
Nervous System Quotes

There are 377 quotes

"Our brain, and indeed much of our entire nervous system, is wired for social bonds."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Movement is one of the more fascinating and important aspects of our nervous system."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Just because they're simple does not mean that they are not powerful; in fact, they are very powerful because they leverage the most powerful technology that exists, which is your nervous system."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"His laboratory is famous for having discovered some of the key components allowing neuroplasticity, that is, the nervous system's ability to change in response to experience."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Music is able to route into our nervous system at levels below our conscious awareness."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Delight changes our nervous system in a way that gives us access to new abilities."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The Power of Play resides in play's ability to change our nervous system for the better, so that we can perform many activities, not just play activities, better."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Our nervous system, which governs everything about who we are, how we feel and what we do, does have the capability to change itself in response to experience, and even in ways that we consciously and deliberately decide to change it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"In closing, I hope you'll leave today's episode with a much richer understanding of the mechanisms that control the endocrine and nervous system in the context of estrogen and testosterone."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's heightened states of focus followed by states of relaxation that are going to prime your nervous system for learning and plasticity."
"Ever wondered about the astonishing world inside our bodies? A vast network of nerves communicating messages from our brain to every single cell, tissue, and organ."
"Neuroplasticity is the nervous system's ability to change in response to experience."
"We're talking about leveraging the incredible capacity of the nervous system to change."
"Soursop is very good for the nervous system. Awesome, that's what soursop is."
"If we can train our nervous system to then re-energize, to restore, to recover, then we can also do some of the body-based work that's going to be really essential."
"We just can't reduce inflammation with a drug, we can't reduce stress with a drug, we desperately need to learn how to use the whole range of the nervous system from the acute stress to the deep relaxation to heal and to promote these healthy resilient states."
"Just as with the nervous system won't change unless you give it a reason to, this is the reason why if you can perform something perfectly or speak a language perfectly, there's no rewiring of the nervous system."
"When the nervous system relaxes, and you're with somebody who's solid and deep, the level of depth and intimacy that can be tapped into is a totally different order of magnitude."
"This is how your body's designed to get you out of emergencies. The problem with somebody who gets a dysregulated nervous system is you feel like a truck's about to pull in your lane all the time."
"A lot of people think that the brain is controlling all of the body, but most of those messages, especially along the phrenic nerve which controls the diaphragm which controls our breathing, eighty percent of those messages are from the body to the brain."
"You have to master sleep because this is when your body, the parasympathetic nervous system, kicks in."
"The human nervous system relies on electricity to function."
"Autophagy is one of the few things that can clean up inside the nervous system."
"Those foundational tools map directly onto our nervous systems."
"People don't realize, it's all governed by the nervous system."
"Your nervous system has an inherent ability to heal."
"Neuroplasticity is our nervous system which of course includes the brain the spinal cord and all the connections between the brain and spinal cord and the organs and tissues of the body."
"Our nervous system is there essentially to educate itself so that it can operate better in a given environment."
"We are all innate learners by virtue of the fact that this thing, this nervous system as it's called, is really a map of our experience and it's there to form itself. It's unusual among the organs in that it shapes itself."
"To be healthy you need to get the nervous system checked."
"Sometimes we have to be super aroused, and sometimes that primitive nervous system actually works in our favor. But if you're living in emergency mode for an extended period of time, there's no energy for growth and repair."
"Trauma is an experience that disrupts the nervous system, whether it was a good thing or a bad thing."
"The branch that actually helps us to feel relaxed and calm is the ventral vagal nerve."
"The ventral root and the dorsal root come together and fuse."
"Securely attached people make your nervous system feel calmer."
"Changing the way you breathe could influence your body weight and allow you to hack into your nervous system."
"Alcohol can mess up with your nervous system and interfere with sleep."
"The beauty of the human nervous system, not just the brain, but the entire nervous system, is that it can rewire itself, so-called neuroplasticity."
"Trillions of nerve connections are powering your memory non-stop."
"The healing of trauma depends on a lot of these different factors, but all of us can have much more of a being in the driver's seat when it comes to regulating our nervous system to a pretty high degree."
"At its most basic level, it's almost like an owner's manual for your nervous system that we were never given."
"Our nervous system craves the uncertainty only if there is safety in the background."
"Learning to regulate your nervous system can be really helpful."
"What truly relaxes the muscle is the calming of the nervous system."
"This belongs, there's intelligence to the nervous system feeling alarmed."
