
Habits Quotes

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"Habits organize our behavior into more or less reflexive actions so we don't have to think too much about performing the various behaviors."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You can't create a new version of yourself while dragging your old habits and behaviors behind you."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Anyone can feel motivated from time to time, but highly motivated people build routines and habits into their lives that generate motivation consistently."
"Changing your environment can be a powerful way to maintain motivation and develop healthy habits."
"You are but one habit, one killer routine away from having the exact life that you want."
"The secret of your success is found in your daily routine."
"You're but one habit, one killer routine away from having the exact life that you want."
"If you want to succeed, you've got to get deeply efficient. That's where habits and routines come in."
"Building and sticking to good habits is the only way to actually see progress in life."
"Habits are really key. You need to develop successful habits."
"What are you still trapped in the habit of doing that you don't want to do, and what are you still trapped in the habit of not doing that you do really want to do?"
"You have to become conscious of your unconscious habits and behaviors and modify them."
"First you create your habits, and then your habits create you."
"The number one habit is actually not a habit at all. It is a belief that leads to a habit, and that belief is that the number one thing in your life is your rate of growth."
"My habits create my happiness. We shape our habits and then they shape us."
"Happiness based on happenings is temporary, but happiness built on habits is long-lasting."
"You'll never change your life until you change what you do daily."
"I adopted a growth mindset that I was a healthy person with healthy habits."
"You become what you repeat. So you're going to start repeating things that move you towards your goals."
"Making habit trackers putting them up on your wall is a fantastic way to hold yourself accountable."
"Mindset, skill set, habits. If you can master those, you're done."
"The habit is more important than the intensity at first."
"In order to be happy, we must first have to be intentional about creating a better lifestyle, and that starts with habits."
"We have to deal with our habits because they keep us stuck."
"It's those little incremental successes that change into habits which change into then culture."
"Creating habits is key to overcoming self-sabotage, like setting a simple daily ritual to foster connection and intimacy."
"The key to changing your life is to change your daily habits."
"If you want to have a positive mindset this year, and you deserve to, then you also have to get very deliberate about your habits and about your morning routine in particular."
"You deserve to have a positive mindset this year, and to achieve that, you have to be very deliberate about your habits, especially your morning routine."
"The current productivity bestseller is 'Atomic Habits', which promises that small, but meaningful habits can create staggering changes in your life."
"If you develop a habit of starting and completing your most important tasks, it will transform your life."
"Productivity is part tool, but way more habit change."
"Don't focus on quitting; focus on adding positive habits."
"You are letting go of some old patterns, old belief systems, and possibly even certain habits."
"The cold turkey might be great on a sandwich, but sometimes it's not the easiest thing when you're breaking bad habits."
"Here's failure: a few errors in judgment repeated every day."
"It is just an old habit. Habits die hard, but they die certainly. If one persists, they die."
"Never mistake habit for hard work. That's my favorite because people think because they do something over and over they're working hard, but the majority of the time they're doing it out of habit."
"Old habits die hard. It's crazy, like just be doing this [stuff] for no reason. Like why?"
"Simply doing this for yourself every single morning and making it a habit, and teaching it to your kids, empowers you in a way that is hard to describe because for the first time in your life, you are giving yourself what you have been seeking from other people."
"The secret of your success is hidden in your daily routine and habits."
"Well, I would say I show up early or late, nothing in the middle."
"We are pretty much wired to contact our own face with our own hands at the level of our eyes, nose, and upper lip very shortly after we touch somebody else's skin."
"If for instance you love cold showers and ice baths, then it's very unlikely that taking cold showers or getting into an ice bath is going to increase your level of tenacity and willpower further."
"It's important to try and mix up your viewing habits."
"If you want to break free...you have to break the habit loop that is causing you to think and behave the same way every single day."
"All of your habits you have guaranteed and gained over the last 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years. So, in order to achieve a different result, you have to break the habits that have got you thinking and behaving the same way."
"Winning is a series of behaviors, habits, decisions, implementations, the cumulative effect of a life well lived."
"If you can develop certain specific habits, what I call the 'rich habits', around each individual goal... then you'll knock off one by one each of your dreams or each of your wishes."
"Your habits are the way that you embody a particular identity."
"Habits are...the foundation for mastery in any area."
"Every great achievement is [the result of] small habits ultimately."
"Habits are crucial because the more that you can habitualize, the more you free up your mind to focus on the things that could make that last bit of difference."
"A habit is a behavior that has been repeated enough times to be performed more or less automatically."
"Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement."
"Starting small is the best thing and incorporating new tiny habits for yourself daily is a really great place to start on your journey of self-improvement."
"How do you continue to adapt when you feel like it's easier to fall back into old habits that no longer serve you where and who you are?"
"Get better every day just a little bit better in your habits."
"It's not what we do occasionally that makes the difference, it's what we do consistently."
"Successful people do consistently what other people do occasionally."
"Habits are not a finish line to be crossed, but a lifestyle to be lived."
"When we're starting something, a new routine, a new series, a new yoga program like Transform, we have to establish these habits and eventually with consistency and repetition, and persistency, what in the beginning felt hard to create a momentum for begins to become automatic."
"Discipline is doing the things you know you're supposed to do in your life and then wake up in the morning and do those things. That's what discipline is."
"When that alarm clock goes off at four or five in the morning, your mind says no, you just say this is what we do."
"Their thoughts and imaginations became their actions, their actions became their habits, their habits developed their character, and their character became their destiny."
"Time will magnify whatever you feed it... if you have good habits, time becomes your ally."
"Habits are not a finish line to be crossed; they're a lifestyle to be lived."
"By doing those habits, you're casting these little votes for the type of person that you are, the identity that you believe you have."
"Just by mastering your habits, you can end up reaping a lot of long-term benefits not only in results and outcomes and success, but also just in happiness."
"Habits don't restrict freedom; they create it. It's usually the people who have the worst habits that actually have the least amount of freedom."
"Start with the identity that you want to have or start with the lifestyle that you want to live and then start doing small habits that reinforce that identity."
"Everybody has relationship goals, but what are goals if the habits we employ are in conflict with the goals we say we have?"
"The trajectory of your life bends in the direction of your habits."
"Almost all the results that you want are a lagging measure of your habits."
"We live in a very outcome-focused society, even if you are talented you can't succeed without having great habits."
"You can be the architect of your habits rather than the victim of them."
"Developing those new patterns until they begin to take over is essential for change."
"I'm sure we'll talk a lot about habits in this conversation, and one of the meta habits that's really helpful is some kind of habit of reflection and review because it allows you to course correct."
"The truth is, you develop a habit of rejecting yourself."
"If you understand how to diagnose cues and rewards, you are better at changing your habits."
"Genius is less about genetics and more about your habits."
"Heightened state, physical trigger, do it repeatedly, and you're going to find yourself a different person when you need to change your state."
"Your life is not what you think it is; most of your life is being run by biological addictions, including things like mood addiction."
"Understanding how a new habit links to your values is crucial for behavior change."
"Life is made up of the very small number of things that you repeat every day."
"Revolutionary information can lead to breakthroughs in overcoming old, unhealthy habits or self-sabotaging behaviors."
"The same thoughts always lead to the same choices, the same choices always lead to the same behaviors, the same behaviors create the same experiences."
"You're not a worrier, you have a habit of worrying. Big difference."
"Champions put in place the habits and daily rituals that manufacture success."
"Having habits makes you commit to that self-discipline. It makes it a subconscious thing; you don't even have to think about it, you're just going to do it."
"We are all creatures of habit because habits run themselves, their subconscious programs just run themselves."
"Genius is less about genetics and much more about your daily habits."
