
Self-challenge Quotes

There are 361 quotes

"There's no hacks, bro. It's you against you."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The hardest fight you ever gonna have is fighting yourself to maintain positivity."
"It's one of the most interesting juxtapositions of downhill racing; you're racing against the best riders in the world, but in reality, you're racing against yourself."
"I want to go through with this to prove not only to myself but maybe other people out there that struggle with the same thing that sometimes you don't gotta listen to your brain and it's just trying to play tricks on you."
"If you've never gone for a meal alone and it feels really strange to imagine, and you feel like it would be embarrassing... I really challenge you to do it."
"It's good for us to get out of our comfort zone and be uncomfortable."
"I do stuff to make myself uncomfortable all the time so that I can always prove to myself that I am strong enough to do anything."
"The most exciting, challenging, and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself."
"It's not about winning or losing. It's about me taking you on, right here, right now."
"Keep pushing your boundaries. Are you still challenging yourself? Absolutely. A little out of your comfort zone? Yes, yes."
"I like challenging myself. I don't raid at the top end anymore; that's not for me. I can't dedicate the time to it that I would like. I have kids."
"On this channel, we always encourage you guys to be brave, to do what makes you extremely uncomfortable."
"As I start this New Year, I will challenge myself in ways I've never done before."
"My biggest enemy is not a boogie man, my biggest enemy is me."
"Try to find something that is challenging to do... but makes you feel good about yourself."
"They feel like you are the missing piece to their life."
"If I only aim to engage with stuff I know I'd like then I'd have a pretty limited palette and would never challenge myself."
"I don't feel comfortable, but in the end, I just thought you know what if I can do this I could really do anything."
"If we want a better world, we have got to start challenging ourselves."
"I enjoy just making content, giving people something to watch, achieving something, challenging myself."
"What are you willing to become at the risk of being seen?"
"There was something about the suit being a size too small that it showed me that I can overcome challenges that even I sometimes doubt myself on."
"It's good to challenge your beliefs and biases."
"It's good to challenge yourself... You find different angles to approach the same movies."
"The only one who can defeat you is yourself."
"It's all about balance. If you can't do it, you can't do it. Challenge yourself."
"I broke the own taboo in my mind which is challenging myself to break my own taboos."
"May Allah make us all from the people of Paradise."
"A plank is you versus you, it's just your mental toughness, your mental strength."
"It's good to get out of our comfort zone, right?"
"He pushed himself to reinvent himself wholly again."
"Whatever you're going through right now, I want to tell you something: If the Holy Spirit is with you, you are not gonna stay there forever."
"We need to embrace the human experience... and challenge ourselves to become warriors."
"Challenge yourself in ways that you never imagined."
"Have a resilient spirit, bounce back, challenge yourself every day."
"It's not all god's gift but the constant choice of improvement and challenging oneself."
"I want to be able to keep being challenged to be my best."
"It's really about the opponent within yourself. It's the most important. You win that battle, being you win the rest of it's a game within the game."
"Believe it or not, most people could push themselves to the limit if they had the fortitude."
"What if I told you we finally know who Saitama's biggest threat is? It is himself."
"It's good to do something that challenges your own ego a little bit sometimes."
"The biggest enemy you have will always be yourself."
"To abandon what we're good at and embrace what we suck at."
"You will never grow if you don't push past your boundaries."
"It is good to embrace change, try new things, and challenge ourselves."
"It's mostly about the experience in doing so, kind of pushing yourself."
"Don't compare yourself to other people's goals. See if this is challenging for you, and then challenge yourself just a little bit more every year."
"How do we challenge ourselves to be truly full of life?"
"He's actually going back and forth like he's dueling with himself."
"Your life is about challenging your perceptions."
"The best part was challenging myself and seeing really what I was made of."
"I challenge myself to get all these things done... makes me feel 10 times more productive."
"The obsession for cubing seems to be a natural extension to explore limits, test boundaries, and to challenge themselves without any doubts."
"Essentially the opponent is an illusion in there. It's you versus you so it does not matter who's across from me."
"Say yes to the things that you think you cannot do."
"Break it down into small steps; have patience with yourself; take the leap."
"Fight your inner and external battles; you're a warrior."
"Every now and then I kick the livin s out of me."
"There's always been things in your way. The question is whether or not you can get over them."
"I want to be able to say that I am confident enough that I could beat the Tia that sits here today."
"What would you do today if you were brave? Oh, a whole lot of uncomfortable things. I'm asking like, what would you do today if you were brave? Well, I'm like, what's been on your mind?"
"I'd like to encourage you to try a challenge like this for yourself. Paint something different from time to time, force yourself outside of your comfort zone, and see what you come up with."
"The benefit is, it's going to put you square into all of these challenges, it's going to test your own self-love."
"Talking with people who think differently from us is how we challenge ourselves."
"I was brave enough to be scared enough to still do it."
