
Relaxation Techniques Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"Non-sleep deep rest is an umbrella term for things like meditation, for Yoga Nidra, a very powerful science supported tool for teaching you how to relax."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Quiet your body periodically, tell it to be still and relax; it has to obey you."
"When you don't get the answer to something, it can make you really stressed out... What you want to do is just take a deep breath in."
"Imagine all the stress and tension leaving your body as you softly and slowly exhale."
"If you're one of those people who is constantly worrying about the calamities in the future, using these techniques will help you feel relaxed and in control, feeling calmer, happier, and more authentic."
"Ultimately just relax and understand that you know what happened happens and you'll learn it'll be a learning experience."
"The feeling here is it's almost like letting the club fall on the back of the ball instead of trying to hit. Just try to pull your hand through. Relax that arm, relax the shoulder, and let the club fall on the back of the ball. Just trust it."
"I think I get quite tense in my legs... I tried so hard to relax then."
"It just kind of chills out your mind a bit and just helps you to relax."
"Maybe meditate, do some yoga, go outside in nature. That will help you feel better."
"Release the tension... Good, good... Let's go now."
"Snuggle a pet, take a bath, have a nice drink. Something along those lines that will help you calm down and relax."
"This is a time where you really benefit from like meditating, yoga."
"This is the end of the massage. You gotta smooth things out."
"I hope that this really helped you relax and sleep."
"No need to force anything, surrender into it as long as you feel the sensation or a strong sensation, it's all good."
"Yoga is a type of exercise that involves breathing and holding certain poses to relax the body."
"Tea with plants and self-care through plant care."
"Music therapy is a growing field that uses music to evoke and assess emotional responses to help people relax or to heal."
"Reading as a form of relaxation actually beats out drinking tea, going for a walk, or listening to music."
"Let yourself drop into an incredibly relaxed trance where you focus only on the sound of my voice."
"One thing that breath does especially if we breathe like a baby does down to a tummy is that we take a focus away from the spinning brain into a state of being."
"The branch that actually helps us to feel relaxed and calm is the ventral vagal nerve."
"Deep breathing clears your mind. It's good for blood pressure, staying calm."
"The incarnation is an indication that God's primary instrument of usage is broken, inconsistent, self-centered, self-focused, narcissistic, ostentatious people."
"There's some that was just nice to watch, a quick relaxation of marble journeys."
"Inhaling for a full count of three, filling up belly ribs chest. Sign out nose or mouth, get all the breath out of the body."
"Feel the difference when you just come down and relax versus when you come down and pull."
"Find a blank wall, sit, and blink for 30 seconds to relieve tired eyes."
"Slowly in through the nose and then slowly out and keep those even I find that works for sleeping."
"Reach for an herbal tea to relax the mind and help de-stress from the day."
"A warm bath before bed can help to relax the body and mind."
"You need to master your chill... take it slow, take it easy, all right?"
"Handling physical stress stuck in your body can lead to profound relaxation."
"Enjoy the process... take a deep breath, chill out, relax."
"Now you just need to be calm, review, become relaxed."
"My natural breath flows in calm and nourishing waves."
"Just a few minutes every day where you just sit and don't do anything? No agenda, nothing you have to do. Just get unplugged from everything."
"Start a regime of breathing techniques, exercise, relaxation for lung and nervous system health."
"Sketching with pen and paper is super relaxing—time just stands still."
"There's nothing like a shower to really relax me at the end of the day, and there are three things that relax me: shower, working out, and a good night's sleep."
"Let's start with some breathing exercises. Inhale, expanding our ribs out to the side."
"Fully relax the body, especially the toes, feet, and arms. Let everything be heavy, relaxed, and enjoy surrender."
"Relax, put some music on, you know, pour something up, smoke something, whatever. Like, relax, don't just, you gotta put some heart into it, y'all."
"I'm huge on meditation and breathing exercises."
"Learn how to breathe, relax, and enjoy life without feeling the need to control everything."
"Even if you put the cell phone down, you turn the lights off, your body still needs one final trigger to let it know we can sleep now."
"You've got to wind down, if you're having problems sleeping."
"Just focus on my voice and you'll be fine, your mind's been properly installed on this ship."
