
Protection Quotes

There are 48258 quotes

"Protecting our young is after all one of the primary adaptive drives of our species, and thank goodness it is."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Whenever you give up rights, it's near impossible to get them back."
"As a parent, you spend your whole life trying to protect your child... you never would think you have to protect your child from harming somebody else."
"Protect the brain... to remove the beta amyloid that gums up the brain."
"Always protect your mental health, everybody."
"Caring for the weak and fighting to protect something, that is true strength."
"Your word says, 'The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night.'"
"The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear him and delivers them. Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in him."
"How can you protect if you don't have empathy?"
"Earth is amazing, it's beautiful, it protects us, and so we should work hard to protect it."
"Gris protected Rudo not because he was a sky person, but because he acknowledged him as a comrade who could treasure both things and people."
"Curiosity is the thing that protects you; it's curative."
"Masks do more to protect other people than ourselves."
"You need to learn to be the person that your woman's going to want when wolves are at the door."
"Your greatest gift, your greatest strength, and your greatest protection from the pain you fear is to go deeper into love and giving."
"Every mother's duty is to protect her young."
"Our relationship matters; it needs upkeep, protection from all the stuff that penetrates it all the time."
"Empowerment is getting on code as a group, understanding what we need to do to protect each other from white supremacist terrorism."
"I saw Satan fall like lightning from Heaven. Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you."
"You are an earth angel who was born to protect, nurture, and teach about nature and the animals."
"The thing that I protect most ferociously is my wife and my marriage."
"Every living species knows how to protect their offspring. When you leave your offspring open to predators, you no longer even deserve to exist."
"When it comes to your children, you're supposed to die defending your children."
"Life not only needs protection, it needs nourishment."
"The same walls you have up to protect you are the same walls blocking your blessings."
"You are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time."
"The purpose of Section 3 is to protect our democracy not just for the next election cycle but for generations to come."
"Section three of the 14th Amendment is in place to protect our country from insurrectionists."
"Privacy is a human right and that's why it should be protected, regardless of whether or not you're doing anything wrong."
"Children don't deserve any of this. They're innocent."
"If you want to protect him, you must get stronger."
"A haunted bear skin rug... it haunts those that hunt Pokemon and will defend a Pokemon if it's targeted by a hunter."
"We all want to be part of a community. Make sure that you're holding others accountable for their actions, because it may just protect the people we care about most."
"The will of God will never take you to where the grace of God will not protect you."
"Above all, taking the shield of faith, for with it you can quench all the fiery darts of the wicked."
"Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil."
"If we protect each other, we're going to make our names, and everyone will remember us."
"Even if I'm scared, I'll still fight to protect everyone."
"Allow yourself to fully grow and blossom because when we're protecting ourselves too much, we don't allow ourselves to blossom."
"If I cannot protect him from the grinding gears of fate, then give me a strong blade and enough strength to shatter fate metaphorically."
"Ichigo has seen how cruel fate can be, and it's for this reason that he wishes for the strength to not just protect his loved ones from fate but to shatter it completely."
"The crushing gears of fate were broken by Ichigo; his wish to receive a blade strong enough to shatter fate was fulfilled."
"God's children do not make a practice of sinning, for God's son holds them securely, and the evil one cannot touch them."
"Protecting all human rights, lives are on the line here."
"Around me now a shield of gold, protecting me strong and bold."
"You even risked your life to protect the little girl."
"We make a pact to forget our old world and protect our Here and Now."
"No matter what happens, we agree to protect everyone together."
"Usado is determined to protect her, Kazaki, and the people of the Kingdom."
"Sometimes, to protect the ones we love, we must embrace the darkness within."
"Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession was left unaided."
"Anos appeared before Elanor to fulfill his promise, so he cast a spell on her source, telling her that she was now his magic and promised to protect her forever."
"The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ."
"Rejection is divine protection. Remember that always."
"So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me."
"Society has to have rules of law to continue and to prosper and protect its citizens."
"Permission, protection, principles - these are what fathers should exemplify."
"The male lion is determined to chase and protect the belligerent lioness to the end."
"The blood is a reminder to know that you're protected because of Jesus."
"Shamu steps in and knocks the man down to protect the student."
"The mother giraffe protects her wounded baby from predators."
"If not for his ever-present psychic voice reaching out, searching, protecting, and planning, then the Imperium of Man would undoubtedly fall back into dark oblivion, and perhaps the light would be extinguished permanently."
"It protects one from disappointment. If you're already disappointed, how could you be further disappointed?"
"Life is precious, and it should be protected and guarded in all respects."
"Young Shill was constantly fighting the world to protect her son."
"Parents have really done an amazing job of protecting their children."
"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty."
"You are being watched over and protected physically, emotionally, and energetically."
"The LORD is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?"
"Protect your vision; don't let people destroy that vision."
"We need to guard our hearts, our minds, eyes, and ears because these are all gateways."
"Beautiful different mediums that we can use to protect ourselves while we explore our spirituality."
"For you, O Lord, are my refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust."
"You are our guardian angels. Thank you so much."
"I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.'"
