
Yoga Quotes

There are 6679 quotes

"The pain tolerance of yoga practitioners was double or more to that of non-yoga practitioners."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The goal of yoga is not to become a human pretzel. The goal of yoga is to prepare your mind for meditation or even enter a premeditative state."
"We are able to do much more than we think, and we make it common ground, that is excellence in yoga."
"We use yoga to come together and create the space to focus on gratitude."
"The whole goal of yoga is to quiet down our mind and body to experience that we have everything we need."
"This is one path, the path of yoga, and Swami Vivekananda was a master yogi. He wrote his classic Raja Yoga, his commentary on the Patanjali Yoga Sutras."
"Your life purpose is enhanced by yoga, stretching, and exercising."
"Yoga has been something that has really helped clear my mind and help with anxiety."
"Yoga is equanimity, tolerance, forbearance, and acceptance of things that can't be changed, things beyond your control."
"The goal of yogic practice is to reach samadhi, which is a profound state of absorption."
"When your mind, the chitta vrittis, have ceased, when you are in Samadhi, then drashtuh (the seer) abides in its real nature."
"Yoga is the cessation of the vrittis of the chitta."
"Ultimately, the ultimate goal of yoga is to transcend suffering."
"Yoga, peace, happiness, and contentment comes from the cessation of fluctuations of the mind."
"When we can find things like vinyasa flow, breath with movement, we start to get into this pattern where we're riding a wave of just pure enjoyment, and when we're done, our body's flooded with happy hormones, and we start to crave our exercise."
"Yoga is one of the only physical activities you can do for yourself where you're going to feel both of those things."
"Sun Salutations are a great way to start your day; they utilize your entire body from toe tip to fingertip, so you're increasing circulation, you're amping up the cardiovascular benefit of your yoga."
"In Vedanta, enlightenment and love mean the harmony of Gyan Yoga and Bhakti Yoga, a blend of knowledge and devotion."
"Welcome to Power Yoga Discipline. This class is from our brand new series called Transform, now available on Inner Dimension TV. So if you like what you experience here, come check out the full program where myself and several other amazing instructors will guide you through 28 days of thematic power yoga, complemented with Yin Yoga. And at the end of those 28 days, you can expect a full holistic transformation of body, mind, heart, and soul."
"Let's explore and celebrate this quality of discipline in a holistic, multi-dimensional way: discipline within our mind, discipline within our breathing, discipline within the alignment of our yoga postures, discipline within being consistent within our practice."
"Does doing yoga fix any bad moodlets? That's what happens in real life, right?"
"Yoga and meditation is free for everybody, let's use this as an opportunity to discuss what it can do for us."
"Yoga is not a physical practice of spiritual benefits; it's a spiritual practice with physical benefits."
"In yoga, the focus isn't just on performing the poses but on engaging and stretching the right muscles to improve flexibility and strength gradually."
"Yoga is about gradual progression, not instant perfection. Every session is a step toward greater flexibility and strength."
"This session, as with all of my yoga practices, really is an invitation to practice being present."
"That first down dog always feels so good in the body; it really balances out everything we do all day."
"Opening your left arm up towards the sky, turning your left toes out towards the left for Ardha Chandrasana."
"Becoming uncomfortable with discomfort is a huge part of yoga."
"This abundance in your real nature, the Atman, is the goal of all yogas."
"The point is that yes, you can't spend all day in your yoga practice, you don't spend all day in your meditation, however, the point for the adept is to carry it with us when we go out into the world."
"Yoga is your commitment, your personal practice."
"Feel that inner fire, that heat that now you're used to coming into the body."
"Life is filled with many distractions, but in your yoga practice, you have to keep continuous focus, regardless of what's happening around you."
"If you just take this on as a daily discipline, you'll be able to continue consistently developing the spiritual journey of yoga."
"Yoga is your commitment, your personal practice. This is the beginning of your own yoga journey."
"Practice yoga and change your world. Namaste."
"Thank you so much for joining me on the inner tradition of yoga. Thank you for sharing this practice time with me. Namaste."
"Meditating is a really beautiful part of yoga practice. It helps not only to clear out the clutter and craziness of what's happening in our head but it also helps us to tune in from a gross level to a more subtle level."
"We have reached one of my favorite yoga spots."
"Yoga is really about the inner connection between your body and your mind, and that's where you feel that sense of bliss and grounding."
"Yoga is a journey. It's an experience. It's all about exploring not just your physical body but also your inner self."
"Yoga hasn't made me less manly; it's made me more human."
"I highly recommend yoga to everyone because it gives you that opportunity to kind of quiet the mind and connect with your body."
"Yoga just makes my mind think a lot more logically."
"Yoga is good for you because it's a discipline that takes your whole in consideration. We're just not working our bodies but also our minds and our soul."
"Meghan loves yoga so much that she and Harry have built a yoga studio inside their home at Frogmore Cottage."
"Yoga and Ayurveda are sister sciences... originally intended to be used in complement with one another."
"The body is a vehicle, consciousness the driver, yoga is the path, and the chakras are the map."
"The physical postures of yoga, typically what we've come to think of it as now in modern yoga, are an expression of a spiritual practice."
"Whenever you're faced with a difficulty in life, what nyān yoga says is: Understand the nature of the thing."
"The power of yoga is that it's body and mind connected."
"Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self."
"Nothing better than a little at-home yoga to tend to the body."
"This shape, not only is it good for the whole body but it's very therapeutic for anyone who experiences anxiety or nerves, kind of misplaced energy."
"Use the tool of your pranayama or your breath to stay focused and really be honest with yourself about how you feel each day and each time you come to the mat."
"Just let go. Thank you for sharing your time, your energy, and your practice. Good job. Namaste."
"Don't crank yourself into the posture. Have the experience of gently moving into the twist."
"The body is the vehicle, consciousness the driver. Yoga is the path, and the Chakras are the map."
"We learn the pose, the structure, and then we continue to find what feels good."
"It's about stretching. It's about connecting to the body. It's about feeling good about yourself for even taking this moment at all."
"We literally change the chemical makeup of the body when we remember to breathe in a strong powerful way on the yoga mat, and off the yoga mat."
"If you practice cultivating a graceful rhythm on your yoga mat, you're gonna be able to have a graceful and more connected, amazing rhythm off your yoga mat."
"We are here amidst incredible Inka ruins with a yin yoga class that will open up your hips and release any physical and emotional energy out of your body."
"With each yen posture we take today, think about coming into a meditative state in our mind."
"Notice how your body's starting to let go, so as the body lets go, push a little more, not forcing, letting go."
"You're doing wonderfully, just keep breathing, keep your eyes closed if you need to feel the sensation through your body as the muscles begin to let go."
"I do what feels good to my body because I'm a true yogi."
"Welcome to our Yin yoga class for relaxation and stress release. Today's practice is going to be a gentle and deep releasing experience to let go of muscle tension, emotional heaviness, and stress, and simply reconnect with that peaceful and beautiful energy within."
"Feel the skin of your feet pressing into the rubber of your yoga mat."
"Yoga is the ceasing of the whirling of mind stuff."
"With every inhale you create space, and every time you exhale you move a little deeper into that space."
"The most important part of our practice, these moments to reflect, restore, rest."
"Welcome to Yoga with Adriene, I am Adriene and it's Earth Day today so we made a little grounding yoga practice for you."
"I realized when I went to India and started studying yoga and meditation that there's actually a system to understand this."
"This is a great way to deepen your practice and to continue to find what feels good."
"Welcome to 31 Days of Yoga Revolution. It's day seven, and we're kicking off week two with a very important practice on stability."
"Bring your hands together and soak in all of the gratitude of being able to practice yoga and share our love of movement and breath together."
"Let's get started with the traditional Ashtanga Yoga opening prayer, which we'll do from seated today. So come to a comfortable seated position, close your eyes, bring your hands together."
"This heat, sometimes called Agni, is the purification method, so you'll notice that your body gets purified or heated up from the inside out."
"Breathing is such an important thing... Yoga is a practice of breathing and it's helped me so much."
"Yoga is the practice of cessation of fluctuations of the mind."
"Yoga is accessible to everyone in every body."
"Yoga's been put to the test for... multiple sclerosis, back pain, neck pain, insomnia, breast cancer, depression, anxiety..."
"I also really want to thank not only the wanderlust community but all of you because if you have been following my trajectory you've been seeing that I recently became a yoga teacher only this past year about yeah but Kundalini Yoga Teacher"
"Yoga offers these techniques to move through emotional mental blockages and challenges."
"So, I feel like if you say, 'Be mindful of something,' it's more, 'Be thoughtful about it.' Kind of more than inner feeling like, with yoga."
"It's so incredible how you can have a yoga practice for whatever mood you're in."
"To me yoga is so much more about the breathing the pose is just another way to facilitate the way that the breath is moving through your body."
"Folding over into your standing forward fold."
"Slowly start to roll up to your standing posture."
"Come up to your seated position on your mat."
"The Bhagavata Purana discusses a wide range of topics, including cosmology, genealogy, geography, mythology, and legends, along with descriptions of the Siddhi powers achievable through yoga and meditation."
"You made it to your mat so start to walk it out. Find what feels good, stay present."
"People do like flexibility. That's why they do stretching exercises, that's why they do yoga exercises."
"Allow each inhale to become a little deeper and each exhale a little longer."
"Big breath in, exhale to switch sides, stretching out your whole right side body."
"Inhale to cow pose, exhale to cat back, round your spine, tuck your chin."
"Find the range of sensation that you can still breathe into, you still have a level of control over how relaxed you are."
"As intense as this sensation is, focus that much more on your breath."
"Use your breath to create length and depth so you're totally focused and present within this pose."
"Most important is that your hips are pushing forward, your heart is lifting up."
"Yoga is a spiritual practice with physical benefits, not the other way around."
"Yoga is like opening chambers throughout the body."
"Thanking Yourself Or your beautiful Practice Namaste [Thank] [You]."
"Create a strong foundation in your standing foot by spreading your toes wide."
"Keep the integrity and keep the strength in each posture."
"Struggle no more, you can do yoga, you can be comfy, you can look put together."
"Forward bend is the perfect counter-stretch to back bends."
"Gently release your hands and squeeze the knees towards the ears."
"Yoga is like cleaning the body from the inside out."
"I hope you keep doing yoga even if it's just you do it when you know you need it because I feel like everybody needs some type of mind-body practice and stretching yoga does it."
"Self-love is the only love, so no wonder the yogis have been doing it for over 5000 years."
"It's just another cheeseburger if it's done well exactly and then then that's it as long as it's done well you wrapped it differently that's what I'm saying."
"Yoga is a type of exercise that involves breathing and holding certain poses to relax the body."
"There's so many different things that I've tried in my life, different workouts... yoga is the thing that has stuck with me the longest."
"Yogis figured out that slowing the breath controls the mind."
"Yoga is defined as unity, and it's through this intentioned reconnection we are able to find ourselves again."
"This is your moment, this is your class, and now it starts."
"It's not ever in yoga about how deep you stretch or how far you go, it's about what you learn on the way down."
"It's been an honor to practice with you today, thank you so much for joining me."
"Whether through yoga, whether through science, whether through spirituality, whether through Ayurveda, they all come to the same point of mantras and the power of mantras on the body."
"Yoga means consciously obliterating the boundaries of your individuality."
"Trust that this practice, this series, found you at the right time."
"Yoga means just this that if you sit here you're in union with everything else in your experience."
"The yoga practice is all about feeling good from the inside out."
"Strength, balance, flexibility, stamina - one breath at a time, one pose at a time."
"Yoga is a therapeutic practice. If a student has shoulder issues, I won't put them in chaturanga. I'll adapt the practice for them."
"I've seen Pattabhi Jois break the rules because he recognized when a student was ready, regardless of age or sequence."
"The legs need to learn to turn properly so the sacrum can remain spacious."
"It's yoga, I love it. Just like we did when we were kids. Pure, honest storytelling that connects."
"The experience that you're having is actually the real yoga teacher."
"In yoga, you don't have to make anything happen, you just gotta allow it to happen."
"Just because a pose is simple doesn't mean that it's not incredibly effective."
"One of the greatest gifts it gives you: a very focused, strong, present mind."
"All yoga is yoga for weight loss in a way because it's all about awareness and love and yo'self."
"Yoga not only changed my life, it actually saved my life."
"Yoga is just so beneficial for so many reasons..."
"Yoga helps you to relax and release stress..."
"Doing these deep twists is extremely good because it helps to detoxify and cleanse your organs."
"Every day that you get onto your mat is a good day, even if the rest of your day you have challenges and difficulties that arise."
"This is a very important pose at the end of our practice so I encourage you to never skip it even if you stay for just a few minutes before you continue with your day or your evening please stay for savasana."
"Thank you for practicing with me today and I wish you a wonderful day or evening ahead, thank you so much with love and gratitude namaste."
"Know that there is just so much more to yoga than just doing movements and posts on the mat."
"Spread the fingertips, spread the toes, have a moment of gratitude."
"Yoga is about moving through challenges, overcoming obstacles, and building resilience."
"Feeling that sense of manipura, that igniting our inner fire, that personal power, that self-belief, and that confidence."
"Regular yoga practice has been proven to relieve stress, general body aches, pains, anxiety, and depression."
