
Shared Experiences Quotes

There are 1385 quotes

"But in many types of social interactions, it's not the direct interaction with that person that makes us feel close to them, but rather it's shared experience."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"This is what I'm hoping to innovate on as I think it's a very, very important component of what it means to create a deeper relationship, that sharing of moments together."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"But I think that time element, forget everything else, just sharing moments together, that changes everything."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Pain is an adhesive, bro. If you've been through it, you can connect to people."
"I love the fact that all of the women come together and they share their experiences and all of them are changed forever, having created this sisterhood."
"Sometimes, life's about the hot dogs you share, not the ones you eat alone."
"There are so many of us who have shared similar journeys, similar paths, but also similar hopes and similar futures for restoration and for renewal."
"How sick would it be if you and the person next to you on a plane could sync up your experiences and both watch the same movie in a virtual theater at the same time?"
"We would watch Dawson's Creek together... We would literally sit there in silence until the commercial break and then we would talk during the commercials."
"When you get together with other YouTubers, it's like you instantly bond because you can instantly relate to all this nerdy YouTube stuff... it's definitely awesome doing stuff like that."
"Common humanity recognizes that there are shared human experiences that we all go through. Anything that we go through, all the feelings that we have, no matter what contributes to it, no matter what triggers it, no matter where it comes from, the feelings that we feel are all universal."
"It was a great experience that I got to share with him, and it truly made my day."
"There's something particularly transporting about sharing encounters of transcendence."
"Maybe if there aren't so many just absolutely amazing shows, more of us will be watching the same thing at roughly the same time."
"The things that feel most isolating are the things that tend to connect us."
"We gotta vote for people who've been in the cotton fields like ourselves, and they're the ones who are gonna bring us out of the cotton fields."
"No matter your differences, we're all underneath the same sky and we get to experience this together."
"Human beings share conversation, they share connection, they share emotions, they share experiences."
"It's okay to talk about it because we're all probably going through a lot of similar feelings from it."
"We're all going through something; we've all gone through something."
"That's what I'm talking about, that's how friendships are made."
"We're all in this together and the feeling that I share both my anxieties and my hopes and dreams with the rest of the world is a sensation that I think only anime has ever really given me."
"Think about the potential of...being able to share experiences with other folks...it's almost like we're together in person."
"I love William to bits. He's my brother. We've been through hell together and we have a shared experience, but we are on different paths."
"Everything should be open and transparent; we should share joy together and face difficulties together."
"A testament to the power of relatability and shared experiences."
"Every caregiver has a story that we're going through, and when we share our story with the community, they can see parts of themselves within it."
"Schedule time with each other not to have sex, but to be together... Try new things in that window of time."
"The significance this book holds for me has not changed whatsoever, but I do have to view it differently after hearing the experiences of other people."
"Well, boys, it would be hard to call what we've been through fun, but I'm sure glad we went through it together."
"The night that I said I love you because we literally just got really drunk and we listened to music for probably like four hours and we just talked."
"Really glad you enjoyed the Kimberley adventure, I had a blast. It was an absolute pleasure to be out there with all the guys."
"Creating moments of joy and focusing on what can still be shared and experienced together is crucial."
"It's incredibly beneficial for those who have been through similar circumstances to feel seen and have someone to relate to."
"You both are going to be drawn to each other like magnets because you're going to be able to feel in one another that you both have gone through some really heavy stuff."
"It's wise to learn from experience, but it's wiser to learn from the experiences of others."
"As strange as it sounds, we're all in this together."
"The greatest great time is when you're learning and growing together."
"We need to remember that if it means that we drive to places fly to places ride our bikes to places whatever it is keep getting together because that's where the magic happens."
"We are all in the same boat, navigating the world in frail mortal bodies."
"I just hope to walk that path, and you know, whoever is walking along that path, you know, I hope to meet you, and we could join hands and take this trip together."
