
Reinforcement Quotes

There are 600 quotes

"Leveraging different kinds of social relationships that reinforce positive behavior."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Caffeine is such a strong reinforcer that, if even tiny amounts of caffeine are present in certain foods and drinks, you will very quickly come to prefer those foods and drinks over other choices."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The best way to incorporate the mechanics of the dopamine system such that you can achieve not just immediate motivation but ongoing motivation is to incorporate what is referred to as random intermittent reinforcement."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When you teach something, you get to learn it twice."
"Laughing at someone when they're not funny is like positive reinforcement that they don't deserve."
"When you recognize kindness in someone, it reinforces that belief that kindness is amazing."
"Sunny pulls a little harder sunny wins a legitimate win here it goes again see so what Jeff is actually doing there you go."
"Why do people want their political beliefs to be reinforced all the time?"
"Yeah, double layer it because this is the bottom."
"One of my roles as your pastor is not just to teach you new truth but to remind you of stuff you already know."
"They have a media infrastructure that constantly reinforces them that this is the appropriate way to think about the world and to engage with the world."
"The assignment is only assignment if it serves the larger purpose that's good that's good that's good."
"The more people start apologizing for it, the more it reinforces people attacking that behavior. I agree, 100%."
"When you teach this you get to learn it twice."
"Teach it to somebody else, when you teach this you get to learn it twice."
"It's amazing how similar we look... by the way, I guess we didn't have our reinforcements there."
"The military is like this giant Skinner box of positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement."
"Hierarchy of technologies used to reinforce social order."
"I translate happiness when I'm working. Happiness to me is that number going up, that positive reinforcement."
"Reinforcing that energy, reinforcing that financial situation."
"Welding done, now onto mounting brackets and reinforcement plates."
"Often societies use ghost stories to reinforce their own values."
"Any behavior that is rewarded is likely to be repeated."
"She definitely understands the click means she's getting a treat."
"A reminder tells the audience that what they have seen is important. It's not until you see something twice that you really know it matters."
"Every single time you have to do it, you are reminded again in a loud way."
"If the center isn't holding, you must reinforce the center, not break."
"It's all about the reverse psychology and the positive reinforcement rather than the negative."
"When you learn something on Kores, get out there and practice it because that's the best way to solidify and internalize what you've learned."
"We're all about constant positive reinforcement of everything and anything."
"When bad behavior is rewarded, it only gets worse."
"Whatever gets rewarded gets repeated."
"Behaviors that are rewarded are going to be more likely to recur, and behaviors that are either not rewarded or are punished are going to be less likely to occur."
"It definitely reinforces the love for what we do."
"It reinforces your resolve, it refreshes your sense of purpose."
"...the moment you form a hypothesis in your head about anything, you start reinforcing it."
"The greater victory however was in their delay of the Pashtun forces, which allowed reinforcements to arrive at the British forts and prevent their fall."
"Giving them attention of any kind reinforces their behavior."
"Harmonic reinforcement, an exponential increase in energy output."
"I do this because I've been rewarded in the past. So I just need to reward myself in the present for this new behavior."
"With the hundreds of extra fighters, they join the midst of the battle."
"Reinforcement points are absolutely key. That's why not just the heel of the high fit end but the complete circumference of the bottom of the high fit is covered with an overside Cur reinforcement point."
"Tragedy then either breaks or reinforces those ideas."
"Making sure that you reinforce these ideas as you make decisions along the way."
"Variable ratio reinforcement actually tends to maintain behaviors a lot longer than any other kind of reinforcement."
"The city of Troy had Allied troops from all over the region," preparing a great counterattack against the Greek troops besieging the city; the arrival of reinforcements, including the army of the Dardanians, was celebrated.
"One thing about dog training is that you're never done training a good dog. You want to teach behaviors when they're young and then reinforce, reinforce, reinforce throughout the lifetime of that dog. Thank you."
"The sooner you achieve a goal, the more likely it is you'll develop the habit of succeeding at achieving goals because you're constantly getting the reinforcement feedback loop."
"Secure the perimeter and call for reinforcement!"
"Positive feedback can reinforce good behavior and encourage others."
"Reinforcing these terms across different content areas will expose them to the words in a new setting and increase the likelihood that they'll remember the words, their meaning, and how to use them in a sentence."
"This homework will also help you solidify all the knowledge that you got from this course."
"When we do something and it's rewarding guess what we're gonna do it again."
"Positive reinforcement is the providing of a reinforcing stimulus followed by a desired behavior in an effort to increase the likelihood that the behavior repeats in the future."
"Negative reinforcement is when a behavioral response is strengthened by the removal of an aversive stimulus or by avoiding a negative outcome."
"...the actions that we take after a behavior will act as a reward for that behavior."
"Positive reinforcers work much better than consequences."
"Consequences decrease unwanted behaviors, reinforcers increase wanted behaviors."
"Everything in this movie reinforces the theme."
"Good behaviors feed into each other."
"Okay, this is completely reinforcing for me what I feel I'm already seeing. That this is an absolutely destined, fated connection."
"Relief is the enemy of the good. Kids with anxiety may feel relief from avoiding situations, but it only reinforces their anxiety."
"This isn't just about learning new things, it's reinforcing what you already know."
"Couldn't we use this as a reward signal to disincentivize the agent from whatever it just did?"
"Every time we recall a thought or a memory or we have this narrative in our mind about something negative it reinforces the neural pathway that supports that thought."
"Encouragement and compliments... helps reinforce it."
"Burning this into your neurological net will allow you to always remember that it's always there, even if only as an echo."
"Skinner believed that behavior becomes more likely to occur when reinforced and less likely to occur when punished."
"Negative reinforcement is when an undesirable stimulus is removed which has the result of promoting or increasing a desirable behavior."
"...as far as reinforcements go Goku is definitely amongst the top guys you'd want on your side."
"And so the first thing is get the message right and then determine the number, the amount of money in what form will best uh reinforce that message."
"The reinforcements are for said Avengers, of course."
"Every time that happens, it reinforces the memory."
"History can certainly reinforce narcissism in different ways."
"Just adding reinforcements, you can never have too much gaffer tape."
"...it's a weak point of the castle isn't it? You're actually creating a crack in your castle wall so you need to reinforce it."
"I know I've said it before but I'll say it again."
"All that extra reinforcement makes it nice and sturdy."
"That belief being underlined once more is, I think, really necessary."
"Always acknowledge the positive behavior in your class."
"If you're struggling with a concept, go back into the book or online course and reinforce those skills."
"Creativity at this time is just such a great thing to be able to do. It reinforces our mission. It's good for mindfulness."
"The repetition is there to remind you of things which are important and there are things which you're going to think well I already know that and the fact is you do already know it."
"Plates right here, this is a potential weak point and they've added a plate on it to just reinforce it and make it stronger."
"They're there to reinforce the music the music always comes first."
"Reinforce that behavior instead, undesirable behavior gets corrected with 100% efficiency and consistency."
"So, positive interrupter. You could have the same reliability as your recall cue."
"So if we say things to ourselves and we have a way of conceptualizing ourselves that we've overly reinforced, it will not go away overnight, right? But we don't tell people that."
"You want to grow that dog's confidence by using a structured reinforcement-based program."
"When you reward yourself, it creates positive reinforcement, which means you feel positive."
"Your dog pulls on the leash because it's reinforcing in some way."
"If you make the behavior of pulling more punishing than reinforcing, they will stop the behavior altogether."
"You decide to reinforce a sick man's delusions."
"Positive reinforcement is what we're talking about."
"Teaching others what we know serves to reinforce our own understanding."
"Behaviors that get immediately rewarded get repeated, behaviors that get immediately punished get avoided."
"The more that you have those four things working for you... the more likely it is that the good behavior will stick."
"The more that you do those kind of things... the more likely good behaviors are to arise."
"The best schedule for maintaining motivation over time is called random intermittent reinforcement."
"...so everything when it comes to working with the dog though is showing them the behavior you want them to perform and then giving them some sort of value back to that behavior."