"I said this to myself, if I'm not going to get to rank 3 comfortably then I'm not going to go for rank 2."
"If he loves everything about it, go somewhere else and challenge himself."
"You should challenge yourself in life. You should put yourself through as a man through physical hardship."
"Be that you kind of look like I could, Anakin. I could, you could be you slice the youth up, bruh. So hold on."
"If there's something there that I feel a bit of fear in, something takes over and I start heading towards it."
"Push yourself to that place of being uncomfortable get comfortable with being uncomfortable."
"It's less about revenge or anything like that. It's the joy of the journey, me versus myself, me for myself, it's just that growth mindset, that improvement."
"This challenge contains something beautiful: the right of proving oneself against the things they didn't know they could."
"Challenge yourself, try something new, become a beginner again."
"I was hesitant to do the photos myself but thankfully I pushed myself to do it and got out of my comfort zone."
"Life is about turning yourself on by constantly challenging yourself."
"I made me a lot more money, but I did in a sense make it harder for myself."
"Remember to play smart, remember to play to challenge yourself, but most importantly remember to play for fun."
"I just try to make sure I break a sweat every single time, which tells me I'm challenging myself."
"Some days your fight for happiness means fighting against yourself."
"Nobody could kick my ass more than I could kick my ass."
"Sometimes I do need to test myself in terms of my mental and physical fortitude."
"I try to put myself in a place where I'm actually embarrassed or uncomfortable."
"Constantly setting goals and challenges for yourself."
"Regularly challenge yourself, test your physical and mental strength. Never peak in life, the best is yet to come."
"This month is gonna be all about making yourself stronger but most importantly strong enough to challenge yourself."
"It's a challenge to myself that I can come harder."
"Face fear, do hard stuff every single day, push yourself to truly live fully, and transcend to the next level."
"You gotta allow yourself to grow. You're not going to get it right, and don't shelter yourself thinking you're doing yourself a favor. You need to face yourself, face the good and the bad within yourself, and find balance, find love."
"I'm gonna prove that I still have it on console."
"This is skill based matchmaking, we might surprise ourselves."
"It feels good to push myself and to kind of be more like in my masculine in a way but like not."
"The silence is deafening when it's you versus you."
"One of my philosophies that I live by is always doing things that make myself uncomfortable."
"The biggest battle we can have is the one within our own brains."
"I think there's times in your life where you should push yourself and say yes to things."
"Challenge yourself every day. It can really instill some confidence in yourself."
"Let's freaking do this! Push through, break my limit!"
"You're challenging yourself for taking action."
"What was hard for me is deciding to work hard, deciding to use my gifts in certain ways, to challenge myself to do things that I didn't think I could do."
"The goal is not to do what we did today and yesterday, challenge yourself today."
"You have to battle yourself. If you're not battling you, and you are battling something good, that's big."
"I decided to push myself and come up with something that I hope is a game changer."
"Challenge yourself, find new things that motivate you, keep improving."
"I would rather challenge myself every morning."
"Seeking discomfort is proving to yourself that you are so much more capable than you are giving yourself credit for by taking these small steps towards doing something you're afraid of."
"It's really about the opponent within yourself. You win that battle, you're winning."
"Ultimately, I want to prove to people even as a 35 year old man child I can actually get at least."
"I didn't know I could push myself that hard."
"Celebrate where you're not good with the attitude that if I just explore around in here long enough, I'm gonna get good at this."
"It's like a challenge to myself, see if I can do it."
"Any day you wake up on this planet, you're still here and get the opportunity to go out and challenge yourself."
"That's your toughest opponent... I believe that in boxing, and I do believe that in life."
"You see this guy here staring back at you? That's your toughest opponent."
"I am an achiever and I like to challenge myself, push myself out of the comfort zone and achieve it."
"Challenging yourself, come on, you can do this."
"I genuinely enjoy pushing myself just seeing how far I can go finishing second on a broken foot are you kidding me"
"Nobody can challenge you but yourself, and that's the idea, to challenge yourself, to do a nice model from a concept."
"Take advantage of all of your opportunities to learn about lots of things and to challenge yourself, expose yourself to ideas that you might not think you agree with and you may not agree with them at the end of the day either."
"I go to silent retreats. It was the hardest thing I've ever done."
"You should only be challenging yourself to the possibilities of what you can do, not what other people are doing."
"I like adding value to my life. I like becoming more and more valuable all the time. And so, there are certain things that we could hire out, like having it dipped or sandblasted, but I like challenging myself to learn stuff."
"I didn't say a single word, just sort of look back and then back to the top of my mark. The biggest challenge I ever had out in the middle was with myself."
"Dare yourself to be the best possibility that the world has yet to see."
"I do what I do because I love it. I love challenging myself."
"Challenging myself to be my authentic self, I don't want to waste my entire life feeling like I'm not doing what makes me happy."
