
Art Appreciation Quotes

There are 1450 quotes

"Let's talk about art instead. Enough about business."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Cinematic like anything else, the art of it all is very beautiful and I appreciate it."
"If you're told it's by a great master, you experience it as beautiful."
"Art is a reflection of our desire for meaning in this universe."
"It's every bit my intention to continue with the 'My Favorite Online Teachers' series because I'm very passionate about that subject. I love a lot of artists out there, and I'm excited to share my thoughts about them."
"I haven't really had the chance to enjoy much of it, although I've heard great things and I really do respect the art. Some of it looks truly beautiful."
"The interactivity of gaming creates conditions for a phenomenon we rarely experience when consuming art: audience agency."
"I'm into all things dark and creepy, and I also think that art should be celebrated in all its forms, even if it is a little odd, even if it is a little strange."
"Separate the art from the artist, dude. I love this."
"As connoisseurs of the arts, we collectively recognize certain works of art to be pivotal to their respective mediums."
"This artist who is dead now could have never imagined that in a hundred and twenty years from now, hundreds of thousands of people are going to see their artwork and appreciate it and love it and see what was going on in their life at the time."
"We can all like imperfect art, and we don't have to essentialize everything as we love it or we hate it."
"Art doesn't have to mean something; it should just be visually awesome."
"Man, I love the art style, I love hand-drawn stuff; it really just reminds me of 'Where's Wally' or 'Where's Waldo' if you're that way inclined."
"In most years, at most awards shows, and in most categories, there are multiple nominees that could be valid winners depending on what the voters value in art."
"I love artists and art. It's why I joined this company, so that I could help elevate artists further, even if only by a little."
"It doesn't matter if it was just a job, or if they completed it in a day. It doesn't matter what platform it ended up on, or what they are referred to as. These are artists."
"Art is magic, so guys, don't be a naive hypocritical art goblin and try to vilify someone for your subjective reading of their art. Be a magical art fairy."
"I am pro-joy. I get so much joy out of art, and loving art is such a joyous experience."
"I've got to say, like the art for this is fantastic."
"I used to think Modern Art was too simple, too easy. It's not like the Mona Lisa. That's art."
"Even if you manage to overcome each and every single barrier to the art form, neither you nor I will ever fully understand it."
"The human appetite for art seems to be infinite."
"Omay is one of my favorite artists. I got really excited. I was just genuinely happy."
"The most impressive work of art I have ever seen." - Sir Walter Scott
"Gold and outlines and borders cleanly accentuate and enhance the art you love."
"They're genuine pieces of art that people put a lot of work into, and you can just think they're cool because they're cool."
"The audience that loves your work, maybe even hates you a little for it, but ultimately the audience that understands your work and appreciates it for exactly what it is."
"The making of art and the experience of trying your hand at it is the best route to appreciating the experience of art and the experience of music and all the forms of art."
"It makes us stop and think about something quite important in an entirely different way."
"It can get difficult sometimes, I understand that, to think things about art. It's a wacky, wild world out there."
"The untrained viewer doesn't see what they don't know, and they don't know that the knowledge is missing."
"Art isn't just for the male gaze; it's also for anyone who appreciates beauty."
"Every piece of clothing in the exhibit was like being drawn into a different world, making it a transformative experience."
"I want you to love the art I make. I want people who don't know me to see this thing and go, 'Holy shit.'"
"That's really cute. I like it. I like it. Mwah, Picasso. Beautiful."
"Hell, Andrew Wyeth couldn't have done much better himself."
"We are animals and they have trained us. However, we can be untrained to tune into interesting ideas and honest disagreement, to contemplate art that illuminates our complicated humanity."
"These wonderful paintings...invite us on an extraordinary journey of discovery."
"People seek out art to be affected by it, to learn things or feel things."
"Great artists are out there, find them, don't be stingy, take care of it once you've got it, and get something that means something to you so every time you look at it you're never bored, just inspired and happy that you had it done."
"Some of the best works of art are like that, leaving you with a deep longing by the end."
"The art is fantastic. This is some old school art on this one, and I love it."
"Respect artists, fill your palette with love, and look as good as Rey finds in a chef outfit."
