
Injury Prevention Quotes

There are 389 quotes

"Having flexibility and our ability to stretch are fundamental to how we move, our ability to learn new movements, to prevent injury or repair injuries, and to offsetting and reducing inflammation throughout the body."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Pain is this complex and subjective experience that serves a crucial role for all of us to keep us away from injury or harm."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"More important than training hard...is to not get hurt. Because if you get hurt, you can't train."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Don't overdo it. This can be a slip disc or a pulled muscle. So easy does it."
"The lower your injury proclivity, the better."
"According to the federal government, just one of our studies has led to the prevention of about 1.7 million people from being injured every year, with the savings of two billion dollars in health care costs."
"You can definitely increase flexibility and mobility with static stretching, but again it doesn't do as much for improving strength in that lengthened position and therefore isn't as effective at reducing the risk of injury."
"Have fun with this, most importantly, don't overtrain, don't injure yourself, and train with intelligence."
"The importance of a coach for... preventing injuries and improving outcomes."
"How important it is they did just to take care of injuries."
"One movement can reduce pain, improve mobility, reduce your chances of injury, and make you more athletic."
"Pain is there for a reason so please don't ignore it even if you can run through it."
"I firmly believe that most table saw injuries could be prevented if a suitable blade guard is used."
"The gap between his chest and my elbow was the thing that saved my shoulder in that circumstance."
"Still there's a lot of research to be made to understand exactly what is damaged into the brain. But the only thing we know today is that concussion and other sever brain injuries are caused by this rotational motion of the head."
"If your knee is hurting, don't dive into the back squat percentages and figure out what the right build is; go back to the fundamentals, just like with food."
"Hyperextension, or what you can think of as just going backwards, it's gonna be a painful one."
"It's really upon the athletes and their coaches to create a season within the year and figure out how you're gonna get your athletes through without injury and to this point peaking right."
"Former U.S champion Adam Rippon talked about the culture of starvation in figure skating... poor nutrition often led to stress fractures that later developed into worse injuries."
"Proper training should preserve your youth, prevent injuries, not cause injuries."
"To reduce tibiofemoral and patellofemoral moments, the lifter should sit back into the squat during descent and resist pushing the knees forward."
"He was making the plays he should make but wasn't risking injuries."
"The most important thing tonight: no injuries."
"The most important thing when it comes to weight lifting in order to see improvements is consistency and injury prevention."
"So being having more muscle dense muscle and Contracting at the right time is all protective."
"I think I looked out too because the way I contracted I curled my head up so when I fell backwards my head my skull didn't make contact."
"Most injuries occur because of technique errors and the way we load the body."
"Sometimes it's just modifying training to fix what we can while we train what we can."
"Regular practice with steady progression will minimize the chance of injury and empower you to gain better health and quality of life."
"Maintain good form during every workout. Most injuries are preventable by ignoring proper form and letting ego take over."
"If you do everything the right way here, you are able to actually reduce injuries within your team."
"Building your one rep max back squat shouldn't mean inevitable knee pain."
"This stuff's just going to help you perform a lot better during a match and help you reduce the risk of injury which is extremely important."
"Variability overuse injury hypothesis: increasing the variability of movement improves motor learning."
"Injuries later on down the road are not worth that one PR you thought you got."
"Having some way to brace a sprain or a break is just a really good idea."
"Physically exercise. If you injure your shoulder or if you get carpal tunnel or if your back starts to hurt because you're weak, you got a weak core."
"Kobe was talking to like soccer players, he's like, why don't they ever turn their ankle?"
"It's really important to not skip your warm-up on leg day since it really does seem to reduce your risk of injury and also increase performance."
"There is no posture that has been definitively shown to be good or bad or to keep you free from injury or pain."
"Everything you're doing right now is investing in your future health."
"It's really important to do these stretches, prevents injuries."
"Looking back at it, was the match necessary? You know, and we could have avoided this injury."
"Your ankles, if you don't have strengthening your ankles, you're either gonna fall over or you're going to damage your knees."
"When bringing up this terminology of bulletproofing reserve, I'm training right now not because I have shin splints, not because I can't dunk, but because I want to see if I could do more."
"Performing quarter reps... are all ways to end up with an injury rather than seeing continuous progress."
"Traumatic Brain Injury is a major cause of preventable death and disability."
"Improving your range of motion is not only gonna lead to heavier lifts and more control of your body, but it's also gonna reduce the risk of injury."
"Ultimately, this comes down to your goals, training experience, and past injuries."
"Staying injury-free should be one of your top priorities."
"You want to stay aggressive, you don't want to get any injuries."
"To phase your training... you're going to see more consistent progress from the person who's moving in and out and less injury."
"The event was successful with only minor issues identified specifically the left arm restraint did not provide restraint against flailing injury."
"Bones heal, remember, your head doesn't heal in the same way."
"If you get arrested by someone who does not do weekly jujitsu, you're more than twice as likely to get hospitalized."
"If you break them in by wearing them straight into a game or writing them straight into a shooting session you're going to have issues with blisters."
"Sprinting is one of the best forms of exercise, but it's crucial to have good joints, mobility, and strength to minimize injury risks."
"I have a hard time believing that the best action was not taken to prevent injuries to attendees."
"An excellent reminder that the best way to avoid injury is not to get hit."
"Helmets really mitigate that damage quite a bit, surprise!"
"Be careful...don't ego lift...it's not worth it...be safe and be careful." - Coach Craig
"Mobility is a beautiful evolutionary adaptive mechanism to avoid injury."
"Remember frequency is more important than total volume right now and we don't want to overdo it and get fatigued as that will further delay the skill acquisition process and it may even set you up for injuries if you go too hard too soon."
"Technique degradation leads to increased injury risk and less productive workouts."
"Warming up your body before a training is gonna reduce injury, prevent injury, increase your performance."
"Cristiano Ronaldo tried to make sure that the goalkeeper didn't get injured, so he sat right beside him until he got up."
"It's what builds the resilience to ensure that they don't blow out."
"Any joint to not only build resilience and prevent injury but also to massively improve performance."
"Protect yourself... don't injure your shoulder."
"I'll give you a lesson. It would be an extra protection block on the glove for either to prevent an injury or to help cover up an injury."
"Upper back work is crucial for a strong press."
"It's not just about building muscle, it also keeps you injury free and maximizes your performance in the long term."
"You need a break to prevent injury from overdoing it essentially."
"Core is number one for any type of injury or problem in the body."
"It's important to warm up before your workout, you want to avoid injury so you can keep working out and closer to your goals."
"Keep it compact, keep it tight in here, so when you're low and you're coming through, hopefully you'll be able to throw forehands for a lot longer without injury, without pain, and hopefully they come out smooth and go a long ways."
"When you think about body mechanics and lifting with your legs instead of your back, we're going to do that to aid and protect the nurse aide from injury."
"If you're considering, well should I just climb anyway or paddle anyway or keep painting the house or whatever it is, no, you need to take a break until that is better."
"Stability is the capacity to transmit force from the body to the outside world and vice versa without injury."
"I'm trying to take a smarter approach on things and focus on training the proper way and avoiding any injuries at all costs."
"Prevent future injuries and later give us a trick that we can all do at home."
"Powerlifting is dope, but like, how do I get my cheerleaders to stop getting hurt and to be able to jump higher and hit their stunts? That's most of my education and a crapload of my experience, and just nobody asks me about it anymore."
"...both of which are much less likely to cause injuries while allowing you to work in these like sort of fatigue failure States effectively so you know don't do super intense stuff when you can't maintain acceptable form..."
"The injuries that you'll see are usually from people that start Too Fast Too Soon with too much weight."
"Teach people about movement health, you can prevent so many injuries by moving more."
"Strong neck has helped me also avoid injuries in a number of sports."
"You may be in a situation where you're finding that you may hurt yourself a little more than you would if you were just sitting in your house, obviously."
"When you specialized early and you're doing the same repetitive movements over and over again, your risk of injury later in life starts to increase."
"ACLs are important for cutting and pivoting sports."
"Using proper body mechanics and lifting techniques can help you to protect yourself from injury."
"Easy rotation exercise: gently rotate your arm back and forth to stabilize the joint and offload the injured muscle."
"If you're a smart jiu jitsu player, you'll never get injured from somebody trying to submit you."
"One of the main reasons people get hurt in jiu-jitsu is because of ego."
"You know, most of the big tricks I did, I almost landed first try because I was always... I didn't take the risk until I was ready for it, you know, and that's kind of how you stay out of injuries."
"Less injuries, better power-to-weight ratio, better run economy, better race results."
"This swing will not give you any injuries and it'll prolong your golfing life for at least five years."
"Sometimes people create injury, they invite injury by doing so much pushing and pulling on the club."
"But if you're just focusing on one plane of motion the whole time and loading that very heavily, then you can make yourself prone to an overuse injury in that area."
"Pilates is great to try if you want to keep your flexibility and avoid injuries."
"We want to make sure that everybody goes home safe, that no one gets injured and we're able to basically bring a status to this thing and close it out."
"So, look, whether you have a shoulder problem or you don't, you can still train hard. And when you train hard, you need to train smart."