"What gets you to where you want are habits. Daily habits... there are negative habits that you can't get rid of, but there are other habits that are immensely liberating, and you can rid of your bad habits through developing positive habits."
"People love to hear good news about their bad habits."
"Success is habit forming, so you have to keep it up."
"It's not repetition that creates habits; it's emotions that create habits."
"If we keep doing what we're doing, we're going to keep getting what we're getting."
"You are not your habits. You are not even your body. You are something that can change everything."
"Habits are what makes it easy; tough stuff not so tough."
"It's never about willpower; it's all about the environment and habits."
"People with good self-control break their bad habits and they form good habits."
"Habits are automatic. It doesn't take energy."
"Cold turkey may be great on sandwiches, but there's a better way to break your bad habits."
"Developing the habit, getting up every morning at the same time so that your day is very consistent, helps make the spiritual life easier."
"Your habits born of your free will lead you into captivity or Paradise."
"It's the power of daily habits... that you get to rewrite your mind."
"The force of habit's tremendous, and in my personal life, I try to make my habits positive."
"Identity is what we repeatedly do... it's who we are."
"You can't get rich or stay wealthy without great habits."
"Your habits reflect how gracefully you will age."
"As you change your habits, you can expect the age of your face and the pace of aging to either slow down or even start to reverse."
"Good habits are really sort of the essence of a good life."
"Did you know there are three simple daily habits you can adopt today to become a more successful crypto investor?"
"Habits wealthy people do that broke people don't do: they have a daily routine."
"A shift in mindset leads to a shift in daily choices and a shift in daily choices leads to significantly better results in the long run."
"I've never seen a person consistently stick to positive habits in a negative environment."
"A slight change in your daily habits can guide your life to a very different destination."
"Success is the product of daily habits—not once-in-a-lifetime transformations."
"Every habit has three components: there's a cue, which is like an automatic trigger for a behavior to start, then a routine, which is the behavior itself, and then finally a reward that helps your brain remember that pattern for the future."
"Just as atoms are the building blocks of molecules, atomic habits are the building blocks of remarkable results."
"Your habits are modern-day solutions to ancient desires."
"All habits, good or bad, have some kind of benefit or reward associated with them."
"Develop habits that allow you to create a life of abundance."
"Focus on the keystone habit... it creates a cascade of good behavior."
"The best strategy to pick up a reading habit is: Read what you love until you love to read."
"Being disciplined means sticking with your systems and habits rather than relying on fleeting feelings of inspiration."
"Success is the sum of small actions, repeated daily."
"Good health means starting with good habits."
"After you figure out drive, the first thing I did after that was build strong habits."
"The habits are what keep you consistent. It's what stops procrastination."
"Switch out the things that you do in your breaks that are immersive to more mindless activities."
"You can speed up your metabolism to see more progress...not by doing quick fixes and hacks, but by implementing strategic habits."
"Your habits literally create your sense of who you are."
"Act like that version of you now, create the habits that a person who is that version of you would engage in on a consistent basis."
"If you have good habits, you're going to keep growing."
"Daily practices, even if they only take five minutes, can be very powerful."
"Confidence is habit. Are the habits that you have on a day-to-day basis making you confident or demolishing you?"
"The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine."
"Building good habits is how you actually get work done."
"Your life is not controlled by what you do some of the time, it's what you do consistently."
"Great customer service is about habits and rituals, being the best in the world at what you do is all about habits and rituals."
"Habits are a hard thing to build and even harder to break."
"The clean sink rule... often becomes a habit that ripples into other habits."
"I would say make your bed every morning as soon as you get out of it. Make this a ritual."
"You have to remember you're a product of your habits."
"How often do you fill up a glass of water and just drink the whole thing?"
"The first habit of rich people is learning every single day."
"It's a powerful healthy habit that's also powerfully simple."
"I keep having these incidents with coffee where it's like I could have coffee in the morning... but if I have coffee in the afternoon, I'm up till 5 am."