"I find it actually is helpful to have a book read to you to go to sleep, so as a way to sort of take your mind off your million problems at the end of the day."
"Yoga poses that I'll do when I want to go to bed."
"If I go out there and remember to breathe and phone it and trust the work I'm going to be okay."
"Take time to let the hands and the feet relax let the jaw the tongue muscles of the face relaxed let the eyes go out of focus."
"Relax your shoulders, breathe in and breathe out."
"Calm your heart, breathe deeply, and sense your surroundings."
"Just let yourself breathe, relax those muscles, and it'll make it a hell of a lot easier."
"Floating increased the secretion of endorphins and reduces the levels of stress-related neurochemicals."
"Take a deep breath in, and then exhale, soften and release."
"Remember everyone, if you can't sleep, just know that if you lay down with enough force, you'll fall asleep instantly."
"Inhale and exhale, okay? Let's start with count number one, take a deep breath in and a deep breath out."
"You gotta relax. What about something nice in the gym? You can't do a pull-up with a hard-on."
"Return to your meditation, go to slow walks in nature, do anything that brings you peace."
"In this calm cycle, we awaken our parasympathetic nervous system."
"Feel how wonderful it is to be free of your stress, your worry, your tension."
"Just reminding yourself that, this is stressful, I'm going to breathe, I'm going to close my eyes, I'm going to relax, and things start to get better."
"Every breath you take can take you deeper to sleep, being so loose, so limp, so relaxed."
"Feel your body soften, your shoulders relax, let your jaw unclench, your eyebrows soften. This is a safe space to let go."
"That's relaxation, to stop being yourself for a little bit and to enter a new headspace."
"We can't expect that we'll just close our eyes and fall asleep; for many of us, it doesn't work that way."
"Say goodbye to frazzled nerves, say hello to a steady, chill, more relaxed you."
"Just focus on whatever it is that helps you relax. It doesn't have to be this crazy long list."
"When we are able to breathe and stay relaxed, our contractions are more effective and less uncomfortable."
"Take a deep full breath out completely, empty your lungs."
"Maybe you could try some relaxation techniques before bed tonight."
"Baths, long baths. Meditation if I can focus long enough. Sitting down and binge-watching shows. Allowing myself to knock it in the headspace."
"Deep breathing exercises cause your arteries to dilate, decreases your blood pressure, slows your heart rate down."
"Resetting your nervous system is crucial for managing cortisol levels, through practices like breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, and social connections."
"Breathing exercises help you maintain, relax, and stay calm."
"A combination of mushrooms, meditation, and sound to sort of get the kinks out."
"Firstly, we have hypnobirthing. Hypnobirthing is where you use the power of positive thought, you use techniques like breathing and visualization in order to have a drug-free childbirth."
"When you do deep breathing, it actually helps to calm your nervous system."
"Your job as a parent is to teach your children the methodology of relaxation."
"Deepen the breath, make it longer and slower."
"What makes you feel calm and happy? Coloring or music."
"When you're feeling angry, you can calm your body by taking deep breaths."
"Assume you might be up all night, so think about what things make you relaxed and calm."
"We are interested to communicate with our brain, and we can more easily and more effectively communicate with our brain if we make the movements small, slow, easy, and comfortable."
"I find these to be really relaxing... it's a nice way to kind of unwind and relax at the end of a day, just take your mind off everything."
"Take deep breaths and try to empty your mind."
"We can take a deep breath or breathe deeply, and that increases the probability that we get into the relaxed state."
"It can help you reduce stress, it can help with getting to sleep at night, it can help with relaxing."
"Anxiety can be managed through nitrous oxide, anti-anxiety oral medications, positive reinforcement, and relaxation techniques."
"Everything that we're going to do is around the acronym FREE: Focused Relaxation Economy Emotion Efficient Breathing."
"Relax your shoulders, relax your face."
"Breathe in and out, a little release, shake it out, breathe normally."
"Come to the anxiety workshop, and you can learn several ways to relax."
"Your body needs to learn how to relax, how to engage your parasympathetic nervous system, the relaxation response."
"Take your time and breathe, let your shoulders fall down."