
Sugar Quotes

There are 309 quotes

"Elimination of simple sugars has a dramatic and positive effect."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"No subsidy on any sugar whatsoever. There needs to be no federal money spent on sugar."
"The idea that cancer does not feed on sugar is crazy. We know through our research that that's not the case."
"Sugar is driving atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, dementia, and likely cancer as well. One root cause of a multitude of problems."
"Cut out all sugars...sugar is a poison for the body."
"The world learned about the art of purifying and cultivating sugar from India."
"The problem wasn't so much eating sugar... the problem was that our cells are filled with fat particles that cause insulin to not work anymore."
"Sugar may well be the fundamental cause of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease because of its effect on insulin resistance."
"Our food's been weaponized with fructose that we subsidize."
"Sugar, highly inflammatory, is going to cause a histamine reaction."
"America has a very Love-Hate relationship with sugar, in that we hate how much we love it."
"The obvious suspect at the moment is sugar. Sugar is driving all of the chronic metabolic diseases that we know about today."
"Sugar should be regulated like tobacco and alcohol."
"Sugar is a drug. It is the number one most abused drug that we have."
"How addictive sugar is and all the ways it negatively affects our bodies."
"Enjoy sugar from time to time, but understand it's a recreational drug."
"Sugar does exactly the same thing so we know mechanically how that works."
"Get people to think of sugar kind of the way we think of cigarettes."
"Exogenous sugar in the diet is almost certainly problematic."
"Eliminate sugar and fake food from your diet."
"Sugar, which for so long has given pleasure to humans, may hold a key to extending human life."
"Sugar is a drug. Fructose is metabolized the same way as alcohol in our liver. It's one of the worst drugs known to man."
"People thought... sugar... it's not bad for you... now we know it's really bad for you."
"I've definitely connected with this and the animals so trusting of me."
"Sugar is linked to... mental health challenges, diseases, weight gain."
"Get sugar out of your diet because half of that is fructose, a toxic chemical we shouldn't be eating."
"Sugar rots your teeth and also rots your [ __ ] brain."
"Definitely sugar is not the enemy in my opinion."
"It's not the red meat that causes cysts and all that, it's sugar."
"You eat a lot of bread, you eat pasta, that's still sugar."
"I think I'm crashing right now because of the massive amount of caffeine and sugar I put into my body today."
"Under periods of chronic stress, we crave sugar."
"Sugar is highly addictive, as addictive as nicotine."
"Sugar is not evil, fruit is not bad and will not make you fat."
"Coke and Pepsi contain large amounts of sugar and caffeine, increasing the risk of obesity and other health problems."
"Sugar in addition to being inflammatory has some really horrible side effects."
"Sugar fructose kills the same areas of the brain as meth to the same extent as meth."
"Wow, ice cream for breakfast in prison? It can't get any better than this!"
"Sugar should have been the old tobacco as well."
"Sugar for the brain chemistry is really addictive."
"The overconsumption of sugar is just out of control."
"Fructose is addictive because it stimulates the reward center of the brain."
"Sugar is the driver of the LDL fraction that generates heart disease, dietary fat is not."
"The pervasiveness of sugar in our diets is not just about our physical health and diabetes and weight, but it's really linked to our mental well-being."
"Sugar addiction is a very real thing; it can be a major impediment to getting to that healthy weight loss protocol."
"Yeast love sugar and the standard American diet is loaded in sugar."
"The sugar that you find in fruit is not harmful, it's not hurting you, and it's not causing weight gain."
"It's just eating sugar in two different forms."
"Sugar is the proximate cause of diabetes worldwide."
"Once you put the sugar on there, there's a good chance that it does start to catch."
"We could block not just salt-induced obesity, but sugar and high fructose corn syrup induced obesity."
"Consuming a lot of sugar is potentially more toxic to your health than consuming artificially sweetened beverages."
"By minimizing your sugar intake, you can stabilize your blood sugar levels and reduce the likelihood of those insulin spikes, which may help to prevent fat storage in the belly region."
"Sugar is so inflammatory on the body, so I typically recommend keeping your sugar intake to under five grams per day."
"Sugar is causative, primary data demonstrating causation in randomized controlled trials."
