
Aging Quotes

There are 9606 quotes

"By focusing on the cellular and molecular pathways that exist in all cells of the body, we can slow or reverse the effects of aging."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Strength training is the number one tool to combat neuromuscular aging."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Presbyopia translates to disease of vision of the aged, affecting everyone around age 40 or so, when we start needing reading glasses due to the stiffness of the lens inside our eye."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Do you want to be able to pick up a great-grandkid, if they come running at you?"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I personally think it is one of the most powerful, anti-inflammatory things, dietary lifestyle, things that we can get easily, relatively easily, that is going to powerfully modulate the way you think, the way you feel, and the way you age."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Nobody wants to start resembling a folded over envelope or a melted candle."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Plasticity is your natural right early in life. But after about age 25 you have to do some work in order to access it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"For every year that you stay alive, you get to tack on another three months of life."
"When you manage your mind, you can change your cellular health, your biological age. In other words, you control that. So, you literally, with your mind, control how your DNA functions."
"Plasticity diminishes with age, but one of the things that I felt like I was able to put together is that different parts of the brain have different plasticity windows."
"My boy David's findings remind us that while genetics play a role in aging, lifestyle choices have a significant impact."
"Older individuals tend to have more time for social connections."
"Social connections are key to maintaining a healthy brain when we age."
"We know that the more strength you have going into your older years, the less likely you will be to die and have to have dependents care for you."
"The more muscle mass we have going into middle and older age, the better the vitality we have."
"Emotional health... is largely uncoupled from age and is one where I think we should all be mindful of how we can maximize that throughout the duration of our lives."
"What gets really interesting, and this is something most scientists don't even know about yet, is level three, the deep layer of aging. There's actually a DNA clock that tells our bodies how old we are."
"Aging actually has been worked on for about 5,000 years or more, and just in the last 20 years, we've come up with a set of hallmarks of aging."
"Our bodies are losing essential information as we get older that drives many, if not all, of those hallmarks that we know exist."
"What I'm saying is aging is caused because cells lose their packaging, and then eventually cells lose their identity, disease ensues, cells check out, they become zombie-like, and then our organs fail, and we die."
"The only reason we age, we could live for a thousand years otherwise, the only reason we age is that our repair systems become complacent."
"The two things that seem to age people the most from their diet is sugar and the other side is protein."
"What could happen in the long term if you have mTOR elevated constantly, your cells are constantly going to try to divide. They eventually reach something called the Hayflick limit. At that limit, it's like a dead end. They either die in what's called apoptosis or they become zombie cells called senescent cells."
"As you get older, exercise becomes more, not less, important for maintaining your health."
"The only reason we age is that our repair systems become complacent."
"We can measure that, slow it down, and even reverse it. It's going to fundamentally change the course of human history."
"We have the technology to control how fast we age."
"Investing in good quality sleep is probably very important for aging, not just dementia and Alzheimer's, but also other sources of aging."
"Reading aloud is a good way to keep your brain young."
"More sleep is key... because when we don't have a good amount of sleep, especially when we get older, our cortisol levels increase."
"Muscle is the only age-reversible organ we hold."
"Caloric bypass is quite possibly the single most important biological process we can activate in our bodies to help us improve our health as we age."
"Important to maintain muscle mass as you age."
"This is what 82 should look like, and if people change their lifestyles the way that I describe in the book, they have a great chance of reaching that point and beyond."
"There are many things we can do to mean that [aging] is not an inevitability."
"The goal here is health... it's not so much looking good in a bikini. It's about how you're going to age so that you can be as healthy as possible."
"The biggest key to successful aging when it comes to exercise is not missing training. We can't miss training for big chunks of time because we're hurt. We have to stay active."
"Muscle mass at least as we get older, is critical for health."
"It is possible to grow old and not ever grow up."
"You really are your only comparison group, especially as you get older because your life is so idiosyncratic and peculiar."
"You can rewire your brain at any age... it definitely gets harder as we get older, but it does not ever get impossible."
"A life sentence continues to become less threatening as you get older and older."
"We don't stop playing because we get old; we get old because we stop playing."
"He talks about his wife, how he proposed, and how she passed, and how he knows that he's getting older and how it scares him."
"Men are like wine; as they age, it just gets better."
"People don't grow old. When they stop growing, they become old."
"Patti Smith touches on this in her poem: 'As we age, we get a sense of threat. That doesn't mean we grow up or grow old. You don't have to if you don't want to.'"
"I find that women and men, they're getting sexier as they get older."
"Growth is not automatic. Getting older is automatic, but getting better isn't."
"CrossFit is like staying healthy even when you're getting older."
