
Open-mindedness Quotes

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"Holding all of your beliefs very loosely... being open-minded and allowing yourself to be surprised."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I'm not telling you what to think. Differing opinions are good; interpretation is the best thing."
"In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities; in the expert's mind, there are few."
"Have strong opinions, held loosely, which means to me that you take the time to form an understanding now, but you don't defend that at all costs in the face of new information."
"Your mind's like a parachute, only works when it's open."
"If you show me I'm wrong, I'm gonna change my tune, right? Because I don't wanna be the delusional person who's still running around saying the same thing."
"Books can have a major impact on people. It can be negative for some, but it can also be very positive if you have an open mind."
"Unleash your creativity and open your mind to positive energy."
"We have neurological diversity and we shouldn't be too quick to judge."
"Don't judge a book by its cover... there is more than meets the eye in many scenarios."
"Traveling...makes you more tolerant of people's viewpoints, more open-minded."
"I'm not married to my opinions, and nor should you be."
"It gave me that fear of being wrong, that fear of being wrong gave me an open-mindedness."
"If everything is possible, then that's possible."
"I always try to watch everything without an agenda going into it...to be open to potentially hearing something that could change your mind."
"This is where genius lives. There's a flexibility of mind here, an openness to change, an eagerness for what's new."
"I have no problem listening to other people's perspectives."
"Keep an open mind... Your soulmate may differ from your usual type and expectations."
"It's fun to talk to people who disagree with you but are polite about it and capable of engaging in long-form conversation."
"Don't assume what you expect. You've got to think about what's possible."
"You are very intrigued by things labeled as controversial."
"A mark of maturity is someone that can entertain an idea without accepting it."
"Listening is a skill – being able to entertain ideas without necessarily accepting them."
"If it helps somebody, then why would I deny them that? There's this belief among the community, both therapists and clients alike, that EMDR is a treatment that works for others when other techniques have failed."
"You actually strengthen your understanding of the world and therefore strengthen your own convictions by encountering other ideas that are well formed."
"Open-mindedness means that you're willing to consider other perspectives, alternative scenarios, and ideas."
"Only with an open mind can one jump into the wealth of knowledge and uncovers hidden treasures."
"You have to be completely and radically open-minded."
"Traveling the world quite often... I've been to 67 countries. It's really exciting. It helps you have a lot more open mind towards different things and areas of life."
"It takes courage to venture beyond, it takes radical open-mindedness."
"Be resilient and listen to the ideas you disagree with so you know what those ideas are, you understand them."
"Do not forget, be kind and keep an open mind, everybody."
"Keep your mind open because there's a better outcome than what you're currently going after."
"Get curious again, don't restrict your way of thinking, don't restrict anything, let yourself be free again."
"It's better to find the place that you belong, you know, and open people might be very annoyed that they're not appreciated by more conservative types."
"In life, you can learn something from anybody."
"You guys are making me rethink what a churro is. Let's keep broad definitions."
"The achiever is more appreciative of the diversity of people and perspective than the prior stages."
"You cannot commit wholeheartedly to an extreme forever. You have to be prepared to accept multiple contradictory truths if you want the most out of life."
"I think a lot of people aren't really open-minded to pay attention to women's sports."
"The older the soul gets, the less the dogma speaks to it... Old soul much more flexible, much more questioning."
"Just give me a solid argument... My opinion can be changed, it's happened many times in the past."
"Keep an open mind and this way it will allow you to express yourself even more and be more creative than ever before."
"I need to be alerting and open to every idea. I don't have to accept every idea, but I have to listen carefully because there's wisdom out there that I might not be able to understand if I'm just channeled in my own myopia."
"How do you think we can change the way we think? By listening to other people, by keeping an open mind."
"We need to engage them by listening to people we disagree with, by building bridges not walls."
"Your ideas will change with time; just don't be afraid to challenge what you believe."
"I began to realize that perhaps the Buddha was right, and we should be humble enough in knowing that none of us know the truth, and we should listen to each other rather than fighting with each other."
"Data, data, data, man. There is an answer, and if you have the discipline of not tying your identity up into an answer and you stay open to new truth, that's powerful."
"My life is richer because I have people who believe radically different things than I do."
"All I ask for is an open mind, and other than that, I hope that your day, month, lifetime is nothing short of a non-stop pleasure and a sheer sensation."
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without necessarily accepting it."
"To not judge a book by its cover because you never know who it's going to be that's going to make a significant impact."