"Prioritizing making art is considered worthy of praise, whereas prioritizing your mental health, sadly, is not."
"I just love these big boxes; the artwork has a very special place in my heart."
"Indeed, you do have personal liberties for yourself, and you should be in control of that, but you are a member of society, and as a member of society reaping all the benefits of being a member of society, you have a responsibility to society."
"Everything is art to me. Everything is an expression of art."
"There is much more versatility in this art than many give it credit for."
"It's not necessarily about deciphering it. It's about what it means to you."
"Shouldn't need to agree with a good piece of art to recognize it as good."
"That's art baby, that's really nice." - Crafty Corn
"Our point of reference and what time we're from shapes our perception of art."
"It's almost like asking, you know, what's the point of art or music. I think humans have this curiosity of finding what's out there and how does the world around you work."
"Art can be a very uplifting experience and it can be edifying and it can be enlightening."
"Remember that the art you like best is best because it's not a competition."
"It's not for you and it's not for me, but it's for someone, so who cares?"
"I want you to see what it says to you more than what it looks like. Yeah, you know, I'm prepared."
"They taught us as listeners to stretch ourselves artistically, to reach beyond our ability to become better versions of ourselves."
"It saved me that day and it's such a beautiful palette."
"Life and death by day and a little art to balance life by night."
"Beautiful example, I think the animal themes are my favorite."
"A truly lifechanging, life-affirming work of art."
"People should just be able to have fun and enjoy whatever forms of art and entertainment they like because we're all just silly blobs of flesh on a floating rock anyway."
"But regardless of their legitimacy i've become deeply fascinated with the community and the works of art that they create."
"Seeing an actual outside world with this art style is breathtaking."
"I wanted art that reflected my lifestyle or something that was just fresh."
"No show no piece of art, no celebrity-ridden series is exempt from criticism. Ever. Also, you can criticize something and still feel compelled to watch."
"In art, style enriches by capturing atmosphere and feeling, not just depicting faithfully."
"All I'm saying is do your homework you know get out there look at stuff and and and see it for what it is and if even Mayer is an excellent photographer I love her work she's certainly worthy about being talked about on the show."
"This woman isn't ugly, this is one of the most desirable and alluring women in art."
"It's like owning a work of art. You feel you know the person."
"Art definitely is in the eye of the beholder."
"We needn’t compare things and choose winners, be they sequel, reboot, prequel or NyQuil, as the point of art should not be to rank, but to disseminate joy and emotional support, for those who may need it."
"It's like the Mona Lisa of the cave world. Who knows what other Secrets this cave holds?"
"Once you get to this stage of the painting you just absolutely love what you have and you can see so much more potential in it."
"I generally do like to take a minute to say a big thank you to all of you out there... I really do appreciate that you're taking the time here to just learn about art with me."
"It's okay though because we have another pretty awesome tin, this one was about $150, really expensive but dude, what is happening with Snorlax and Eevee on this artwork, looks super cool."
"Once again, my name is Scott, reminding you to explore your favorite art through curiosity and vulnerability. See ya!"
"Art can speak to you, and the mood through which it does will inform you of its message."
"Ask yourself how you feel, with whom you identify in the piece, as well as where your eye travels when you sit and observe it for a while."
"Bringing really nice glass to an audience that might not like it and like a relatively affordable price point."
"One of my favorite pieces of removal ever, Swords to Plowshares, is in this deck, thank goodness. Brand new art too, with brand new art, yeah we're looking at old R on my phone but the new art is great."
"People compare this [ __ ] to the Mona Lisa."
"All of this, even this Minions display, is a form of art."
"Art is Art and it should kind of just exist even if it's just posing questions."
"This was a tale that has given me every emotion under the Sun, a story that has shocked me, touched me, inspired me in a way few pieces of art ever could."
"I like in that artwork how just blindingly brilliant his sword is."
"Look at those layers of color. Look at all of that awareness. Look at that knowledge and skill in that paint."
"I've seen some of the paintings he's been posting, it's amazing."
"He would have wanted it to be there in your gallery."
"Music has a transformative effect on our emotions."
"Art style isn't really a matter of you being an older viewer or a younger viewer. It's actually just an art style from way, way back in the day."
"People don't buy art for just the materials put together. They buy the art for the message and the story behind it."
