
Focus Quotes

There are 39234 quotes

"We can all improve our attentional capacity. We can all rewire the circuits that make heightened levels of focus more accessible to us."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"People with ADHD can have a hyper-focus and incredible ability to focus on things that they really enjoy or are intrigued by."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A lot of childhood and school and becoming a functional adult is about learning how to focus even though you don't want to do something."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Most of the things we get recognized for in life, success in life, in every endeavor, whether or not it's school, relationships, sport, creative works of any kind are always proportional to the amount of focus that we can bring to that activity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you're somebody who's interested in changing your default state of mood or of thinking, or enhancing your ability to focus, or improving your sleep or improving performance in some cognitive or physical endeavor, meditation is powerful."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Through simple practices like forcing oneself to read a book chapter start to finish without looking at one's phone... redirecting one's focus when focus moves away is a way of keeping working memory and cognitive function online, maybe even strengthening it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Alpha GPC...has a focusing and an alertness promoting aspect to it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"In the case of caloric restriction...mentally you're a little bit there and you're more likely to be alert and focused."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Nicotine increases acetylcholine and thereby focus and concentration and mental performance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Therapy is extremely valuable... it's one of the key components for meshing together all aspects of one's life and being able to really direct one's focus and attention toward what really matters."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"How do you deal with the soul-crushing, anti-creative aspects of the entertainment industry? I'm just focused on the work."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The goal is to teach your brain... to refocus your attention. And I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that it's also critical to be able to defocus."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"How we breathe, including how often we breathe, the depth of our breathing, and the ratio of inhales to exhales actually predicts how focused we are, how easily we get into sleep, and how easily we can exit from sleep."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Learning to play properly can enhance one's ability to focus and is an active area of research for treatment of things like ADHD."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The more you force yourself to focus, the easier focusing gets."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Cortisol, even though it's often discussed as a terrible thing, is essential for health and every day we get a rise in cortisol in the morning that is associated with enhanced immune function, enhanced alertness, enhanced ability to focus."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Learn how you learn. Learn how to focus. Learn how to rest."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The key principle here is that mental focus follows visual focus."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We know that people, kids, and adults with ADHD actually have a tremendous capacity to focus if they like what they're focusing on."
"When people are under periods of stress, they have trouble considering things that are not right in front of them."
"The pathway to success is that unidimensional obsessiveness driven by interest."
"Mindfulness is the ability to be focused on what's happening here right now instead of having just random thoughts."
"I find immense energy, and all I want to do is write. I kind of tunnel into the process."
"The next trade is the most important trade in the world, not the last trade or the trade before that."
"Meditation is controlling the attention of your mind."
"Where you place your attention is where you place your energy."
"I don't care how many cars passed me on the left lane going to my destination this morning. I don't know. I'm focused on a destination, which is up here."
"Motivation is the ability to hold a thought steady in your mind for a prolonged period of time."
"When you focus on problems, all you get is more problems. When you focus on possibilities, what you create is more opportunities."
"The most important thing is to keep the most important thing the most important thing."
"To be successful, you have to have primarily the quality to focus, to concentrate."
"I physically was unable to focus... and originally at school, and I had an attention deficit issue."
"If you want to learn how to focus, what you've got to do is practice focusing."
"I focus on one thing. I focus on this audience, the 2024 election, the future of the country for my children."
"The main thing that you are lacking is focus. Because when you are a person who has a lot of focus and can focus in on a singular thing, then it's very easy to actually get the know-how...to accomplish your goals."
"What you need is more focus, and in order to have more focus in your life, you need to be able to enjoy and derive enjoyment from just the simple things."
"Focus is the thing that you need to be optimizing for. The more that you can have singular focus on the task that you are trying to accomplish, the more that you're gonna win in life."
"Shift your focus from all of the negativity and shift your focus on the positivity because that's the only way that you're going to see opportunity in front of you."
"Mindfulness...when you learn to redirect your focus from your thoughts onto your body and how you're feeling in that moment, is huge."
"Alpha GPC, which is essentially a choline donor, acts in the pathways related to the neuromodulator acetylcholine and can enhance focus."
"Success in any endeavor is very closely related to how much focus we can bring to that endeavor."