"Beauty fades, and you got to protect your brain."
"This old age belongs to the body, not to me."
"Over the next four years, five years, we're going to be able to stop aging and then eventually reverse aging."
"The older you get, the more important recovery becomes."
"Life is such a gift... aging is such a gift that we're given another day."
"We actually don't realize that we get to make the rules. If we all get comfortable with aging, we can debunk the system that is like putting these pressures out there."
"Credit where credit is due, short people don't really age."
"When you're 85 years old and on your deathbed, you're not going to wish you had fewer crazy stories. You're going to wish you had taken more shots."
"Dear past me, I'm in a very old age now... but I am still very fit and very active for someone of my age."
"Having a strong upper body is important for people at any age, but most important for people over the age of 65 because if you've got a weak upper body, you're really sacrificing your independence."
"If you fall, one of the biggest things you need to be able to do is get up afterward, especially if you haven't hurt yourself."
"Age really is just a feeling, as Luis Buñuel said, 'Age is something that doesn't matter unless you are cheese.'"
"He shall be unto thee a restorer of thy life, and a nourisher of thine old age."
"It's like you said, the older you get the more you come to understand."
"The older you get, the more you choose your friends."
"Fasting is the number one thing...but I honestly think exercise is the number one [way] to reverse aging."
"Aging is a disease we've looked at like an inconvenience, but it really is a disease, and we can decrease the prevalence of that disease by fasting more."
"The combination of rejuvenating through autophagy of your immune system plus getting rid of epigenetic marks gives the opportunity to roll back the age of your immune system and its function."
"It's all about looking old and cool doing it."
"Aging, despite the anti-aging industry, is actually a natural, non-pathological process that affects all of us."
"I'm over sixty years of age and I've got no superannuation. No bank accounts, no assets, no visible means of support."
"All these small moments with Ellie growing old together... was a beautiful journey and a beautiful adventure."
"I want to be an 80-year-old climbing that mountain, kicking ass, having a career, healthy, and if I don't implement changes today, I'm not going to be able to reach that goal."
"I'm refusing to just accept the medical definition of getting older for a woman, which is very different than a man."
"The beauty about muscle is it can be stimulated to grow at any age."
"The older I get, the more I realize I don't know as much as I used to think I know."
"Complacency and giving up is what leads to aging, but those who stay young in the mind, stay young in the heart."
"I find it extremely offensive that there is a cultural taboo around aging."
"The thing about music is, it was your gang, it was your identity."
"Old age is a process of seeing things come up again and again...the third time they come up you go, okay, I know what that is, and I'm not falling for it this time."
"If a shrink was playing word association and he said 'age,' I would go 'acceptance.'"
"Joy has become more important to me every year that I've been alive."
"Maybe if you lived enough, you could let go of life when it was time."
"Resting blood glucose goes up as people age."
"Aging is our greatest humanitarian challenge."
"The aging process is malleable. It's plastic. It's surprisingly controllable in the lab."
"There are two problems that worry us all, and certainly, I think it's true that most of us worry about the loss of memory and mobility."
"Resistance training can actually improve muscle strength and muscle size at any age."
"So when you think about it like that and just isolate ageing from its cultural sort of context, then of course you want to treat it, you want to save these very unfortunate kids."
"And if you can get to the point where science is advancing faster than you are ageing, then it's really hard to predict how long humans are going to live."
"I think it's also really cool that a lot of women in their 40s and 50s and 60s recently have been showing like, hey, your life doesn't stop or end when you get older."
"I don't want to look like 31 at 52. Why should I look younger than my age? I earned my 52 with dignity."
"The point of slowing aging and extending human lifespan is to extend the healthy lifespan, also called the health span."
"I have a soft spot for old dogs, but I think they're cuter than puppies."
"We don't only have to develop medicine once somebody has gotten old and frail or developed cancer, we can develop medicines that reduce the risk of that happening."
"I turned 50 in 2021. Probably one of the worst birthdays I ever had. I spent it alone."
"If you respond with indignance about the work that you're doing, that is appropriate. But if you respond with the vanity of someone who's being called old, then you just look like an old person who's not accepting their aging."
"It seems to me, the older I get, the less free time I have. That's why it's important and vital that I maximize my usage of what little free time I do have."
"If we can figure out why we get old and how to reprogram the body, the cells in the body, to be young again, we won't get those diseases."
"The reason we age is that it's the analog information in the body that's lost over time, not the digital."
"By replenishing the NAD, mitochondria started communicating, the nucleus that mitochondria said to the nucleus, 'Hey, give us some protein like you used to when we were young,' and that completely restored the function of those mitochondria in the muscle."
