
Science Communication Quotes

There are 307 quotes

"My purpose in life at this point in my life is to collect, organize, and disseminate health and science information."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Hello wonderful person, this is Anton, and this is Perseverance, and somewhere right there is the Ingenuity helicopter."
"We're getting science from another planet... that is just that's insane."
"NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory presents, The von Karman Lecture: a series of talks by scientists and engineers who are exploring our planet, our solar system, and all that lies beyond."
"Neil deGrasse Tyson is perhaps the most famous spokesman for science in the world today."
"We discuss science and science-based tools for everyday life."
"I would trust having a conversation with you about science topics over reading a science article... I would much prefer to talk to you about it."
"The biggest challenge in being both a professional scientist and a science communicator is persuading people that what you think you know about a subject is not actually what we think is true."
"Social media is a great way to kind of see how this plays out...scientists are notoriously territorial, obstinate, egotistical."
"If you don't know Sir Roger Penrose as a physicist, you might know him as a writer of popular-level books."
"I'm a science communicator. I report science. I don't have the hubris required to assert myself over the people who actually study these things for a living."
"I think the onus needs to be on science communicators and people in the government to work better on their communication."
"The storytelling aspect of science is important, and not only for the general public, actually, but in writing scientific papers themselves."
"I'm an archaeologist, I'm an environmental scientist, I'm an author, but my big thing is I'm a science communicator."
"I speak for the whole SciShow team when I say it’s our honor to make videos we think you’ll enjoy. Thanks for watching. I hypothalamus you."
"Stay tuned for new fascinating facts about mysteries of the universe, stars, and planets."
"I'm Neil deGrasse Tyson, your personal astrophysicist. We are signing off Star Talk. As always, I bid you to keep looking up."
"And you get to hear scientists thinking out loud."
"Particle physics doesn’t have that. The fact of the matter is that you can televise a moon landing. You can’t televise the Higgs Boson."
"In a world where so few of us have time to contemplate the cosmos, Tyson brings the universe down-to-earth succinctly and clearly, with sparkling wit in tasty chapters consumable anytime, anywhere in your busy day."
"The more we can get scientists to engage and participate in conversations like this, the better. I'd love to see science become more integral to our society."
"We've got to do a much better job in communicating science to the public."
"The world would be very well-served by a whole load of people who are really good at science communication, people who understand the science but can also explain it in a way that the general public can understand."
"Thank you for being a source of unbiased scientific information in such an uncertain time."
"This is a pretty amazing system to communicate science through these stories."
"Science communication can get into word salad really quickly... It's a really big thing for me to make sure everybody knows what each of these Lego pieces are before I build the whole thing."
"Good science communication is about demystifying and explaining, not inciting fear or sensationalism."
"I'm not a superhero; I'm your local science educator, and I'm here to entertain and educate you to the best of my ability."
"Particle accelerators, often portrayed as a matter of great concern by the media, creating a black hole that is massive enough to not instantly evaporate is about as likely as finding a unicorn riding a unicycle."
"Trust the science is probably one of the most unscientific statements I've ever heard."
"People somehow don't realize that is genetic modification... the only difference is if I do it in a lab and edit one gene and get the feature I want, that is considered GMO."
"Welcome back to Science and Futurism with Isaac Arthur, and welcome to our fourth year."
"I think showing science to the public is the most philanthropic way of doing it."
"By opening science up to the world, we can do more and do it faster."
"When you're dumping Anthony Fauci, you're refusing to go out with science."
"The left love science... What they like to do is speculate about science and then use the weakest possible scientific findings in order to push the idea that public policy should be shifted in their direction."
"The scientific community starved the public on this topic for many decades."
"Science can be exciting, doesn't need to be boring."
"It's a theory. A theory doesn't prove something true or false. It's just a theory."
"The accessibility of the cosmos to the public is magnified by the fact that the vocabulary is not in the way."
"Science communicators are incredibly important, sometimes more than the scientists themselves."
"You need to translate the latest findings of science into an accessible story that anybody can read and understand and even enjoy."
"How do we teach the lay public to talk about the matter in a scientific way?"
"The sequence release was a key moment, because it told people, 'Right, this is the pathogen, this is what it looks like, it's a real thing, here it is, and now we can start.'"
"We've been told to trust practical science, but belief matters."
"The things that make the channel what it is are still there like a chattiness and the professor and seeing real stuff happening in real labs and real scientists talking and Martin's personality."
"Thank you for explaining this, I know this is something that most of us really do not understand because most of us are not physicists or scientists."
