
Fulfillment Quotes

There are 39517 quotes

"Meditation reverses the causality and lets you actually change state such that you can be fulfilled before anything happens."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you focus on a job you can make an income, and hopefully you enjoy your job or not hate it too much. A career represents a sort of, in kind of series of evolutions. But a calling has a whole other level of energetic pull to it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The most joy and meaning that I got out of working in medicine was when I had a medical student with me who I could teach."
"Success without recognizing the fact that the journey is ultimately what matters tends to be pretty hollow for most people."
"It's not about the reward, or even being celebrated as a master of your craft, but engaging in a natural human instinct to create, doing something that feels worthwhile for its own sake."
"If you love what you do, you never work a day in your life."
"Our first calling in life is to be happy, fulfilled, joyful human beings."
"The next 18 months...is really going to give you a lot of fulfillment in the unknown, taking risk, and having intense experiences."
"The feeling of gratitude consumes me because all of my requests have already been fulfilled."
"If I do nothing else on this planet but actually serve others and try to help people and free them in some way shape or form... I'll die fulfilled knowing that I did the right thing."
"Desire is a contract you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want."
"I wanted to feel alive. So I decide that I'm going to stop chasing money and I'm going to chase that feeling."
"Gratitude is the key to wealth and fulfillment. It connects us deeply with the source of all abundance, making every aspect of our lives richer and more rewarding."
"Imagine feeling so much wholeness that it's impossible to want."
"There's no meaning that's subscribed to it; it's meaning that you give it. But if you want to reach fulfillment, do the following: work your ass off to gain a set of skills that allow you to serve not only yourself but other people."
"Fulfillment can be felt even in the midst of grief."
"Life is so incredibly fabulous, life is sexy and fun and spontaneous and brilliant, and food is a poor proxy for connection, comfort, entertainment."
"Do you want to make it to the end of your life with all of the public accolades that anybody could want, feeling completely unfulfilled internally, let alone and alone lost, or do you want to dial back what you do in the real world so that it actually matches up with who you are and move both of those people forward?"
"The delight that they take in mentoring and opening doors to them and then watching them progress... there's something unbelievably pleasurable about that."
"The unfulfilled potential is the story of most people's lives."
"Money's not everything... when I'm truly happy, money doesn't matter because I'm having a sense of fulfillment and I'm helping people."
"It's possible to really make the most meaningful contribution that you can possibly make to the world."
"There's nothing better that you can do with your life. There's nothing that will bring you more joy or more satisfaction or more fulfillment."
"Everyone in the world should achieve everything they've ever wanted... just to realize that it's not the point."
"Passion often is linked with purpose... Once you find your passion, you find your purpose."
"Happiness is all we have. That's the only question we need to answer, and that's the only thing we really need to fulfill in our life."
"Maybe you don't get what it is that you wanted in life... but there's so much that can be garnered."
"We are fulfilled when our life has meaning, and our life has meaning when we are trying to do good for the world."
"Swap out some of your TV watching or social media scrolling time to something that actually fulfills you."
"Happiness is being sold so much as what we should strive for, but I think it's a lot of short-term highs. What you should be striving for is being fulfilled and being a leader amongst leaders."
"I'm trying to build a world in which 90% of people go home at the end of the day feeling fulfilled by the work that they do."
"What every human being really wants is happiness, fulfillment."
"If you are in a position where you can't fail, you are also in a position where you will never be fulfilled."
"The only way that they will be fulfilled is to push themselves outside of their comfort zone and do things that challenge them, to chase failure, to fail so that in failure they will actually grow."
"Becoming a powerful creative genius... not only can you handle your finances but you get the thrill and satisfaction of offering something valuable to the world."
"No amount of material possession, no amount of achievements, is going to make someone who is not happy happy."
"What I'm doing to help myself, I also help all of my surroundings too. So I help the natural environment, and it makes everything better, including myself. It's pretty fulfilling actually, doing it that way."
"Your success doesn't count for anything if you're not fulfilled."
"The most fulfilling aspect of life is who you're going to become by working your ass off to evolve and to grow yourself."
"Happiness is wonderful and it's great, but it doesn't last... Deep fulfillment is a much higher standard."
"You can absolutely be plus size and still experience fulfillment in your life!"
"Focus on fulfillment because it's really making sure that you are personally and professionally fulfilled in all aspects of your life."
"The highest level of fulfillment is not stuff; it's not even legacy; it's actually having children and seeing those children become great members of society."
"The glory of God is a human being fully alive."
"The greatest success is to endure hardship, struggle, and challenge while also allowing joy, fulfillment, and satisfaction."
