
Truth Quotes

There are 35114 quotes

"It's about being in the world and being as aware as I can possibly be, including being aware that there are things I'm not aware of. So sort of having a healthy respect and an orientation to the world that values truth and values understanding and exploration."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's all lies. Back to nature, the only truth."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"At the end of the day, the truth actually matters. If it's real, right? If the idea is real, if it's a legitimately good scientific discovery about how nature works, if it's a new invention, if it's a new work of art, and if it's real, then you do, at the end of the day, you have that on your side."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The truth is slower to catch on but it's harder to get rid of."
"The two main takeaways: Should scholars be completely free to pursue research questions without fear of institutional punishment for their conclusions? If pursuit of truth and social equity goals appear to come into conflict, which should scientists prioritize?"
"Hard isn't bad; hard is necessary, hard is truth."
"There's something about the way if the mind sees truth like it sees it's internal externalized, it immediately looks crazy and in that recognition that so much of what goes on in our heads is crazy, there's this weird thing where beauty like other amazing things crop up as surprises."
"The closest we get to final truth is when we let go of all thought completely."
"Beauty is truth, truth is beauty...beauty's value is only in that it is an avatar of goodness, rightness."
"Everyone is just trying to love; that's the truth."
"I think whatever resonates with truth is greatness."
"Welcome to Off the Record, a platform where individuals come here to speak their truth, discuss their thoughts, and own their stories."
"The point is for all of us to work together to get to the truth, not be biased, not fight against each other."
"Mature people make decisions based on truth, not based on feelings."
"When I'm just being me, I have nothing to prove. I'm just in the truth of who I am."
"There's nothing that's more adventurous than telling the truth."
"The truth is a stubborn thing; it doesn't go away."
"When you're committed to the truth, no matter the consequences, your life can take unexpected turns."
"Truth just is. It's pure isness. It's got nowhere else to go because it's the only thing that there is."
"If we don't live speaking out, if we're constantly dropping our voices when we say the truth, we're done for."
"Infinite love is the only truth; everything else is illusion."
"They say truth hurts, but reality is much worse."
"As long as the truth is on your side, there is no such thing as the truth; it's only what you can prove."
"Systems thinking also means integrating multiple perspectives... every perspective has a tinge of truth to it."
"Truth is one of the vehicles for deepening spiritual awareness through another human being."
"Truth is non-dual; truth is the unification of all dualities."
"Truth is consciousness, truth is the whole universe, truth is God, truth is love."
"Truth is life and death; truth is the only thing there is and could ever be."
"Truth is self-awareness, self-illuminating, self-knowing, and self-evident."
"Truth is something that should be valued, and I think that everybody should value truth."
"Stand up for yourself and speak your truth respectfully and compassionately, with no attachment to the outcome."
"Telling the truth feels amazing or gets you in a lot of actual trouble, but the kind of trouble that you learn from."
"Trust engages the reader in a quest for the truth while confronting the deceptions that often live at the hearts of relationships."
"Healing has to first start with someone being willing to bear witness to your truth, no matter how uncomfortable your truth is."
"Turn pain into power, embrace your truth, and live free."
"Create special, powerful memories and instill yourself with truth so that, when the cosmic wind blows, you're still that foundation for others."
"Find out what's going on when there's unacceptable behavior and really get to the heart of what the truth is."
"If we continue scientifically, we are discovering truth and in that, discovering common ground on which we can all agree."
"It's important to speak about truth... but doing it in the wrong way, to someone who is not receptive, is not the right time."
"People who speak the truth are always being fought throughout history."
"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."
"The great danger I think of post-modernism though is its skeptical stance toward the idea of there being truth at all."
"Love is the ultimate truth at the heart of creation."
"It seems so obvious like how could humans be so stupid as to genuinely believe that the perspective that they have of reality is actually some sort of absolute truth?"
"Isn't it obvious to you that no one perspective can be correct? Isn't that obvious?"
"The truth has nothing to fear from investigation."
"I'm interested in believing as many true things as possible, and as few false things as possible."