"Science is messy... Public health officials problem is that they had to make rules and give recommendations to the public under a state of uncertainty that one almost doesn't want to admit to the public."
"Real science with it but I'm going to make it relatable too."
"Having people like yourself who come out and speak about things that you know to be true, the science of the situation, the reality."
"Michael Faraday had a different value proposition. For him, it was all about how do we make physics, the natural world, seeable to everyone?"
"If you support shutting down the voice of scientists, you don't believe in science. That is the opposite of science. Dissenting voices must be heard."
"I think we've got a public that is much more in tune with science and getting rid of this virus by these means."
"When the science changes, our conversation should change."
"Science is an approach to solving problems... we haven't taught people how to think freely, we haven't taught people how to do critical thinking and how to evaluate evidence and discussions in a rational, civil way." - Dr. Zubin
"You know the polls better than I do. The American people right now don't trust what the president says about things relating to science."
"I think the day will come when scientific journals like Nature have a weekly report on the constants like stock market reports..."
"His book 'A Brief History of Time' became an instant bestseller and to date has sold more than 10 million copies."
"Pop science is the market's answer to fractured attention spans and vast storehouses of available information."
"Science is not a religion, it's like a fact."
"The beauty is John, it's science... there's empirical data that's why it's science and not a religion."
"It's important to be able to talk about these things especially because they are a scientific reality."
"I think something needs to be updated in our educational system for people to recognize that anything that's scientifically new will have uncertainties."
"If things change, it doesn't mean the scientists don't know what the hell they're talking about. It means at that time, that was the known understanding."
"You don't get it because we're not epidemiologists, but that doesn't mean it's untrustworthy inherently."
"Best-selling author Dr. Gad Saad is a man of science, logic, and common sense."
"There's actually this video that explains it quite well referring to the recent kurz gesagt video."
"It's still important to get vaccinated." - NPR Science Correspondent Richard Harris
"Excited about the amazing discoveries and fascinating spectacles in the cosmos? Then remember to subscribe to Simply Space and click the bell for regular updates on these exciting topics!"
"Bring out all the science and let's hash it out."
"Thanks everybody, that's gonna do it for me. I'm Tim Dodd, The Everyday Astronaut, bringing space down to earth for everyday people."
"If you define it as acquiring some sort of publications in the world of science or having a diploma like a PhD, then I would qualify, I guess."
"Dr. Greger is behind the website NutritionFacts.org, which is a non-commercial science-based public service."
"I finally worked out why you were all asking me if we are restarting the LHC on April 8th."
"Welcome back! So we're hearing a lot about this new delta variant in today's video. I would like to share some science that I was able to discover."
"Science describes things as they are, constructs predictive models, not absolute claims of truth."
"It's important that we have more figures like Bill Nye."
"It's the web of knowledge, not individual facts, studies, or tests that makes science robust."
"I think communication of science is an extremely important responsibility of scientists."
"Thank you very much for making a very visible effort of translating genetics for non-genetics aficionados."
"Follow the science except when we want you to follow us and we're just going to pretend it's because we're talking science."
"All right, this has been Star Talk Cosmic Queries, the Black Hole Nobel Prize Edition of course with Jan 11 and Neil deGrasse Tyson. If you're a personal astrophysicist, keep looking up."
"Welcome to Dr. Osborne Zone, a world of science, common sense, and sanity."
"Well done brave explorer, you've discovered a new galaxy."
"There's so much downside to the unscientific bits and it's so clear how we could have a 21st-century rational conversation about the good stuff that we really can radically edit these traditions."
"There is a lot of misinformation out there, but we have a lot of science that's on our side."
"We are so lucky to have cool people studying cool things really nearby where we create SciShow."
"If you bring that up you're attacking science itself or you're giving Republicans and anti-vaxxers a talking point."
"Masks do work. The science is crystal clear."
"So, uh, my two guests, uh, Susan Solomon and Stephen Anderson, Chuck, have you ever heard of them?" - Neil deGrasse Tyson
"We need to spend money not only producing the science behind vaccines but the communication."
"He's in every aspect of our lives: in the vaccine industry, in the pandemic, in science and climate change."
"But overall this was a good thing, because it gave us a chance to talk about superconductivity—which is surely one of the coolest phenomena in our generally phenomenal space time."
"Show us the experiment that shows that prayer works."
"Welcome to Star Talk, your place in the universe where science and pop culture collide."
"Buzz Aldrin came out in a special on the Science Channel."