"Presence is the ability to become fully invested in the moment energetically so that you're not distracted and your mind is elsewhere, but BAM, you are here, razor-sharp, razor-clear, fully engaged energetically in your body and your emotions in this very moment."
"Don't dwell on the problem; instead, focus on what you desire."
"You can do anything you put your mind to as long as you stay focused."
"Focus on doing something beautiful and something wonderful."
"Focus on what you want to create in your life... Take that little spark of hope, that little spark of life."
"Be present... Presence is when you're totally focused in the here and now rather than in your mind somewhere else."
"Find a way to know in yourself what it is that you want and focus on that."
"Your ability to focus and pay attention to just one thing will determine your success in life."
"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new."
"Definitions alone do not score... having the definition... centers you."
"We live in such an age of distraction... We don't set aside time when we're not multitasking."
"Instead of focusing on what isn't done, focus on what you have accomplished."
"You're actually being asked to focus on the things that are working. Let the things that are not meant for you go."
"You need to focus your mind on actual happiness."
"There's a ton of science now on what [a nap] does for concentration, focus, learning, creativity."
"There is value in focusing on just one thing at a time."
"What you think about and focus on is going to show up, so you need to be sure that what you are thinking about is a match to what you want to manifest in your life."
"If you get in the mindset of focusing on something you need to accomplish, things will work. That's just my opinion."
"Strive for greatness and be great; don't let anything distract you."
"Don't try to do everything at once. The power is to concentrate your focus strategically into just a few, ideally one thing, to knock it out of the park."
"Without a clear vision, you'll end up running in multiple different directions instead of staying focused on what truly matters in your life."
"It's not about the quantity of your life; it's about the quality. Eliminate things that don't make you happy and focus on what does."
"When it is a heavy scene, don't talk to nobody. I have to get in the zone."
"Happiness is a choice because in every moment, you get to choose what to focus on."
"What you think about, you bring about; what you focus on, that's where energy flows."
"We're not wired for multitasking; what we're wired for is focus, and that's really our superpower."
"In every realm of human activity, without this ability to single-mindedly focus and suppress everything else that is not relevant, we wouldn't have art, we wouldn't have sports, we wouldn't have science."
"You must stay clearly focused on the fundamental national security interest of the United States of America."
"Remember why you're doing it and don't chase the numbers. That's going to drive you straight to the ground."
"Let go of distractions from people who are not helping you build your life purpose."
"Purified intent uplifts the quality of character and sharpens focus and will."
"It's going to keep you sharp, it's going to keep you focused."
"You must come in with intensity, and you must come in with focus."
"What you think about and what you focus on does indeed begin to manifest."
"What a perfect picture for us to recenter our heart on what really matters: it's eternity."
"Before you do anything, ask yourself, is this moving me toward my most important goal or is it merely a distraction?"
"Productivity equals output divided by time, multiplied by focus, multiplied by forethought, and multiplied by fun."
"The classic productivity equation is output over time. But I think the way for you to be the most productive...is to add three Fs: focus, forethought, and fun."
"I want to give y'all some lessons on how to stay focused and accomplish things."
"Focus on what you're for, not what you're against."
"Focus on what you're in control of too, don't stress over things you're not in control of."
"The more focus we bring to our work, the less time we have to spend on it."
"The fewer things we try to do at the moment, the more productive we become."
"Let your mind wander around the fringes of your focus, and inspiration might pay you a visit."
"Any decision is the right decision, all that matters is where you focus your attention after having made the decision."
"Solving productivity is the only dial that I think we can actually move now."
"Focus on the giver of light, focus on the giver of mercy."
"I want to try to get as far as we've ever gotten where we don't get sidetracked."
"If you've got that tight focus, then there's still no guarantee, but one thing's for sure: if you meander and you try to do all things for all people, you try to do too many different things, then the problem becomes exponentially more complicated and exponentially more risky."
"This is a get down year. This is a focus year. This is a year that it's got to come out of you, not just who you know, not just who you hang around."
"I Repent from every distraction... and I commit to focusing myself to what you put in me because everything you put in me is about to show up in my life."
"Everything you focus on in your life, your mind can make a reality."
"You can focus the energy of greater consciousness into a laser-like beam that you can put to work for you in many different ways."