"I would rather taste the bitter truth than feast on sweet lies."
"A true critical thinker shouldn’t be swayed by repeated falsehoods; they discern lies from truths, regardless of how often they’re repeated, and how beautifully they’re adorned."
"It's not about how it might affect us; we should try to be on the side of truth."
"If we care about truth and what is actually true about reality, then we look for those things."
"We should follow the evidence where it leads."
"Science doesn't make proclamations about truth; it creates probabilistic models based on what we understand."
"You are the truth. My only job was to show the falsity of the world, direct you, and point towards the truth, which you always were."
"We navigate the echo chamber, seeking diverse points of view, for in the clash of ideas, truth might finally break through."
"Our fear is great, but greater is the truth of our connectedness."
"We can access the truths of mathematics with our consciousness."
"Love is not a sentiment or an emotion. Love is the ultimate truth at the heart of creation, which is unity consciousness."
"I will fight for my name, my family, and for the truth."
"Our Legacy Media fails in that they are propagandists and not journalists. They don't hold truth to power; they hold back truth for power."
"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
"Truth and honesty are not merely things that you do for the benefit of others. Truth is important because truth is what everything is and the only thing that there is."
"A serious lifelong commitment to truth at all costs even when it's painful is more serious than marriage."
"Sometimes the truth isn't good enough. Sometimes people deserve more. Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded."
"What happens in the dark always comes to light."
"Depiction of history is not endorsement of all the things that happened. It is arguably our moral duty to our species that we honor the truth."
"It used to be said that a lie can get around the world before the truth can get its boots on, but today we're often seeing the opposite happen."
"Everything Satan has ever told God about you is the absolute truth... His accusations are true; they just can't stick because of what Jesus has done."
"The truth is what the facts are. Science can determine what is true."
"Truth is truth, and should be learned and accepted and realized for its own sake."
"There is no truth but power because it seems like they're actually, in a sense, correct. Of course, there's objective truth, but they know that people will absolutely give up any notion of truth for comforting lies and/or personal benefit."
"I love the concept of the noble adversary and how in philosophy it's so helpful to have somebody that might be completely on the other side of an issue but as long as truth is on the throne, then you both can be very helpful to one another."
"Free and open conversations about truth must be fostered if humanity has any chance of moving toward a new, more tolerant and tolerable future."
"Sometimes I ask myself what it is that I should be doing with my life and what I always hear in return is to tell the truth, to be the truth."
"Love has many faces, and love also tells people the truth."
"If the human intellect, if the human mind, if human reason isn't really for anything, it doesn't have the attainment of truth as its final cause or goal."
"Truth is preferable to falsehood, and accuracy is preferable to inaccuracy."
"If you're going to claim something is true for all human beings, then it has to be true for all human beings."
"Most people are interlocked with a preference for truth over falsehood on the matter that we're talking about."
"If you want to say something true about the universe, use the scientific method."
"Just because you have a thought has nothing to do with whether or not it's true or whether or not it's helpful."
"Spirituality is not for comfort; it's for clarity, understanding, and truth."
"Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding."
"There is objective truth in the world that we can measure... but there's also internal truth, spiritual truth that you get to by self-examination."
"Greetings, citizens of Earth. This is Anonymous. We have long been the defenders of truth and justice, exposing the lies that governments and organizations have hidden from the public eye."
"If we can't agree on what's true, you can't solve any problem."
"Some things are being said that are simply not true and they are not fair."
"Discernment shatters illusions and gets to the truth of a matter."
"If you don't face the truth, you can't do anything about it."
"The word is divine. Your word is divine, if it's true."
"The one thing that has haunted me my entire life is finding the truth about my parents."
"This is about the truth. You want the truth; I want the truth."
"Truth is truth, regardless of how you present it."
"Speaking the truth, even when it's against yourself or your kin, is the essence of bravery and integrity."
"The only things that should be believed are those supported with the best reasons and truth is objective, it's not subjective."
"God is tired of the lies; he's sick of the nonsense. Exposure is here."
