
Behavioral Change Quotes

There are 307 quotes

"I really want to return to this, it's so incredible that a peptide could basically turn these relatively negligent fathers into very attentive fathers."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The first thing you should do is understand this: Behavioral change does not come from information transmission; it comes from understanding."
"The ultimate solution is for every single Jamaican to change behavior, to learn to live with the coronavirus and COVID-19 disease."
"If I rehearse how I'm going to be mentally, I'm going to install the hardware in my brain; if I keep doing it, it's going to become a software program and start acting that way."
"Regret is actually useful. It's a change engine. It helps you make sense of the world, avoid future negative behaviors, gain insights."
"It's not a matter of willpower; it's identifying these behavioral changes that can lead to success."
"It's not about blame, it's about educating. And when you can learn these things and you can become more insightful as to what's going on, you can consciously change your behavior."
"Act like that version of you now, create the habits that a person who is that version of you would engage in on a consistent basis."
"When hope is born, that's when they change their behaviors. And right after that is when we see them start to win."
"The mathematics of wealth building is about the sixth-grade level. You can do it, but we've got to change our behaviors, and we've got to change our beliefs to change our behaviors."
"Once we become aware of how our beliefs or our thoughts and our feelings influence our behavior, it's only then...we can do something about it."
"Managing your anxiety in the present by building the capacity for tolerance and not engaging in those default behaviors that control the situation."
"Old habits die hard, man. When you've done something for such a long time, it's just hard to shake."
"Now I talk about things, you know, I listen and act different. There's no violence left in it."
"It's not so easy to speak the truth, but it's fairly easy to stop lying...the way you start is by stopping lying."
"This is not behavior modification; this is spiritual transformation."
"Realize that people pleasing is something that you learned and because you learned it you can unlearn it."
"Wow, that's something. I haven't probably seen her lay down in her presence since the first fight."
"Imagine being in Amber's shoes on February 10, 2016, videotaping him when he's sober and sweet, you've never loved anything more. But when he mixes drugs and drinks, he turns into this man, like a wild animal. That is abuse."
"The purpose of sanctions is to change behavior."
"Are you willing to work together to change around the destructive behavior that we are seeing? I am."
"The bend doesn't happen naturally. The bend happens when people change their behavioral and actually reduce the transmission rate."
"Overwriting it which means repeating a new thought or behavior so many times with such emotional intensity that it becomes a more energy efficient pathway for your brain than the one that you've had until now."
"Imagine if we all did it together, just 66 days."
"You kind of go through this dopamine fast, and what it actually helps you do is pick out better signal."
"It's totally appropriate Michelle for people to actually change their behaviors in the face of a big risk like this."
"Changing someone's mind with information is hard enough. Changing their behavior with information is harder still."
"I used to be a bitch and I definitely checked myself."
"Narcissists can change when given the right inducements and incentives."
"Is it making us better? Is it making us worse? It surely makes us different."
"The word love is most often defined as a noun, yet all the more astute theories of love acknowledge that we would all love better if we used it as a verb."
"There is simply no indication that Duggar will ever take the steps necessary to change this pattern of behavior."
"You could be dealing with a situation that when you change your state of being, people can perceive you as an easy target."
"Change today or the habit continues tomorrow. What are you going to choose?"
"Change what you say, it can change what you think, and if you change what you think, it's gonna change what you do."
"We gotta change the way we're moving right now."
"Change behavior is the best apology, all right, or change behavior is the best apology."
"We're going to say yes ma'am the entire day to you okay, there's a reason for that, we're going to get you back in the habit of being respected."
"There's no excuse for what I did in my body I needed to do so much better and I needed to do better now and it will never excuse the behavior."
"The word 'repentance' means more than just changing your mind intellectually. It includes a change in affections, desires, and results in tangible fruit."
"On the bus people watched as Anneliese began to speak in the deep and raspy voice of a man, using foul language and acting crazy."
"Shaking hands or not shaking hands, washing hands all the time, staying a little apart... some of what we're learning now will live on into the future."