"If you have weakness and lack of control or sensation in one side of your body, you can get injured doing pretty much anything."
"...just in your run-of-the-mill everyday learning how to skate, you're going to fall. So the point of this video is to give you some more knowledge so that when you do fall you know better what to do so you don't get injured."
"So many injuries wrist elbow shoulder neck injuries come from a lack of awareness in what we should be doing with our arms."
"It's important to warm up your muscles and get them ready for action. This will help you prevent injuries."
"This year's race goes off without any serious injuries."
"Prevent or recover from injuries and just feel amazing in your life."
"Pilates can be so beneficial for you not only for your speed and for your running technique but also to help reduce your risk of injury when you are running."
"You need to do this for, in my opinion, two reasons: one to better your Jiu Jitsu, but two to protect yourself against injury because injury is what cuts the journey short and just takes the fun out of Jiu Jitsu when you're in pain."
"Balance training is extremely important as you get older. If you don't have good balance, you are more prone to fall and hurt yourself."
"Warming up isn't just this thing you have to do to not get injured, it also can enhance your performance significantly."
"...and you may be able to get out at any time or have lifetime access something along those lines but you're really going to be targeting muscles that when weak lead to injuries."
"The use of locking pliers for holding a chisel or punch really helps prevent hand injuries."
"Nobody wakes up in the morning thinking, 'I'm going to get a knee away today.'"
"It's going to help your performance, it's going to help your lifestyle, and most importantly, it's going to help you stay injury-free."
"My personal predilections are toward the former scenario, and my athletes and I are able to stay strong in the face of the occasional tweak or sprain by following a safe, simple approach to injury rehab."
"Technique is everything here for me and for you because I think a sustainable fitness journey happens when you stay injury-free."
"Learning to stabilize my back and control the movement with my lower body has helped me avoid what definitely would have been additional small injuries."
"Stretching... your body's gonna be more resilient to injuries, you're gonna recover faster, and you'll feel better."
"Most people do not directly try to fix a weakness until it becomes an injury."
"Ease in and you'll get all the strength you're getting, and it'll just be slow and steady. I know it requires patience; that sucks, but that's the reality versus injury trade-off."
"The number one thing for progress is staying injury-free."
"You can spar every day, unless you're injured, so that the damage, if you do get unfortunate, in any sport is distributed around your body."
"Jump on a call with an RTS coach, with an expert in biomechanics, with an expert in injury rehab."
"Strength training helps keep you injury-free."
"D-loads are touted by coaches and fitness influencers as an essential tool for avoiding injuries, breaking plateaus, and increasing physical performance long term."
"...once you get injured, if you don't pay attention to like your warmup your cool down, uh the amount of time that you spend like rehabbing that injury and feeling frustrated like it accumulates so much that it's completely inefficient to not, uh prevent rather than cure 100%."
"For your first five to seven years of training, and if you're just smart during those years and you do, you remain injury free and you maximize your biomechanics and make sure you make a lot of progress just off those things alone."
"There's not enough talk around the topic of recovery and health so we get stuck in this thought process of how fast can I get strong or how fast can I get big, instead of how long can I stay injury-free."
"You have to find the middle ground. If you start going much beyond that, you're starting to push strength for strength and you risk injury."
"Flexibility and mobility work decrease injuries."
"You can build a lot of muscle with machines. They're going to prevent injury and they allow you to not have to be as technically good. You can just kind of push all out on the upper body."
"Correct muscle imbalances to prevent injuries."
"Variation promotes long-term success by preventing overuse injuries."
"Eating a balanced meal with proper calories is an effective way to mitigate injuries."
"Using deloads appropriately can prevent injuries and aid recovery."
"Remember to stretch often to help you prevent injuries and heal faster."
"He did it for a reason, bulk up, and you know, he's found his happy place with his body and he can't push yourself too much, you know, injuries will come and he's been through with them recently, so he's got to calm it down, he's got to play within himself."
"Don't let your egos get in the way when we're lifting, especially on certain exercises can really screw up your joints."
"You have to distinguish between a burn in the muscles which is good and a potential burn inside the joint."
"We work out to feel good and to lessen our likelihood of injury as we make our way through the world."
"Don't hike yourself into an injury just because you're trying to keep up with someone else's pace."
"If you want to be training consistently, you don't want injury to get in the way of that."
"The more we strengthen these muscles, the less likelihood of getting issues and injuries in the body."
"My career would have been longer and I would be able to prevent more injuries if I would have been vegan longer."
"Nothing demotivates better than injury. Be careful, okay?"
"I've been able to get to that level without having any significant injuries which is very rare."
"The benefit of stretching, it helps to prevent injuries."