"If your tantrums are what gets you what you want, that actually reinforces your tantrums."
"So what you can do is start to play around with that, and you can also insert lofted sections or ribs between here and here, between the runners, to help it withstand some of the forces."
"Reinforcement, whether positive or negative, is designed to cause an increase in the targeted behavior."
"If anything, it serves to reinforce and evolve the concepts brought forth in the first half of the show."
"You can extinguish behavior by rewarding it."
"What is rewarded is repeated, what is punished is avoided."
"In real life, you don't get reinforced after every single instance of a behavior. You get reinforced from time to time, and that's why we use intermittent reinforcement."
"Culture really only gets valued by one thing and that is how much you consistently reinforce it."
"The behaviors that you reward are the behaviors that are likely going to increase."
"Repetition doesn't just make it memorable, it reinforces its central message."
"Reinforcement: behaviors that are followed by reinforcements are repeated."
"Behaviors that are reinforced will continue; behaviors that are punished will become extinguished."
"Thorndike's Law of Effect: A response that produces a satisfying outcome will be repeated."
"Contemporary theories of cognition suggest that we can learn without direct reinforcement or punishment."
"Positive reinforcement is probably going to work better than yelling."
"We are reinforcing, we're not fighting the virus; we're reinforcing the host."
"Correcting your incorrect questions helps reinforce and understand the content."
"Your dog decides what's positively reinforcing, not you."
"You're going to use all of these quadrants, but they all come back to positive reinforcement eventually."
"You have to understand where your dog's sensitivity levels are at, where their pressure level is at to negatively reinforce the dog properly."
"...as long as my studs are still 16 on center which they are you can always add more studs if need be."
"Whatever gets rewarded gets repeated, and whatever is being repeated is being rewarded somehow."
"Women can be scary. I've always had positive reinforcement from being positive too negative."
"The horse learns from the release, not the pressure."
"You're setting yourself up for a positive experience and one that's going to reinforce itself."
"Put them to work when they're negative and give them great positive consequences when they're positive."
"...once it's drywalled we have movement on both walls, right? So if I were to take a simple two by four... now we have a secured corner, it's totally strong, and we eliminate any possibility in the future of that cracking where it's tied in with plastic."
"Positive reinforcement is providing a reward to reinforce the desired behavior."
"Negative reinforcement is when something unwanted gets removed if the desired behavior is achieved."
"But has reinforced their sense of belonging to the same community."
"Reinforce it until it becomes habit."
"Because every now and again you need to be reminded."
"How many of you believe that if we taught these at home initially and then reinforced them in school, it would be wonderful?"
"You've got to brace that up or it'll collapse."
"Allah would remove the grief, the sorrow, the concern, the pain from The Prophet (peace be upon him) by means of Khadijah, reinforcing him."
"I tend to prefer teaching this way because once the learner has done that Target step they get access to reinforcement."
"Positive rewards reinforce people want to know that they're doing great they're scared they're looking to you to help them."
"I reward the positive behavior that I want to see."
"Just reinforcing that, getting a new set of oil cooler lines."
"Rewards for behavior are incredibly motivating."
"We will be adding lap seal to the front cap."
"Seeing that in print in front of your eyes is going to help you continue going forward when it becomes a drag."
"Social rewards are primary reinforcers during early development."
"Reinforce everything you're doing because you're putting it into your own words."
"Intermittent reinforcement is acting positive and loving and then sometimes quite the opposite of that."
"Anything that is reinforced is likely to occur again."
"Reinforcing gradual changes in behavior. That is shaping."
"Don't get tripped up. Gotta remember, increases reinforcement, not all rewards are reinforcing."
"Gather any reinforces you might use and bring them to session. Just like gathering materials, gathering reinforcers, whatever you need, have ready to go."
"The more relief you get, the more reinforced you are that you shouldn't waste your life."
"So it's about constantly 100% of the time reinforcing it, and in a year or two, you'll just have a dog that always does that naturally."
"Dogs will always select behaviors that lead to reinforcement and stop performing behaviors that lead to punishment."