"Even just getting across the idea that a relatively simple equation can create an entire galaxy."
"Our job is to give science advice here and make sure everything we say is rooted in good quality science."
"People telling you eat less, move less, do less, have fewer children, consume less — they are real scientists."
"I think that listening to what the science says, listening to what the experts say, we'll get through this together."
"The Arecibo signal wasn't sent at the hydrogen frequency preferred for Interstellar communication."
"This video is going to be dense and packed with a lot of scientific information."
"Even if the science is 100% correct, good luck selling that to your population."
"I'm not sitting here to change the mind I'm just presenting the microbiology or the immunology and you can then read it for yourself."
"That's how science works, here's my data, and then they'll change their opinion, but that hasn't happened."
"I've been pretty much saying that all along. This was always a three-dose vaccine."
"Fear, uncertainty, and doubt fuel the vaccine debate, hindering a systems-based approach to science."
"If all the people who are walking into their office are Monsanto and Cargill and McDonald's and Pepsi... they're not hearing the other side of the science..."
"The only way to make science really true to the public is to try to make transparent how we think about science as a process."
"Science gives us the foundation for action but it's not enough by itself."
"I'd start dating other women because that's just freaking rude. I don't mind ghosting when I'm seeing multiple women but if I'm exclusive I just feel like it's not worth the time and pain."
"Welcome to StarTalk radio! I'm your host Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist and director of New York City's Hayden Planetarium."
"It is an irrefutable fact that mathematics is the language of the universe."
"Science is dependent on free exchange of ideas." - Dr. Martin Kaldorf
"Greatness is actually the natural state of our mind every day. And as long as this wonder of life is not experienced as such, we have to go and cool the people and bring it to science."
"Almost certainly we are not alone." - Narrator
"Fake science news is controlling the narrative."
"This era post COVID is really about rethinking like how can we bring in more people than just scientists."
"We really need that public discussion much more."
"Moving from education to engagement...society can tell you these are the things we need."
"This is no different. It's so ridiculous to me that this is such a serious debate when this is literally the same thing that we've always done with everything scientifically speaking and culturally speaking."
"That was amazing information that Elena relayed to me. I mean, she's been sharing information about Antarctica, the moon, and Mars and Phobos."
"We all know what meteor showers are and if you don't allow me to give you a crash course on the subject meteors are pieces of rock from space that enter the Earth's atmosphere and burn up as it pushes through the different gases in our air"
"Why Flat Earth arguments don't hold up against climate science."
"Science should be simple. Anyone can make things complicated, but it takes a genius to make something simple."
"Science should be simple... it takes a genius to make something simple."
"Eventually I think they will find what it is that dark matter is but uh until then all we can do for now is just uh sort of work with the effects of it that they can measure."
"We're really interested in trying to get science and pop culture to mix."
"The thing that matters is that if we don't pay attention to how we construct scientific knowledge, we might not realize the effects it could have on people."
"It's science, it's not Voodoo, there's no magic, it's just experience and science."
"It's easy, you watch Bill Nye the Science Guy while you're in school there you watch Bill Nye saves the world on Netflix listen to Ross Anderson at the Atlantic and you listen to Startalk and turn it up loud bingo."
"If there's anybody in the world who shouldn't be confused by the world it's scientists. Their whole job is to make sense of the stuff that fools like us can't comprehend."
"Science is not spoken in some unified voice, it is a technique for trying to get closer towards something approximating the truth."
"With a catchy name and signature bow tie, Bill Nye taught generations of kids that science can be cool. Cool is just what I want to talk about today."
"Science is supposed to be debated in the public."
"Carl Sagan reached for the stars and helped us to understand them. He could explain complex matters simply."
"I think communicating science is in crisis. We may soon enter a world where every single scientific issue is politicized."
"What predictions do you make that just wouldn't be possible on a flat earth?"
"Our best learning happens when we're interested in something, and the more of these stupid little examples we can find, the better our chance of reaching somebody who thinks that they hate math or science."
"He's like another science guy but he's actually good."
"Science, in and of itself, doesn’t really say anything. Scientists do."
"When you said materialize in a different time, like and describing the parallel timelines, that was so digestible."
"If you had a reasonable argument against evolution, you'd address the scientific community."
"Remember top lane bows dropper equals farm equals win."
"The facts are really clear here: it's not the scientists not communicating well enough, it's capitalism."
"His greatest service has been in his ability to humanize science and make science accessible and thrilling to the masses."
"The idea that scientists need not focus on communicating what it is that they have learned is archaic and regressive and wrong."