"If you protect your purpose, your purpose protects you."
"You are safe; angels stand close. Surrender your concerns and allow a miracle to occur."
"If anyone tries to cut Social Security, Medicare, or raise retirement age again, I will stop them."
"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me."
"Kim Kardashian on co-parenting: 'No matter what goes on, it's the father of my kids. I'll always be protective.'"
"Protect your heart, protect your space, protect your energy and everything should be all right."
"Take care of your precious pearls, your daughters, and your wives."
"I'm sorry, Mom. I just wanted to protect you."
"The most powerful weapon we have right now to protect ourselves isn't a firearm; it's a camera and it's accountability."
"Recognizing that when we get hurt, we become protective, and when we're protective, we become fearful."
"When I fight, it's to make sure that she knows that I love her and everything's going to be okay."
"It's about protecting ourselves and there's a way to include people but doing it the right way."
"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you."
"What would you sacrifice to protect those you care about?"
"Whenever we push God, 'Well, Lord, I've waited long enough,' it's time for me to have what I want. Watch this, God is your greatest protector."
"When God says no, it's a word of protection."
"We complain to Allah with: 'Allah, you protect me more than anyone protects me, you provide for me where no one provides for me, you know me like no one knows me, and you know what I'm going through. Yalla, help me. Who else can I turn to for help?'"
"It's time to start actually taking steps to keep children from getting access to content they shouldn't be seen."
"No, you're supposed to be scared because if you ever put your hands on my son again, you ain't going to jail. I'm going to jail."
"I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust.'"
"Israel also has a fundamental responsibility though to protect innocent civilians."
"The only time you should use the Eight Gates is to protect something precious to you."
"We must not forget that our fundamental purpose here is to protect people and their futures."
"By yourself you're unprotected, but with a friend you can face the worst."
"I believe the majority of trans-identified people not only pose zero threat to others but are vulnerable for all the reasons I've outlined."
"Protecting women and girls from sexual and gender-based violence surely has to be a priority."
"We're going to preserve, protect, and defend our incredible Constitution."
"Let go of your fear and know that you are safe and protected at all times."
"The only thing that could protect you from a super intelligent AI bent on destruction would be an even smarter AI that's on your side."
"This is about freedom and protecting freedom."
"Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil."
"Your soulmate... is fiercely protective of you."
"Something's coming. This threat... An attack. Duty as director. Keep the Bureau safe."
"On that day, Bill vowed to become strong enough that no one would ever be able to hurt his loved ones again."
"How about we build a pillow fort? That can protect us."
"The government doesn't seek to maximize every individual's freedom, it seeks to protect you."
"You are very protected. No matter what you've been through, the Angels have never forsaken you. You've never been walking this journey alone."
"I think broadly speaking, the things that I talk about are the importance of the establishments that are around us, the institutions that exist, why they're important, why they're worth protecting."
"Your primary duty on this Earth is to protect your children."
"Generally speaking, when there's an unknown, our mind fills it in with the most negative possibilities. And why is that? It's to try to protect us."
"I believe a man should lay down his life if something happens or his wife's life is threatened."
"What Israel seeks by operating in Gaza is not to destroy a people, but to protect a people, its people, who are under attack on multiple fronts."
"You cannot create boundaries if you do not know what you are protecting."
"Every one of us needs to be loved, wants to be loved, we all want to be protected, connected, respected."
"Protection against infection goes down, protection against hospitalization so far after basically eight months is essentially maintained at the same level."
"Doro promised to follow her and protect her if she fell into danger."
"You have so much protection, so much blessings coming in."
"Detour. There may be unexpected changes in your direction, but don't worry about where you'll end up because you're being guided and protected along the way."
"The rates of hospitalizations, admissions in ICU, and deaths are really low in those who are fully vaccinated."
"You need to monitor, you need to know where they're going, and you need to protect them."
"I believe that women are the most precious things on the planet; they create life, they should be protected, they should be provided for."
"I believe in protecting women; I believe in championing women."
"The cavalry's not coming. It's just us. They don't keep us safe. We keep ourselves safe. We protect us."
"The world was scary, and that barriers were put in place to protect him."
"Moraine says, 'Don't worry, I've got eyes and ears all over this city. They'll find them.'"
"It is true, men possess a side that is barbarous... But it is a double-edged sword. It can be a tool used for winning precious things as well as protecting them."
"One of the things that's a protective shield is having some kind of personal connection to people who are likely to be deeply hurt by that politics."
"Our aim in all of this is to protect the most vulnerable, the most at risk."
"Dear child of God, nothing can touch you without God's permission."
"The fact that the federal government has three real jobs: provide courts for redress of grievances, protect the borders, and protect the rights of the citizens."
"Protecting myself means that I'm protecting my family, too."
"We protected your pre-existing conditions very strongly. You don't hear that, but we very strongly protected your pre-existing conditions."
"Your career brings fairness and protection to others who need your help."
"The measure of a society is how it protects its most vulnerable."
"There's a level of protection here with the black tourmaline, but you're trying to remain open to positive things in general."
