
Evolutionary Psychology Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Protecting our young is after all one of the primary adaptive drives of our species, and thank goodness it is."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We're a hunter-gatherer brain living in a modern world."
"Anxiety, evolutionarily speaking, is there to protect us."
"A crucial kind of emotional insight from an evolutionary perspective is just to accept men and women and their natures as they are."
"I actually still like the red pill metaphor... evolutionary psychology was the biggest red pill for me."
"Understanding evolutionary psychology offers comfort and a better understanding of human behavior."
"Modern evolutionary psychologists believe that our skulls host a Stone Age mind."
"If you're a brain evolved by unintelligent, unguided processes and all your thoughts are completely dictated by the laws of physics, then why should we trust any of your thoughts?"
"You've got an integrative long-term measure of well-being instantiated in an evolutionary belief system."
"Sexual infidelity is a profoundly important evolutionary problem for men because we're by parental species where males invest a lot in their children."
"We are particularly good at recognizing the pattern of human faces. Faces are incredibly important patterns to us and obviously important to the survival of the species."
"Almost all of us find infidelity reprehensible... although each and every one of us have evolutionary, personal, logical, and environmental reasons and proclivities which make any of us more or less prone to be unfaithful."
"A male who can promise resources and future parental investment is likely to be more appealing to a woman than a male who is unwilling to commit to her."
"Women want to get the best genetic material that they can get from a guy."
"Anxiety is deep-rooted in our lizard brain and it's evolved to keep us safe from harm. But the problem is when anxiety is being triggered all the time and being applied to non-tangible threats."
"We still have stone age bodies and stone age brains and minds but we live in a post-industrial society in the 21st century, and so many of our problems result from this mismatch."
"There's a very predictable set of circumstances in which the interests of men and women depart from an evolutionary perspective with the qualification that that also occurs within the context of shared interests okay."
"So, I argue, and again this is in contrast to some of my evolutionary psychology colleagues, it provides a more comprehensive explanation for why women have affairs."
"Evolutionary psychology predicts both sex differences and similarities between the sexes at the psychological level."
"I think the reason why people follow you is because you walked the costly signal to use evolutionary theory..."
"Men are protective of women due to evolved protective instincts."
"Millions of years of social evolution have made us naturally try to fit in."
"Women look for certain survival traits in men."
"Costly signaling is a reliable indicator of fitness."
"There's a 2D image in front of you that you can put your hand on that you can look around the side of a monitor, and it's enough to trick our ancestral mating systems into thinking sex is about to happen."
"Women have more mate selectivity because the stakes are higher for us."
"We have a cultural mismatch between societal expectations of lifelong marriage and our evolutionary predispositions."
"Wouldn't you predict that women would be more likely to have orgasms with males of high genetic quality?"
"Conspiracy theories could have possibly helped ancestral humans in navigating their social world and anticipating imminent dangers in their society."
"Evolutionary psychology is really the foundation for all fields that deal with human behavior."
"Gossip became that glue, so we have evolved with gossip in mind."
"Evolutionarily selected moral behaviors and traits are what I believe to be the absolute Universal moral truths that all relative moral action is based on."
"Women were attracted to your strength because you could defend them from dinosaurs."
"Men are designed genetically to not be monogamous spread their seed and women genetically are designed to be monogamous."
"Women who were sensitive and apprehensive would have had the most children."
"The man who was most desirable to women was the one who is vigilant."
"Women are hypergamous, biologically wired to select sexual partners who are as competent or more competent than they are."
"Men and women have struck an evolutionary bargain that women will sacrifice their physical abilities in order to have children and men will sacrifice their lives to protect and provide for those children."
"A man has a duty to protect his female. That's intrinsic, that's evolutionary."
"We are the descendants of the humans who didn't die and who did sort of develop over time is concern about like you know any kind of ridicule criticism any sort of stinging comment."
"We're a very poor evolutionary match for the environment that we created."
"The human brain was not trained to do this. We grew up over evolutionary time scales to solve certain problems, and logical reasoning wasn't always among those problems."
"One of the things that evolutionary psychology teaches us is human beings, above both genders, are very highly status oriented and that they will do many things in order to increase their status at the expense of other people."
"It's not personal, baby girl. Biological need to spread the seeds of your ancestors."
"The possessive trait is seen as very cute but it's also there to function in the favor of the survival of the offspring."
"You perceive 0% of reality; you exist essentially in an evolutionarily convenient illusion."
"Understanding the evolutionary basis for why sometimes we feel a little bit like worried when we see people who look different to us or something like that I think that can tell us a hell of a lot."
"True beliefs are necessarily correlated with usefulness and reproductive fitness."
"If your brain evolved from fish brains, how could you trust your own thoughts?"
"Agency is neither a mere by-product of blind evolutionary forces, nor an illusion produced by our tendency to project human attributes onto the world."
"Men's natural innate mating strategy is unlimited access to unlimited sexuality."
"How can behaving in a way that is evolutionarily beneficial be an automatic rejection of a position that gods don't exist?"
"Fear is a survival instinct. Any animal without it won't be around long."
"Our belief systems are built around evolutionary success and they certainly contain human benevolence—which is appropriate to phases of history when there is abundance and people can afford to be good to each other."
"Empathy is in dogs and animals and chickens and whatever. It pre-dates language."
"We want to provide you with the evolutionary toolkit to understand as much as possible about what it is that you do and why you do it, so that you are most fully armed to do that which is against the will of your genes."
"PTSD is the cost of inheriting an evolutionary primitive mechanism that prioritizes survival over quality of life."
"Evolution has primed us to be able to do certain things even though we don't have any real-time learning happening."
"The default from evolution is a bias towards negativity."
"EP generates hypotheses about what might have been helpful for our ancestors in the Stone Age and then it tests whether those behaviors are common in today's population."
"Evolutionary psychology probably holds some level of truth to it... but I suspect it's not as much as evolutionary psychologists think it is."
"This isn't some moral failure in women; this is just how evolution has wired them."
"Most likely there is a time in our evolutionary history when reacting with visceral revulsion to such sounds afforded us a greater chance of survival."
"Public speaking is ingrained in us from millions of years of evolution."
"If you decline a man, what you're effectively saying is, 'Your genes are not worthy to be replicated amongst me and continue a lineage, no thank you.'"
"And to an evolutionary psychologist it would be absolutely astonishing and defy logic if you have these fundamental differences in human reproductive biology, between males and females, and you had an identical mating or sexual psychology."
"There are core needs based on evolutionary psychology that a man needs to display in order for his wife to feel safe and to respect him."
"Evolutionary psychology answers questions that no other perspective can answer."
"Evolutionary psychology has a cumulative quality, which is another hallmark of science."
"Evolutionary psychology is becoming much more popular in social psych to look at things from an evolutionary perspective."
"The theory of mind was an indispensable device that we hit on early in our evolution."
"We act how we act now because at some point in our evolutionary past it would have provided an adaptive advantage."
"I see human society as a bunch of monkeys... I thought that the monkey was a good model to understand the evolutionary roots of our complex political and social behaviors."
"The thing about evolutionary psychology which is perhaps not widely appreciated is that it's very theoretically principled."
"Emotions exist in our evolutionary system to tell us: 'run away' if it hurts, 'keep it and look for more' if it's good."
"Evolutionarily, women have intuition to a certain extent; we can tell if there's something going on with you."
"The first step in figuring out how the human mind arose is determining the mental processes shared by humans and other mammalian creatures."
"Affects are evolutionary memories that anticipate survival needs."
"Evolutionary psychology is extremely difficult to prove."
"The evolution of emotion, it's there for a reason and it's helpful."