"When you get off sugar, your life will change. I'm telling you, and I mean all sugar, even fruit."
"The brain actually is very sensitive to sugar and that too much insulin too much sugar is actually what's driving this Cascade which causes this epidemic of Alzheimer's."
"Salt and sugar are some more inexpensive food items and these are good since they never expire."
"You're still gonna get significantly less sugar because four times the amount of protein and a fraction of the sugar."
"The obsessive-compulsive nature of your eating significantly changes when we get the sugar out of the diet."
"Sugar is one of the main triggers of breakouts."
"The idea that sugar had any benefit actually stems from fallacies propagated in the 1970s."
"Some people easily understand that sugar is bad."
"From the beginning, sugar in the show itself has been interested in discussing mental health."
"If we're working out three to four days a week, consuming enough protein, and not going nuts on sugar, safe to say we're probably gonna lose some fat along the way."
"Just pure sugar solves the problem."
"Sugar is found in 70 of the items in the typical American grocery store."
"Sugar makes you eat more, therefore you finish the pasta sauce faster and you desire to buy more."
"You know considering the Killing Spree that Michael Myers goes on after he eats this candy the candy corn the circus peanut it's easy to blame the sugar or at the very least the substandard Halloween treats."
"Sugar is probably the worst, most damaging, and detrimental food you could possibly put in your body."
"Knowing all of this about sugar, I personally think that sugar is the number one most dangerous food you could possibly feed your body."
"Both sugars are bad, but in general, glucose when it doesn't get converted to fructose is there to make instant energy and fructose was really designed to make stored energy."
"When I felt really sick, the only thing I could stomach eating was sugar."
"Sugar will actually age your skin in two different mechanisms."
"One of the reasons I believe I've been successful in making the case about sugar and toxicity is that I do know my stuff, and I provide both the cognitive information along with the visceral information to go with it."
"More than half of the sugar in the US comes from sugar beets."
"Ultimately, sugar was a bigger problem than saturated fat ever was."
"If a sugar is were any one of the first three ingredients, that is dessert. That's how you have specifically."
"It doesn't have alcohol, but they made up for that fact with a lot of sugar."
"Is it better not to have the sweetness? Possibly. But - and here is the big but - if you're having too much sugar, if you are diabetic, if you're trying to 'wean' a child off sugar could, sweeteners be used as a middle ground, as a step away? Yes."
"We can survive without the white powdered stuff because we can get it from eating bread and pasta and potatoes, but where's the joy in life? That would be what I say."
"I just eliminated sugar as much as I can, you know, now I drink nothing but water."
"The best way to get sugar out of your life is to not need it."
"That sugar insulin spike was getting me feeling good."
"Sugar gives you energy. But it's really the fact that the aftermath of having too many of an overload of sugar and carbs tends to make you feel tired."
"Cut down or cut out any kind of food that has added sugar."
"Prior to the introduction of sugar, dental decay was actually a function of age, not diet."
"Always start Breakfast with the most amount of sugar."
"So doing a Whole30 is a great way to get back on track and remember how much better I feel when I'm not eating loads of sugar."
"The issue is not the amount of sugar, the issue is which route does the sugar take and what happens along the way."
"Sugar is great, isn't it? If sugar is that good, crack must be unbelievable."
"That's pretty much just straight-up sugar, that's damn good."
"Imagine a regular can of Coke, 25 grams of sugar. Same thing in the can of juice. That's the zero, no, no, no."
"Each person with type 2 diabetes would drop their fasting level of sugar to normal within seven days."
"I'm using a scale just for fun: 500 grams or two and a half cups granulated sugar."
"Sugar is the socially accepted drug."
"The cereals from Magic Spoon have zero grams of sugar"
"I definitely prefer it with a bit of sugar though. That's just because I have a sweet tooth."
"Diet friendly snacks laden with sugar set up a chain reaction that leaves us chasing the next sugar rush."
"Thinking of sugar as a drug has helped me enjoy it more responsibly."
"Eating a lot of sugar can cause you to gain weight."
"Can I borrow some sugar? I like that idea of being neighborly."
