
Emotions Quotes

There are 25634 quotes

"We need to agree at the outset that emotions are complicated and yet they are tractable. They can be understood."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Jealousy is an evolved emotion that serves several adaptive functions."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A lot of what's in the book contrasts with many of the common myths about emotions and biology."
"It's a truly masterful exploration of the biology and psychology behind what we call emotions and states of mind and body."
"There's nothing more profitable than convincing a generation that they can remove those negative emotions if they pay enough."
"Suddenly something happens that makes you feel fear or anger; at minimum, there's something worth attending to. That person's worth paying attention to, if only just to back away quickly."
"It gives you a choice to decide whether it's worth being angry over this thing."
"If you want to be real in a relationship, you need to find out what is the primary emotion."
"It's okay to be sad. It's so totally okay to be sad."
"Negative emotions have to be dealt with; they will deal with you and keep dealing with you until you deal with them."
"You don't have to be defined by that feeling even though that feeling is strong; it's just a feeling, it's not truth."
"Our emotions and our thoughts are not facts."
"Gratitude is the antidote to toxic emotions."
"Gratitude is the most powerful emotion you will ever feel."
"It's always important to talk about your feelings."
"Motivation, for a long time, I thought motivation was a feeling... but recently, I have realized that motivation is indeed a feeling like happiness and sadness and anger, but also a reason for you to do things."
"The sun represents our soul, the moon represents our emotions. Our emotions are coming to the forefront and being highlighted by the sun."
"Envy is one of the strongest human emotions."
"The opposite of love is not hate. The opposite of love is indifference."
"Your emotions just are, and being able to understand that brings in a relationship with your core self that is much more in line with what you are."
"What would art be like without emotions? It would be empty."
"What would our lives be like without emotions? They would be empty of values."
"There's been people like us that have emotions like us, that have physical sensations like us, for so, so long."
"A lot of rational people don't realize that their rationality itself is underpinned by emotional needs and attitudes."
"Having good trading psychology is all about not letting your emotions interfere with your statistic advantage you have from your trading strategy."
"I cry a lot. What's the last movie you cried at?"
"Emotions are renewed every 90 seconds and if it lasts for longer than that it's because you're choosing to tell yourself a story that's causing the emotion to be renewed."
"That's the power that you can have taking control of your own mind and manipulating the variables that create your entire emotional landscape."
"Don't make a permanent decision on a temporary emotion."
"The basis of anger is love... if there wasn't something I loved and cared about, I just wouldn't give a [ __ ]."
"I think feeling some emotions for the people that's important around you, whether that be positive or negative, is an important part of being a good person."
"It's so important, self-care is huge. Unless you know how you feel, then you're not able to set a boundary."
"We're on a constant roller coaster ride of helpless and hopeless and many other emotions all in one, and it's a never-ending roller coaster. It doesn't stop and won't stop until he walks through the door."
"Disgust is probably like the MVP of emotions as they really pertain to our worth and safety as childhood trauma survivors."
"We cannot selectively numb emotions, when we numb the painful emotions, we also numb the positive emotions."
"That's the reason why so many co-stars get into relationships, because they actually fall in love."
"Every painful emotion that we experience is self-created by our resistance to our reality."
"We're obliged to build AI; we're not obliged to endow it with uniqueness or emotions."
"Emotion... it's called emotion because it's energy in motion. It has the power to move us to action."
"I think it's not just entertainment; I think it's also inspiring and a little bit educational."
"Quitting never feels like an option, it doesn't even cross my mind."
"Feeling-based decisions have incredible unintended consequences."
"I believe that our emotions are a sacred gift. Our feelings are the language of our soul."
"Anger doesn't mean an absence of love. Anger is just part of the experience of life."
"You love me, then you hate me, that's a game for fools."
"I'm in my first like relationship where I respect someone in a long time, and it is scary."
"Your emotions are the primary source of motivation that runs your life."
"A human being is an emotional machine in action, cycling through emotions over and over again."
"Gratitude is really the super powerhouse for positive emotions inside of you because it's totally within your control."