"Our current president has failed in his most basic duty to the nation. He's failed to protect us. He's failed to protect America. And my fellow Americans, that is unforgivable."
"They're not coming after me; they're coming after you. I just happen to be in the way."
"I declare that no weapon formed against this person shall prosper in the name of Jesus."
"Groot extended his branch-like appendages around his friends and protected them from the impact of the crash."
"Protect your energy and protect yourself because the very same people who laugh and kiki and laugh and smile in your face make you seem like y'all cool are the very same people who are running their mouth about some [__] that you got going on."
"During an extremely tragic event in California, where many were killed, a group of men formed a protective circle around women, shielding them from bullets with their own bodies."
"God, don't just breathe in this room; breathe in their house, breathe in their car, breathe over their families."
"It's very important that we totally protect our Asian American community in the United States and all around the world. They're amazing people, and the spreading of the virus is not their fault in any way."
"You saw what he did to her... I don't want her to be hurt anymore. It's not fair."
"Rights exist to protect the minority against the majority."
"I have been given authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the powers of the enemy, and nothing will harm me."
"From whom will you protect? This consciousness is non-dual."
"The cross literally becomes the door, the entrance that the blood that was put on the doorway that allowed the destroying angel to pass by."
"The reality of bravery lies in the choice to protect, despite fear."
"The defense of any woman, especially my wife, is not debatable."
"You get no more fear of death...because there's no self, there's no one to protect anymore."
"Sometimes a shield is good just because it does its goddamn job."
"I'm not going to let anyone hurt you. You're safe. I got you."
"The laws of nature clearly state that the bigger eat smaller... The laws of nature also state that we protect our young, no matter what."
"That day, he swore that he would take care of that boy."
"God is protecting you and God will send you signs of this person."
"Well then, I'm grabbing the strongest armor ever."
"I want a world where people like you and I are no longer victimized. I want you to bring that world into being."
"The most important space you have is your mind; how protective of it are you?"
"All life is sacred, and we must all protect and love one another."
"The normal state of man is health, physically he has remarkable recuperative powers, and the body has been given all kinds of protections against the common ailments that affect the flesh."
"Series creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker grew protective of the license, and so began a nine-year gap between games."
"The great freedom comes when you realize you are one with the Lord. What can harm you?"
"No weapon formed against thee shall ever prosper."
"In order for you to be protected in this life, you got to be willing to walk your Damascus road. You prepare to walk that narrow path alone if you have to."
"Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies."
"The only legitimate purpose of government is to ensure that these individual rights are protected."
"I pray that all God has ordained for you in this week shall come to pass. I pray that no weapon formed against you shall prosper."
"You are the righteousness of God; no weapon formed against you shall prosper."
"The universe is with you, wear a cloak of protection and love."
"An emergency fund of three to five months of expenses... is kind of like having some sort of padding when you're going into a sports game. It just makes all of the punches hurt less."
"When we love God with all our heart, our heart cannot be broken and our mind cannot be lost."
"His light will surround you, his love will overwhelm you, his power will protect you, and his eye is forever watching over you."
"Lord Jesus Christ, Our King, save our people, save our church under siege, save us all, we beg you."
"Your anxiety is helping you out, bro. Your anxiety is the part of your mind which looks into the future, predicts danger, and makes sure you don't screw up."
"Limits from God are love from God because He's trying to protect you from the things that you can't see clearly."
"The Lord will keep you from all harm - He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore."
"Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil."
"Being vaccinated and boosted reduces your risk of dying or getting critically ill and going to the hospital."
"You must protect the individual because there is no collective without an individual."
"What we're doing is we're doing multiple layers because the more layers we have, the better protection we're going to have in the end to avoid the undesired outcome at the end."
"Every word of God is pure; he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him."
"I didn't fight for marriage equality because I thought we needed to become like straight people. I fought for marriage equality because there's a lot of families with kids that need equal protection."
"It's revealed that Captain Picard's new girlfriend is a watcher, protecting particularly important individuals."
"The life of every child is sacred and must be protected."
"May Allah protect all of us, protect our children, may Allah keep our intentions pure."
"If you're in the street now, you look at the street, and someone tries to... one of the gang members... tries to trust it off you, and you fight them just because you don't take it off you, and you die, then you die a martyr."
"You have to protect your copyright, that's all we've got."
"Dare to make that bold change. There will be sacrifices and roadblocks, but you are protected. It is an imminent move. What is stale and depressed will be revitalized with this new energy. You will be shown the way."
"A lot of times, the most important thing that you can do for someone is have faith in them to do it themselves and sometimes that means not protecting them from it."
"Your ancestors are going to be your warriors, fighting people who want to harm you or giving you the upper hand in a competitive work environment."
"Amyloid has been for years vilified and there's no question, it is a neurotoxin. The surprise has been that this is also a protectant."
"The theology of Jesus protects us from the Pharisees and the Sadducees."
"If you fast for your son, if you fast for your husband, if you fast for your wife, if you fast for your neighbor, they will be protected from all the dangers because of the power of your fasting."
"Any disaster, pandemic, problems, confusion that is coming against you and your family will be removed if you are ready to humble yourself through fasting."