"I always have so much fun thrifting, so I'm glad that you guys got to come around with me. I hope you enjoyed it."
"Both lead us to similar thoughts, feelings, and opinions."
"New players can now experience the memories of the old players for themselves."
"Thousands of people from all around the world that did not know each other... were saying something very, very similar."
"Community and not being alone is what helps us with all our experiences."
"It's such a blessing to be able to share this adventure with you."
"This shared experience transcends borders, cultures, and generations, reminding us of the unity and awe that the natural world can inspire."
"If what she was saying was true... I just found thousands and thousands of stories all saying the same thing."
"Other people have been through these things too and have survived them."
"There's a kind of thrill in deciphering foreign languages and finding mutuality."
"We're never alone in our struggles and although we are all different people experiencing different challenges in our daily lives, we are all unified through our experiences."
"We're all humans, no matter our occupations or titles, and if we can connect through our pain and uplift one another, that's what it's all about."
"You will find it through them, through the connections that you share with other people and the moments and memories you make with them."
"True support groups and communities where people can find each other."
"I strongly recommend finding other women or people who have been through the same thing and listening to them talk about it. It just made me feel so much less alone and made me feel so much better."
"We've been wrecking some catfish, just look at the one Miles caught just a second ago!"
"I think shared experiences coming out of voluntary behavior are much better."
"You are never alone. There is always someone going through something similar."
"Being able to share all this with you, exploring it together, it's all been so much fun."
"Clear skin is going to be different for every person but there are a lot of other people who have had similar results"
"It's about building machines that create memories together."
"Being there with that group of people who are willing to pray together...that was golden."
"The entire community conquering challenges together feels like you're part of something."
"Shared suffering binds good friendships together."
"You can be that support for other people who are going through similar situations."
"It's been a long, long crazy ride. We've been on lots of trips together. Tons of memories together."
"Life's a whole lot more groovy if you share it with some friends."
"I'm very excited to partake in this meal with you today."
"Gaming offers unique friendships and experiences."
"Something like this connects us to one another."
"It's fun to experience a piece of media as a group. It brings people together."
"I really like it... when the families are side by side with us throughout the day."
"Sympathy refers to seeing feelings in another person, recognizing those feelings because you have also experienced them."
"It's not just about the game, it's about spending time with family."
"We're supposed to walk through these things together."
"Community means a lot. Having people there with you when it's time to grieve or celebrate is really important."
"There's nothing wrong with people sharing their stories... Everybody loves to share their story."
"When you and I talk about the things that we're doing to overcome our past, that becomes the survival guide for someone else's future."
"What in the end when it all comes down to it it's mostly the blokes you with your mates them the men who you went through training with who face death with you that that's what helps you to get through it."
"We have nothing more to say other than it happened, but I'm glad I got to share that one with you." - Host
"Everyone has a story about playing Minecraft with friends or a loved one."
"The reality of it is they've all been through it already, they're done all that."
"I need to come back and experience this with people that I love and I care about."
"It's been so much fun taking this trip down memory lane, and I'm glad that you guys were able to join us."
"The human experience is based on our connection with each other through our shared experiences."
"This is what happens every day, look at that and look at everyone's like wow awesome."
"There's genuinely something added to the experience when you're not only enjoying an event but watching other people enjoy it too."
"Thank you guys for making this all happen because of you all right everybody Hood's on for that because of you we are allowed we are able to uh have these experiences and also share them with you."
"We're still in it, aren't we? It hadn't just affected you and me, it's affected other people too."
"A great way to start a conversation about past travel experiences is by asking 'Have you ever been to...?'"
"Having shared experiences is a lot of what life is about."
"It's been comforting to them in some way to know that they weren't alone in their final moments."
"Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and experiences; it's been a wonderful conversation."
"It's great to be married for 20 years and to have such meaningful experiences."
"The idea for the series actually stemmed from a shared near-death experience..."
"Nothing is more nostalgia-inducing than showing someone you love a ten-year-old game."
"We all did have a communal experience that we're still talking about."
"You go to the movie first, you watch the movie together, you laugh together, you have some jump scares together."
"Loss is actually what binds them together as found family."
"You just want to be heard. And you both got a little pain, like we all do."
"Day 99, I went to gather all of my good friends. I placed them in a boat, and we were all laughing about the good times we've had together."
"I really needed that... we all felt a lot better afterwards."
"It's one more person to share the world with, another little voice in the back seat of the car."
"I really hope that you enjoyed watching this movie with me."
"It's been an amazing experience in that way that we've all been just here."
"Two very different people had the same reaction to it."
"I know what you did, and it is a big deal. And when it happened to me, they acted like it happens all the time. It doesn’t."
"It was more than the miles; we all came together and crossed the finish line together."
"We do this together with you as fellow veterans who wore the uniform."
"I wanted to create a body of former and current sub-postmasters which could provide a community for all those going through the same experience."
"Someone else will pick this up in those little libraries and they'll find a new favorite book."
"Real joy tends to be a shared experience, it's something that people have together."
"There is a humanity that occurs at an event like this that you just can't get by yourself."
"Their means to bring people together, they're a way to have a shared experience that humans are meant to have, that seems so rare these days."
"Our houses, our lives, we're right in there with them."
"I think there's always somebody out there who went through similar things and when they hear somebody out there has done the same thing and they still did something that was successful that they can do it."
"Guys, lots of the women out tonight were moms, and we were just sitting there talking about our kids, bedtime, nannies, breastfeeding, and all that stuff. And I'm like, I'm with my people, I'm with my mommy friends."
"I'm going to have empathy for everybody because at one point I've been them and at one point I'll be them again."
"One of the best I've ever made, excited that we shared this experience together."
"We're all going through this weird period of life together."
"Bad luck and suffering are parts of the experience, they're often a bonding feature amongst friend groups."
"Thank you all for coming along with us on this little adventure."
"These Adventures they're much nicer shared with people happiness is nothing unless you can share it with people."
"So many people listening realize okay so this is not just me that's going through this and then when you hear how they overcame, then you actually have hope to realize hey there's a light at the end of this tunnel."
"This is not something we're going through alone; this is a collective dynamic."
"Things like that, the worst times can be the best bonding experiences."
"It was magical, the people are all the same, it's the same people you did theater with when you're a kid."
"Everyone wins when we're all hanging out and playing together."
"The political homeless is probably people like me, there's more of us than you realize."
"Going through these experiences together can really build a bond that can last a lifetime."
"Seeing smiles on everyone's faces after my performances was so much fun. Don't you feel the same way, Himiko?"
"The best part about gambling is when you lose a lot of money with your friend by your side, it's just you share something."
"Sport and music give you moments where you feel less alone."
"We are the culture, me and you. Where we came from, what we've been through."
"Players can meet one another whether that be online or at a game shop or a convention or wherever despite years of difference between their age they can laugh and swap tales about how they shared memories overcoming this little adventure."
"What a beautiful night we share together, you and me."
"As a poet once said, 'In the sweetness of friendship, let there be laughter and sharing of pleasures...'"
"We find a lot of comfort knowing that there are other people out there in the world like us."
"Everyone experiences things slightly differently, but it's about sharing those stories in an open forum."
"I appreciate you guys so much for sharing your stories with us."
"This is one of my favorite days because I feel like the chat and us, all of us, we're on the same wavelength right now."
"Shared suffering is definitely better than solo suffering when someone is really griefing your game. You can share that experience."
"Finally, a rich white guy who married a rich white lady can be President. Slow clap, America. Well done."
"I just knew it would be a better experience if she could go with another kid the first time at Disneyland."
"I want to make this for anybody that has lost a loved one... I hope hearing my story... you feel like you have a friend."
"We share it together and we've always been like that."
"Thank you so much for coming along for my first day of senior year. I hope you enjoyed it and had a lot of fun."