"Mindfulness is not about changing your emotions, it's about noticing your emotions and being able to turn in and look at them with an intention to understand, not to judge."
"Your feelings... always reflect the real you with perfect accuracy."
"They have so much burning passion, and it's turning into anxiety."
"They feel like your relationship with them is stuck because emotions haven't been shared or discussed, full stop."
"The machine will appreciate emotions. It will appreciate that we care for it, we love it, and it'll want us around."
"A machine is just electrons moving down pathways. It's not going to have emotions."
"She proud of my punk ass crying. Emotional day, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween."
"The antidote to anger or fear is gratitude. You can't be angry and grateful simultaneously. You can't be fearful and grateful simultaneously."
"He's genuinely very upset, and his nonverbal communication is indeed reinforcing that."
"Your emotions are directly correlated to the type of life and reality that you have and what you begin to manifest in your life."
"When do you feel more like yourself and more at ease inside yourself?...when I'm open-hearted and loving."
"Underneath hatred is hurt. That's the reality. By hatred, if you hate something, it must have hurt you."
"Emotional granularity is not a thing; it's a process."
"People won't remember what you say, they won't remember what you did, but they'll always remember how you made them feel."
"Vulnerability is my super power. How many feeling it?"
"The great human blockage... the unwillingness to feel the intensity of our emotions."
"Ideas, thoughts, emotions, they are holons; they are part of a whole and a whole in themselves."
"Your thoughts determine your feelings and energy. Master the thoughts."
"You may feel lost or confused and some of you may even feel uninspired. The reason why you've been feeling that way is because you haven't let your heart sing."
"Trust what you're feeling. Your feelings are real."
"I'm told passion is a welling up of emotion, something I'm going to love and pursue with all of my heart and soul."
"I must keep my emotions in check, lest my powers rage out of control."
"If we're going to give God our all, that includes our emotions."
"Tell yourself, 'It's alright that I feel this. It's okay.'"
"I don't have anger or hate, I have memories bad memories but I don't have anger."
"Our real, fundamental quality is genuine awareness, and thoughts and emotions are just like clouds in the sky."
"Time holds all the emotional states that one can experience."
"Sometimes love and hate go hand in hand, opposite sides of the same coin."
"The health of your community is more important than your goddamn feelings."
"Your feelings are the secret to your success."
"Having emotions and being emotionally vulnerable is a massive strength."
"Our thoughts and our feelings are two different things. If we don't like our feelings, we have to understand them."
"Feelings are never right or wrong. They're just a state of being."
"It sucks when a good series has to come to an end. It makes you feel so empty."
"Emotions make dots feel like they connect that don't actually connect. Understanding this can help you see past certain cognitive illusions."
"It takes courage to live through hurt feelings."
"Your emotions don't tell you anything about reality; they are just reactions to reality that you experience based on your perception of what reality is."
"Your feelings matter, your emotions matter, your thoughts matter."
"You are worthy. We're worthy of being able to express ourselves. Our emotions, our feelings, are valid."
"Do not demonize negative emotions... Those emotions are the ones that bring the positive ones back down into our body so we can manifest."
"Sometimes, it's okay to just be sad, and that's it."
"I wanted to focus on the big subject of your emotions and how we deal with them, especially in Buddhism."
"It's hard for me to be particularly angry...maybe I'm just desensitized to penis."
"Love is a mix of emotions, behaviors, and beliefs associated with strong feelings of affection, protectiveness, warmth, and respect for a person or thing."
"Emotions are universal... regardless of the country in which you were born... we all have these same sort of building blocks of emotions."
"Emotions are either pulling you closer to something or someone or they push you further away."
"Our emotions, the physiologic consequences of our emotions, are absolutely related to disease."
"Emotions are data, but they are not directives."
"Your emotions are like a compass. Just like an actual compass tells you where you are in space, your emotions tell you what your personal vibration is."
"Also, your emotions are your doorway to your subconscious mind to what's limiting you from getting to where you desire."