"Many of the most transformative drugs in the nervous system perturb the uptake, degradation, or production of endogenous transmitters."
"You live your life through the nervous system."
"In this calm cycle, we awaken our parasympathetic nervous system."
"I believe Devin's nerves run throughout his body differently."
"The nervous system serves to be the master control center of our body."
"The nervous system has three overlapping functions: sensory input, integration, and motor output."
"Our thoughts, actions, and emotions are all influenced by our nervous system."
"The parasympathetic division is known as rest and digest, responsible for calming the body down."
"Despite its complexity, we only understand a fraction of how the nervous system works."
"It changes the balance of tone in the involuntary nervous system, increases parasympathetic tone, decreases sympathetic tone, and that has far-reaching effects on all functions of the body."
"The involuntary nervous system has two divisions: one that speeds things up and one that slows things down."
"Our nervous system... basically operates all parts of our body."
"We have less choice over the conclusions our nervous systems make, but we can structure our lives to protect ourselves from dangerous people."
"This subtle shift is actually a big shift to the body in the nervous system."
"When you're uncomfortable having an uncomfortable conversation or getting on stage, you kind of train your nervous system to find calm or peace."
"Crying for me is really good way to regulate my nervous system. It's a very easy access to crying."
"It's kind of like a wearable hug for your nervous system."
"It's in regulating the nervous system that we come to feel connected, safe, regulated, able to meet the moment."
"The nervous system is at the heart of our lived experience."
"Your nervous system is brilliantly able to do this beautiful both and to hold all of the unresolved trauma."
"Notice what's happening in your nervous system and name the state you're in."
"The need for social nourishment is the same thing as saying I need Vagal nerve stimulation."
"Understanding that trauma in the past may have caused nervous system changes that make you vulnerable and prone to go into what's called Freeze mode might just be what sets you free."
"Our bodies listen to those messages and our nervous system really wants us to stay alive."
"Your nervous system adapted in the way that it had to to help you survive."
"It's a wearable hug for your nervous system using touch therapy to help you feel safe and in control."
"Your parasympathetic nervous system and your sympathetic nervous system coordinate with your brain, coordinate with your thoughts, and coordinate it with your behaviors. We are all connected."
"It actually trains the nervous system to cope with stress better over time."
"When you jump the tracks into your entire nervous system, which is all part of — it's not disconnected from the brain. Then you're in the territory where you can actually experience joy."
"What we're trying to do here, what we're focusing on, is stimulating your vagus nerve to stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system response to help you to manage and mitigate the stresses of your life in a more adaptive and a less reactive way."
"If I choose to breathe slowly, what I'm doing is I'm sending a signal to the rest of my nervous system, to my entire body that I'm not actually in danger."
"People will begin to befriend their nervous system, get to know what happens inside our own system so that I can find my way to ventral."
"Success is a calm nervous system."
"Neurology is the study of the nervous system, so that includes the brain, the spinal cord, the nerves which connect the central nervous system to the muscles."
"Neuroception: the way the nervous system takes in information, listens, and then brings a response."
"Your nervous system is a key component of you being able to interpret and understand the quantum world."
"Control your nervous system will change everything."
"...when we feel that way it means that our nervous systems are dysregulated and physical contact with another human being really helps to regulate the nervous system."
"Just by contracting a muscle, even if it's not hard enough to make it grow, it's enough to make that muscle more sensitive to the drive of the nervous system."
"Polyvagal theory is really about human-to-human contact. The nervous system is the common denominator in our human experience."
"At the end of all this, your nervous system is going to have been shaped in a new way."
"Our nervous system is not just an individual nervous system. It's individual, ancestral, collective. It's all of it."
"Unfortunately, many of us live with the sympathetic nervous system engaged far too often."
"The sympathetic nervous system needs to be engaged for us to heal."
"I found this video and I said, okay, to me this makes sense, this polyvagal theory of the nervous system."
"It's a wearable virtual hug that helps calm and regulate your nervous system."
"the vagus nerve is part of what they call the parasympathetic nervous system."
"Regulating your nervous system first is the start."
"In order to relax that nervous system, we have to put ourselves in better conditions, yeah, absolutely right."
"So in conclusion I think we've hopefully had a good overview of the structure and function of the gut particularly in regard to the nervous system."
"The nervous system will start to kick into higher gear and in some ways it's a threat detection system."
"My level of success is how regulated was my nervous system today and how much did I laugh today. That is actually my definition of success."
"Our nervous system works like the akashic records."