"Most UK sliced bread or wrapped bread falls under the category of low sugar foods."
"Less sugar is always better for you, sugar is terrible for you."
"No other people were like, 'Oh yeah, that's what you want, your sugar to spike before bed.' I'm like, 'Honey, I can take down a bottle of Pinot before bed, like, my body's used to sugar.'"
"Sugar is literally a forever food."
"Honey is a great substitute for refined sugar."
"Sugar is also good for your mental health."
"Sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar... sugar spikes your dopamine level and leaves you craving more."
"You can do as little as 5% or as much as 20%, and although very few breads have 20% sugar, it can handle it."
"Get rid of the sugar... sugar just isn't healthy and we get way way too much of it in our diet."
"This is perfect for me for when I don't want to eat sugar which is very contradicting."
"Does your pancreas react the same way to all sugar as to diet pop?"
"We don't need this added sugar, this is bad for the pancreas."
"People think we get dumber at the end of the videos because of the sugar."
"Consuming excessive amounts of sugar, including fructose, can lead to fatty liver and inflammation."
"This is not a calorie problem, this is a sugar inflammatory problem and it's going to kill you folks."
"Diabetes is a vascular inflammatory condition caused by chronically elevated blood sugar levels."
"I had a session with Doug, remember you had Dougapalooza? And we had these sessions with him. And he asked me a few pointed questions and he said, 'You're not addicted to sugar; you're addicted to sugar with a fat carrier.' And I was like, 'Well, damn it, he's right!'"
"You're not addicted to sugar; you're addicted to sugar with a fat carrier."
"I almost have no sugar now, I am like anti-sugar now, basically."
"Fast food, um, too much sugar, I almost have no sugar now, I am like anti-sugar now, basically."
"Spiritual seekers either want to be sugar or they want to taste sugar."
"I'm telling you that sugar make everything better."
"Sugar is a tricky, tricky, tricky little abuser because it really is everywhere."
"Sugar causes diabetes, and we have the data to prove it."
"Sugar can be as addictive as cocaine or nicotine."
"But sugar's big break into Europe took place around the year 1096 when Pope Urban II declared the first Crusade."
"Anyway, happy Halloween and I will see you next time on Tasting History for more of the history of sugar."
"When you cut sugar back, AST changes so the mitochondria are actually getting better."
"It's not important as long as the sugar is brown exactly it's much healthier much healthier."
"Sugar is good on anything, so pure cane granulated sugar or just cane sugar that's not pure, um, light brown sugar, yeah like this pure cane sugar golden brown, wait a minute pure cane sugar dark brown, I'm gonna use this one."
"If we really want the food industry to stop putting sugar in everything that we eat we have to stop buying it."
"I have exercise-induced asthma. When I was on zero sugar or as close to zero as it's practical to get, bizarrely, my asthma pretty much disappeared."
"These cookies have so much sugar in them, like they are so bad for you. Like, I'm talking like 150 grams of sugar, like crazy amounts."
"I think the general consensus view now you know in 2023 is that the sugar and Ultra processed foods in excess drives so many things it's not this is a common theme Here for cancer too it seems it really is there's so much overlap in all of medical school we all."
"It's just too much sugar especially with like traditional Dairy the dairy and the sugar is just like it really upsets my stomach."
"You just grab a handful of fried and sugar like coke, that's my coke."
"Save my sugar for where it counts. I want to have a freaking cookie, I don't want to be like giving up all my sugar in salad dressing, you know?"
"Sugar can perpetuate Alzheimer's and cancer growth."
"If you go off sugar for five days and then you taste a blueberry, you think a candy bomb went off in your mouth."
"Dark chocolate... rich in antioxidants... recommend a high cacao count... less sugar... all sugar substitutes are linked to... raising blood sugar... higher cortisol... sugar cravings... vicious cycle that we want to break."
"Stay away from as much sugar as you can, sugar kills."
"Sugar, sugar, sugar—number one inflammatory food. It's addictive, dangerous, and dramatically raises blood sugar levels."
"Understand the science behind sugar, cut back slowly, and make conscious choices to reduce intake."
"I am hyped up on sugar right now."
