
Metabolism Quotes

There are 1958 quotes

"The gut microbiome are the trillions of little bacteria that live all the way along your digestive tract and that strongly impact the way that your entire body works at the level of metabolism, immune system, and brain function."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The gut microbiota are capable of influencing metabolic events and in some cases are capable of synthesizing neurotransmitters themselves."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The simple translation of this is that getting into cold water for a total of 11 minutes per week can increase your overall core metabolism."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"White fat is not very metabolically active. It's more of a fuel reserve. Beige fat and brown fat are rich in mitochondria, and those mitochondria provide a sort of furnace or heating mechanism for your entire body and increase your metabolism and the burning of white fat."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Deliberate cold exposure can increase brown fat stores, these mitochondrial dense fat stores that can, in turn, allow a person to feel more comfortable in cold temperatures, water, or otherwise, and increase core metabolism."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Viewing morning sunlight also has profoundly positive effects on metabolism."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Ending on cold...forces your body to heat up by itself, and that's going to make your brown fat cells and muscle cells more efficient."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Getting enough sleep allows you to transition through all the various forms of metabolism and use all those different forms of metabolites during sleep in a way that's immensely beneficial for the systems of your brain and body."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you start doing high-intensity exercise, we have bursts of effort followed by rest, you can get a metabolic boost up to 24 hours after a single session."
"When you miss sleep, your body becomes insulin resistant... and it actually makes you hungrier by increasing this hunger hormone called ghrelin."
"Cold exposure is your friend if you want a better metabolism."
"The cold shower is also going to activate your immune response but it's also going to activate your metabolism and also your brown fat."
"Fat is a long-term storage mechanism. In the finance world, fat is like stocks and bonds."
"Enhanced fermentation is the signature metabolic malady of all or most cancer cells."
"Your body's metabolism and the processes linked with longevity are impossible to disentangle from your body's circadian clock system."
"If you reduce your caloric intake, you will lose weight, but your body will compensate by slowing down your metabolism."
"Metabolic down-regulation is not permanent; it is recoverable."
"The down regulation of energy expenditure can persist for an appreciable amount of time and in many cases won't be fully reversed until the weight or the fat is regained and the lean tissue is regained."
"If there is any metabolic adaptation or metabolic suppression present, with a very patient approach, you can probably increase your calories at a slow enough rate."
"Staying hydrated supports your metabolism and has even been shown to boost your mental performance."
"It's okay to be a victim of hypothyroidism; it's okay to be a victim of your fast metabolism."
"The more flexible your metabolism, the more efficiently you can lose weight."
"People on these long fasts do very well because they've gone into this stage of fat burning because they're fueling themselves purely on the fat, and their hunger is gone."
"During fasting... you're doing more work. Your body is actually not shutting down; it's revving itself up."
"Building muscle is what's speeding up your metabolism and giving you the fat-burning machinery that you want for sustainable fat loss."
"Metabolic switching is where you're keeping your blood sugar at a stable place... so that when it starts to go down, the body is going to want to switch over and it can start to burn fat."
"88% of Americans have poor metabolic health, which means that they're like in the spectrum of pre-diabetes."
"If it's secreting too many hormones, metabolism can go up as high as 60 to 100 percent above normal."
"The more muscle you have on your body, the more calories your body will burn naturally."
"The way I think about it is that you have a range of cells with varying degrees of metabolic health."
"If you manage to speed up your metabolism, you're still setting yourself up for much easier success in the future."
"In order to optimize your metabolism, you need to eat food and you also have to have some muscle."
"Fortunately, there is at least one piece of good news in this otherwise pretty depressing video: in that Minnesota starvation study... after participants were reintroduced to normal amounts of food, eventually their metabolisms did recover."
"Your metabolism naturally slows down when you're restricting your calories for weight loss. There's nothing inherently wrong with it; it's just how the body works."
"The big mistake many people make is they will dramatically cut their calories when they start losing weight, leading to what some call 'metabolic damage'."
"Weight lifting is hugely beneficial to metabolism; it drives the metabolism, burns calories, and is very important for overall health."
"This is the largest study of human metabolism ever undertaken, and here's what they found."
"It's not about how much you cut, but how you cut. A dramatic reduction can harm your metabolism, whereas a gradual decrease and strategic exercise can support it."
"You can speed up your metabolism to see more progress...not by doing quick fixes and hacks, but by implementing strategic habits."
"Your metabolism is not ruined. Your metabolism is not damaged or destroyed. These things right here do not ruin your metabolism; they actually make your metabolism more efficient."
"One 2008 study on diet and exercise in overweight women found that resistance training allowed participants to keep their metabolisms elevated even after the diet, while the ones who just cut calories ended up slowing their metabolisms."
"Ultimately, one of the best metabolism boosters, other than increasing muscle mass, is a totally free product that you won’t see on any nutrition store shelves: sleep."