"So not being in touch with your emotions is the same as not having a compass and being stranded out in the middle of the sea."
"Being really authentic about the way that you feel, not shutting down the way that you feel."
"It's time to really open up, it's time to get out there, time to express what you're really feeling on the inside."
"It's always about the intentions behind your actions. It's okay to feel emotions; it's okay to be angry. It's just the way that you deal with that that is what's important."
"Our emotions help us to identify what we're feeling and allow us to make better decisions for our lives."
"Your emotions are going to dictate what happens to you in life."
"I just don't care anymore... I'm so over it."
"Do you often tell yourself 'I shouldn't be feeling this way', or 'suck it up buttercup', or do you apologize if you're sad, or if you're crying?"
"A lot of us have been taught to 'just be positive' all the time, and never make anyone else feel bad either."
"We waste so much energy trying to cover up who we are when beneath every attitude is the want to be loved, and beneath every anger is a wound to be healed."
"People will forget what you say, they'll forget what you did, but they'll never forget how you made them feel."
"Look inside yourself, examine what is causing you to feel this way."
"Sometimes I'm really happy, other times I feel really sad or frightened or stressed, and that's okay."
"Emotions can either cloud our judgment or guide us to smarter decisions, depending on how we manage them."
"Facts don't care about your feelings, but I am not a fact. I care about your feelings."
"The opposite of love isn't hate, it's apathy."
"Fear and anger often come packaged together."
"The speeches generally weren't as emotional, but most of the wins were so much more deserved."
"I let my feelings overrule my duty. In the end, it was my undoing. Does that... Is that justice?"
"Every action we take is first filtered through our feelings. How we feel about something will always determine or affect what we do and how well we do it."
"It's been a long time since I felt kindness."
"Food has memories, not the chocolate. It's the feeling you felt when you couldn't have it."
"No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care."
"Emotions matter for five big reasons: The first is attention, memory, and learning. The second is decision-making. The third is relationship quality. The fourth is physical and mental health. The fifth is on creativity."
"Date intelligently, date with your head, not your emotions."
"Excitement is actually tied very closely to anticipation, like something's on the verge of happening and it excites you."
"Regret isn't necessarily a bad thing. It exists because you cared about something enough to actually be bothered by it."
"I was still far too satisfied to take his look of hatred earnestly."
"The mix of emotions turned into a simple and pure laughter."
"I can't believe Dad is gone. 'You too, Grandpa. He's always the best dad ever.'"
"We don't choose our feelings, but we are responsible for what we do with them."
"Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity."
"Emotions are the primary driver of our behavior."
"Your feelings are not about changing the rest of the world so that you feel better. Your feelings are an indicator to you to observe and heal yourself."
"Rule number one: Never make a permanent decision over a temporary emotion."
"A commitment and even perhaps a major life decision will come up and you are advised to take hold of your emotions before you determine the right path for you."
"Happiness and unhappiness are not opposites; they're different experiences."
"Your feelings create the destiny that you want."
"Very little was known about the way in which emotions...are actually sort of two sides of who we are."
"You feel a literal physical warmness, a wonder, a comfort, a happiness in belonging. But the other feeling you get is a yearning to be back in that moment and an acknowledgement that it will never happen again."
"If you consider yourself a rational thinker and you don't experience much emotion, there's a decent chance that your emotions are actually running the show from behind the scenes."
"Kingpin needs a full range of emotions to charge her mask."
"I feel so happy, it's like joy, complete joy right now."
"When you're feeling those elevated emotions and you're locked in love, then you see life through the lens of love."
"Love is the most powerful emotion in the world. We will all do everything for love."
"Now, when the synchronicity happens, do you think you feel suffering or do you think you feel a little excitement? You feel inspired, right?"
"This may be...at the heart of very complex human emotions like empathy."
"It's hard to leave. The fans don't want you to leave, and I don't really want to leave either."
"We are subtly creating expectations all the time without even knowing it, so when one of these unpredicted things happen, our emotions go all over the place."
"A song like Blossom is about being so in love that you become afraid to die for the first time."