"A Brief History of Time provides an intriguing journey through the universe's most captivating concepts."
"CRISPR is very complicated but one of the key scientists who unlocked its potential, Jennifer Doudna, has a simple way of explaining how it works."
"I talk about cool, fun, and science stuff every Monday and Thursday."
"We're going to be using GPT researcher to answer questions on the latest fields of science and provide citations if we ask it to."
"For example, in the time it took me to say that, something like 100 trillion neutrinos passed through your body."
"I'd like to be a presenter like a science TV show."
"Until we in the scientific community a do a better job of popularizing science and b begin to reward our best messengers to the public sphere, I think science is going to take heat from both the left and the right."
"Anecdotal stories on the internet are not science. These changes have an impact."
"Do not feel like you have to be somehow equipped with some degree in climatology or geology or anything for that matter to question this."
"The job of physics is not describing reality; it's to predict observational outcomes."
"Having good effective science communications is actually important."
"This should be about science and facts. Good job, dick face Mike."
"Science is a way of thinking, it's a way of understanding and probing the operations of nature."
"The greatest scientific achievement of my life is based on a blunder. This is Science Friday, my guest today is responsible for the discovery of the first stable super heavy element."
"I feel like the next useful thing is to make the science of it all more accessible."
"Let me just underscore, you don't need to be a scientist to know that the earth is round."
"It's a way of characterizing things to make fun of science it's unfortunate."
"What makes Sapolsky great is that he connects science with society and human life and with human nature."
"When it comes to atoms, language can only be used as poetry."
"R is the rest of the molecule that I don't want to focus on right now but I still acknowledge that it's there."
"Neil DeGrasse Tyson makes astrophysics really accessible."
"Science isn't a matter of opinion but a matter of fact."
"The subject of today's show is an accomplished, legitimate science communicator, a prolific theoretical physicist."
"We need more bridges from the world of academic science to the public."
"We need more science-based professionals providing information to the world, to better the world, to spread the good news, to spread the science-based good news. So please do it."
"So, who's my audience? Is it people who are interested in science communication? It's you, are you it's a mix. It's people that kind of want to go into science YouTube. People that are just curious about things, yeah."
"I host and created SciShow which is a popular science communication show."
"I decided that Academia wasn't the right thing for me and went into public understanding of Science and maths instead."
"It's a narrow path we're treading. We want to be scientifically correct but also intelligible for the audience. So we have to make compromises in scientific accuracy in the interests of intelligibility. Basically, we're a translation office for science."
"Our goal is to make science accessible, fun, and meaningful for adults."
"I became the most visible scientist on television."
"I think more scientists should be out there talking about their research and trying to explain it in a way that is not only factual and understandable, but also inspirational to get the next generation of scientists excited too."
"I do this because I want people to get science and be excited about it."
"YouTube has a problem. Most of our information ecosystem has a problem at this point. But since I call this little corner of the internet my home and that's science communication, I have a problem too. The problem is an epidemic of misinformation and misleading content."
"Please welcome to the podium Dr. Kip S. Thorne with his message: 'Carl Sagan's Impact on Me: From Wormholes to Floaters to Science Communication.'"
"It's managed to take the science that's out there put a thread from that science through you and onto elements of the universe that show you why that Science Matters To You."
"He explains heavy science in a way that everyone can understand."
"My goal is to make science both understandable and even enjoyable."
"One of the central challenges of science communication is not simplifying things to the point at which you pretend that the mystery is solved right science doesn't prove anything all it does is reduce uncertainty."
"Being able to talk about the science and conservation subjects near and dear to my heart on a platform with such a wide audience is something I once could only have dreamed about."
"I've learned some things along the way about how to share geology and science to a non-science audience."
"The things that will happen in this building will help bridge the gap between the public and science."
"Robert really is a superstar professor and communicator of science."
"These public science events are part of our commitment to sharing exceptional engaging science, even when we have to improvise."
"...the science was drastically outpacing the public’s understanding of it."
"My goal is simply to make science both understandable and even enjoyable."
"your success or failure... is directly linked to clearly communicating with science"
"I love teaching, I love communicating science."
"This mechanistic discussion concludes this first video."
"Had to leave that beautiful house, went on to be a very well-known producer of TV programs educating youth on science."
"I admire their approach because I do think that just having the option of having accurate dinosaurs in a video game is gonna do a lot for science communication."
"This has been yet another star talk explainer, this one on the transparency of all that's around us."
"Science communication efforts are crucial to influence decision-makers."