
Rejuvenation Quotes

There are 4288 quotes

"You can reset the system, and the body can really get rejuvenated."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I feel so refreshed. I feel like a newborn baby. My body feels so healthy. I feel calm. I feel all the things right now."
"Imagine waking up refreshed, feeling rejuvenated, and with less pain."
"What happens in the body when we have a period of time without food? Ketone production, reduction in inflammation, change in genetic expression, ability to repair and rejuvenate."
"We are on a continuous rejuvenation process."
"Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees."
"If you think about it, that's incredibly powerful because that's the whole process of rejuvenation."
"Passion is going to return to your life in aspects of career, in aspects of romance."
"The Star is all about healing and rejuvenation."
"The body has this extraordinary ability to renew, repair, rejuvenate, and reverse our biological age."
"Our body has the ability to recycle parts to get rid of old proteins and old cells and clean them up, and actually build new stuff, which is great."
"If we can figure out why we get old and how to reprogram the body, the cells in the body, to be young again, we won't get those diseases."
"By replenishing the NAD, mitochondria started communicating, the nucleus that mitochondria said to the nucleus, 'Hey, give us some protein like you used to when we were young,' and that completely restored the function of those mitochondria in the muscle."
"You can reprogram the body and reset the body's clock to be young again."
"If we can rejuvenate externally and internally, there's no biological law that says we can't make you look and feel younger."
"I give myself the gift of deep and restful sleep every night."
"When you awaken at your usual time in the morning, you will awaken deeply refreshed, revitalized, calm and strong, alert and confident."
"I refill my cup by connecting with the people I love."
"It's about finding joy in the life that you've created and in the choices you've made, and in finding your youthful enthusiasm again when life has absolutely beaten it out of you."
"We fallen children of the stars shall beam with brilliance once again."
"When I reach 5, you'll wake up and come out of trance, just feeling so refreshed and rejuvenated, awake and alert."
"I regained a whole new layer of life... that excitement of discovering simple pleasures had instantly returned to me."
"It feels like life is being breathed back into the world, you know? It's refreshing."
"I consider this whole event as a life-giving rejuvenation, and I'm going to try to rise out of the flames like a Phoenix."
"Learning something new, doing something new is incredibly revitalizing."
"Imagine bidding farewell to those energy-depleting mornings and embracing a day that begins with rejuvenation."
"Some jellyfish... have the ability to revert back to its juvenile stage."
"You can't actually achieve these outcomes in a systematic way, you kind of measure the age of your organs, you can try experimental therapies to rejuvenate them in a safe rational clinically valid way."
"The essence and the look of the person hasn't changed, but the eyes look more rejuvenated and refreshed."
"No one looks different; they look rested and rejuvenated, and they feel comfortable in their own skin."
"This particular technology was shown to change genetic expression...you're looking at changing the way genes express to rejuvenate over 1300 genes to the young transcriptomic levels."
"The elixir is some kind of magic thing, like the Golden Fleece or the Holy Grail, that brings back life into the culture."
"The idea is you're going to rejuvenate the body... You'll be in your best body that you ever had."
"One of the ways in which sleep refreshes us is by refreshing our ATP."
"Your home should be your ultimate place of peace. It's where you go to rejuvenate and to regenerate."
"He satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagles."
"Did you know the word [Lent] means a spring for your soul? How wonderful."
"Clinically, it's amazing to see that dramatic example, like an NHL player feeling like he was 25 again and deciding to keep playing."
"Bring that old color back to life a little bit."
"Star Trek needed to feel fresh and exciting; for lack of a better word, Star Trek needed to be cool."
"The cure for your exhaustion is intimacy with Jesus."
"I think it is possible to reverse aging. I've found that people do get younger as they get healthier."
"I feel refreshed and rejuvenated. I want to make videos. I want to be back on it."
"Since I've been on carnivore, I feel decades younger."
"Every so often you just need a break from social media, a little bit of sunshine, and everything just seems to go back into position in the world."
"Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you." - therapist mantra
"Enjoy your next day by feeling refreshed and making the most out of it."
"Get new laces, all of a sudden you're going to be fresh."
"I took myself in hand, I made myself healthy again…I discovered life anew, including myself; I tasted all good and even little things, as others cannot easily taste them—I turned my will to health, to life, into a philosophy." - Nietzsche, Ecce Homo
"I've just now felt like that new burst of motivation again for my channel and it feels really good."
"Suddenly, like life was pumped back into me, yeah, actually, that was the first time."
"Rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit with a fresh and renewed approach to life."
"It's almost like he took a Photoshop pen and went right over the chords and made them new again."
"Imagine every cell in your body rejuvenated like that."
"It's really amazing, you know, coming back. It just felt good."
"What a word this is: streams of living water!"
"The energy is drained out of you lately, but this week will rejuvenate you."
"You are going to find yourself doing something that you really love and this is going to rejuvenate in so many different ways."
"It's about rejuvenation, transformation, and a new life."
"I feel like I'm 35 years old again really I swear to God I feel like I'm 35."
"There is a possibility to renew your confidence... feeling like life is more joyful, easy-flowing, feeling a bit like a child as well."
"The Dead Sea is coming alive, it's not so dead anymore."
"Sleep is a life support system and it is mother nature's best effort yet at immortality."
"I've recharged the batteries over the international break and I'm ready. We all celebrate international break finishing in so many different ways."
"If you put a little bit of time and effort into stuff you can bring it back to life."
"He cried his New Year's gave him a new lease on life he was happy chatty and interactive during family get-togethers."
"This is a powerful time to reinvigorate your stamina, your might, your passion, your adrenaline."
"It's a chance to ReDiscover a part of yourself that you feel like you've lost touch with."
"It's a full-circle moment, a restructuring, a rejuvenation, a reset, a reinvent."
"It's time for you to chill, sit back, and let things be what they are...rest and rejuvenation coming in."
"It's like Mario Sunshine in real life, cleaning the streets line by satisfying line."
"November is all about rejuvenation, rebirth, and regeneration."
"I felt alive again. What I really felt was hope again."
"Is the magic gone? And if so, how do we get it back?"
"In my opinion, this is extremely unfair on Bennett whose tireless efforts and outsider approach to Star Trek helped rejuvenate the franchise."
"Let's hope it does because I would be very much down for the open world genre getting a big shot of life back in it."
"The Still Waters invite us to lay down our burdens, to drink deeply from the Fountain of Life."
"It's very crisp and clear, like clean fresh air. You must have been feeling very foggy, very numb."
"Find your tribe, you will lighten up, you will lose weight, you will get younger... instead of being a snack for vampires."
"We want the country to be great again, we want it to be glorious again."
"I take the time I need to rediscover my vitality."
"Brady's first year in Tampa Bay rejuvenated his career at an age where he should have been declining."
"Sometimes taking a break and coming back will refresh you."
"Spending time on my own helps me recharge my batteries."
"I'm extremely happy that in 2024 once again he woke up even if it was just for a brief moment."
"Every season is necessary and frankly even the fourth turning when a lot of old institutions are destroyed that's necessary to rejuvenate us right to rejuvenate our institutions to make them young again."
"You're gonna feel young again when you're around this person."
"Thank you, Lord God, for redemption, restoration, repair, and seasons of refreshing in each and every marriage."
"Getting this bye week to be able to just step away from the madness or the routine, the consistent routine that kind of drains you a little bit, I think that's the best thing that you can have, you know? It's just a restart, a refresh."
"There's nothing like the sweet smell of independence after a nice long sleep."
"There's nothing better than that. There's not that recharges you like that."
"There's no better way to enter a year than to enter it rested and restored."
"With a little bit of attention, neglected plants can bounce back beautifully."
"This movie needed to reestablish Star Wars, and it did."