"For decades, we’ve known that sleep deprivation can impair metabolism."
"Reverse dieting is a way of eating that entails progressively increasing calories over a certain period of time to boost up resting metabolic rate back to its original rate."
"Getting more sleep allows our body to repair itself physically and mentally, influencing metabolism and weight management."
"There's like nine teaspoons of refined sugar in a typical can of soda and that overwhelms your metabolism."
"Foods that... ignite your brown fat... it's sort of like putting Nitro into your body; it actually helps your body burn extra fuel."
"A slow metabolism is not a broken metabolism; it's not a sign that something is inherently wrong with your body."
"If you're struggling to lose weight on next to no calories, I cannot recommend a reverse diet enough."
"Eating enough is critical, imperative, necessary to having a healthy metabolism."
"It's about reshaping your permanent eating habits, rule numero uno: get to know your own metabolism."
"If we can align our food intake during daylight hours when our insulin sensitivity is at its peak, it may actually benefit our metabolism and glucose response."
"When you measure people after prolonged fasting, their basal metabolic rate goes up."
"The biggest takeaway of this paper is that your circadian clock system is intimately connected with your metabolism and the rate at which you age."
"When you're missing that healthy bacteria, what happens is your metabolism doesn't function properly, and so you're not drawing an energy the right way, your fat starts to grow out of control."
"Short chain fatty acids... they streamline our metabolism, make our body more sensitive to insulin, they lower inflammation, help our body heal."
"The real surprise is that there are actually foods that can actually turn on our metabolism and use our fat."
"When sugar goes up in the body, it forms something called advanced glycation end products. It basically cooks your tissues the way onions brown in a pan."
"Our microbiome has an enormous influence on our metabolism, our digestive function, and our immunity."
"So life as we know it has three subsystems, metabolism, information system, and a membrane system. And it is a part of a larger system, which is environment and biosphere."
"You lose calories doing literally anything; a healthy 8-hour sleep makes you lose up to 800 calories."
"The first thing that happens is your appetite self-regulates. So now, you get into this space where you become a good fat burner, you start to melt away."
"What do we call it, where when you take in a compound that's foreign to your body, and only the liver can metabolize it, and in the process, generates various problems? We call that a... Poison."
"You are not what you eat. You are what you do with what you eat."
"A calorie deficit slowly becomes less effective over time, because your metabolism adapts, reducing the deficit and eventually turning it into your new maintenance calories."
"Implementing mini cut cycles, alternating between a deficit and maintenance calories, prevents metabolic slowdown and maintains the effectiveness of your deficit."
"Codeine is broken down in the liver to morphine, and Dextromethorphan is broken down to Dextrorphan."
"We prefer to think about what life does. Life metabolizes and may give off gases during that chemical process of metabolism."
"Our bodies adapt to these diets by compensating for the calorie loss with changes in metabolism and hormone production."
"ATP molecules are like units of gasoline, like a gallon of gas, that are used to fuel our biological processes."
"The best way to support your metabolism is to actually exercise less but more efficiently with weight training and eating more real food, particularly red meat."
"Reverse dieting is crucial. You may gain some weight, but you will regain your metabolic rate incrementally."
"The offseason or non-active fat loss phase is still just as important as the active fat loss phase because the key to long-term maintainable fat loss and improved body composition is keeping a healthy metabolic rate."
"If you do sugar, your body burns sugar. If you don't, it burns fat."
"Love your food to love your health and love your metabolism."
"Sleep is where your body helps to convert food into you."
"You're actually burning fat and eating less because your body is accessing its fat store, which is what you're trying to do when you're trying to lose fat weight off your body."
"That complex interplay of the hormones that are released in response to the hundred calories of cookies is different than the hormones released in response to the hundred calories of salmon or eggs."
"I think as many of us have come to realize, it's fundamentally the metabolic dysfunction that is so much a root cause of what's causing this sense of threat in our bodies."
"Your body exists in one of two states: If your insulin is high, you're storing calories; if your insulin is low, you're burning calories."
"If you eat whole foods, you can eat as much of them as you want because your metabolism will speed up and your hormones will change, and you lose weight as long as you eat whole foods."
"Omega-3 fats actually increase your fat-burning genes in the liver."
"Coenzyme Q10 is a huge part of our energy metabolism... it's so critical for our overall metabolism and if you are someone that's doing a low carb diet, you're going to get a huge benefit out of it."
"Lean body mass will always win over cardiovascular exercise in improving metabolic health."
"Eating fruits all day is like throwing gasoline on a metabolic fire."
"You aren't necessarily what you eat, you are what you digest."
"Fat doesn't cause an insulin response, so increasing fat content is key."
"The relative rates of fat storage and fat burning determine the net fat loss."
"Insulin: the primary regulator that makes you fat."