"Be quick to see where religious people are right, make use of what they offer."
"Skepticism is about not going to accept something as true without good reason, and it's about being willing to be open to revision should there be evidence."
"The truth requires you to say, 'Maybe I'm wrong.' Is this data right? What are my opponents saying, and is there any validity to it?"
"Flexibility of thought is a beautiful thing."
"Listen more than we did before, let's take it a little more seriously, not be so quick to dismiss."
"I do take discussions about topics like this seriously and genuinely want to find the truth, even if that entails admitting I've made a mistake or I'm wrong."
"The two factors for critical thinking are curiosity and open-mindedness."
"The reason you want to hone your system 2 thinking skills isn't so you can be completely agreeable all the time, it's so you can become more open-minded to the possibility that maybe, just maybe, you're wrong."
"Listen to the people who think capitalism is the best thing since sliced bread, but maybe also take a dare. Listen to the people who think it's critical."
"In order to love Lamar, you can't be rigid. You have to accept initial opinions are wrong, including your own."
"Any idea should be open to at least discussion."
"When nostalgia has turned from a love and appreciation of the past into a spiral of hate on things that are new, I think people do themselves a disservice."
"Radical open-mindedness is crucial because it allows us to explore every nook and cranny of reality."
"You must be willing to let go of what you think you know."
"Open-mindedness and being open and critical with your thinking is extremely important to any kind of creative work."
"Yellow becomes really interested in how the other side thinks rather than just criticizing and judging."
"By saying I'm spiritual not religious, they're actually very open-minded. I'm open to all truths, not restricted to just one sort of religious set of beliefs."
"I embrace all spiritual leaders... like I'm drinking from every well, eating my spiritual plate is well-rounded."
"The purpose of opening your mind is to close it down again on something that's true."
"Listen to different perspectives, seek out different information, and make up your own mind as an individual how you feel about it."
"Everybody is exclusive. Everybody's narrow. Here's what really makes you open-minded: how do you treat people with the other view?"
"There's probably a few benefits to both sides, and try to incorporate them and synthesize them into something better."
"It's good to read things that you don't agree with. It keeps your mind sharp."
"It pays to keep an open mind since we don't know which of the ideas in physics may be brought back decades later and solve the biggest mysteries in theoretical physics."
"No matter how cemented you are in your worldview, you are never more than one book away from questioning everything."
"With a little more education, enlightenment, and healthy dialogue, my mind has changed about a lot of things."
"How do you train the brain to engage uncertainty so that it's open to possibility rather than locking into particular survival instincts?"
"I think we should all collectively try to expand our interests rather than just stick to the things we're familiar with."
"Main thing with classics is just to 100% throw away your intimidation and just go into them with an open mind and open hearts."
"We want to be kind, open-minded, accepting, compassionate."
"I just think travel opens up your mind to so many new things."
"Travel makes you smarter, if not smarter, you're more open-minded."
"Having a mindset where anything can be brought up and your identity is not attached to specific belief structures... makes you much more resilient."
"Embrace the differences; they might offer a new perspective on life that you've never looked at before."
"Everybody makes mistakes. What really stands out is the willingness and open-mindedness to accept their mistakes and change their behavior."
"Open-ended, non-judgmental questions actually gets them to recognize that they have a problem."
"Thinking like a scientist requires that we be actively open-minded, searching for reasons why we might be wrong, not for reasons why we must be right."
"I'm really a 'best idea wins' kind of person."
"Science is about having an open mind. Science is about disputation, debate, evidence. And it's discussed, and the contention and the back and forth is how we determine what the truth is."
"I feel like the more you travel, the more people you meet, it's so hard to be narrow-minded."
"Listen to this, be open-minded and... make your own opinion."
"People are really becoming more open-minded."
"My dad taught me at a very early age to keep your mind open to alternative viewpoints."
"Assume the person you're listening to might know something you don't."
"If you guys really hold your ideas that true to your heart, you should be able to have them challenged. You should be able to go and discuss them."
"I'm not even interested if it's an idea that comes from the left wing or a right wing. To me, an idea is a good idea or a bad idea. Who cares where it comes from?"
"It's a very, very challenging balancing act, but I'll tend to hear out most people with kind of like that open mind philosophy."
"Listen with an open mind. Allow for disagreements. See the perspective that I am coming from."
"Don't put artificial limitations on God's universe because all kinds of things are possible."
"To choose simply to ignore and not understand what their perspective is, is to willfully blind yourself."
"We want people with an open mind just coming out and saying, okay, let's just explore this area."