"Sleep is one of the most efficient ways... to really come back to that zero point."
"Release past baggage for a new love that feels like young, first love again."
"That's what keeps the culture strong, that's what keeps the culture rich, that's what keeps it rejuvenating."
"I'm just doing mom life, family life stuff... and taking breaks from filming gives me energy."
"Rejuvenating and about to unlock your destiny."
"Towards the end of the month, it's about finding pleasure, joy, and rejuvenation."
"This place is incredible I just I just think if you spent a lot of time here it'd be it'd be so good for your soul."
"I can code again...the joy of coding is back."
"I sleep deeper and wake up feeling more refreshed and energized."
"It's actually rejuvenated me to be with a younger wife."
"The new cars are giving them a bit of a lease of life."
"I just feel like a brand new person. That's how showers do to me. I love showers."
"Suddenly my skin was plumper, smoother, brighter. I saw lines fading and any active acne spots that I had were just flattening and healing overnight."
"It's like growing, it's like, oh yeah, that's the keys. That's what you needed to be like, revitalized, re-energized."
"The more you take care of yourself, the more you remember parts of yourself you felt like you've gone missing."
"Marriage has not died and i think that if more people start opening themselves up start understanding what marriage actually is understanding what they have to bring to the table i think that we can turn things around."
"Time alone or in nature will help you recharge."
"Food is like getting a second chance at life all over again."
"It's nice to be optimistic about the thing we love again."
"I feel like I've spent so much time learning things... that actually just gave me another burst of life."
"I think there's always hope, there's always something that can rejuvenate or regrow."
"When I'm surrounded by nature I feel alive like nothing matters."
"No skincare product and no mask can help you feel so much more rejuvenated than a 15 to 20 minute power nap."
"I just feel like I love it again. I forgot like why I started working out and I remember now."
"Allow yourself that time to just rest and rejuvenate."
"There's no better feeling. I felt like that kid again."
"The shattered backboards almost rejuvenated the way that sneakerheads viewed the Air Jordan one."
"I've returned to my youth." - Feeling liberated after confinement.
"Your connection brought them back to life, awakening them from a deep slumber."
"This love dissolves pain, frustration, and exhaustion."
"I finally feel alive, I feel like I just needed some food, some iced coffee, and meat."
"Meeting you brought them so much energy and excitement, like feeling alive again."
"Come to me. Get away with me, and you'll recover your life."
"You've brought their energy, their vitality back after this, this heartbreak."
"Please don't ever forget to tell those in your life how much you love them and how grateful you are for them."
"An expression of life and vitality and hope and healing and rebirth."
"Miss Jean's now looks and feels like a new restaurant, and there is a buzz in the town."
"Once he was traded to the Suns he looked like a new player."
"It's quite an opportunity really, a place that is so abandoned, the chance to bring it back."
"Create space and distance from the things that you love, or the things that you once loved to find that spark again."
"Love is a fountain of eternal youth from which we can all drink."
"May 2022 is going to be your turning point, this is going to revive you, rejuvenate you, and make you feel alive again."
"The dynamic duo is back, J and Mikey, better than ever."
"Mahakal, the corridor, it is not just a corridor... it is a corridor to the sanatana civilizational Reclamation Renaissance Rejuvenation and renewal in that order."
"Feel the energy that you didn't feel in a long time, feel an inspiration that you didn't feel in a long time."
"Last night I think I got to about a 98 because the way I felt clean, relaxed, recharged from my shower alone was insane."
"Time for a nap, rest rejuvenate and renewal, temporary non-action allowing dreams to arise."
"The skin wants to repair itself and renew and get ready for a new day."
"I love that idea... just everything redone. That's a way to re-energize it."
"Rediscover this beautiful childlike energy within you."
"Imagine if you could turn back the clock 5, 10 even 15 years and reverse the effects of Aging."
"Rest, recharge your batteries. Deep rest is key, especially if you've had a full plate recently."