"When are we gonna start loving ourselves enough to think twice?"
"I do think people act differently when they're being watched."
"The best way to stop being a [ __ ] is to stop acting like one."
"The real work is to identify these patterns and to make different choices when you're in the midst of the pattern that's how you break it."
"How do you interrupt unhealthy family patterns so that my children can know a better way?"
"The best persuasion changes actual behavior."
"If you want what you don't have, you're gonna have to do what you haven't done."
"Know better, you move different, and you do better."
"They learned their lesson. They want to change the pattern here."
"Many people will not be able to go cold turkey but sooner or later we'll get there."
"Sometimes hitting them in the pockets makes positive changes."
"It's a behavior change... you have to really focus on your food and pay attention to what your body is trying to tell you."
"Change the code of somebody's subconscious mind, and they have no choice but to think, feel, act, and consequently get different results."
"Once you start looking for solutions here, you start acting differently."
"Flex your discipline muscle... It is soaked in shame and shame is one of the least effective motivators for behavior change."
"The best way to get people to switch to something more sustainable is to give them a substitute that's indistinguishable or better."
"How am I supposed to forgive the church if they're unwilling to change their behavior?"
"We create compelling interactive reports and dashboards and collaborate and share them with people inside and outside of our organization."
"As our scientific and biological knowledge grows, we can alter our understanding of the world and change our behavior accordingly."
"Even if they don't do anything, just the evidence that they exist could completely change how people behave."
"People do not change based on what they know. They change based on what they feel. And you can't fix a feeling until you hear it."
"Artificial, you will see a difference in your kid within five days."
"Ignorance is bliss but knowledge is power. Now that he knows, he's now acting accordingly."
"I'd be happy to rotate into any superior behavior if someone could show it to me."
"You cannot fight pornography at the point of the search engine; you have to fight it at the point of your eyes."
"The high five habit moves you from a bias towards thinking to a bias towards action."
"If you want to change how people behave, you have to change their environment."
"It's not uncommon for this unusual behavior to occur when there are emotional or mental health-related issues at play."
"The process of change starts with unlearning, then relearning, breaking the habit of the old self, and reinventing a new self."
"With hypnosis, you can quit smoking, lose weight, or change behaviors."
"I've seen a change in Caden's temperament so you know I think there are very subtle but good changes that are happening in this family."
"The cycle ends here, we must be better than this, come back to the beginning."
"AI is now a core component of social media behavior."
"Just responding differently will break the cycle."
"We need to not follow the red herring; certain cities lock down, it creates a behavioral change."
"If you want to change things change the incentives and then they'll behave the way you want."
"Marjorie's grandkids quickly changed their tune."
"Conquer cravings by decoupling stimulus and association."
"Money and fame make people do things they wouldn't normally do."
"Hopefully, along the way, we behave a little bit more altruistically, a little more compassion."
"Once you understand the pressures that drive this behavior then you sort of have the framework for reversing that and creating new habits."
"People talk about locking their bedroom doors now, locking their doors, locking their windows, stuff they never even thought about."
"First thing we should do is love. That's what's not happening."
"We can move from reactive behavior to responsive behavior."
"I think it really, really has changed behavior."
"He starts to act differently, surprising everyone."
"I wish people would do it less because I think it's creating a lot more issue than it's helping."
"Behaviors are going to have to change... You have to force behaviors and at BlackRock we are forcing behaviors."
"The best apology for a mistake is change behavior."
"It's not up to me to change, it's up to you."
"Only few people can hear something and they'll be like 'you're right I won't do that.'"
"For some of you, apologies from people that kind of like stopped, they may have changed on you or started acting a certain way, they're going to apologize for their behavior."
"We've made a significant world and behavioral change without modifying the source program."
"Real learning is reacting to the same stimulus with a different response."
"Gaslighting to bamboozling: a sudden change."
"The fact that some parasites take over the brains of their prey and change their behavior."
"Look deep into yourself and reform yourself so that it never happens again."
"It's so easy to get stuck in these loops, and the solution is to do something different."
"Intentionally do things that are less perfectionistic in order for you to break the cycle."
"If you keep doing the same thing and you keep getting the same outcome, maybe you should change what you're doing."
"Reflection is so important because when you have a heightened awareness your behavior will change."
"True doctrine understood changes attitudes and behavior."
"Fume seeks to replace those things that form a bad habit not by getting rid of the Habit altogether but by switching out the bad for stuff that is good."
"Every single negative habit has a positive intent."
"I am so scared right now ever since Justin drank that Grimace Shake he's been acting so weird."
"I always made that choice to say I'm not going to be that way."
"Small measurable attainable chunks of behavior change create a dopamine surge that becomes habit."
"You have to get rid of the reason to use, in order to make it so that the person can let go of these types of behaviors."
"We're going to take on this type of behavior and not just allow it to persist."
"You don't want to be constantly repeating something that you don't want to be a part of your life."
"Particularly if you're microdosing, you, the urge to drink is not, goes away, it's not there. You gotta have something in your hand, right?"
"I think if anything this conversation is like further entrenched me into like yeah, people all kind of behave this way and this is something we can observe and like the way I was handling probably just isn't the best and I can't do that anymore."
"Men are being sedated out of their status-seeking and reproductive-seeking behavior through a combination of social media, video games, and porn."
"If you're making any of these mistakes, try doing it differently."
"I feel like people just don't do that anymore if a TV commercial comes on you [ __ ] change the channel"
"Become hypnotized to create a positive change in your life."
"If you want something to go on a long time just keep slapping somebody on the hand. If you want something to stop fast then you have to threaten something that they can't live without."
"Since the onset of the pandemic, we've been spending more time on social media than ever before."
"All the media has to do is start behaving honestly."
"What if a good person does decide to give up on society and become bad? What exactly would they do different?"
"Let's stay focused on the goal... ending predatory behavior and that usually starts with education."
"Instead of investing in a single diet, a portfolio of behaviors, small tweaks over big changes."
"The Internet will turn people into monsters, man."
"Reducing access is an example of being self-controlled."
"You can change your behavior... that's incredibly important for a child's development."
"She was so nice to me for the rest of the transaction that it was almost disturbing."
"If they could change one thing at all it would be attitude, it would be approach to how this virus is viewed by the public."
"People can actually, like I said, be okay and then just fall straight, you know, there's that old saying that, you know, 'the converts are the most devout.'"
"Part of the responsibility of being part of a morally conscious society is assessing and changing actions."
"It's going to take a traumatic event before people change their mind here."
"I pissed a lot of people off over a long period of time and they found a way to upset me, hoping that upset would bring a change in my behavior."
"We prefer to hear a message that encourages us to do more of something."
"It's as simple as addressing what you did, saying sorry, and never doing it again. But you [expletive] are gonna cry, make up excuses, not say sorry, and still do the [expletive] you say."
"The technique puts you on the playing field where you can begin to make changes."
"You have the power to alter your behavior, hidden feelings and resentments are likely to come out because they're meant to be healed."
"The resistance to following a simple set of rules melts away after 10 to 15 trades."
"People don't change until the pain of remaining the same exceeds the pain of change."
"He speaks differently... more neutral, slower, less aggressive."
"By the time we get to the mid part of March, you're gonna have a situation where if someone is gonna ask you something and without even realizing you're gonna kind of reply and respond in a different way."
"I used to tilt a lot and then I found like when I stopped tilting as much, I was like doing much better more consistently."
"Eventually that will become ingrained as a habit and you can move on to something else."
"Changing something about the hardware of a phone changes your behavior."
"The Senate doesn't need a change of rules; it needs a change of behavior."
"It takes 30 days to build a habit, anyone can change their life."
"Shame makes more people change than anything."
"When the pain of your sin becomes greater than the pleasure you get from it, you will stop."
"Learning is a long term change in behavior that is based on experience."
"Learning is the rate at which you change your behavior."
"When he goes out of his way to unlearn certain habits for you, to cater to you."
"White people don't know this. People of color do. Go to my website and download those printed materials and then do what the directions say. They can change their own behaviors. They can change their own willingness to believe the lie."
"A scare like this is likely to sober them up a bit, but the message behind the scare is more important than anything."
"It takes 66 days to form a habit to change your life for the better."
"It's important for us to recognize this detrimental behavior and to end it within ourselves."
"Old behavior is not gonna produce new mentality. You gotta change your way of thinking."
"The reason I'm making this video is to say that bad behavior can be changed into something positive."
"Start brushing your teeth with the other hand. They say that. I saw it on TikTok."
"Perhaps the start of what may be a slow change. Days person now I think becoming less aggressive maybe even working alongside or perhaps even caring father's a bit."
"What is the sign of repentance? That you hate sin."
"This has been successful in terms of the behavior changes and I want to thank everybody for the way in which everyone is adhering to the measures that have been put in place." - Government's chief scientific adviser
"He said, 'I was wrong and shouldn't have done it,' which he immediately responded."
"I definitely think Atlanta is going to be one of the stronger teams going into season 2."
"Fasting and prayer alone won't break generational curses; behavior change is essential."
"The problem isn't the reward itself... it's just the routine that you partake in..."
"Ramsay has proven that he can control his language when he is around the youngest generation."
"Every action you take is like a vote for the type of person that you wish to become."
"You make changes that are small and easy to do and you layer them together like units in a larger system you can end up with some really powerful results."
"The story isn't over. You're going to keep going around in circles unless you show up different."
"Atomic habits are tiny changes that can result in significant improvements over time."
"Intelligence is power, no literally, if you change the way someone thinks, you can change the way they act."
"She was a rescue. She was fostered in a home with a pretty experienced dog owner with four other dogs, a young infant, to go overnight, and that when they got her back she was totally different."
"True repentance is not just simply a change in your mind, it has to result in you doing something differently."
"It changed the culture in terms of how people treated each other."
"The only thing that changes behavior is either prosecution or civil judgment."
"Imagine the earliest stages of this disease before you even know that you have it—you just get this sudden urge to go out and make out with a ton of people."
"Start practicing a physical habit, an action that demonstrates to your brain that you respect yourself."
"You have to stop being a friend to her. You have to stop thinking, behaving, and acting like a friend to her. You really have to stop that."
"It's all about us coming together and changing the world."
"There's never any excuse to kill anybody ever, but the point is that we can always look at our behavior and try to modify it so that we don't carry on this consistent theme of patterns in our relationships that are destructive."
"You want to change the world? Learn how to change behavior. Learn how to do it the way Johnny Bora does."
"You acting funny when you get money, yeah. But he been had money, but he acted funny because he got power."
"Mercy that's true repentance. True repentance is a change of mind about your sin, your actions that results in a change of behavior, a change of direction."
"Apologizing and not changing your behavior for the future makes your previous apology bullcrap."
"This is what God has called us unto, if you understand this, you walk differently."
"You really gotta bring back shame culture. People should be ashamed of how they do things."
"It's so worthwhile...the power that these installations have to make people act differently think differently talk differently."
"Jesus always always always looks on the heart and it's always his kindness it's gonna lead us to change all the time."
"If anything, more people are gonna wash their hands reliably."
"She seemed so happy that I couldn't ask about how she completely switched her attitude."
"For years, you see, because I changed my behavior and I took accountability."
"Educating and supporting them to recognize their responsibilities and change their behavior is crucial."
"You are wrong in such a way that can only be rectified by acting differently."
"Even 30 days in jail could humble her and make her realize the consequences of her actions."
"It just seems that a brain is much healthier now, they're able to learn language, learn how to interact socially, if fewer behavior problems."
"He became a lot more apprehensive after experiencing that."
"Just knowing that somebody could be watching you or scrutinizing your actions will actually change your behavior."
"Gravitating towards self-centered people or over-giving? Change what you can most easily."
"We need to stop being nasty over non-essential issues."
"The moment the pandemic changed in my mind was the moment I stopped worrying about getting sick and I started worrying about testing positive."