible if our growth is stunted by perpetual tribalism and xenophobia?"
"The world was divided by tribes, not by race."
"A societal problem is more tribalism than racism."
"Sometimes that is just basic football tribalism... but sometimes it can manifest itself as something a little bit more sinister."
"If the goal is to be 100% with a particular ideological perspective then you're not interested in truth or evangelicalism, you're interested in tribalism."
"Beliefs in service of tribal affiliation as opposed to beliefs in service of truth."
"If you're an extremist on any side of an opinion, you are tribal and regressive in your thinking."
"When you sit down with someone about religion you're psychologically wasting your time because the person is in a tribe."
"It's about kids, they get stranded on an island and they become very tribalistic."
"There's actually a very different conflict far more crucial which is the battle between tribalism and humanism."
"And when we feel austerity coming on we tend to become more tribal."
"Tribalism is an ancient primordial biological impulse."
"Tribalism leads to an 'us versus them' mentality."
"This needs to be the end of the... ideologies of tribal warfare that we need to resist."
"We need strong men who understand that their lives are not as valuable as the survival of the tribe because when those barbarians come through that gate, who do you want stood between you and your family?"
"It's football, it's Tribal, it is what it is, it exists, so you know it's always going to happen."
"There's this defense of Donald Trump by people who feel like they're in his tribe, in his camp."
"Globalism is about dissolving the boundaries between countries and tribalism is about creating schisms within countries."
"The internet culture today is a weird mix of hyper-individualism and hyper-tribalism."
"The opposite of globalism is tribalism."
"We live in a time in which truth is seen as a means to tribal belonging rather than as a reality that exists outside of us."
"Vosh is so nakedly transparent with like the disgusting underbelly of tribalism that it's bizarre to see it being discussed openly."
"Humans are also tribal by nature and they will often unite around a certain cause or against a particular group which offers them a sense of belonging and once again control."
"What does this lead to? Just leads to this sort of finger pointing, this tribal Purity spiral."
People are super duper tribal. Sometimes the conversation will just start with, "So how long you gonna be stubborn about it?"
"... people are poised to go in either direction ... they're only going to be able to move away from that [tribalism] if there are role models ..."
"It was postmodern tribalism in which everybody is a part of this ritual and everybody is kind of self-expressive with it in their own way."
"One of the easy ways to grab identity is to find a tribe that we can belong to and demonize all other tribes."
"I've always spoke Harley of the rui because they helped me a lot I love aw there is no reason to take that low hanging fruit and I feel that caused a lot of tribalism and negative reaction."
"In systems where tribalism reigns... discrimination against members of other minority groups... tends to concretize the resentment that average populations faced."
"Humans are tribal creatures, very good at this."
"Avoid picking sides in the world of internet tribalism. Let's recognize the truth on both sides of the aisle."
"Looking back, when people are really frightened and angry, they don't feel secure, they go tribal."
"People will draw ideological lines over the dumbest things today, people will latch on to the most absurd things in order to form a tribe and label it the morally correct one."
"But the point is, there is tribalism and it's not just in macroeconomics."
"Humans can be very tribal, and I mean that in the best case scenario."
"And so I, Iso Can, took the step from savagery to barbarism in the vast domed council hall before the assembled tribesmen," he declared, marking his initiation into the tribe.
"All human beings kill their own the most. Yep, it is proximity. All human beings. If you are white, Asian, Latin X, indigenous, we all kill our own the most."
"Diversity for diversity sake has never worked. It always ends in Discord. It always ends in Bloodshed. It always ends in tribalism."
"Loyalty is to the truth, not to our tribe."
"Tribalism is one of the great evils that we really need to work on to try to purge ourselves of."
"I should like to think that we don't need to do that, but unfortunately, it may be that we do. And I'm impressed, as I think we said earlier, by the fact that people do show such astonishing loyalty to their tribe."
"Tribalism is a strong force, especially when it comes to science denial."
"The human tribal group became our species' survival strategy, a way to protect knowledge from competing groups."
"Human beings when our deepest nature are a tribal species."
"There's no point in denying that we are tribal animals."
"The biblical world thinks tribally not individually so the good of the many outweighs the good of the one."
"The tribalism in film fandom is just like so stupid like it's pathetic."
"I think tribalism was the root of almost all human problems."
"...we're being pulled back into tribalization into being suspicious of our neighbors into being paranoid about their intentions about not assuming good faith but assuming malicious intent."
"I think we're living in volatile times tribalism is breaking down but those parties and their bonus you've got a populism of the right now and a populism of the left."