"Art is something I'm really passionate about."
"I've thoroughly enjoyed this draw. I think it's been fantastic."
"A classic work of art is still worth experiencing and discussing outside its time."
"A good film could easily become lost in the shuffle of masterpieces."
"Sometimes it's fun just to enjoy stuff, you know what I mean? I always land on the side of allowing artists and storytellers more freedom versus less, like or less constraints."
"Next time that you're near a big weird outdoor sculpture, go have a closer look."
"Susan Sontag argues that we should focus more on the sensory experience of a piece of art."
"There is no better feeling than when a piece of art meets you exactly where you are when it just hits you at the perfect moment and scratches an itch in your brain."
"These details give a new layer of meaning. It's not always an easter egg pointed to some character's arrival or some big theory that's been confirmed, but it just shows you that this is art and there's a lot of craft that goes into it."
"These are also works of art, these are priceless works of art that someone spent years making and that have stood there proudly for decades or centuries in some cases, and we're tearing all this stuff down like it's nothing."
"Art is in the eye of the beholder, man. We're talking about pictures. You don't know what something means to somebody or inspires."
"Respect for art is in short supply in the videogame industry, no matter how many publishers pay lip service to it."
"For me I like collecting things and I like art."
"This is such a powerful, chill-inducing image."
"I feel like when I when people see it they'll be really impressed by it."
"They do care about truth. The people there do care about truth."
"Art in general is like a collaboration between the audience and the creator."
"It's just a beautiful, beautiful piece of art."
"When you're up close staring at a painting and there's a lot of brushwork, you're not going to see the peach fuzz."
"I love making art, I love painting, I love these paintings and I love you guys for watching this thing so thank you."
"Wow, those are really, really cool. I like the vibrancy of the art."
"It's a wonderful effort, very beautiful figure drawing. Kudos to the artist, and keep up the great work!"
"Let it give us something for us to fall in love with, you know?"
"The tradition of putting awesome artwork on their masters of the universe packages feels so important to me."
"It's the best art form, it's also the best thing for the audience."
"This piece, that piece is so pretty, it is beautiful and so all I'm going to do now is flip over my frame."
"This piece that we're doing in its entirety is one of the greatest human achievements in the history of art."
"The very fact that we can look at art and that our appreciation of it is relative is what enables criticism and discussions of these works of art."
"Art lets us escape the mundaneness of everyday life and it allows us to look inwards and outwards all at the same time."
"I'm not saying you have to like it, but the detail is intriguing."
"It's here to stay and it's such an intimate tender painting."
"Through art, you're invited inside of someone else's head and into their world."
"If all you walked away from was that you understand a little bit more about how you would paint it, that is a win in artistic terms."
"If you find this world as interesting as I do, you can purchase the artbook using the links below to get the full story..."
"Art is so universally accepted when you find the right people."
"This is cool; they've done such a great job with the portraits."
"The world, the character design, the story direction, all that stuff, you can't argue against."
"That's what's so beautiful about art... it's completely subjective."
"It's always more rewarding to try to understand the piece of art that's in front of you rather than only understanding your own predispositions."
"Abstract is fun. It gets you thinking outside of the box and flexing those creative muscles."
"There was another drawing of a butterfly. I felt my heart sort of recoil in my chest as I beheld the uncanny depiction."
"These Classics are always going to be Classics, they're works of art."
"This style of tattoo, I don't exactly know the name for this style of art, I like it a lot."
"The amount of detail put into Elita's character design is incredible."
"Some art is beautiful. People can look at art, a singular image, a singular thing on a wall, and can be moved to tears, their lives change, their whole worldview rearranged by a single frame, a single work."
"You could stare at this for hours and there would still be more to see."
"This is like getting a painting from Vincent van Gogh."
"Got it! Now that's art right there. Show me a better nature photography picture and I'll show you a liar."
"I definitely feel that photo realism is one of the easiest artworks to understand be appreciated by the masses."
"You're buying a feeling, an emotional connection to a piece of art that someone else made."
"The light effect is probably the gimmicky part that makes me so in love with this piece."
"Art is important to the psyche, to culture."
"Take an entire day, come here and just take all of this in, appreciate it, it's so good!"