"It's the mark of an intelligent person to be able to entertain an idea without having to accept it."
"One of the best ways of learning I have found in my life is to discuss something with somebody who disagrees with you."
"I'm here trying to walk with grace and with an open mind, a bit of patience, and always love."
"Hold all your ideas lightly rather than cling to them as though your life depended on it."
"My whole mission is just to open your mind, to present you information so that you can think about things in a different way."
"We should be open-minded and search... we can look on Mars for any evidence of life that predated us, we can look on Earth for evidence of intelligent species billions of years ago."
"Don't ever let your mind be so open that your brain falls out of it."
"I'm giving you permission to question stuff. It's okay. You can wonder, hypothetical explore, experiment. You can try shit on and not be sure."
"I pride myself on my willingness to change my mind if presented with better evidence."
"The moment you stop respecting ideas, even and especially the seemingly stupid or dangerous ones, is the moment you cut yourself off from the world."
"We should be able to agree that having a worldview guided by a continuous, honest engagement with reality... is better than having a worldview solidified or anchored to unchanging ideas."
"I am open to hearing the perspectives of other people because they might have some points that I've not considered."
"Marcus Aurelius says, 'You don't need to have an opinion about this. You always have the power of having no opinion.'"
"Be open to the truth... if it doesn't contradict, then I can accept it, but if it does, I'm not just going to make excuses for it."
"Just because it doesn't work for me, doesn't mean it won't work for you."
"If there's a giant conflict going on, I want to hear both sides."
"Let's just keep an open mind, you know, listen to each other and be willing to also change our own perspectives because that's what actually makes a good dialogue."
"Seeing how many similarities there are inside the religions, especially with core beliefs, has definitely changed my mind a ton."
"The only thing that makes conversation possible is an openness to evidence and arguments, a willingness to update one's view of the world when better reasons are given."
"If you're unwilling to consider any view apart from your own, you're not prepared to have productive conversations."
"I actually am just struggling with ideas and sometimes put on different hats in these conversations... I think we should have discussions in the space of ideas versus in the space of bins we put each other in."
"Try out, say stupid stuff with the best of intention, trying our best to think through it, and then after saying it, think about it for a few days, and then change your mind and grow in this way."
"I think people are allowed to listen to people that they might not agree with."
"I seek understanding, not activism. I'm not left nor right; I love ideas, not labels."
"We all have ideas that are wrong, and the only way to find the right ones is to listen to people who will challenge what we believe."
"Just because you haven't lived it doesn't mean it hasn't occurred."
"The courage to lead fundamentally means you're willing to be open-minded to consider that maybe the way you think the world works may be wrong."
"If you give the topic of UFOs the time of day and don't smugly dismiss it, you come out thinking there's something here."
"I'm amazed at the number of people that are willing to blankly dismiss something without ever doing serious research about it."
"If you can change your mind after receiving more information, you are a genius and a great person. But so many people can't do that."
"Listen to people who disagree with you, listen to both sides of the aisle."
"I am open to seeing both sides of the situation."
"An open mind is a good thing in most situations, in most scenarios of life."
"I feel more comfortable being like, I don't really know, and I could go kind of, I could see the argument for both sides rather than being so gung-ho on one side versus another."
"Here at the Roommates, we believe in having an open mind and a discerning heart. What that basically means is open your minds and listen to our diversity of ideas."
"As I got older, I used to be really close-minded to everything. But as I age, I started exploring more."
"Keep an open mind. You deserve love, and this could be the one."
"I would try not to have a dogmatic belief about a fact of the matter because that would make you delusional."
"I am genuinely interested in your constructive thoughts, whether you disagree with me or agree with me."
"Going into an argument wanting to defend a position rather than wanting to have your position change is the wrong way to go about things."
"It's mad when new information comes in, you then change your opinion."
"We would rather avoid conflict and sit in a space where we agree... but it's beneficial to entertain ideas that you're not sure about yet."
"The object of opening the mind is to close it again on something solid, something concrete."
"Keep an open mind. Be prepared mentally and in terms of knowledge."
"Before I just go off and tell our kids or one of our kids that their ideas are nuts, I always try to... Oh, well, okay, I got to look into that, you know what I mean? Because you just never know."
"Sagittarius are attractive because we're extremely open-minded and non-judgmental."
"Keep an open mind, detached from outcomes and expectations."
"We need to be able to come to a partner from a place of compassion and kindness, genuinely having an open mind, not rigid thinking."