"The pinnacle state and intended achievement of the specific discipline known as kundalini yoga is the rising of this energy from the base of the spine to the top of the head."
"His transformational journey from a young boy to a living yogi is a fascinating story symbolized by single-minded discipline and dedication."
"Yoga is much wider than just a couple of asanas and pranayamas. It is the way by which even according to Patanjali, the mind's thoughts are stilled."
"You can take these more simple stretches... and you are going to continue moving... continuing to progress in your life... and in your yoga practice."
"Don't worry if you fall out of the pose, it happens to everyone, no matter how beginner or advanced you are."
"Namaste, thank you so much Yogi's for doing this practice with me."
"A huge part of yoga is all about connecting to your breath."
"Balancing postures do not lie. Trust that you're exactly where you're supposed to be."
"Yoga's internal and cosmic presence can always be counted upon to embrace you, to rejuvenate you, and to help you find the sometimes difficult next step in life."
"Something just clicked... like yoga teacher."
"Recent findings indicate that yoga boosts the cardiovascular system and relieves anxiety."
"One of the most marvelous spectacular views while doing yoga that you could ever experience."
"The heat helps with healing and the movement of your body in yoga."
"Steadiness in life: withdrawing the prana, bringing it under control."
"The most advanced yogi is the person that can stay calm no matter what's happening."
"Yoga really has this magical way of just kind of setting everything straight, putting everything into perspective."
"You don't need to be the yoga Master because the yoga Master already lives within you."
"Every time I practice in a disciplined way and do yoga every single day like for over an hour for a month straight I feel lighter than I can I can possibly put into words."
"Conscious breathing through yoga, we find our unification through movement, connected to breath in mindfulness."
"When we step off this mat, we'll feel almost unrecognizable to who we are right now."
"So hatha yoga means Sun and Moon yoga, so we're balancing the active and the passive qualities in the body."
"Your yoga is here for you through all the highs, through all the lows."
"Yoga is such an incredible practice. If everyone knew what it did for you, more people would do it."
"The Preety Raj Yoga has the potential to bring you into challenging situations, but gives you the power to overcome them."
"I was at the yoga studio one day, and someone was teaching a class, and there was someone in the class who I had my eye on."
"Bigger poses like the splits are all about listening to your body."
"Lady Gigi, it's impossible to teach the yoga class like this."
"Can Jesus come back to the table of thought in yoga... can we not exclude Jesus from the spirituality conversation?"
"I feel like yoga will help all of those things. Anyway, I'm just feeling really good and energized."
"The heat helps to detoxify your body, deepens the stretches, then safely increases the intensity and benefits of your practice."
"Last chance, try to lock your knees, change arms and head up together, inhale all the way up, arms down by your side."
"Relax in Shavasana, focus gently at one point on the ceiling."
"Yoga is so good for your body and for your mind and your spirit and it really helped tone me up and strengthen my abs."
"Yoga for the mind, which you know, we can probably all use right now."
"The purpose of yoga is to still the mind and unite the basic human consciousness with its original state of complete consciousness."
"Yoga is seen as a valid complementary practice to traditional medicine and is being recommended by doctors in India and around the world."
"Inhale halfway exhale fold, inhale coming up to standing as you reach both arms up to the sky."
"Exhale hands towards your heart, let's find that Center intention as we inhale chair utkatasana."
"Yoga has been practiced for more than 5,000 years."
"Purification happens through the practice of karma yoga, bhakti yoga, and raja yoga."
"I thought the animation, the action was done better here and it had almost everything about Dragon Ball Z that I liked in it."
"Be strong, be brave, practice yoga, and change your world to a more peaceful place."
"Remember that you are here right now you've rolled out your mat you've made this commitment to yourself so be proud and enjoy the journey."
"I recently got completely addicted to hot yoga and it helps jump start my day."
"Someone who enjoys yoga and the simple things in life."
"Then come down and from here we're just gonna do that best posture and you okay if you ask me and that's shavasana."
"Benefits of yoga: physical health, mental clarity, stress relief, and flexibility."
"Yoga and acting overlap; it's about taking stock of what your partner's doing."
"The epitome of good yoga is being in a state of balance with your mind and body."
"Inhale, reach your arms up and over your head, exhale interlace behind the back off of the heart to chest up."
"Start to move the breath with a little bit more intent, in and out through your nostrils, in and out through your nose, imagining that you could pull the breath all the way down into your belly, your hips, and your lower back."
"Every pose in yoga is a core strengthener when done properly."