"Experienced cannot be my imagination because other people seem to have experienced and encountered the same sort of thing."
"I hope you continue to talk and share because I might not need it again but somebody else will."
"It allowed me to find a way to do all these really cool experiences with my best friends."
"Nice to see another person, they know what you're going through."
"It's certain that you will be together, that you will share experiences with one another."
"It's been a lot of fun to see where he's come from and to see where he's gone."
"Kind of to echo what Bri said, we've had a great time this whole time being together."
"Whatever the future may bring, we'll always hike together."
"Remember guys if everyone has a bad game week then nobody has a bad game week."
"There's nothing greater than experiencing something that we have held dear and sharing it with someone for the first time."
"It was such a sense of community created in that moment with complete strangers."
"Interact with like-minded people who have had similar challenges."
"It's a great feeling to be in a house with everybody laughing at the same time."
"You know, life is never 100% and we never thought we'd be going to something like this."
"Every footballer that's played for England or played I've played with in the Premier League um they've all got a story all of them I've got every single one will tell you a story about the player that was better than them that no one knows."
"When you suffer together, you'll enjoy winning together."
"Dealing with depression got so much easier because people were sharing their stories with me."
"Train to Busan: This is a movie I have recommended for years and I have watched it over the years with friends and family yet to come across anyone that not only didn't like this movie that didn't love it."
"Thanks again to the brave members that shared their stories with us."
"If you have a big community and you want that community to be able to like share the love for the game create great memories you know Good Vibes all that kind of stuff well then they have to be able to get together."
"These are joint presents, guys. Turn around this way. Turn around, face this way. You're gonna open it up, let's see what y'all got together, man."
"We all went through stuff as kids, but this seems to be something that happened to a lot of people who either actually got sent to these places or got threatened to be sent to these places."
"You have to be there. It's one of those 'you had to be there' moments."
"Bringing it out and then for them to have a special relationship and a thing that they share, yeah that's like the best."
"Again, I love hearing who you guys watch with because I see father daughter, I see husband wife..."
"Lots of memorable moments, we've had lots of funny, funny moments."
"Even though our lives look different, we're still making a point to get together and do these trips."
"I love shared experiences, I could go on a trip by myself, but it wouldn't be fun."
"Shared experience they were going through this together."
"It's comforting to read that week by week and know what you're going through, what other women went through."
"We're not alone, we're all in this together."
"That could be like watching with my wife Iron Man."
"It's a commitment to time, to be shared and enjoyed with other people."
"The stories seem to recognize that shared suffering and ultimately shared mortality are necessary for society to function."
"When I hear you, and I've heard your story before, I have an affinity for what you went through."
"Hopefully you guys get to feel the happiness that I'm feeling... you know hopefully you guys get to feel what I'm feeling."
"Depression, really dark. We both laughed at that because we're in pain. It's just darkness on the inside."
"We're all on this roller coaster ride together, all the way to the top, all the way to the bottom, all the way around the middle bits also and back again."
"Experience life together; it's going to be amazing and fulfilling."
"There is strength in numbers, connecting with more souls on the same path and understanding what you're going through."
"Good Vibes only now we're going through this thing called life together people let's get it."
"That's good vibes together, you know what I mean?"
"I remember that exact day because we got to the last coaster and I was like Charlie come on, we can go on."
"Everything that you're going through right now, someone else, another one of us, is going through it or has gone through it."
"Let's leave here together, breathe the fresh air. I want to do so many things with you."
"This amazing example allowed others to share their own experiences too."
"Thank you so much for joining me on this journey, allowing me to share my thoughts and experiences with you and thank you to all of the people who submitted clips for this video and shared your experiences with us too, so, so, so appreciated."
"Harmonious characters will work well together, celebrate victories together, and be saddened by failure together."
"I've had an absolute blast doing this with you and I hope you've had a good time too."
"Shared experiences, that's one of the biggest things that we had as humans."