"People have respect for the tribe members depending on what their role is in the tribe... Women were very respected, especially the elder women who were teaching how to do medication or other things like that. They're very respected; they all had a role."
"New Atheists' tendency towards tribalism and demonization of the religious other undermines their argument that religion is the source of tribalism and conflict."
"One of the main reasons that we have ethics is to stop tribalism."
"I was actually surprised to hear him throw around that language and I think when you have Jen Psaki sort of blowing off Republican questions and Republican talking points all it does is going to help Republicans be more tribal and think that we're just deplorable Neanderthals."
"Us as a species, since our origin, we're tribal. And once you feel like you are accepted or that you deserve your place in the group, you often can be the most critical of that group because you feel like you have earned the right to be critical."
"Genetically wired to be part of the tribe and that is very comforting to us."
"The tribalism in this country is just, it's gotten obscene, you know, angry, and it's pushed so much by media."
"Our coming future is reverting to tribe."
"...the worst kind of tribalism...where we surround ourselves with people whose common goal is to buy things they don't need."
"We gotta start with this tribalism, this partisanship, this taking sides on everything and then despising the other side."
"Human beings are so tribal, even on that level."
"We are essentially this tribal, short-sighted mammalian species."
"I truly believe that this Us Versus Them tribalism is absolutely nonsense and it's stupid."
"We're tribal animals and we thrive in tribes."
"Humans were meant to live in groups like tribes."
"The problem though is when tribalism takes over a political system. That's when things get dangerous."
"Human beings like our fellow primates are tribal animals. It's biological, we're hardwired that way."
"Amy argues that both in our international affairs and our domestic dealings, Americans have fallen prey to tribalism."
"Psychological research shows that humans can, in various ways, break the tribal spiral."
"Once you start looking through the lens of democracy and tribalism, it's actually very predictable."
"Every single group in America feels threatened... every group thinks that the other tribe's claims to being persecuted and discriminated against are ridiculous."
"We're definitely tribal people; everybody wants to be part of a tribe."
"The rush of adrenaline that infects you in a roaring and lively sporting stadium, the tribalism of politics, the madness of cults... this is how broad and all-pervasive mimesis operates."
"That's the beauty of the city, it's this tribal human nature."
"It is this tribal allegiance that you're talking about, facilitated by social media."
"The psychology of tribalism... is driving everything from sectarian conflict to national conflict."
"We're not really seeing these kind of tribal lines being drawn in the way that they used to be."
"Humans are tribal animals; it's just a biological fact."
"America is in the grip of political tribalism."
"We shouldn't fall into the tribalism trap of just hating someone for being the other side."
"It would help reduce tribalism because in group psychology is a very deep part of our primate psychology."
"We're built as tribal beings who were supposed to be interconnected and interdependent."
"The fragility of unity in the face of tribalism."
"We don't like to have that ego there where I'm right, you're wrong, and it's a battle of tribes."
"The way to defend pluralism against tribalism is not tribalism."
"Shame was a signal when we were displeasing the tribe, and it helped us to avoid punishment when we broke the rules."
"We all want the simplicity of going 'I'm right, you're wrong, my tribe, yours'."
"I'm not concerned with any of this, all I care about is my tribe, my family."
"We can't hold on to the past... tribalism is killing us."
"I speak to each and everyone of you" – this was a distinct break from the tribal reality he was born into, wherein the tribe decided what was good or bad for everyone – everyone is personally responsible for the security of their souls."
"The power and the combinations of those tribes is what makes us more powerful."
"The Celts, a people without a nation or a king, a network of warring tribes that only ever united when fighting a common enemy."
"...the biggest problem Kenya has had has been on its foundation, tribalism was entrenched at Independence..."
"We are tribal; we are meant to be a community."
"Our democracy cannot survive its current downward drift into tribalism, extremism, and seething resentment."
"The ones that master both [tribalism and individualism] are able to follow their own path."
"The tribal social organization works for humans; it's what we evolved with and it works."
"Human beings are tribalistic by nature; it's a feature, not a bug."
"We need warriors; every tribe needs warriors."
"The politics has become a little bit less tribal."
"We should raise up above tribalism and live up like Nagas."
"If you can find a way to take the tribes that you're in and nudge them forward along these tribal stages... that's what great tribal leaders do."
"The game has become so tribal that even being HOH doesn't get people working with you."
"Community is also biological; check the research, tribalism is part of human nature and belief in God is also biological."
"Human beings are tribal, and they go, 'This guy looks like us.'"
"Sports are tribal, you love a team, you hate a team; tribes are social."
"We're meant to be a tribe; we're not meant to be individuals."
"We want to fit in because we're tribal creatures."