"You're trying to re-educate the muscle and the body part to function the way that it should be functioning. You're trying to strengthen it and you're trying to prevent re-injury."
"There's a difference in going hard and doing it well. Sometimes, okay, sometimes people just do whatever at all costs just to move fast or to move a heavy weight, although I do want you to do those things, I want you to do them well so you can stay injury-free, okay?"
"Doing warm-ups are very important to help prevent injury."
"...so in terms of the proprioceptive system the first thing to mention is the improved proprioception speeds up scale learning and reduces injury risk."
"A game changer and certainly say if you're doing any injuries to your knees."
"Training to decelerate is one of the most anti-injury things you can do."
"...by lifting the heel up just slightly higher than the forefoot it relaxes your achilles a little bit more and helps prevent injuries."
"If you keep running into some activity that aggravates your knee and you're aggravated for a day or two or longer, that is not resting your knee."
"I don't want to risk Tomasso Champa getting injured heading into the thing."
"...it's really good to have a strong body for actual injury prevention as well especially with the shoulder."
"For the love of god don't do this and blow your back out one of the worst things you can do."
"Make sure you're training smart because if you get injured in pursuit of your goal are you going to get the goal?"
"Many of you are going to the gym with the expectations that you're going to completely transform a physique, but if you don't implement these tips, you perhaps are only going to get half the gains that you would have if you're doing them all correctly."
"Always warm up doing cardio before you work out. If you skip out on doing cardio, you are way more likely to get injured."
"Exercise should build and support your body and prevent injuries, not cause them."
"Just please don't let my players get injured, please."
"Keeping your wrists and arms and fingers and everything relaxed and free from tension as that's what we're after to avoid injury."
"As you get stronger, your risk of injury declines. Why? Because you can generate more stability when you're stronger."
"Controlling the concentric can absolutely further reduce injury. Moving slow is totally fine."
"Being that we're not going to abandon the idea of getting jacked just because we're scared of injury, we want an action plan or a series of things we can do that reduce our probability of getting hurt."
"If everybody would just pay a little more attention to their form and a little less attention to how much weight they're using, they would avoid injuries."
"I started doing Power Yoga and never got hurt again."
"How can we keep doing less to be able to display more output meanwhile their work capacity decreases and they get hurt?"
"From a physical perspective, we never eliminate the chance of injury, but we can try and minimize it and help players progress through specific training phases."
"In this day and age, you know, the modern approach to training kind of balances out our bodies, trains antagonistic, and reduces the chances of injury, really."
"Problem: Customers may suffer injuries due to negligence. Solution: Follow the safety protocol."
"Honestly, you know, if you're moving and you are not getting injured, you are doing enough."
"Technique allows you to be safer, lower risk for injury, and imposes less chronic wear and tear on the joints."
"...it's gonna keep you further from injury, it's gonna be more powerful and it's gonna be more efficient."
"Maybe they'll stretch so they can get their body loosened up so that when they have to move around on the field during a game they're in shape and don't pull anything so they can keep up with the play."
"You want functional flexibility, the kind that prevents injury."
"Injury happens because you don't have the strength to support yourself."
"If you've got a torn rotator cuff, don't do the band, keep everything below shoulder level."
"You reduce your risk of getting hurt."
"If you have any type of injury or wrist injury or tennis elbow or anything like that, this will definitely help reduce those potential injuries in the future."
"Getting stronger often makes you more resilient to injury."
"If you're not balancing that out with stability and mobility, you're leaving yourself open for injury."
"There's nothing good that comes from lifting too heavy of a weight."
"You build Foundation by lifting weights you have so much more resources less contact and the more injuries it's mind-boggling to me it's because everything is rubber band everything is resistance everything's is cable when you get hit when you jump when you land."
"Warming up is very important; it prevents injury."
"Maximal effort training is key to injury reduction and performance increases."
"You can't expect not to get injured if you treat yourself that way."
"If you have the ability to recruit all of these muscle groups you're inherently more stable and resistant to a lot of the injuries."
"Benefits of triphasic... you have to train the tendons... to make this complex more effective and injury-free."
"Proper alignment and center of gravity are crucial for injury prevention."
"Please don't skip your warm-up, it is important."
"...players who get injured less are the ones who can move in a ton of different ways."
"The loading of the body is critically important in training program design and preventing injuries."
"I had a decade of chronic low back injuries because I wasn't paying attention to my leverages."
"Exercise will extend your life. Staying active alleviates injuries."
"This warmup yes it's long but it helps prevent injuries it makes you stronger and it gets you ready to do what you're about to do which is climbing."
"Adequately nourished and hydrated body cells are more resistant to injury."