"If you're lacking in the love department, I think that you are going to be very fulfilled in the love department five years from now."
"You are going to be so fulfilled with love to where other things don't really bother you that much anymore."
"You are 100% fulfillment, we just need to come back to that and realize that and be our own fulfillment."
"If you can get clear on your values and principles and the way you live is as aligned to your values and principles as possible, you will have the closest chance of living a fulfilled, peaceful life."
"What will make me love my life the most is to do the things that are fulfilling."
"Fulfillment has a very specific universal formula: work your ass off to get very good at something that you care deeply about, that allows you to serve not only yourself but other people."
"There's nothing the world can do that's going to impact this... when your family, when your home is in order, you have everything."
"Supporting yourself doing something you love, there's nothing better than that, man."
"The real completion comes through actually knowing oneself."
"Once you've had so much, you don't want it no more. It's not fulfilling. You're getting used. You're the one, see."
"God's greatest promises that He will fulfill in your life are not the ones you drive, not the ones you cash, not the ones you live in, but they are the ones that make you whole."
"There's another side to that, and that is a sense of fulfillment in our lives."
"There's a special feeling to turning the last page of a good book that is more fulfilling and rewarding than scrolling through the 4,000th funny Reddit or TikTok meme."
"There is no way of making money on this planet other than by fulfilling people's needs."
"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart."
"80,000 hours is a huge time resource that you can put towards making a difference in a career that is not only fulfilling to you but also does some good in this world as well."
"Optimizing around fulfillment and joy, that's the punch line. There isn't anything else."
"You're going to be fulfilled on many, many aspects of life."
"Is the end goal money or is the end goal happiness and fulfillment? Ideally, I'd have both, but if you're getting more money... than just getting a roof over your head, then pivoting seemed the right thing to do."
"Meaning and fulfillment come from the pursuit of goals that feel meaningful to us."
"Their biggest sense of fulfillment and happiness will be in seeing you happy, being a good provider."
"You're going to finally find something where you feel so good."
"I am going to be of service to this one thing today, and if I do that, it was a great day."
"The self is the source of all happiness, maximum happiness, and everlasting happiness."
"The reason I won't ever be happy is because of God's love. If God allowed you to be totally fulfilled by a finite achievement, that would actually make God evil because then you would always be stuck in that finite mode."
"Living your life to the fullest means giving it your all and sucking every last ounce of beauty and joy out of life that was there for you."
"It was really a wake-up call for me to learn that I don't need the validation of others to be happy and fulfilled."
"This is time to reflect in your mind and ask yourself the deeper questions of what do I want, what do I desire, who do I want to be, what do I want to do with my life, what do I enjoy, what makes me happy, what makes me fulfilled."
"Ambition is not just about earning money... I would define ambition as the ability and desire to do the things you want to have done."
"Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure."
"The deepest satisfaction is inseparable from going more deeply into the present moment and discovering the essence of who or what you are as Consciousness itself."
"Overcoming your fears is like returning to our childlike curiosity, making life so much more fulfilling and exciting."
"If you don't see value in this relationship and what it might offer you, then you can also let it go and honour your deeper values and live a life that is more fruitful and fulfilling."
"Getting more and more people to express themselves and express their unique point of view is something I wake up every day feeling really lucky to be a part of."
"Respect your parents, follow your dreams, and you'll get everything you pray for."
"A full life is not a boring life. A full life is not a depressed life. A full life is life in Christ and then life to others."
"The Ten of Pentacles is such deep success, feeling fulfilled. That's the energy of the Ten of Pentacles."
"The transformations that you're making are going to lead you to more fulfillment, which is also going to lead you to more success."
"We're not here for very long and it behooves us to behave and to understand the world in the most fruitful way for human fulfillment and happiness."
"By faith, I've kept my virginity to marriage because my dad said promiscuity would not lead me to fulfillment and connectivity with the person that I want to love for the rest of my life."
"We love what we do, and this is what we get to do and be of service to ourselves and the world with it."
"There's no greater feeling than doing something that people appreciate and adds value to someone else's life."
"The sole purpose of life is to be fulfilled, to work really hard to garner a set of skills that serve not only yourself but other people."
"The idea of finding and pursuing your passion is this work subject that gives you so much motivation that makes work feel like it isn't work."
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and everything else shall be added unto you."
"The silver lining is that it's so goddamn rewarding, it's so powerful to have actual real passion in your life."
"You could spend your entire life chasing others and still never feel fulfilled."
"If you're doing what you love, if you never earned a dime, you're spending your days doing what you love to do."
"Now that I'm making stuff I love and I'm being myself it feels so much better and I finally feel like I'm putting stuff out into the world that means something."
"It's a beautiful thing to spend your life doing things that you're passionate about."
"If you do not have self-worth, you will never be truly fulfilled, no matter how much you accomplish."
"I find more fulfillment in being able to speedrun easy content than hit a wall at infinitely scaling content."
"Project Mugan looks a lot more fulfilling and a lot more promising."
"As you release old anger or resentment, you will find that your wishes will come true."
"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life."
"The only manner in which life can be lived with true fulfillment is to look within."
"Over the next year, you are going to be making these huge realizations and massive changes, massive shifts that are going to bring you to your fulfillment."
"Literally all of your wildest dreams that you feel are impossible are about to come true for you."
"Your higher self is leading you to a timeline where you are getting all of that."
"Life has become more stressful and complex since finding our life purpose, but equally more fulfilling."
"Adversity into success is a huge component of fulfillment."
"A new emotional beginning is opening up for you, where your emotions are flowing and you feel fulfilled."
"Fulfillment is much more resilient; I can be fulfilled even when things are hard."
"Fulfillment and joy... that really is the key."
"You can't move towards the fulfillment you want until you become the person that's able to achieve those goals."
"Self-actualization, this feeling of fulfillment, it's right at the top; it's right at the end destination."
"This is wish fulfillment. This is one of the happier cards in the Tarot."
"Through the great law of attraction, everything in life that I need for my work and fulfillment will come to me. It is not necessary that I strain about this; only believe, for in the strength of my belief, my faith will make it so."
"You have so much abundance... you are doing your soul's journey's work, you are fulfilling it."
"Happiness is short-lived; fulfillment is long-lasting and enduring."
"I work hard, I do this, but there's so much more to life than that."
"They had it all. I mean, it was one happy family."
"Fulfillment is one of the most important things. The very thing that you were trying to optimize for is very simply fulfillment done in a joyful manner."
"Over this next year, you're going to be pursuing your emotional fulfillment."
"In times of struggle, finding your passion and working hard towards it can be incredibly rewarding and fulfilling."
"How does it feel to be able to do something you love, like dancing, and being able to travel and make money with this? It honestly feels so good."
"Remember, the quickest way to change something and get into fulfillment or happiness is being honest with yourself."
"I get to travel around the world. I get to truly create my ideal life and live my purpose."
"You're going to find people who align with that and I feel like it's going to fulfill you just so much."
"Focus on creating that full fulfillment on your own."
"Finding some sort of purpose for one's life can help give you meaning and fulfillment."
"Their effort was being rewarded in one of the most fulfilling ways possible."
"If you do what you love for a living, then you will never have to work a day in your life."
"Everything you always wanted is there, in this moment."
"Follow what brings you joy; that is the stepping stone to where your dream career could be."
"The crown, once again, whoever wears the crown will have their greatest wish fulfilled."
"We need to identify which conditions in our mind are leading to a sense of fulfillment, accomplishment, and genuine happiness."
"What brings little more fulfillment in life is often not just the outer conditions, but our state of mind."
"Now I live the American dream, as they call it. I'm happy because I have everything."
"Know your 'why' because reaching financial milestones without purpose can feel empty."
"Charitable giving and supporting others can bring profound fulfillment and is an essential aspect of abundance."
"By your 50s and 60s, you should focus on what you're retiring to, not just what you're retiring from, to ensure fulfillment and purpose in later life."
"Mentorship and passing on your wisdom can be just as fulfilling as financial success, contributing to a meaningful legacy."
"Believe what you want to believe; my takeaway is the general messages of positivity, love, live your life to the fullest."
"Anyone who discovers who God made them to be will never want to be anyone else."
"You abide in me and my words abide in you, you will ask whatever you desire, and it shall be done for you."
"You are contributing to society... It's very fulfilling when you're contributing."
"You will achieve your desirable companion, what you've been waiting for."
"True happiness is fulfillment, meaning that when you wake up in the morning, you know what you were put on this planet to do and you're doing it."
"The only things that really matter are fulfillment and joy. Fulfillment is working hard to gain a set of skills that matter to you, that allow you to serve not only yourself but other people."
"The key thing is to decide what you need, and until you decide what you need, you can't make sure you get it."
"If you reach success and you're not fulfilled, then you're a failure."
"The Bible is a book of prophecy. God says, 'I'm going to do this; it's going to be for this amount of time; it's going to take place for this long,' and then when it's done, it's done."
"If you do it for the money or the fame, but not for the love of the craft, it won't be as fulfilling."