"I ain't even playing, got a really bad habit. If it moves, gotta grab it, fuse like a magnet, lose won't have it till I'm doomed in a casket."
"Repeated action in a consistent context becomes a habit."
"What you do frequently becomes your frequency."
"Deliberate practice is the exact opposite of habits. It's going outside your habits; it's actually developing new skills."
"First you create your habits, then your habits create you."
"Try doing one tiny thing every day, like read one page of a book."
"Make a habit of the boring fundamentals...Most successful people take the same repetitive actions on a day-to-day basis."
"First you create your habits, then your habits create you right back."
"Vigilance Wing: You're that one guy who only ever goes to the same restaurant, orders the same meal each and every time."
"It's high time to kick those detrimental habits to the curb and prioritize your well-being."
"This video is going to be a video on habits, but what I'm going to do is I'm going to be sharing the mindset habits that you can adopt to actually shift your identity and achieve anything you want in the New Year."
"Good habits are hard to form but easy to live with. Bad habits are easy to form but hard to live with."
"Focusing on the goal will never be a long-term success strategy. Focusing on the process of getting there, the habits, the lifestyle... that's huge."
"Repetition is the mother of skill. Excellence is not a singular act; it's a habit. You are what you do repeatedly."
"The one thing that made this possible and allowed me to have this transformation, more important than anything else, was the actions that I consistently did on a daily basis. It was the habits."
"Take baby steps...You make one change that you know you can live with...until it just becomes second nature."
"30 days of being mindful can lead to lasting habits."
"I'm saying 'there we go' a lot. I tend to do that in ranked, I don't know why."
"Breaking Bad Habits: Fume takes a different angle."
"We're developing new good habits. That's what we're doing right now."
"Arielle seems to have a habit of spreading misinformation."
"Confidence comes from the little everyday habits and actions and routines and reminders."
"Build the habits that you can sustain and maintain."
"Good habits are foundational to achieving your goals."
"Habits are so powerful because they don't require any conscious thought processes."
"School can be made fun if you can set up these habits... it's all just figuring out how you can get to game day."
"Do you like the direction your habits are taking you?"
"The habits you have today will shape who you become tomorrow."
"Success is the project of daily habits, not once in a lifetime transformations."
"A lot of Christians, they have a hard time digesting the concept of hell. Oh, we can listen to messages about heaven all day long, but we don't want to hear about the reality of hell."
"People do not decide their futures; they decide their daily habits."
"Those small disciplines end up defining us over the long term."
"Good money habits start with your very first paycheck."
"Habits at the end of the day are going to take you further in life than motivation."
"Habituate yourself to something you want to do because this is a hack for life."
"The logic behind this is to pair up an undesirable activity with a desirable activity."
"It's just a daily practice, constantly trying to rewire the way you go about your day."
"It's those small acts, those little things and then find the things that you can repeat often."
"Happiness is daily habits and deeper purpose."
"The new year does just feel like a fresh start and the perfect time to break old habits, make new ones, and really set your goals for the rest of the year."
"Everything that got you dissatisfied? Don't reward your progress by going right back to it."
"If God can get your heart, He can change your habits."
"What you repeatedly do gets ingrained in your subconscious mind."
"If you've ever caught yourself reaching for a cookie... it wasn't you."
"Pay attention to your actions, they become habits."
"Tobacco is a dirty weed... I like it... I'm a fan of anything that forces people to sit..."
"A habit is a redundant set of automatic, unconscious thoughts, behaviors, and emotions that's acquired through repetition."
"When you think about the fact that it really only takes 30 days to build a new habit, I mean that's incredible."
"Do you have you built up that habit where now it's natural? Prayer does not come naturally."
"Fabulous is an app that helps you build routines over time by breaking habits down into small attainable steps."
"Building a reading habit... is pretty easy to fall out of, but it's also possible to get back into as well."