"... there's natural sugars from a pear or a mango pretty quickly lickety split actually but when you actually have a can of soda that has nine tablespoons of sugar in it refined sugar that is like instantly overloading your metabolism with sugar."
"Try to go organic because it really matters with berries and try to get the least amount of sugar added."
"Sugar is addictive and the most dangerous drug of the times."
"Don't fear sugars in the form of fruit, honey, maple syrup, lactose, and dairy."
"Insulin actually fuels the cancer growth and sugar fuels the cancer growth."
"Two hundred years ago, the Caribbean produced more wealth than the whole of the rest of the British Empire put together, primarily because of sugar."
"While foods rich in sugar pose risks to liver health, moderation is key."
"Eliminate refined sugar and alcohol from your diet to prevent fat accumulation in your liver."
"Sugar isn't the cause of obesity. It's too many calories that is."
"There's nothing healthy about added sugar, man-made sugar, fake sugar."
"We about to grab like seven things of sugar, seven pitchers."
"Try getting off of sugar, seriously."
"You know what happens at the end of the night on Halloween? The kid crashes, yeah. That's right, from a sugar crash, and these boys are pushing hard."
"Try to get your sugars from full complex carbohydrates including food sources and avoid sources of sugar such as refined sugar."
"The high sugar content in your bloodstream can harm the tiny blood vessels in your kidneys, impairing their filtration ability."
"Added sugar is so harmful to our health."
"Sugar does not trigger satiety hormones. Remember how we were talking about that?"
"Limit added sugar to 24 grams per day for women or 36 per day for men."
"Yes, you can have sugar, of course, but make it from real food, not ultra-processed food that's going to hijack your brain and your metabolism."
"Sweet things, even if they are sugar-free, will still trigger the hypothalamic region in your brain."
"Did you use just ordinary demerara sugar?"
"Sugar is essential to marmalade making."
"So long-term consumption of sugar causes withdrawal symptoms that have been observed especially in animal models to be as addictive as morphine and nicotine dependence."
"If you want to use regular white sugar that works too."
"I feel a little nauseous. I had way too much processed sugar and food."
"Sugar, which consists of carbon hydrogen and oxygen, is the essence to everything that saves and makes you money."
"Recognize your sugar addiction. Any carbohydrate breaks down to sugar."
"But a lot of sauces a lot of dressings that we use and and baked goods even if they taste more Savory than sweet they add sugar to it."
"Excess sugar stimulates excess insulin."
"I've had incredible results with people just cutting out their sugar."
"When there is less sugar in your diet."
"85% of the stuff in the grocery store maybe even more has sugar in it."
"Scanning surroundings. Searching for Sugar. Sugar detected."
"A million suckers at two and a half bucks a piece. Hey, that's a lot of sugar."
"I caved for the first time in over a month, I had a tiny bite of artificial sugars."
"I recommend to most people that struggle with sugar to start their day in a Savory way."
"We've become so used to having sugar in our diets, we really don't understand how much sugar we're consuming."
"Giving up sugar was the best decision I ever made."
"Sugar addictions are real. The taste of sugar on the tongue triggers the release of opiates in the brain."
"Real sugar is actually bad for your health but good for your soul."
"The worst drug out of all of them is sugar."
"25% of the world's diabetes is due to sugar, and sugar alone."
"Sugar is a drug; it's a few molecules away from crack and cocaine."
"Sugar is converted to fat in your liver."
"Sugar is harmful; it's toxic as a drug. It causes a dopamine response to the addiction centers of your brain just like cocaine, heroin, and meth."
"Tea is great, any tea, as long as you don't load it with sugar."
"Some people feel that it's helpful for them to get away from sugar."
"When you are a kid, your capacity for sugar intake is insane."
"Sugar is a renewable resource; we can just keep growing more."
"We eat way too much added sugar and way too much refined grain; we don't eat enough vegetables."
"I love dark brown sugar. It's so underutilized, just gives it like a really deep, rich kind of almost caramelly flavor."
"Which thick perennial grass is cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions for its sweet sap, a major source of sugar?"
"Processed sugar especially not very often so dates are a good substitute when you're desperate for something really sweet."
"There is no mammal on the face of the earth that healthily lives off sugar."