"This is not about choosing a political side... please try to keep your political defenses down and just hear me out."
"Lord, help me to set aside everything I think I know for a new experience in you, in myself, in my fellows, and a much-needed new experience in my own recovery."
"It requires that I do two things: lay aside prejudice and express even a willingness to believe in a Power greater than ourselves."
"I listen to a lot of stuff I don't agree with... It's more fulfilling than just living in an echo chamber."
"Humility is the most important aspect or characteristic for a leader because when you're humble, your mind is open."
"Our minds are constantly trying to close and be defensive and not allow any other ideas in, and what we have to do as people and as leaders is constantly pull your mind open."
"As much as a lot of religious rituals or religious traditions make me uncomfortable, the way I'm going into this is in a non-judgmental light."
"People need to open their minds before they make the choices."
"Leave it at the door. Don't go in with any type of bias."
"The purpose of education is to open the mind, to bring a mind into its capacity, to treat a mind to learn from itself, and it is always to be fundamentally the inculcation of the absolute necessary skills for a man or a woman, a boy or a girl, to function in society."
"Inability to entertain opposing ideas. We have a hard time doing that today."
"I'm not saying you have to agree with me on that, but I challenge you to find a better idea."
"By adjusting our approaches, questioning our own understandings, and opening our minds to others' experiences, we're shaping a unified world."
"I remember being vegan and seeing other people going back from being vegan, and I remember how that made me feel too... but I do feel like it is important to be open and just to remember that everyone is different and everyone makes different choices."
"The most compelling piece of it was how open-minded you were and how intellectually curious you are."
"I believe that you have to be humble enough to realize I could be wrong."
"Changing my mind is a strength, not a weakness."
"Your views should change when the evidence changes and assumptions that you had in the past are proven wrong."
"It is the mark of an educated mind to entertain a matter without accepting it."
"If your mind is closed, how can you learn anything new and grow?"
"We need more people who have a skeptical attitude towards topics and we certainly need more people who are willing to have a discussion with people who disagree with them."
"The more people like you and like Sam Harris and Eric and Brett Weinstein, people who are open-minded, people who are willing to discuss things politely with people and not shove their ideology down other people's throats, the more we exchange information with each other."
"We can all connect with other entities and energies, it's just a matter of opening our minds."
"Allow your views to be challenged and focus on ways to connect with others."
"Not trying to confirm your own views but actually trying to challenge yourself to think about the fact that maybe your opponent in an argument has something of value to teach you."
"I think we could stand to learn an awful lot if we opened our mind to the possibility that this is actually what it seems to be: evidence of some unknown form of ancient high technology."
"It's important to not just be dogmatic and say, 'Nope, this is the only way and there's no other way.' You have to keep an open mind."
"I want you to listen with open ears and open hearts."
"I hold all conclusions as permanently tentative because they are subject to change as new data and context become available."
"You've got to keep an open mind at all times and stretch your imagination."
"We have become more open-minded, less ignorant; we're smarter and more efficient."
"The mind that opens to a new idea never returns to its original size."
"We should not have any taboo and... why not? It has to be on the table."
"We should certainly not be afraid to entertain any hypothesis."
"I reserved the right to change my mind all the time."
"It's good to learn about this stuff, you know. You don't have to agree with it, but it's good to learn."
"I just don't buy into ideology full stop... There are good elements, impressive thinkers on the left and the right, and everywhere in between."
"This is really different from what I was imagining. What a good suggestion, what a way to expand the horizons."
"Let everything be your Bible, give every piece of information, every person, every event or scenario or situation an honest and open mind because then it's your responsibility to respond to it in the way that you choose."
"Let's make a point every time they tell us who we're not supposed to talk to, let's put that person towards the top of our list of people we should probably talk to."
"If people want to come here, we should be welcoming them with open arms."
"You should always keep an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out."
"I wish people were more open to the stuff that is not as clickbait, not as cool, not as flashy, and more open to really trying to learn about themselves and their direction in life before they're hit in the face with life."
"I will try it because they're presenting this with the intent of me enjoying it."
"Changing your mind becomes a good thing, revising your beliefs in the face of evidence becomes a good thing."
"It's okay to sometimes... change my mind on certain things or I can hear an argument that's really compelling and I'm like, okay, you know what, I've changed my mind."
"I reserve the right to change my mind with more information and more revelation."
"It looks like we're being asked from the very beginning to unwrap our brains, to let go of our inhibitions and embrace the weirdness we're about to dive into."