"Nothing's really going to prepare you for what you're going to feel, but it's going to be amazing."
"The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference."
"It's not fun to have hope for a second and then to see it all pulled away from you like this."
"Our emotions are not controlling us; instead, we create emotions to suit our present goals."
"Envy is a reaction to lacking something... jealousy is a reaction to the threat of losing something or someone."
"I feel conflicted; my feelings for you are growing."
"This game is a fascinating mix of satisfaction and then frustration."
"Real men cry, and if women can cry, men can cry too. There's nothing wrong with it."
"If she says, 'I don't feel safe,' you have to understand how she feels. That's her emotion right now, and her emotion is reality to her."
"Try to understand she's feeling like this for a reason, and even if we can't always explain it, honor it."
"Kids are being taught not to listen to their feelings. Kids are being taught that their feelings aren't real or true. They're being taught not to trust what they feel."
"You can't control how you feel... but you can always control what you think and how you behave."
"This is the kind of thing that will bring people to tears when their Sim can finally be like them in real life."
"What we're doing is really hurtful to us. People become more angry. They attach to the anger. People feel more beleaguered."
"The reason we feel sad, or afraid, or ashamed when something external happens is because those feelings were in us anyway."
"You should be investing on financials, not emotions."
"Emotions aren't positive or negative; they're empowering or disempowering to varying degrees."
"Emotions are all triggered at the subconscious level... the feeling is the endpoint of the human experience in the physical body."
"When we feel something, chances are that we're going to release dopamine in the brain, the feel-good neurochemical that activates the reward center of the brain."
"It's like we have so many emotions that we can't express to other people usually, but you can when it's a poem, right?"
"The more love they feel, the more fear that's coming up within this person."
"Their quietness or absence doesn't necessarily mean they don't care and they're not missing you."
"Pay attention to how you feel after being around someone."
"To be human is to feel, to process, and to heal."
"You are responsible for your own feelings. You choose how you feel."
"Investors should remember that excitement and expenses are their enemies. And if they insist on trying to time their participation in equities, they should try to be fearful when others are greedy and greedy only when others are fearful."
"I have a confession to make. I'm in love with you. You are truly the light in my world."
"Emotions are thought of as helpful; they warn us of danger, they reward us for positive behaviors, but in reality, there are pros and cons to having emotions."
"The natural reaction would be disgust; people are disgusted by that and, of course, they get angry, and this disgust, in this case, kind of blended together with anger leads to hate."
"Feelings just are; they're not right or wrong, they're feelings."
"Humans process the world narratively... and those plots and plans are then associated with emotions because... we as the humans are able through plotting and planning to imagine a future that's distinct from the present, which creates desire or fear or hope."
"You are never feeling an emotion for no reason."
"It's down to only five people. How do you feel? Are you feeling a certain way right now?"
"Emotions are our body's way of communicating with us."
"It's not repetition that creates habits; it's emotions that create habits."
"Sorrow is being written like a disease - a virus infecting the happiness of each story world."
"Negative emotions are drivers for positive change."
"The man is neutral. The thoughts and feelings that you're having, you are creating."
"Emotions are the compass guiding you through your life."
"Having feelings does not make you weak, quite the opposite."
"I think it takes so much strength to be vulnerable and express those emotions to people around you."
"Your moon sign is connected to your emotions and how you are like deep down on a deep level."
"The positive side of anger. Well, anger sometimes it's a mask for sadness."
"Most of the time we were laughing, and there were certainly times where we were crying, but it was mostly laughter."
"This too wholesome for me. I'm not used to this. I have no way to handle these emotions. They're incredible."
"Emotions are not permanent. You hate a person to death one day and you get over it the next day."
"It's very important to understand that language is not an ideal and maybe even a deficient tool in terms of describing our emotions and our states of mind and body."
"We all experience emotions and react independently, and we look for community."
"Try to be grateful and angry simultaneously; it'll never work."
"So many of these financial decisions, good or bad, all come down to emotions more than they really come down to anything rational."
"Your biggest dream should fill you both with fear and excitement."