"You're kind of incubating, hibernating a little bit to come back with charged energy."
"This is you coming back to life, all right, from the inside out."
"You need that rest, you need that recovery, you need that spiritual rejuvenation."
"Riley has woken up feeling refreshed, ready to take on the world."
"Dust this [] off, okay? It's time to dust this [] off."
"Facing our shadow in the month of December maybe playing a really big role for a lot of you."
"Immaculate boxing. If there was a way to get people excited about boxing again."
"Apparently, there are fish who sing together in a chorus every day at dusk and dawn."
"And with that, ladies and gentlemen, we are embarking on a brand new journey together. Let's get into it!"
"Using his imagination and tapping into the life force of the flowers, he’s able to resurrect them."
"Exercise is just... it's such an incredible way of having a reset in your day."
"Renew an adventure, a return of passion and play."
"It's time for us to cleanse, rejuvenate, and reconstruct our lives."
"Find something that's yours. You have to find something that is rejuvenating to you."
"This is fresh, this is invigorating, it's inspiring. It seems to be the true essence of what you're worth and what you're deserving of."
"I feel so refreshed and awake with all the energy in the world."
"This man almost single-handedly breathed life back into this dying Community."
"The more you can do to actually halt or reverse these hallmarks of aging... you actually can look younger and also be younger."
"Home to me is like a Sacred Space... it's this place where you can come back and recharge and rest and regroup before you go out into the world."
"Super excited that they are breathing new life into this thing."
"This just screams spring to me, it breathes life into my body."
"Dopamine has this incredible property of rejuvenation that can allow us to not only endure but to renew and regenerate our ability to lean into hard effort again."
"Great scientists and writers... they all have their kind of rote activity that they do that helps them replenish and regenerate."
"A rebirth is assured, something's coming back to life, complete the cycle."
"Rest and relaxation is essential... it's gonna like be a reset button on your life."
"I am more excited than ever. I feel like a kid again."
"In these days following Leviathan's devastation, we are a chapter awash with fresh blood."
"You're going to feel re-energized... revitalized... finding that independence."
"Quality, it's the quality of your sleep, and you'll be able to get the full energy bar refreshed."
"This ritual of rejuvenation is often used in wartime to bolster morale."
"You have actually brought this place back to life."
"Live life, take more risks, enjoy yourself a bit more. And that's what's created this resurrection, this street Jesus that we're seeing now."
"Get out in nature... get closer to God... resets you."
"If you are breaking out on your body or on your face, or you have dry skin, or your skin needs a little bit of TLC, a little pick-me-up, it's looking dull, it needs to be bright and rejuvenated, you need this."
"Atlas Rises: A colorful renaissance, shaping the universe anew."
"My wife has also lost 97 pounds... You won't believe how great I feel."
"He satisfies your mouth with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles."
"You're refreshed, and in those states, things that just seem so complicated become so simple."
"And together we are making America wealthy again, we are making America strong again, we are making America safe again, and we are making America great again."
"Nothing is more important than relaxing and rejuvenating so that you can come back and show up for yourself and for everybody else each and every day."
"Sometimes you just need to take a little break and then you come back and things are fresh again."
"We need to help our body mimic the processes that naturally occurred when we were younger."
"It made my skin look and feel plumper and more dewy."
"Giving your senses a break is very romantic and rejuvenating."
"You put an SSD into something and it gives it new life."
"They rejuvenate their tissues, heal, and they get young again."
"She's fallen in love with the game again. It's great to see."
"New beginning, new energy, just like the swan."
"Learning something new makes me feel young again."
"A fish run is always always a good idea to bring yourself back from the brink."
"A sanctuary when feeling overwhelmed to invigorate your mind with its fresh mountain air."
"Just like the lunar cycle, now is a reminder of the vital power that rest and reflection can have on our overall journey."
"Thou shalt be like a watered garden and like a spring of water whose waters fail not."
"Can you tell I needed this coffee this morning? It has brought me back to life."