
Technology Dependence Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"You just sort of find yourself doing it because the behavior of picking up your phone is sort of reflexive, or has become fully reflexive."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"By now, the majority of the human race has been enslaved by phones and technology."
"I can't just lock my phone away is that I am low key addicted to productivity apps."
"Is this not a little scary to everybody? I think how much we're addicted to our phones."
"Turn off the machine, but the cloud of mockery still looms."
"It'll be like those F-150s that are stuck on the lot without a computer."
"If you can't get your email, your SMS, or your push delivered, you will never get any success from these."
"How in the world are we supposed to advance as a civilization if we don't know how to solve problems? If everything we do is a Google search or a cut and paste from an AI chatbot?"
"Humans are getting weaker, fatter, technology is doing everything for them."
"Russia's reliance on advanced technology for its oil and gas industry poses a significant risk."
"Hooking your brain into a machine that allows it to do all the work for you is going to make you dumber."
"With all the stuff that goes on with big tech, viewer support is really the only thing independent content creators can rely on."
"Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free, but that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them."
"It's very hard now to go to Disney World without a smartphone."
"Give me your phone. Give me the power cord to your computer."
"You're nothing but a slave to a cell phone. You are slave to it, nothing but a cheap, weak slave."
"I forget that we're even plugged into something that's this big."
"Society needs sophisticated coordination for space travel and the internet."
"With iPhones nowadays we literally have everything from the touch of our phones or smartphones so there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to get anything done."
"Everyone's lives are run by technology these days... and yet a lot of people are not technical," - Reflecting on society's reliance on technology and the knowledge gap in cybersecurity.
"Could you live without apps? I could but I got an ID."
"I don't need a lot of people in my computer screen to tell me my basic human functions. I am okay, do not worry."
"Apparently it's all your internet's fault. If your internet was just a bit better, that wouldn't have happened."
"Gadgets will never satisfy us, you'll always need another one if that's all you need."
"We have already given up much of our intellectual independence to technology."
"It would be a lot easier for small countries to agree to China’s demands than to try to hold out until they can get the technology they need from other countries."
"It's the proof of a sedentary race, or race where they have technology doing all the work for them."
"We're moving toward an era of greater dependency on algorithms and machines."
"A world without photosynthesis would be a world without technology, without industry, without green on the land and in the sea, without oxygen in the atmosphere, and almost certainly without humanity to try and understand it all."
"I mean, the amount of dependency that we have on these radio signals is massive and it's growing every single day."
"The dream... I work for my phone, I have time freedom."
"In order for your ex to no longer take you for granted they have to have that moment where suddenly the technology no longer exists or at least there's a threat that it could no longer exist."
"So when's the last time you went with no Wi-Fi for a whole day? 24 hours um on the cruise."
"If it makes people need to use a computer in any way, it's serving the ecosystem."
"I do not fear computers; I fear lack of them."
"I'm always on my phone all day every day so I just call these my tools."
"I don't worry about the...super intive machines killing us all...but what I do worry about is being over-dependent on these systems..."
"One day it will be a real virus, not like this, like a zombie virus or you're going to have an electromagnetic pulse problem when you won't have electricity for a year."
"Streaming only killer app... where the technological basis for this can only occur because of streaming tech."
"The danger of having artificial intelligent machines do our bidding."
"I really missed the convenience. I think that's genuinely all my phone is for me, it's convenience."
"We live in a world where losing your phone is more dramatic than losing your virginity."
"The entire powerful human brain gets taken to Google and the Pentagon."
"People will become completely dependent on these machines, I think."
"The problem is even many critical Western telecom technologies are tied to a Huawei patent somewhere along the way." - Alex Mihailovich
"Humans have survived since the dawn of time without. We only had internet for about 20 years. In, uh, 30 years, I think we'll be okay. I'm enjoying not having been in it. That makes one of us."
"Are you a slave to technology? Take periodic breaks from electronics and regenerate yourself."
"We make ourselves stupid in order to make the computer software seem smart."
"Most of the internet would vanish if AWS disappeared." - Robert
"We're trying to navigate because we were not prepared to have to use a phone. I'm pretty upset about this."