"An innocent person does not lie. They tell the truth because you know why? It's easy to remember the truth. It's hard to remember a lie."
"If you look for truth, you may find comfort; if you look for comfort, you will find despair."
"Enlightenment is living the truth of life, and the scientifically proven truth of life today is unity."
"There is no credible evidence of any misconduct or wide-scale fraud."
"Julian Assange is in prison not because he printed lies, but because he printed the truth."
"They want to make as much money as possible, go for it. I want to tell as much truth as possible."
"The whole point of having a platform is to use it to say what I think is true. That is the job."
"Simplicity is about truth and simplicity is about values."
"Electing good people who seek truth and a sense of justice is the only way to ensure they can guide us."
"Truth is love, truth creates, truth gives inspiration. Distortion deceives, distortion destroys, distortion attacks."
"Truth is not aggressive, truth stands alone, truth doesn't need to be proved, truth just is. It's like the sun; the sun doesn't have to get allies to come around it and give it validation that it exists. It just exists. It doesn't need anybody to point it out; it's just there."
"A beautiful definition of storytelling for me is truth well told."
"Objective truth exists; objective right and wrong exists."
"When you feel the truth in any way, shape, or form, it reverberates inside you."
"We shall know the truth, and the truth shall set us free."
"The American people want the truth. We need the facts."
"The truth is always the loudest thing in the room."
"Don't judge a book by its cover, yeah, that's so true."
"I really do think that the best methodology for finding truth is science."
"Once you experience truth or you touch truth for the first time, it's an experience that I don't know, it's very addicting."
"It's just the price that we have to pay, and that is to know as many true things as possible because you don't want to cause other people to suffer."
"Our relationships with other people, our capacity to recognize and act in accordance with truth, and our ability to obey the principles and ordinances of the Gospel of Jesus Christ are amplified through our physical bodies."
"Truth is ever to be found in simplicity and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things."
"We have to be warriors for truth and information, warriors for our democracy."
"There are many joys in life, and one of them is to see your children walking in the truth."
"It comes back to belief, and belief, as you've already admitted, is not a good way to determine what is or isn't true."
"Artistic excellence in the service of the truth that you desire to serve and to amplify is the first accountable measure."
"It's time to wake up; it's time to see the truth."
"There isn't anything that's more closely aligned with the combination of beauty and truth than the arts."
"I want to bring back a strong democracy. I want to bring back the truth."
"Your guiding light, above all else, I hate this sounds cheesy, but it needs to be truth."
"Truth is the highest value, absolutely. That's what I'm saying."
"Truth is reality itself, and everything else simply isn't at all."
"If you want an exceptional life, you have to cultivate a deep value of truth."
"Pursuit of truth... transforms you in a subtle way that's impossible to then get with any kind of magic pill."
"Society and culture will pull you towards falsehood, therefore a life based on truth is going to be rare and difficult."
"All fear is fear of the infinite self and the infinite self is just identical to truth and to love."
"To actually step into the promised land, but first, it will require of us to confront our ghastly failures, to tell the truth about who we are."
"Don't affirm what you know are lies. Don't cooperate with what you know is wrong. Don't abandon what you know is true."
"It's the truth though honestly he cheated on her, he had substance abuse issues."
"I care about the truth... I want to live in a society where people care about the truth and we're grounded in truth."
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink; you can show a person the truth but you can't make them think."
"This video will address all the lies and blatant hypocrisy in this drama."
"Truth won out, and truth won out in large part because we had a jury."
"It's better to live with the truth, no matter how awful it is, than in a distorted reality of what you wish was true."
"As long as you refuse to be baited into that trap and you stay on message on the firm ground of truth and science and common sense, you can have this conversation anywhere with anybody on any platform in front of any audience, and you will walk away the winner every time."
"I care about the truth. So, basic truth matters. I want to live in a society where people care about the truth and we're grounded in truth."
"The only way for them to be fully true is for us to dive in and embody."
"My relationship with God is now a pursuit of truth and a pursuit of wisdom."
"Teaching children is a mission and teaching the truth is the priority of that mission."
