
Family Priority Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"I want to be available to my kids first and foremost."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I tucked my kid into bed every night. I'm not missing that for nothing."
"I'm not going to sacrifice my family on the altar of ministry. My family's going to be my first priority."
"We always put Tiana first, her safety, her protection, the love for her, all that will come first."
"At the end of this week, you know, it just turned out that I was more passionate about being a father and being a good husband."
"Tamela was what pure happiness and joy looked like. She always put her family first."
"Everyone said that Tamela was what pure happiness and joy looked like. She always put her family first."
"God is number one. My wife is right under God. My children are number three."
"They're the most important thing in my life, which is why I withdrew from the senate race to make sure that they knew that there was never a question in their minds that they were always and will always come first for me."
"It's starting to dawn on me that maybe this isn't exactly what is best for me, my kids, my family."
"I need to take care of me and mine, my household, that is my priority."
"Choosing his family over money is a brilliant move."
"I gave up my channel I gave up everything I gave up my income I don't care about it anymore I just want my son I just want my son I want to see my son."
"Your kids come first, your mom's talk is painfully damaging."
"Family comes first, and I want to make sure I'm actually doing the things in my planner."
"The most important thing is always going to be taking care of your family."
"I want to coach but I don't want to coach at college or NFL because I just... I don't want to travel. I want to be home with the fam."
"I've even stopped working to make sure that my child was okay."
"My life's top priority is getting as much time together with my family."
"Well, I don't know if I can push this, I can't risk my job I have to feed my kids I can't risk my kids having a place to go to school, I can't risk seeing my grandkids if my own kids were scared to have somebody unvaccinated around their children."
"It takes a big character for a man to give up his career for his family. Much respect."
"Family comes first and all the bull comes second."
"Snitching ain't bad. Getting home to your family is your number one priority."
"He did it for the good of his people and for his family's freedom, that's good."
"You know, if my mom or dad said hey I really need you obviously I drop everything but you know but outside of that you know it's just it's really about time management."
"Everything is kind of trivial in our world right now except for our children."
"I appreciate that brother, shout out to Mr. and Mrs. Coleman."
"We just family here, that's priority number one."
"He never put off calls with his family, he always talked."
"You have to make whatever choice you think is right for you, but if you have kids, if you have a family and there's an opportunity to leave and you're able to, then I think you have to."
"Your daughter comes first, she needs a protector here."
"Would I go back and get to do all the stuff that I [__] was destined to do or if I had to pick my family 100% right now I'd pick my family."
"She goes in her room and hides in her closet when there's violence in the home."
"Ain't nothing more important than my daughter's happiness."
"If they don't love my kids as much as that, I don't want it."
"Being a father is more important to me than all of that."
"Your family is more important than what the media is going to say about you, right? You think that scares any other leagues?"
"Asking for help is important; my family comes first."
"Your first ministry is your wife and your children; a man that loves a woman is always available."
"Our number one priority is our children and our family."
"I'm leaving because I have a four-year-old and a six-year-old, they are the most important people in my life."
"I'm like if I chose not to do stand-up anymore, it's because I want to be with my kid."
"I am trying to survive. My son is important, my daughter is important."
"I'ma get out man i love all y'all but i don't love nothing in this world like i do my sons and i hope you understand that i thank each and every one of y'all man for taking the time to watch me taking this journey with me."
"The only thing that matters to me in my life is my family."
"I haven't really seen that happen but it's been a great journey and being at home with my wife and now two boys every single weekend making sure they get their daddy time every single week is very important."
"He has chosen a reality where he is with his kids, and that choice in the face of uncertainty is all that matters."
"It's time for me to go my wife needs me that's why she was calling she doesn't need me i would like to do msu i was up for msu but i need to go and uh i need to go and be uh husband unfortunately."
"There's no activity, no award, no medal or trophy that can replace your relationship with your child."
"Elastigirl puts her family before her fears."
"Your family is more important than anything. I just want the best for you."
"I wasn't gonna leave my kids... I did the wrong thing for the right reasons the wrong way."
"Getting your family safety and being with them is the most important thing."
"Family first, bro. Do this for my family, bro. Family first, bro."
"You don't put your kids above your marriage."
"You can't get that time back if you miss your kid's ninth birthday."
"All these people... ain't worried about no beef, just trying to get back to the money and the family."
"Being present for your family is a priority."
"Do not leave one of those people... Focus on you and the child."
"Family comes first, so the decision is to not be pressured by people who have no clue what's going on."
"Nothing in life comes before my kids how y'all feel about God I feel about my kids put it like that and then everything else come second third fourth and fifth but not my babies bro never."
"I'm not sacrificing any part of my family to make one extra dollar for me."
"I did the right thing, I did the adult thing, and I walked away with my children and I kept my peace."
"My kids are so much more important than this."
"Your family comes first, and it's always been the message here."
"There'll always be other jobs. You're the only family I've got."
"I would rather be a present dad with my child."
"Taking care of your family... it's bigger than yourself."
"I'm going to continue to put my family first in my life."
"Family is number one, Netflix is better than going out."
"Home comes first, business second."
"Our daughter is more important to me than anything. I'll prioritize her over our finances any day."
"Family number one, bro. I love my family."
"I'd rather spend that time with my family, with the people who've been pushing me, who's been behind me ever since day one."
"Nothing gets more priority than the two of you, my son and wife."
"People matter more than money, Dad."
"You make kids, they come first before anything. Kids, spouse, family, that's what it's always been."
"I'm choosing my kids over anything."
"Let's go, and family time is more important than ever."
"My little girl and wife are priority, that's just how it is."
"He's my son and I love him, and my main priority was what was best for him."
"I'd rather work a regular nine-to-five than risk going to jail and let another man raise my son."
"I love my job, I like what I do a lot, but I'll always be a wife first and my family's more important than anything."
"Suddenly, her career just felt a whole lot less important than being home with her kids."
"I did what I had to do for my kids."
"Not many fathers would give up the only world they know just for their daughter’s happiness."
"We'd like this house to be the new T-Force Headquarters so we can always put family first."
"Kids come first, kids come before your spouse, even their parent."
"I don't think it will come to divorce or anything like that, but if the worst were to pass, I will choose my son."
"We communicate regularly and always prioritize our children."
"I told him I thought about it, I thought about staying, but I felt I couldn't miss my daughter's recital."
"You're making the right choice, bro. You're making the right choice. Go home to your daughter."
"We come together to play this game and to compete... We want to walk off and go home to our families after the game."
"It's family first through the worst, coming second to none."
"You get to go home and you get to see your kiddos, which is the most important thing at the end of the day."
"He was the rock within the Halseth family, and his children always came first."
"Baby trumps all, and that baby is all that matters."
"It's been a busy year so far with work and with my newborn boy... family does come first, as always."
"Veronica was an amazing mother and would always put her children first."
"My son's the only thing that's important."
"If you're a parent, you would understand because something happened to your child, you'll be there first thing, you know, first and foremost, the child comes first, family first."
"I had to do what was right for me, I had to do what was right for the family, and that ultimately came down to finances."
"My family comes first, this time Mission side hustle always comes second."
"I want my marriage to come first so that my baby grows up in a loving home."
"If you have to choose between attending a practice and witnessing the birth of your child, go to the birth of your child."
"I could never choose a man over my kids, not even their father."
"I cherish my family time the most, and I can't have making videos with Brianna take away from that time."
"People make mistakes, sometimes big ones, sometimes small ones. But through all those mistakes, this man's overriding concern has always been his children."
"Actually you and the child are the priority. All else can be healed."
"I'll make the best decision for me and my kids."
"If you have to attend to your family, they're more important than this guy, that's for sure."
"You have to look after your family first."
"It's really easy to say, or like be like, 'Oh yeah, your mindset's trying to benefit all of humanity,' but like, in actuality, if you're an actual living person, how are you not going to put self-preservation and family first? It's so much easier said than done."
"I had to put my mom hat on first and put YouTube on the back burner."
"My kids are much more important to me than my work. They're not gonna be kids forever."
"The happiness of husband and children should be more sacred to every wife and mother than that of all others."
"Husband and wife should be more close than any other family members, any friends, anyone outside the household."
"Family is important, so hey, go take care of your family first."
"Family comes first and is definitely needed more attention than my social media at this stage."
"Our family are the most important thing for us right now."
"Babies don't keep and so I will always stop everything I'm doing for my family."