"Part of aging is a result of free radical damage, and that we should be eating a lot of antioxidants to combat this free radical damage."
"Wouldn't that be great, if we could be 60 or 70 and say, 'I finally figured it out. What is my legacy going to be?' and just start again."
"If we don't eat, exercise, or we're obese, the clock will tick faster."
"We are aging constantly. The clock of aging, the epigenetic clock that we measure, begins even before birth."
"Girls who go through puberty early have a faster aging clock; they're literally older."
"We're not going to stop aging anytime soon; we're just going to hopefully live another five to ten years."
"There is no biological limit to human lifespan. We repair ourselves; we succumb to entropy, no question, but we can regain information that is still there as we get older."
"The longer you live, the longer you get to live... every year you live, you get another three months extra of life."
"The idea of Geroscience is changing that approach. That is, maybe what we actually need to be studying and treating are the fundamental causes of aging."
"Turning back time... actually figuring out how to slow down aging or reverse time is a lot easier than building a time machine."
"We have genes in our body called longevity genes that slow the process down."
"It's not a problem to age, but who doesn't want to age a little more gracefully?"
"Let's not go quietly into that good night and talk about how we can slow, stop, and maybe even reverse aging."
"Exercise not only helps with blood flow, heart and lung health, mental health, it can also preserve telomeres."
"Just because something makes you feel good today, and just because it might even be medically beneficial to you today, that does not necessarily mean it is addressing the causes of biological aging."
"We've been working for many years on slowing aging, but we've wanted, how do you get that to be reversed? Is there a reset switch in an old cell? And we think we found it."
"If you could truly reverse your age every year by one year, that means you're not going to age."
"Let yourself age; there is beauty in aging, and it is inevitable."
"Don't let marketing and media tell you that you are not allowed to age."
"Do not let society pressure you to feel like you aren't allowed to age."
"There's a lot of beauty in aging, and I don't think we should be expected to look like we're 20 when we're 50."
"That expectation is unreachable, so I think it's more about just going into every phase of life appreciating your face and your body now."
"I can't think of a more interesting question than understanding the biological mechanisms that regulate aging and how to slow it."
"Sleep is really important for aging as well, particularly the aging brain."
"Now we are within striking distance of developing medicine that really brings aging under the same level of medical control that we have today for most infectious diseases."
"All cause mortality... slowing down aging... a 27% reduction in the rate of aging just by exercising."
"Aging can restrict your sense of possibility or it can unlock your further potential."
"Once you hit around 47.2 years old, with each passing decade, you get happier and happier."
"The societal narrative on aging is very different from the personal narrative, which shows people do get happier after age 50."
"When you're young, you think, 'I don't want to be 30 or 40 or 50,' and you have this arbitrary number that seems so old...but what you realize as you get to this age is not only do you have this wealth of experience, but you're actually in a position to enjoy life in a different way."
"You can slow down aging; you can change the trajectory of your life."
"We have incredible agency to change our destiny and to change the way, really ultimately, most of us are aging today."
"If we can prioritize muscle, we can change the trajectory of aging."
"Activating insulin and all the inflammatory pathways that go with it is one of the main drivers of aging."
"Aging in many ways could be thought of as the process of oxidation outrunning our antioxidant defenses."
"Slowing the aging process, including cognitive aging, is just as much about the foods you omit from your diet as those you choose to consume."
"Early time-restricted feeding improves 24-hour glucose levels and affects markers of circadian rhythms, longevity, and aging."
"The problem with aging is that we accept it because it's so common."
"There is no biological reason for us to age."
"It's so good that now I'm 49, I need glasses to look at my phone when I haven't needed glasses ever."
"It's almost as if everyone ages at different rates depending on their genes and environment."
"The American diet is not good for the aging process, and we actually need to change our dietary habits if we want to live longer, healthier lives."
"If we can treat what's actually causing aging, maybe now we can prevent multiple different types of age-related diseases."
"As people get older, they get more conscientious, more agreeable, and more emotionally stable."
"Muscle as an endocrine system is completely missed in the majority of the context of what we're talking about for aging and longevity."
"We're not actually getting older; we're dying sooner, and it's directly because of obesity."
"As you get older, as you age, as you're closer to death, life changes for you."
"Getting older is inevitable, but aging is not necessarily inevitable. What we think of as aging, as normal aging in our society, is the result of abnormal aging."
"You're going to blink, and you're going to be a 50-year-old 23-year-old, if that makes any sense."
"Strength training is imperative for people as they age."
"Once you hit the age of 65, if you fall and you break your hip, there's a 15 to 30 percent chance you will be dead within the next 12 months."