"Bub time and smartphones really are all you need in life anyways."
"Everything looks the same, like I wouldn't be able to get around here without GPS."
"We can't manage this world without artificial intelligence."
"The idea that near-blind faith is vested in innovators and technocrats who we desperately hope can engineer us into a better reality."
"People will beg for it. You know why? The chip."
"The answer is simple: the answer is robots. If you want money, simply bow to your robot overlords."
"It's fascinating because intelligence actually comes from humans... They're farming intelligence and farming capacity."
"The lack of responsibility seems only going to get worse with the exponential growth of smartphones."
"It's just lazy. You're letting technology do your thinking for you."
"Without them, all these machines would be expensive paperweights."
"We all rely on technology for most of our daily tasks, but it's really a double-edged sword. On one hand, we have amazing tools that make life both easy and cool, but on the other, they're trying to take our jobs."
"We got so conditioned by technology without knowing it, that we're now hallucinating 90% of the time."
"You're not going forward with the rest of the species if you maintain the idea that humans are a naturally evolving creature here on this planet of this planet absent their technology."
"Security systems are only useful if they're used correctly."
"Millennials: Confident, entitled, and depressed. Their marriage to technology has nearly destroyed their interpersonal skills."
"We have become increasingly dependent on technology to do our stuff for us."
"It's crazy how much we lean on this technology nowadays."
"...the anchor solix can take 12 volts... and that's the thing as people are experiencing more and more blackouts and we're becoming more and more dependent on Power and the internet to live our lives I would now argue that having some form of backup power is essential."
"Automation is such an important part of the cloud that if you take it out of the picture, basically you have not much left but sort of a good old data center."
"My life is kind of, very closely tied with my phone."
"I guarantee if the internet was to stop or if we lost social media for about a month or a week, the world would be completely different."
"Imagine what our lives would be like today if suddenly every car and truck and bus and vehicle, or every computer in the entire world disappeared."
"When it the [__] hits the fan and we then have to work in a contested environment, we no longer have the luxury of relying on technology."
"Can you imagine what will happen if we lose all electronics and phones go down in this country? Anyone under 30 or 40 years old will be lost."
"When you're a creative professional, having technology that you can count on goes a long way."
"People will freak out and stop everything when their phone is on 2%, but when something is actually seriously wrong in their life, they'll just choose to ignore it."
"It's going to be very difficult to shut down the internet and keep people happy."
"How are we supposed to survive without any tunes, without our favorite shows, without even instant messaging?"
"Who doesn't like having internet wherever they go?"
"We truly cannot do this without Wi-Fi, I'm an addict."
"You can go without food for a few days and call it extended fasting, but don't you touch my internet."
"Before the 2000s, people lived without phones attached to their hands."
"I worry that the more we allow machines to make decisions for us, the more we inhibit our own ability to think for ourselves."
"We've become more dependent on computers and smartphones than maybe we thought."
"I guess that's a prime example of why we shouldn't be so reliant on technology all the time."
"We use our phones sort of like a drug delivery device."
"Who am I without my phone? Just really getting back to just like the core of who you are."
"Life without a phone, you guys, you don't realize it's so boring. Life is on a phone; it's like the worst life ever."
"Would you rather have an assistant with the intelligence of Einstein but no access to the internet, or an assistant that's just above average intelligence, knows everything about you, and can use the internet?"
"So many of the systems we depend on as a modern society need highly reliable and available computer systems to work."
"Imagine having to touch a light switch when you enter a room."
"We rely on our devices, it's easy to forget about the hardware that we're born with."
"All we do is pray for good Wi-Fi."
"Where would you be without technology?"
"We've been contemplating our mechanical, electronic navels for too long. My God, how we need a breath of honest air."
"The cell phones are the way of life now."
"Would you rather live without the internet or gas/diesel?"
"We don't want to be completely reliant on technology all the time to solve our problems."
"The only thing we can trust is the CPU die."
"Wi-Fi is something you don't really think about until you don't have it or it's not working properly."
"What would we do without our technology these days?"