"When you're activating the nervous system in a way that's causing anxiety, fear, shame, trauma, you're not going to get better behavior."
"We are making progress and moving forward. The whole goal of this is to not overwhelm our nervous system because that is the one thing that will kind of put an alert in your mind and you'll start freaking out and getting uncomfortable."
"The reproductive act has an effect on the highest regions of the nervous systems which is of the nature of a stress and tends to produce disorder."
"You should lay down for a few minutes afterward and let your nervous system recalibrate."
"Our nervous system is designed to react, and of course, we're going to be talking about aversive emotions. They arise in all sorts of situations, not just childcare. It's whenever life doesn't cooperate, and children don't cooperate. Our nervous system is designed to react."
"Dunking your face in cold water is activating to our nervous system."
"Polyvagal Theory basically says the body in a state of threat gets manifested on all levels and so it's your mental you're physiological behavioral you know everything gets messed up now the question is uh is this a state or is it locked into the nervous system."
"Pacing is one of the few things that helps our body drop out of that sympathetic response and engage our parasympathetic nervous system."
"The nervous system serves as a command center for our body, governing everything from thoughts to movements."
"Traumatized individuals have over-reactive nervous systems."
"The reason why Mr. Gage is such a good illustration... in fact different parts of the nervous system perform very distinct and discrete functions."
"All addiction is the interaction between supernormal stimuli and a normal nervous system."
"The next step is to start working with the nervous system to heal."
"Having a healed nervous system is the key to everything."
"You want to be able to train yourself to regulate your own nervous system."
"Medication has allowed me to re-regulate my nervous system."
"The game of football works on one's nervous system, on their emotions."
"When we have PTSD, whether it's under surgery, under anesthesia, in young adulthood, adolescence, childhood, these tighten up, they wind up our central nervous system, quite literally."
"Your nervous system is constantly watching what you're doing, it's constantly looking for real or even imagined danger, and it makes associations with things."
"There are cells in the human body that are never replaced, not replenished, and these are the neurons that sit in your central nervous system and your peripheral nervous system."
"The nervous system activation and tonus is directly correlated to the breathing patterns."
"You've gotta get the nervous system out of fight or flight before you even want to test what you can bring back into your environment."
"It felt like orgasm therapy, getting my nervous system to calm down."
"It's all about nervous system stability and nervous system resolution."
"The real role of your nervous system is to allow you to sense things, perceive things, think, remember, plan, and generate action."
"How can you keep this incredible thing that we call the nervous system healthy and functioning at any age? Turns out there's some basic approaches to that."
"Our nervous system is on a quest for pockets of safety."
"Trust me, your nervous system will thank you for it."
"Humming is the quickest way of down-regulating your nervous system and calming yourself down."
"The nervous system begins to relax as we love ourselves."
"Our nervous system knows how to return to ventral. We just have to partner with our nervous system to say, 'What are some easy ways to begin to come home?'"
"Our breath is so intimately linked to our nervous system."
"There's so many things that we can do to regulate our nervous system and I really appreciated that the Gupta program incorporates things like connecting with nature and getting out to have morning sunlight and going on walks and meditation."
"When your nervous system isn't functioning properly, every system of your body is impaired."
"...and then there's two branches coming off the ventral ramus called the rami communicantes."
"We're going to look at the entirety of the body and the nervous system that helps regulate it, and then we'll talk about mind and what that is. - Mind is the ability literally of the mind to see itself."
"The nervous system is the big discovery of nature because with the nervous system, with neurons, you can make networks, and those networks can represent images or construct images."
"When you control your nervous system function, you can take control of your immune system functions as well."
"Nervous system regulation is so important."
"The root cause of chronic dizziness symptoms is an overactive danger mode response in your nervous system."
"Sympathetic nervous system: vasoconstriction to slow down GFR."
"The breath is immediately linked to the state of your nervous system."
"When we allow ourselves to rest and relax, we can reset our nervous system."
"The nervous system controls and coordinates every single function in the body."
"There's a problem with energy if you have experienced trauma and stress in your sympathetic nervous system will be highly attuned and overreactive."
"Ascending tracks take the information from the lower part of the central nervous system and take it upward, and descending tracks take the information from the upper part of the central nervous system and bring it to the lower level."
"Breath is a reflection of the state of our nervous system."
"Our hair is not just hair, it is actually an extension of our nervous system."
"Combined static stretching is gonna give us that nervous system because of autogenic and reciprocal inhibition and it's going to give us allow us to see imprint improvements and changes in the connective tissue itself which will actually lead to change in the position."