"I usually pay attention to who the artist is."
"It's like artwork, you know? You don't feel good about having the original, no."
"Fanarts will bring you in new people who like the character."
"It's much healthier to acknowledge that there's no one right way to do art."
"People like to just crap all over modern artists but I'm always like oh you know you look at something like Jackson Pollock and people will just be like oh look at that crap art."
"There's no denying that it was an extremely well-crafted work of art."
"Those people who realize that life is short but art is long."
"The only firm friend you have, the best friend you have is sculpture."
"I discovered that there's way way way like way more to artwork and being an artist and honing your skills than just the end result of making a pretty image"
"The world's a beautiful place and nothing has opened my eyes more to it than studying it uh through artwork"
"We don't have to assign a false sense of importance to some art over others."
"I could just go stand in front of it for hours and hours."
"Your art helped me appreciate my own creativity; thank you."
"You've helped me find my love for watercolor; thank you."
"Great art should give you energy and hope and nourishment."
"But which of them was the best painting? Well, that's for you to decide."
"Your brain needs music, your brain needs beauty, your brain needs art and your heart needs these things as well."
"The purpose of art is not to staunchly fetishize certain books but to prompt discussions, disagreements, and interpretations."
"Wow, Albrecht Dürer. I don't get many of those."
"We all interact with art in different ways and we all interpret in different ways. And that's all okay."
"Art can't be quantifiably measured as good or bad, although it can obviously be held to standards and criteria, so it makes sense that the easiest way to conclude whether or not it's good is based on whether or not people like it."
"I think it's an absolute masterpiece and certainly timeless. It really is perfection and full of aesthetic value."
"Sometimes the best thing I can do for my mental health is to just read or watch other art where someone has experienced something that I feel."
"The art by Felix M is obviously something else. Love it to pieces."
"People don't want to be duped; they go to art looking for something real."
"Every year, millions of people flock to the Louvre Museum to see the Mona Lisa portrait."
"I love her and you did her saggy grandma boobs so tastefully so congratulations you did so good with the collar."
"Every landscape is a painting, every vista a reward."
"Art does not always need to make you feel good."
"The real virtue of art, the reason that we love art, the reason that art is important is that it incites emotion and it creates sensation."
"Education can help us to understand the Arts and educating ourselves can increase our ability to connect with the art."
"This pot is amazing, do you know the artist? It's French, it's signed. I believe it's a Gustav I know a very gnome."
"Some girls get really into, like, art. I've just always been curious. I love having conversations with people and I love finding out stuff that's true."
"We finish experiencing these extraordinary pieces of art for ourselves, the first thing we naturally want to do is share that experience with friends and family."
"Even if the product isn't great, it deserves to exist. It deserves to be remembered and observed."
"Nothing I say about a film or any other piece of art should prevent someone who loves it from enjoying it."
"I like the colors. I like the art. I like the contrast. I like the composition. I like the characters. I like the music."
"Everyone loves art for the idiosyncratic parts, the different parts."
"The artwork for force of will is eye-catching, rich, deeply detailed... masterful in more than one case."
"If you like art, you want to enjoy the ecosystem."
"Having one's portrait painted by him was seen as an indication of impeccable good taste."
"When you buy your favorite artist album you are directly saying I think what you're doing is valuable and that's like you're saying like thank you like please continue to make art to like put all the time in in the effort."
"The most inviting, the most beautiful, and the most accurate picture that I've ever seen."
"Vintage comic books are evaluated like fine art."
"In order for this world to heal we need to appreciate art there needs to be an art education in art when they could have a painting matter now top I know jr."
"Art can often release a great many different emotions..."
"There's no substitute for art style and talent; hard work pays off."
"I want art that helps me to understand the motivations of people other than myself and that calls me to be an attentive, well-informed, and compassionate person."
"He makes it pretty hard to resist snapping a photo of each one of his works."
"The Louvre: probably one of the greatest art museums we have on the planet."
"This is absolutely stunning. To be honest, it's one of the best looking pieces I've ever seen."
"Art has no borders and I really want to see, we live in a world now where I think it's important for us to open our minds to artistry outside of our boundaries."
"Appreciate what you see, man, it's a beautiful art form."