"I'd rather you focus on your form and challenging yourself."
"How do you expect someone else to challenge themselves when you haven't challenged yourself? Stand in solidarity with yourself."
"It's a battle against yourself a lot of times."
"This boss makes you your own enemy."
"You might find yourself doing a lot more things that make you feel scared, things that you know one or two years ago you would have been afraid to do."
"I really needed to challenge myself."
"Creating goals or objectives if we're sparring with somebody less skilled than us is very important."
"Make sure you're ready to challenge yourself."
"He really wanted to test himself."
"Sprint to that finish line, let's go! Yeah, prove to yourself how tough you are today. Let's go!"
"Challenge yourself to figure out where you need to be from here on out."
"It's okay to want to prove people wrong and to accomplish things and challenge yourself."
"Challenge yourself to dig deeper today and see what you can do for yourself."
"How can you make this just a little more challenging for yourself? Come on, push!"
"Go take a class, go do stuff that challenges you. It's exciting, it's fun, yeah, it's great, all about it, I love it."
"Shadow work is about challenging yourself, it's not about sitting pretty comfortable with your idea of who you are."
"I strive to do things I haven't done before and my wish is to surprise myself with some of my songs."
"You're deliberately testing your own limits and there's something incredibly noble in that."
"I won't say I'm gonna win, but I'm gonna give myself the best chance."
"I'm gonna prove that I'm more hardcore than you'll ever be."
"The only person Batman loses against is Batman."
"I wanted to prove to myself I could face an obstacle and I wouldn't quit."
"I do things I'm afraid of so I can do things I'm afraid of."
"There's no competition tomorrow, it's just me versus me."
"Once you have a vision, then you set a goal, once you set a goal, you will challenge yourself."
"Be in this moment, challenge yourself, push yourself, have as much fun along the way as you can muster."
"I have to push the limits; I can't be afraid."
"Wrestling is so cool like it can be anything; it can be self versus self, it can be self versus man, self versus obstacle."
"What made good endless runners good was that they pitted the player against themselves."
"Just to test myself, mostly mentally, I think it's all mental, 90% of it anyway."
"Don't quit. You're your worst enemy, you're your only enemy. Don't quit."
"My invitation is to say what it is that I can do that will make me really freaked out and that perhaps will also allow me to be proud of myself."
"I always put myself at points of risk."
"Keep challenging yourself to move towards fresh goals."
"I went into this experience really wanting to prove to myself that I could be really scared and do it anyway."
"I want to challenge myself. There's no way I'm going to go up and wait and not knock on his door."
"It was a case of projecting myself beyond that fear and actually really challenging myself."
"When you constantly throw a challenge at yourself and overcome it, you start to realize that you can conquer anything."
"I challenge myself now. Challenge accepted, challenge defeated."
"I've done some crazy things in the past, and I can't wait to push myself to the limit."
"And then I actually work through the puzzle and I blow my own mind."
"It's just kind of fun to challenge yourself sometimes, I guess."
"It's you versus you, go at the effort that you know you can sustain for 26.2 miles."
"This is the final showdown, it's me versus myself."
"The only person who can beat him is himself."
"I like to challenge myself, and it sure was a challenge."
"Maybe it's not about getting through it, maybe it's sometimes it is about just testing yourself."
"But you know what, if you don't challenge yourself daily, then... I don't know."
"...the only person alive who could stop Michael Jordan is Michael Jordan himself."
"The best way to obtain balance is to be able to throw yourself off balance."
"I wanted to see if I had what it takes to be a leading man."
"It really is this such a sport where you have to challenge yourself individually."
"Take chances on yourself, to step into your growth, into the opportunities that are laid before you."
"Push yourself; you got to push yourself."
"I challenged myself to one year of meditation."
"I can't grow if I'm not pushing myself to it."
"You just gotta do it, you just gotta try, you just have to put yourself out there, get out of your comfort zone."
"I'm using what I have left, and I love challenging myself to do that."
"Everything you've got left, show yourself."
"It was one of those things too, like I wanted to push myself and do something I haven't done before."
"I wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone, challenge myself."
"I fell in love with the sport, I fell in love with the competitiveness, I liked that I was able to challenge myself."
"It's like I've been at war... you versus you."
"Take the challenge to make yourself better."
"He's got something to prove today, just to himself."
"Get out of your comfort zone and do these type of adventures."
"You're not racing the person next to you; you're racing the clock."
"It was almost like a match versus myself, and it was really rewarding to challenge myself mentally and physically."
"Sometimes we need to get out of our comfort zone a little bit."
"I just felt like I really needed to challenge myself to see if I could fly on my own."
"Being bold and taking risks... pushing my own boundaries into uncharted territory."
"Challenge yourself, get out of your comfort zone, make something that you didn't think you could make."
"It's really at the end of the day a race against yourself."
"I am most comfortable when I'm out of my comfort zone."