"Attention is powerful as a reward."
"The reinforcements were able to fill the gap."
"There exists a line for every dog where the perception of pressure goes from negative reinforcement to positive punishment."
"You use what the dog finds reinforcing, and all of my dogs find food very, very reinforcing."
"I'm going to reinforce the right behaviors and the right tasks and the right activities that I want to see for learning."
"the reward marker allows us to reinforce behaviors that we like to reinforce a behavior just means you make it more likely the dog will repeat that behavior in the future"
"having a clear reward marker with your dog will improve improve your communication tremendously"
"Punishment reinforces the individual doing the punishing."
"The most powerful type of reinforcement is called a variable ratio schedule of reinforcement where you don't know how many times you're going to have to do something before you get rewarded."
"When you help them with the leash and you pair it with positive reinforcement and you use it with the obedience that the dog knew very well, the learning of understanding what the low-level stim was very, very powerful."
"Space can reinforce identity, which turns into your habits."
"Every time you do that it's still rewarding."
"When you reinforce the self-concept, you understand your worth and value."
"...telling people that you're going to reinforce the behaviors that you want."
"If you do something well young and you get reinforced, it makes you want to do it again."
"It's not just a way of hating; it's a way of strengthening and bolstering your own identity."
"It was reinforced all the time that what we were doing by having faith and by being strong and not complaining and not bringing up anything else was the right thing to do. That was reinforced a lot."
"The reward is the desired activity or good feeling that you automatically feel after you complete the habit."
"There we go, you can see the reinforcement in that, it's all reinforced behind, cut that hole up Mick and Rich brace those both shuttering up earlier on best they could."
"If the reward stops, the behavior stops."
"It's amazing how much that roof firms up the structure. It was a little shaky before, and now it's not budging at all."
"Every time he got away with it, it just reinforced his commitment and his belief in the rightness of what he was doing."
"Whatever you reinforce or reward, you're going to do more of."
"A big thing you can do yourself as an adult learner is to reinforce what you're learning much harder than you think you need to."
"Repeating it really helps, it always does."
"It always bears repeating, reinforcing, re-contextualizing, seeing in new situations and scenarios."
"Negative reinforcement means after the behavior, something was removed, subtracted, or avoided."
"If something strengthens a behavior, it's reinforcement."
"Skinner believed that reinforcing behavior is the most effective way of increasing desirable behavior."
"The reason behind the first layer of fabric we're going to apply now is to strengthen The Shield's structure."
"The more times you try to actually retrieve some kind of information from your brain, the more likely you are to remember in the longer term because the synapse connections between those parts of your brain strengthen."
"The beauty of taking a break from alcohol is that the positive reinforcement is built-in."
"You have to reward the positive things you want to see in the culture."
"The more we talk about something, the more we reinforce its importance in our life."
"I was really good at my kinesthetic abilities and working in the department of surgery during my internship really reinforced that feeling."
"I ended up reinforcing the joints with marine epoxy after I braised them just for security."
"Positive reinforcement: the more I do good, the more I want to do good."
"The real reason that habits matter is that they reinforce your desired identity."
"Sometimes you need to be reminded."
"That glue will dry, it'll be no big deal. This will be a nice strong connection point to a very weakly attached control surface."
"If it's not cracked but just barely getting started, we have a stainless steel reinforcement."
"...behaviors that are immediately rewarded get repeated and behaviors that are immediately punished get avoided."
"Love is being reinforced over and over again by the preaching of the word, by prayer, by Bible reading, by communing with God's people."
"You need to continually reinforce what you want your identity to be."
"If you start learning stuff, start teaching it. It's really a good way to reinforce what you're learning."
"The first three laws of behavior change increase the odds that a behavior will be performed this time. The fourth law completes the habit loop, making it satisfying, and increases the odds that a behavior will be repeated next time."
"Reward non-drinking behavior. Drinking behavior that's pulling you away from alcohol, and you need to correct any behavior that's pulling you towards alcohol."
"Use your biology knowledge to engage in other things too and that will in turn reinforce your biology knowledge."