"The bigger it is, the more important it is. That's why I'm focused on Ukraine because it's a war. People are getting killed. What's more important than that?"
"For me personally, it's not hard to stay focused at all. I'm fully locked in."
"Financial Freedom is near enough impossible to achieve without focus."
"In your life, you have to start becoming obsessed with finishing things and focusing on things."
"Your ability to make money and create wealth in your life depends on your ability to work on things and stay focused on a specific set of tasks for a long period of time uninterrupted and build value through a company."
"It's just about finding your zone. It's just like any other game, you have to think that way."
"Actual deep knowledge about subjects requires focus on long periods of thoughts and study."
"Where attention goes, energy flows and if you don't use it, you lose it."
"You got to focus and readapt, continue, and then learn as much as you can. By helping others, it's been very rewarding as well."
"Let's just think about the science, damn it."
"After Endgame, they should have looked inward, gone back to basics, and focused on telling isolated, compelling character stories."
"Your ambition is not to run some circuit or to get invited to a conference, your ambition is to be pleasing to Christ."
"Let's talk about basketball. That's the discussion. Let's keep it basketball."
"Prayer is the reason why I don't have all the distractions and clutter anymore."
"Find the things about yourself that you love and really focus in on them. It's not selfish."
"Concentrate on doing the thing in front of you as if it was the last thing you were doing in your life."
"Don't look at where you're supposed to get to in five months because right now that looks so difficult, it looks so unachievable. Just look at what you're supposed to do today."
"The fastest readers actually have the best comprehension because they have the best focus."
"Doesn't it suck that civilians are dying, buildings are being destroyed, hospitals being destroyed? Shouldn't that be the focus?"
"If you are somebody that wants to achieve excellence in your chosen field, get off social media in relation to what people are saying about you."
"Instead of focusing on people created by God, focus on the Creator."
"Focus on your priorities; where you put your focus is where you receive your outcome."
"It's empowering, it's encouraging, and it removes the ambiguity of nonsense things that's going to distract you."
"Pray like this: Our Father dwelling in the heavenly realms, may the glory of your name be the center on which our lives turn."
"It's not about you; it's about the mission; it's not about you; it's about them."
"Choose to focus on them not forever, but for the moment if you're struggling with anxiety."
"If we have ten qualities within us, nine of them positive and one negative, we only look at the one negative and exaggerate that one."
"Whatever happened yesterday, leave it alone because you can't do nothing for it, but you got to focus on conquering today."
"Our attention is focused. We're salient to one another because this is what we've chosen."
"We're going to stay focused at this task force on saving lives, meeting the needs of our state and our health care workers and protecting the vulnerable."
"I found it really hard to not have a goal, you know, and a focus."
"The real focus today is multitasking and teamwork."
"Once you do that, you unlock this incredible potential because you're not obsessed over the things that you are not naturally gifted at."
"Behavior should drive focus and attention until the truth is found."
"The missing child should be the center of mind for anybody who is not worried about protecting self and image."
"I choose not to do that because it's going to take you away from really thinking about what you want to do."
"That's it; this child is all that matters to me."
"Lean into the change and focus on personal healing."
"Your entire focus must be there in order for that great transformation to happen."
"You're just not paying attention to distractions, you're being very focused on what you want."
"You'll be focusing on the things that make you feel like you're on your true prosperity path."
"The interplay between the extreme scope of the year-long cross-country journey they went on together and the incredibly narrow focus of the storytelling lands the ending perfectly."
"We need more focus on what the actual problems are."
"I'm trying to be way, way, way more optically focused."
"Kraven... focuses on his goals with laser-like accuracy, not getting caught up in other emotions and deviating from the plan."
"You're focusing more on what is within your control and what you can rely on."
"Focus on refining your skills and your talents and to focus on your career."
"In life, you receive according to what your focus is on, not according to what you want."
"Every time you take your eyes off the prize, you create counter intention and pollute your vibration."
"If you want to change the manifestations you bring into your life, you can't pay too much attention to conditions that are not congruent with what is wanted."
"I removed all of the fluff and went only to the essential."
"Once I took off the other things, that gave me the time and the focus to improve the one essential thing."