"It's about finding the right work that opens you up, that demands the best of you, that speaks to the best of who you are now and the best of who you can be."
"I want to do things that when the last breath is approaching, I will still be able to smile and answer the question, 'What is one amazing thing you've done?' by simply saying the word 'lived.'"
"Something you've been looking for, you're going to find."
"Our intuition is a powerful ally in navigating the complexities of life, often leading us to paths of abundance and fulfillment."
"Love is fulfilling, it's edifying. There is joy in love. In fact, there isn't joy anywhere but in love."
"The greatest fulfillment you will find is when you remember who you are while you are in form, caught up in the demands and challenges of life on Earth."
"After years of build-up, the fans got what they wanted."
"It was a sense of accomplishment radiating from us."
"Success is always found in quality of life, which ultimately is happiness, fulfillment, self-belief, confidence."
"The sorrow of Samsara is transcended, and I attain fulfillment because I'm infinite. There's nothing beyond me; everything is included and is encompassed by my infinite being."
"Do not die full. You want to die empty, with everything that you could potentially have done on this earth accomplished."
"I think you should quit chasing the paycheck and start chasing the passion."
"Getting good at the skill of time management is a hugely important part of living a meaningful, happy, and fulfilling life."
"We find meaning in life by finding something that's bigger than ourselves and throwing ourselves into that."
"Fulfillment is often born out of really hard things; it's doing hard things right."
"Focus on the things that you truly enjoy, and when you're doing them, you're like, 'Yo, this feels good.'"
"Health, relationships, passions, growth, and contribution: these five values are the fundaments of living a meaningful life."
"The wait allows it to feel like an actual reward, making it stand out more and giving you a sense of fulfillment."
"Making money is not enough; you'll have to do something that has meaning."
"It's the most challenging experience but it's the most fulfilling and rewarding."
"Happiness should never be pursued but rather pursue a lifestyle where the byproduct of that lifestyle results in happiness."
"It's all about wish fulfillment and getting to where you want to be."
"Feeling fulfilled and like I said, creatively, emotionally, financially, October is a good month for you."
"This is the card of contentment, happiness, fulfillment—you have everything that you could ever need, that you could ever want."
"Having it all begins with acceptance, contentment, and faith."
"If you're right, can you really conceive a scene, a scene which if true would imply the fulfillment of your dream? Just imagine it."
"The most fulfilled people that I know are very aware of what their capacity and potential is."
"The great secret of success is a controlled inner conversation from premises of fulfilled desire."
"You're not going to let anything stop you from your wish fulfillment because this year is all about wish fulfillment, destiny, your dreams coming true."
"I have everything I've ever wanted. I don't need anything else. All that's left for me to do is have a positive impact on the world."
"You cannot fill an inside vacancy with outside stuff."
"When you're generous, when you give, feel what it's like. That feeling is vastly superior to the acquiring, acquisition mind."
"I feel as though there are so many out there looking for meaning, not in a deeper spiritual way, but instead that they are missing something, something fulfilling, something that sets their wires straight."
"Visualizing, or making a mental picture, you are not endeavoring to change the laws of Nature. You are fulfilling them."
"Achievement... has a lot to do with peace and fulfillment."
"I imagine a world where the vast majority of people wake up every morning inspired, feel safe at work, and return home fulfilled at the end of the day."
"As long as I'm in alignment doing what I was called to do, I will be fine, more than fine."
"When you're whole, there's no need, there's no lack, there's no separation."
"Human beings are meant to be embedded in bodies politics; they're meant to be embedded in families, in communities, in churches, in synagogues. We all get a feeling of fulfillment from that."
"We no longer seek limited things because we have attained something that is unlimited."
"I want to please Him more than ever in my life. To be honest with you, I want to end well. When I go to glory, I want Him to smile."
"Finding ways to find joy in what you do, that's all you can ask for."
"Life purpose is the most important personal development change that you can make, both for your fulfillment levels and also for your success in life."
"The reasons why I bring up that modern luxuries aren't necessarily going to make you happier is because that's not a source of fulfillment."
"Men, especially, they thrive and need that purpose, the feeling that they are contributing to something greater."
"The amount of deep emotion that's between lovers... is like the ten of cups talks about the feeling that you've accomplished every aspect of life."
"When you get what you want and you still feel the exact same, you feel the same as you always did, but now there's no hope."
"Meaningful work and meaningful relationships are fabulous for most people."
"Joy is not a choice; it's not a response to some result, it's a constant. Joy is the feeling that we have from doing what we are fashioned to do, no matter the outcome."
"Some people have incredibly enriching and fulfilling lives by pursuing careers."