"Turn the nervous system up, crank the volume on it, and then produce some power with it."
"This autonomia is basically disorders of the autonomic nervous system, which is the top of your nervous system that is responsible for involuntary functions."
"Cerebrospinal fluid supports nervous tissue by reducing shock impact in the brain and spinal cord."
"It's an issue of fighting what we're gonna look at as competing demands and nervous system."
"Gluten can cause both direct and indirect damage to your peripheral nervous system and your central nervous system."
"The nervous system, the most complex of all, but we'll keep it simple."
"The nervous system is the main system because it's your brain, your spinal cord, and all of the nerves that serve the rest of your body."
"The nervous system is the foundation of your existence as a human."
"The nervous system's main role is to establish an internal state of alertness, immunity, digestion, and match that to what's happening in the outside world."
"Voluntary muscles are controlled consciously, while involuntary muscles are controlled automatically by the nervous system."
"Trauma is not the thing that happened, it's encoded in your nervous system."
"Our gut feeling is connected to our nervous system, and our nervous system alerts us to when there is threat in your environment."
"The Polyvagal Theory is one of the key ones that we need to understand fully in order to heal trauma and restore health back to our nervous system."
"Learning to regulate your own nervous system is very valuable for self-soothing."
"What trauma nightmares usually do is they elicit some type of similar nervous system response."
"Our nervous systems are one of the most important things for us to regulate."
"The nervous system is a common denominator in all human beings; we all have one."
"Befriending the nervous system and beginning to speak the language of the nervous system is that you really don't see the world in the way you did before."
"The nervous system is what I think of as a foundation for all of your lived experience."
"When we befriend our nervous system, we are also creating this pathway to listening to this 80% of information."
"Practicing parasympathetic... you've got to search for ways to strengthen your parasympathetic nervous system."
"The clean pull with the pause potentiates that nervous system, the slow eccentric educates their body on the proper movement."
"It started to release the vibration in my nervous system."
"A collection of somas in the central nervous system is a nucleus; a collection of somas in the peripheral nervous system is a ganglion."
"Lemon balm for the nervous system is a fantastic agent for a very nice wide variety of nervous system issues."
"The sympathetic nervous system is fight or flight, and parasympathetic nervous system is rest and digest."
"Electrical signals are really the vocabulary of the entire nervous system."
"Nerves can heal. We've seen nervous system issues get better."
"The environment is essentially all inputs into your nervous system."
"Nerve growth factor... is needed for the proper functioning of our nervous system."
"Nervous tissue is responsible for conducting electrochemical signals between the organs of the body and the brain."
"Trauma needs another treatment, another holding, in order to restore the natural openness and flow in the nervous system."
"Trauma is something that the nervous system developed over most probably hundreds of thousands of years as a protection mechanism."
"Take a deep breath and turn on your parasympathetic nervous system, that's the rest."
"When the human nervous system is certain about something, it achieves it."
"It's learning that all the symptoms are a side effect of the problem and the problem here is that your nervous system is sensitized."
"The nervous system has two important functions: to respond to stimuli and to coordinate our responses."
"Desensitizing your nervous system doesn't happen overnight; it requires you to have patience because your nervous system is very stubborn."
"The nervous system is the most important organ; it controls and coordinates the function of every other system in the body from birth to death."
"When you use active verbs to describe a movement, a transition, what you want the student to do, you're speaking directly to their nervous system."
"Your nervous system signals an alarm because you're not supposed to be separate or feel unsafe."
"Your nervous system is this continuous loop of communication between the brain, spinal cord, and body and body, spinal cord, and brain."
"Our brain can change itself and our nervous system can change itself."
"It's like the weight of the skull be supported, that always helps us to really trigger that parasympathetic nervous system and the relaxation response."
"The more I dive into the work of understanding relationships, communication, how do we get better, how do we change our lives, how do we change how we show up, how do we heal... the more I really continue to believe that so much of it is about the nervous system."
"Figure out what you can do to try to calm that feeling to regulate your nervous system."
"Your breath is your easiest way to connect with your nervous system."
"It's a good mixture of magnesium and vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, which is really good for your nervous system."
"The central nervous system is the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system connects the central nervous system to the rest of the body."
"Adding dates to your diet not only nourishes your body but also fortifies your nervous system."
"Imagination practice is equivalent to an actual experience insofar as your nervous system is concerned."
"Dates nourish the nervous system."
"Just breathe as you do that as well, because breathing is just having to calm the central nervous system."