"It is time to focus on your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health."
"Don't work on conditions; we need only to work on ourselves."
"We've got to keep our heads down and just do our job."
"Don't lose focus of what we're about. It's three points; that's all that we've got to focus on."
"We keep doing what we have to do, and that's all that matters."
"I am creating my life intentionally by focusing on my abundance."
"Focus on the positive... really focus on the positive."
"The key to public speaking is to connect with your audience and realize that it's not about you, it is about your audience."
"Discipline, focus, eliminating the distractions - distractions are the enemy of greatness."
"Focus on what you love and what makes you happy."
"Review your goal every single day like clockwork...it's always on the top of your mind."
"Focus is the most important quality for success. If you can focus, you can do anything."
"You got to strategize on each problem you have in life. Slowly break down that problem. Don't think about all the problems you have, just one at a time. And before you know it, you fix all these problems."
"Balance is a myth... it's about what you're truly focused on at the moment."
"I didn't want to own a house anymore and I didn't want to have any worries to look back on. I just wanted to be able to really focus and be in the present moment."
"The best thing to do in this situation is just do one thing at a time."
"Preoccupation with priority preserves and protects life."
"I'm seeing it a little bit, you just got to have discipline. Your focus needs more focus."
"Focus on what you have at hand and put in the work."
"The idea behind deep work is that you focus on just a few very, very absolutely crucial tasks."
"Where ever your attention goes, energy flows, and results show."
"It's nice when you can go to the Lord and get the short list from Him of that which He wants you to focus on, that which needs your attention right here, right now, rather than being overwhelmed with the enormity of all the different responsibilities."
"The focus should be on making her last days as happy and bright as possible."
"This is what it all comes down to, right here, right now."
"Get clear on your intention, stay focused, and move quickly to achieve your goal."
"Hold your vision. Wherever you put your focus, your energy, it will grow."
"We can move on to a much more important subject, Sonic Adventure 2."
"We don't need to see looting and crime; we need to keep our eyes on that knee on that neck because it represents everybody else who did not have a camera when they were crushed."
"Focus on what you have, focus on being present."
"Habits are crucial because the more that you can habitualize, the more you free up your mind to focus on the things that could make that last bit of difference."
"We magnify the problem, and God says today in worship could you just magnify me."
"In a war for focus, in a war for your attention, you have to pay attention to the things that pay you."
"The most important thing you could be doing is what you are doing right now."
"You can exponentially accelerate towards [your dreams] if it's part of your focus."
"Whatsoever things are of good report… think on these things."
"When we commit to something, we put all of our energy into that thing."
"If you can't spend 45 minutes focused on something that could change around your entire life, then I question how bad you really want it."
"Focus and dedication can take you a long way."
"Being able to focus without interruptions is an absolute superpower."
"Focus and scale comes from skill, and skill comes from training."
"Pay attention. Almost everything else will fall into place if you do. Do what you're doing."
"I want to focus on the good stuff that's happening for you guys."
"Listening to something is as effective as chanting something. As a matter of fact, if somebody is chanting something but not really with focus, on the other hand, if somebody else is not chanting but just listening with attention, the latter may get more result, a better result."
"Hypnosis is simply a heightened state of focus and awareness where your focus becomes so shifted into a particular suggestion, belief, or idea you actually begin to experience it, even though the idea may or may not be real."
"Let your faith be in Him. Remember, our faith is not in our ability to keep his commandments, even though we do, but our faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ."
"Less hype, less anti-hype, less tweets on how there's too much hype in AI, and more solid research."
"Focus on one thing at a time. Don't overwhelm yourself."
"Cut away the fluff, cut away the distractions and the toxic temptations and the bad environments and the bad eggs in your life, and success can become much more automatic."
"Gonna switch your focus onto things that make you feel good, things that make you happy."
"When we are not focused on what we are doing, we tend to be far less happy than when we are focused on what we are doing."
"The tremendous power of building our ability to focus on what we're doing and to stay present to what we are doing."
"The more you don't worry about making it work and just let it work, just allow yourself to just focus on me."
"Our biggest challenge is how to call our attention back from all the distractions and actually focus."
"The answer to the multiversal sickness...is just focus on the one thing that grounds you."