"Helping the body burn through some of that stored fuel."
"A low-carbohydrate diet shifts metabolism over to burning fat. It is by far the most profound stimulus to do that—more profound than exercise, more profound than any other drug."
"Ketones are metabolites secreted from our liver. They've been around throughout human history."
"Don't underestimate the power of cayenne peppers, it burns calories faster, it also increases your metabolism."
"When you drink, alcohol gets converted into a toxic byproduct in the gut."
"The tumor cell on the other hand pretty much functions without oxygen... so this is referred to as fermentation."
"The gist of the science is simple: elevate insulin, store fat. Drop insulin to get rid of fat."
"Cardio actually makes you stronger if you don't exercise you're not going to be fit it helps you burn calories makes you a better butter burner"
"Muscle burns more fat and it also burns fat throughout the day."
"Insulin is responsible for taking glucose and storing it inside muscle cells or fat cells. It's literally called the fat storage hormone."
"Insulin resistance leads to diabetes where eventually the time is run out your pancreas just gives up and now you have type 2 diabetes."
"The ketogenic diet kind of reverses that entire mechanism and says well let's not run on carbohydrates then let's run on fats because fats do not cause a significant increase in blood sugar and insulin levels."
"Insulin is a nutrient sensor, it tells your body to store energy."
"Ketosis is the condition where are you using ketones as your primary fuel."
"Sugar drives fat accumulation in the liver, that's why."
"Keeping your carbohydrate down to the point that your body is burning fat as a fuel, that's the fastest way to reverse insulin resistance."
"Metabolic health is when the body can take a substrate... and turn them into tissue and energy."
"Cheat days won't increase your metabolism enough to make up for all those extra calories."
"It's not about one-hit magical foods, it's about really being smart and training your body to run on its own fuel sources as much as possible."
"Your metabolism is designed to save you from starvation."
"It's not the total number of calories that's important, it's what your body does with those calories and that depends on hormones."
"It's the key to turning back the hands of time on your metabolism."
"Trick your body into hyper fat-burning mode."
"So the excess of Acyl-CoA, the ethanol and the ROS species activate an enzyme called JNK1 which is the bridge between metabolism and inflammation."
"As long as it stays in the normal metabolic veto cycling, it doesn't matter if you have a tumor."
"Eggs are Nature's perfect food... it's almost zero."
"Fasting absolutely speeds up... the metabolizing of fats."
"Our brains, which is what got us so far, are the most metabolically expensive organs that we have: consuming 25% of the adult metabolic budget."
"Ketogenic diet all about helping you burn fat and build lean body tissue."
"Cold showers... highly increases your metabolism."
"LDL HDL VLD all these lipoprotein boats, they are energy trafficking."
"If you can, that's an indication that you're getting good at burning fat."
"The basic goal... is to improve metabolic flexibility."
"My main sort of theme right now is developing robust metabolic flexibility."
"Excessive amounts of protein can be sent to the liver again to become glucose."
"Whenever you drink alcohol, your body delays burning fat and prioritizes burning off the alcohol."
"The liver receives signals from the adipose tissue telling it to stop making glucose and stop storing triglycerides."
"Fasting does not slow the metabolism, it repairs it."
"Instead of opting for a traditional wedding cake we actually went with doughnuts."
"The key to seeing results is to master your metabolism."
"Glucose is like kindling on a fire, burns quickly, burns bright, burns hot. Fats are like Presto logs, burn for a long time, release heat gently."
"The chances that he has a time when the metabolism inside the fat in his belly is very low."
"Potassium is like the grand orchestrator of carbon metabolism."
"There's a rate limiting step to ketones and fat but the sugar you can then add in when you need it."
"Regular exercise has been proven to help weight loss, regulate appetite, and improve metabolic profile."
"The key to losing weight is low insulin right by optimizing our metabolic health it is really the quickest way and the lowest hanging fruit way to achieve really almost any health goal."
"What is metabolism fundamentally? Metabolism is the way that we produce energy in the body."
"The B vitamins are the most important vitamins when it comes to stress, metabolism, and hormone balance."
"The body prefers to use fat for fuel at rest."
"Keto is not a diet; keto is a metabolic process."
"To burn fat, you need to be in a calorie deficit. It's not tricking people, it's not trying to fool you. Calories in, calories out."
"Once I change my body and turn them into a machine that knows how to handle food and burn fat, your body becomes a lot more forgiving."
"One of the primary, if not the primary driver of the metabolism, is the amount of lean mass that you have."
"Now you have an all natural substance that people have been using for thousands of years that increases your metabolic rate and lowers your hunger."
"The ketogenic diet or ketosis is a state where the body is not burning carbohydrates for fuel but burning ketone bodies."
"We need to stop thinking about LDL being inherently harmful and think about LDL as part of a beneficial metabolism."
"You are not what you eat, you are what you save from what you eat."
"The longer you fast, the more you're going to drive your body into your fat stores which are a source of energy in order to survive."
"Insulin levels go down, fat comes out of the fat cells, you burn the fat for fuel. That's why we don't wake up in the middle of the night to go eat."
"It's not what you eat; it's what your body does with what you eat."
"Our metabolism are established by so many variables."
"Your body has a switch to determine if food is coming in."
"Being able to maintain your metabolic integrity and keeping your metabolism where you want it to be is very important."
"Ketones may be the overall common denominator that we're after."
"Yogurt does that thing... those probiotics bacteria are doing remarkable things for our metabolism."
"Don't ignore hormones. Hormones have a massive impact on your metabolic rate, your flexibility, your ability to burn fat, and just generally have robust health."
"From an adherence standpoint, it just makes sense."
"Fasting doesn't slow down your metabolism nearly as much as caloric restriction does."
"Our body shifts to use more ketones as an energy fuel."
"The brain has an enormous energy need that isn't supplied by glucose alone."
"The more that we learn, we realize, ah, metabolism is associated with healthy muscle, not necessarily big bodybuilder muscle, but just healthy muscle."
"Ketones provide more brain energy and ultimately provide what is called more network stability for the regions of our brain to communicate with each other."
"Calories in, calories out - the ultimate truth about weight loss."
"Fasting will slow your metabolism, but is that bad? We don't always want a lightning-fast metabolism. Your basement metabolic rate will stay elevated."
"Understanding the energy balance between glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation is crucial for grasping cellular metabolism."
"The significance of oxygen: the final oxidant in metabolic pathways, crucial for energy production."
"There's an incredible role that the gut microbiome plays in our metabolism."
"Your body is like, 'Well, gosh, I need energy.'"
"When you understand the science of mitochondria and metabolism, you can actually connect all of those dots."
"As you lose weight with this sort of caloric reduction you have decreased energy expenditure increase hunger so you regain that way."
"If you have a lot of shit in your intestines, if it's not fertile, if you don't have energy that can circulate well, you cannot accumulate energy."
"Your metabolism is so repressed that you simply lose the ability to drop body fat without starvation."
"High intensity intervals are the only form of cardio that does not drop metabolic rate."
"Sleep will allow you to burn more calories. You won't hold on to as much fat because you'll have less stress hormone AKA less cortisol."
"Trauma immediately changes metabolism, activating the body's defense system."
"Strength train to turn your body into a fat-burning machine."
"Cheat meals work as refeeds to keep your metabolism burning."
"Two people can eat the exact same amount of food but not actually absorb the same amount of calories from that food due to the variations in their gut microbiome."
"Hyper metabolism can lead to involuntary weight loss, elevated heart rate and blood pressure, muscle weakness, shortness of breath, excessive sweating, and an increased need for calories."
"Individuals recovering from eating disorders like anorexia who experience hyper metabolism require substantially more calories to restore their bodies back to baseline."
"Walking can literally turn you into a fat burning machine."
"For me as a metabolic scientist it really comes down to metabolic physiology and the glucose Ketone index."
"Weight management is a universal struggle after we turn 20. The struggle becomes much harder because our body's metabolism slows by as much as four percent each decade."
"I have always been extremely skinny. I really always have been. I have an extremely fast metabolism and I've always been very thin."
"Increases the rate of metabolism, aids weight loss, boosts good cholesterol."
"Once you optimize someone's diet you can create this fast metabolism and a fast metabolism means that yes you can easily lose fat when you apply exercise."
"When you are consuming alcohol, your body has to stop burning fat."
"Testosterone is lipolytic in nature, increasing basal metabolic rate and uncoupling thermogenesis."
"You're now building a gut microbial environment that promotes healthy cell metabolism, DNA repair, anti-carcinogenesis."
"Fat loss comes from a caloric deficit or when you are burning more calories than you're consuming."
"You wonder why you're not losing weight? well It's because your metabolism has slowed down"
"There's no starvation mode Actually, it's quite the opposite"
"Okay genius if you don't eat Do you think you will lose weight? Well? Yes, you will"
"Your body will make as much sugar as it needs, and the brain will function better."
"Cancer is not a genetic disease, it's a mitochondrial metabolic disease."
"Skeletal muscle is the primary site for glucose disposal."
"If you stop eating, your body's gonna start breaking down body fat, start making ketones, and you're going to lose the fat. And you won't lose the muscle."
"You're gonna increase your metabolism... you can eat a lot and still stay lean."
"The number one benefit from all of this is getting control of hunger, appetite, and cravings."
"Minimize that muscle loss so that metabolism slow down. In fact, if you do it right you do it really well, you can actually speed up your metabolism."
"It takes cells a decent length of time to switch gears and be able to use ketones and fatty acids efficiently for energy."