"The women that were high fit gained nine more years of good cognition later in life."
"You are as old as your arteries; keep your arteries healthy, everything else will take care of itself."
"Healthcare was also a major aspect of the lives of aging Neanderthals."
"You know you're old when you start matching too much."
"The tissues do not age in the way that a normal mammal's tissues age; they remain young."
"Just because your youngest days are behind you doesn't mean your best days are behind you."
"Aging is a very beautiful thing. People have to stop saying, 'Ah yeah, I'm not gonna do anything or I'm aging.' No, aging is a really beautiful thing."
"When your point of privilege is beauty privilege and then you lose that privilege over time, it's probably really hard to come to grips with."
"Ageing is a beautiful thing. Embrace your age."
"You never have to worry about me ditching you and upgrading to a younger version of you. That's not my scene. I want to know what it looks like to build a life together."
"And since to look at things in bloom, fifty springs leave little room, about the woodlands I will go to see the cherry hung in snow."
"The devil didn't want me to live long enough to have gray hair. Some of the people I went to school with died before gray hair. I'm going to wear my gray hair because it is my triumphant crown."
"A lot of guys are just looking for people to talk to. Like older guys especially, they just kind of want some kind of companionship."
"The older we get, the scarier life gets, and sometimes we just need some positive things that are in our reality that are going to help shift our mindset to the better."
"Going through life with fading extreme beauty was like having someone very slowly turn off a light around you."
"Hit a certain age, you start wandering into rooms and forgetting why you went in. What am I doing in the shower holding a pot roast?"
"Getting older, you get more mature, you get wiser, and you realize just how precious life really is."
"The older you get, the harder it is to get married. The older you get, the less things you are willing to tolerate."
"For older individuals, it's important to incorporate some power training in their programs."
"Try to live your life as if you want to have no regrets later on when you are older."
"I think the older you get, the less [__] you want to put up with."
"As we age, maintaining muscle mass through adequate protein intake and resistance training becomes increasingly important for preventing frailty."
"We need to all come together because like the post-menopausal woman, there's so much wisdom in a 60-year-old woman."
"Me in the nursing home at age 117 with final stage Alzheimer's gaining consciousness for the first time in two decades because one of the Boy Scouts brought a teddy bear with a bow tie."
"Sleep is really important for not only keeping you healthy but for aging purposes as well."
"Wow, what a lot of candles. That's because you are very, very old, Daddy."
"Stress ages us rapidly, so we need to find ways to manage our stress."
"Robot and Frank actually stars Frank Langella as an ex-jewel thief who's retired, living alone, getting on in his years."
"As you get older, as your physical body fails you, you grow in essence. So as the form fades, you grow in essence."
"Sleep, whether you're getting high-quality sleep or are sleep-deprived, could be the biggest influence on your telomere length, literally aging you faster when you're sleep-deprived."
"When you're young, there's a lot of things you're anxious about, but it's the volume of certain things just aren't as much as when you've gotten a little older."
"Men may have fewer friends as they grow older due to reliance on their partners for emotional support."
"Life is fleeting, truly. You're going to blink, and you're going to be in your 30s."
"Ninety percent of premature aging within the skin comes from sun exposure alone."
"It's about loving who you are and if you love skincare and you love what it does for your skin then great, but it's not about stopping the aging process."
"UVA creates aging within the skin, and 90 percent of premature aging in the skin is due to sun exposure alone."
"Big biceps and big chest may boost the ego, but when you get further along in life, your health and wellness really depend on how fit your heart and lungs are."
"You don't stop playing because you get old; you get old because you stop playing."
"You're going to put a lot of hard work in right now, but it's going to be easy as you get older and you're going to look better than most of your peers."
"Life is extremely long. You may not have the same level of testosterone in your 20s as you get into your 40s, but there's still a lot of life to live."
"It really feels like they're actually growing up and like, actually progressing in age which is kind of a new thing for The Sims."
"Aging is the aggressive pursuit of comfort. The more aggressively we pursue comfort, the faster we age."
"Stop telling yourself you're old; you're just now getting ripe for what God is getting ready to do in your life."
"This year has simultaneously taken like no time at all. It's like I'm still mentally back in March, but also, it's like I've aged 10 years."
"Drink water. One of the things that happens as we age is that the process is sped up by our chronic dehydration."
"You only get one life. You don't want to be 80 and regret things."
"The Harvard Medical School study has shown that women who have close female friendships are less likely to develop impairments as they age, and they are likely to be living much more vital, exciting, joyful lives."
"It's fascinating, isn't it, that when you're young, you're forced to fit in, and then as you get older, it's all about how do you stand out."