"The adventure for truth leads to the incidents that shocked the entire world."
"Truth, goodness, and beauty are things that we discover, not that we invent."
"I prefer to devote my attention to a performer who uses the lies inherent in performance to tell the truths about the world that maybe can't be explained easily outside the confines of art."
"The truth of God remains the truth of God, and when you remain in the word of God, the truth will set you free."
"I'm only a provocateur insofar as when I say what I believe to be true, it's provocative. I don't provoke maybe for its own sake."
"They may actually surprise you by coming around, confessing everything you've ever suspected."
"What strengthens you is truth. Reject as poison what weakens you."
"If wars can be started with lies, they can be ended with the truth."
"The goal of Sattler College Debate Club is to equip its members with lifelong analytical and rhetorical skills but more importantly, we also seek to hone our ability to discern truth from falsehood and defend the most important truths of all."
"I have understood the truth of suffering, and there is a cause of that, and I can be free of it."
"Hold on to the truth irrespective of fear or temptation."
"Tell the truth, and let the chips fall where they will."
"The real danger is that if we hear enough lies, then we no longer recognize the truth at all."
"God is so truthful, so clear, so beautiful, so selfless."
"The question isn't just whether faith can be rational, but under what circumstances it leads us closer to truth."
"Science doesn't tell you the truth; it makes tentative evaluations based on the best available evidence."
"We do it with facts. We do it with objective facts."
"Skepticism is about wanting to believe as many true things and as few false things as possible."
"I want people to have real conversations with people that don't believe what they believe, to come to the truth."
"If you encounter potential with truth, the cosmos you create is actually good."
"This solar eclipse is the destroyer of lies and deceptions because it is the source of the biggest truth."
"Life is spiritual, and you need this knowledge. You need to know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."
"It's like a great quote... when you care about what is true, you look for the things that are true."
"All human thought corrects itself and it corrects itself by comparing itself to reality."
"All religions are true, and they are all paths to the same realization."
"The closer you find yourself to God, the closer you find yourself to the truth."
"We're living in an age of forced transparency where the truth is going to come out whether you like it or not."
"Leaning further into the truth, with the only intention to be to get further and closer to the truth, the meaning will happen."
"All truth is spiritual. My definition of spirituality is all-encompassing, right?"
"The truth about what is good and useful is true whether a particular religion survives or not."
"Truth bursts forth in radiant light, showing all the path of right."
"The solution that I advocated yesterday is hearkening back to the Greek value of parrhesia, which means speaking truth in the face of danger."
"The truth is truth regardless of who it comes from."
"It's time to spread your wings; it's time to speak your truth; it's time to honor your truth and spread your wings."
"You really think someone would do that, just go on the internet and tell lies?"
"Critical thinking will not necessarily lead you to a truth."
"If I put together a logical argument in structure, where I've got a syllogism, two premises, one conclusion, as long as the structure's valid and I put true premises in, the conclusion must be true."
"Body positivity is the idea that I'm going to live and own my own truth with my own body."
"We will show them signs in our furthest arrangements in the sky as well as in themselves until they come to the understanding that this is the truth."
"Being able to derive a truth for yourself versus just taking it from culture, society, or somebody else."
"Love of the truth should always be your North Star."
"We know that they're lying; they know that we know that they're lying; we know that they know that we know that they're lying."
"The data doesn't lie. The data tells you the absolute truth."
"You've got to be truthful, the truth hurts sometimes."
"If people aren't allowed to say what they think is true, you can't have a free society."
"Reflecting the truth of their being is healing in itself."
"Just because you have a thought, that doesn't necessarily mean it's true."
"Your body doesn't lie; your body tells the truth."
"The truth is fun. That's why we're having fun, y'all."
"Duality is natural and false; non-duality is not natural but it is true."
"Truth is an energy, and everything that is not in truth is going to be shaken."
"The truth is often elusive and, in some cases, far stranger than fiction."
"Justice will always be served sooner or later; it doesn't matter how long ago the injustice occurred. What happens in the dark always comes to light eventually."
"The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth."